
I risk sounding redundant in the acknowledgments of each book, for I keep thanking the same group, but I truly find it touching that these dear people continue to support me and watch my back. I am so grateful to them all! First of all, many thanks to my dear friend and agent, Michelle Grajkowski, who has been with me for ten books now and believed in me long before Roman lost a fang. My thanks also to Erika Tsang, who loved the fact that Roman lost a fang and has been my fabulous editor ever since. Thank you, all the folks at Avon/HarperCollins, from editorial, marketing, and sales, to publicity and the art department, where Tom creates the most beautiful covers in the business. My thanks to my critique partners—M.J., Sandy, and Vicky—who keep me sane (reasonably sane). To my husband and children—you are always there for me. And many, many thanks to all you readers! Thank you for the enthusiasm and support that has made the Love at Stake series continue for ten books. With readers like you, the Undead can live forever!
