Chapter Twenty-six

Marielle ran across a pasture in the moonlight. Angus had dropped her off by a large house of gray stone. Then he had pointed north.

“Connor said he would be at the henge. That way, over the hill.” Angus gave her a worried look. “I’ll come back tomorrow night to make sure ye’re all right.” He vanished.

Marielle was gasping for air by the time she reached the hill. It was chilly here in Scotland, but the run had warmed her up. She climbed the hill, wading through heather that reached her knees. The blossoms opened and filled her nostrils with a sweet scent. She reached the top of the hill and stopped.

It was beautiful. A green meadow stretched out below her, surrounded by mountains. Stars sparkled overhead. In the middle of the meadow, a circle of gray stones stood. She spotted a lone figure in the middle.


He turned toward her. He smiled, although his face looked pale and tense.

She ran down the hill to the henge. The stones were ancient and beautiful, and she rested a hand against one while she caught her breath.

A surge of warmth swept up her arm. It was the stone, recognizing her as another ancient entity. She leaned against it, and it loaned her some strength. Beneath her hand, a small patch of brown withered lichen turned green.

She blinked. Were her healing powers back?

“Are ye all right, lass?” Connor asked.

“Ah—yes.” She pushed away from the stone. “I’ve been worried about you.”

“I had some matters to take care of.” He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin as if he were going into battle. “Marielle. It has been a week since I found you, but the love I have for you will last forever.”

She walked slowly toward him. “I love you, too.” A frisson of alarm crept up her spine. Something was wrong.

“I made a promise to you, and I found a way to keep it.” He smiled, but the pain in his eyes made her stop.

“What have you done, Connor?”

He motioned behind him.

Darafer stepped around a stone and into the circle, his green eyes gleaming with victory.

She gasped. “No.”

“I discovered if I called them by name, they would come.” Connor motioned to his right.

Zackriel and Buniel moved into the stone circle.

“Connor,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making things right. Darafer said he had the power to erase all the news about vampires. ’Twill make the world safe again for my friends.”

She trembled. “Don’t believe him.”

“And it dinna really cost me anything.” His back stiffened with determination. “I was on the list for hell, anyway.”

She shook her head. Tears crowded her eyes. “Don’t do it. I’m begging you. Don’t go with him.”

Connor’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry. ’Tis the only way.”

Darafer stepped forward and his black wings unfurled. He stretched a hand out to Connor. “Come with me now.”

“No!” Marielle screamed.

Connor turned to the demon. “There is one condition. Ye will never attempt to take Marielle to hell again.” He looked at the angels. “And if I go to hell, ye have to take her back to heaven with you.”

Darafer cursed and slammed a fist against one of the stones. His wings folded in with a snap.

Zackriel smiled.

Buniel chuckled. “You’ll never get to hell that way, Connor.”

Zackriel nodded. “There’s only one condition where a demon is not allowed to take a willing soul to hell—when that soul is sacrificing himself to save another.”

“But—” Connor stepped toward the angels. “Ye have to take her back.”

A blinding white light filled the henge, and Marielle squeezed her eyes shut.

When the light softened, she opened her eyes and saw an Archangel floating down to the ground.

“Gabriel,” she whispered.

Connor moved close to her, a stunned look on his face. “Is—is he here to take you back to heaven?”

“I don’t know.” She bowed her head to honor the Archangel.

Connor noticed her doing it and bowed, too.

Gabriel inclined his head toward Marielle. “Dear angel, our Father loves you greatly.” He smiled. “You were never abandoned. He has been with you always.”

“Are you saying she’s no longer banished?” Buniel asked.

“She never was truly banished,” Gabriel said. “She has always done exactly as her Father hoped she would do.”

Darafer snorted. “I told her she was being used.”

Gabriel gave the demon a hard stare.

Darafer shifted his weight and grimaced with a pained look.

Gabriel turned back to Marielle. “If you are concerned that you have somehow been manipulated, I can assure you that you have not. It is true that the Father hoped you would do as you have over the centuries, and it is also true that the Father created you with an inclination to rebel and do as you have done. But you also have free will, and your decisions were always your own. Because they were your own, that makes them even more precious to the Father. He is most pleased with you.”

Tears slipped down her cheeks. “Thank you.”

“Blessed is he who finds his destiny and fulfills it.” Gabriel gave Darafer a pointed look.

Darafer turned pale. “I’m out of here.” His wings unfurled and he vanished.

“If Marielle was never banished, then she can go back to heaven?” Connor asked, glancing nervously at the Archangel.

“She can if she wishes to.” Gabriel smiled. “Connor Buchanan. It was never about Marielle’s redemption. It was about yours.”

He flinched.

Gabriel laid a hand on Connor’s head. “Dear soul, the Father loves you greatly.”

“I can be forgiven?” Connor whispered.

“You have proven yourself worthy. Ask the Father and you will receive.” Gabriel stepped back and looked at Marielle. “Have you made your decision?”

She nodded and wiped away her tears. “I’m staying here with Connor.”

“What?” Connor turned to her. “No! Ye canna do that.”

“It is my decision.”

“Nay. I willna let ye do it. Ye canna give up heaven for me. It is yer home.”

She smiled. “My home is here with you.”

“No! Ye canna give up yer immortality. I canna forgive myself if ye die because of me. I lost one wife that way. I canna bear to do it again!”

“Hush!” Gabriel gave them an annoyed look. “This is a simple matter. Marielle Quadriduum, do you wish to take Connor Buchanan as your husband?”

“I do.”

“And Connor, will you have Marielle as your wife?”

“Aye, but—”

“Enough!” Gabriel placed his hands on their heads. “You will be husband and wife, each living as long as the other and remaining as you are now.” He stepped back. “Are we done now?”

“She—she’s still immortal?” Connor asked.

“As much as you are.” Gabriel gave him a wry look. “You can still die, but I’m not in any hurry to see you again.”

“Thank you.” Marielle bowed.

Gabriel grinned. “Thank you. Our Father is greatly pleased.” He spread his wings and with a flash of light, disappeared.

“Congratulations!” Buniel ran forward to hug Marielle.

Zackriel approached her slowly. “I hope you can forgive me. I was told to take your wings. I didn’t want to hurt you, but I was hoping you would help bring about Casimir’s defeat.” He smiled at her. “Well done, Marielle.”

“Thank you, Zack.”

He inclined his head. “May your days be blessed.” His wings unfurled and he vanished.

“You’re married!” Buniel grinned at her.

She laughed. “I guess I am.” She glanced at Connor, who appeared stunned. “You’re all right with that, aren’t you?”

“Aye.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Holy Chri— Sorry.” He gave them an apologetic look. “I thought I was going to end up in hell tonight.”

“You are,” Buniel joked. “It’s called marriage.”

Marielle swatted Buniel on the shoulder. “How dare you. Marriage is a holy sacrament.”

Connor stared at her in amazement. “I thought I would go to hell, but I’m in heaven.”

Marielle hugged him. “We’re married, Connor!”

He grinned. “Aye, we are.”

Buniel laughed. “I’ll leave you with a final blessing.” He rested his hands on their heads, then stepped back. “There. You are completely healed. Go forth and multiply.” He gave Connor a pointed look. “Tonight.”

Then his wings unfurled and he disappeared.

“Bye, Bunny,” Marielle whispered.

“What did he mean by tonight?” Connor asked. “And he said I was completely healed?” He felt his fangs. “Nay, I’m still a Vamp.”

Marielle smiled. “I believe it was your sperm that was healed. At least until you fall into another death-sleep.”

Connor’s eyes widened. “Ye mean tonight? We could— Holy Christ!” He swung Marielle up in his arms and strode away from the henge.

She laughed. “That’s why he said, ‘Go forth and multiply.’ ”

“Aye.” Connor ran up the hill with her in his arms. “For once I think we should follow orders.”

She laughed again.

He reached the top of the hill. “That’s yer home down there. I hope ye like it.”

She glanced at the large stone house. “I love it.”

Connor started down the hill toward the house. “Bugger. I should have just teleported you straight to the bedroom.”

“I like being carried by my husband.”

“Aye, but we could be there already. I could have yer clothes off by now. And I could have you naked in bed.”

She nodded. “I see the Three-Step Rule is still in effect.”

“What is that?”

She laughed. “I’ll tell you later.” She kissed his cheek. “I love you, Connor Buchanan.”

He grinned. “I love you, Marielle . . . Buchanan.”
