Chapter Twelve

Before Sadie ventured on a hunt, she often took time to prepare. Usually she phased to one of the private apartments she rented throughout the world, meditated and used her surroundings to get into the right state of mind. She’d thought she’d be able to do that this time around but the minute she’d appeared inside her New York hideaway she’d known she’d been wrong.

It wasn’t possible to ease into a relaxed state.

Not when she kept thinking about Trey.

She hurried into the bedroom. The air was stale, the dust tickling her nose. She hadn’t ventured to the apartment in months and it showed. Rushing past the bed to the closet, she snatched an overnight bag from the floor. She didn’t bother looking at what she retrieved, shoving garments inside the pouch. She wanted a shower in the worst way. In order to have one she had to haul ass. She’d promised Trey she wouldn’t take long.

Goddess, things are happening too fast.

She reenacted the previous hour’s events in her head.

Before she’d left she’d had to talk to Leigh. The conversation had gone better than Sadie’d expected. Leigh had finally calmed down and willingly talked things through. Sadie had known it was due to Leigh’s fear for the mortal man she’d once loved but Sadie didn’t mention that. They’d focused on the facts, keeping things in perspective. Leigh hadn’t mentioned Nathan and neither had Sadie.

They’d cross that bridge soon enough.

Once Leigh had been dealt with, she’d used her senses to find Trey.

Everyone had holed up in a large office, listening as Diskant told them what he wanted to do. An enclave in Louisiana had agreed to take Leigh. Nathan and Cade were accompanying her to North Carolina, where they’d meet their contact. Once there the men would sever all communication. It was safest in the event Aldon could read their thoughts and figure out precisely where they were hiding.

Then there was the issue with the pack.

Diskant had spoken briefly with Zach. Although Diskant hadn’t been able to share all the details over the phone, the man had agreed to help in any capacity the Omega wanted. Diskant wasn’t sure if Zach would continue to offer his support when he knew everything but Diskant decided to wait and see what happened before he planned his next move. First and foremost he had to think about how the pack would react to Trey’s mating.

The thought brought Sadie back to the present.

She took a deep breath and turned her head, gazing out a window. The sun was setting, soon the pack would arrive. She had to hurry back. The decision had been made. Trey was going to step out with Sadie by his side. He’d tell them he’d mated with her and give any males the opportunity to challenge him for his position as Alpha. If that happened it came down to whether Trey won or lost. If it didn’t the females would have the chance to take Sadie down a peg.

Or—worst case—the pack might attack and take them both out.

Diskant couldn’t be certain it wouldn’t happen. He had power over the pack’s beasts but there were a lot of people to influence. Sadie knew Ava could assist him but Sadie wasn’t entirely sure the woman had the strength. Ava was clearly powerful, easing in and out of minds at will. But she was also pregnant and anxious. In order to manipulate thoughts you needed a clear head, without emotions muddling things.

Maybe knowing they can kill you will make them happy.

She’d been calm when Diskant had gone over that part but Trey had shifted uneasily beside her, the arm he’d placed around her midsection tightening. He hadn’t liked the idea at all. She’d calmed him with a gentle caress, sliding her fingers over his hand. He hadn’t spoken up but she knew he wasn’t happy. How could he be? If the roles were reversed she’d never have allowed anyone to threaten him.

Speaking of threatening…

She’d taken a lot of time to think about Geneva and the coven.

They weren’t her priority or problem anymore but something about what had transpired nagged at her. Geneva had been so intent on Aldon, almost like his death was more of a mission. It wasn’t just about him as a danger. For Geneva it had to be personal. At least Sadie’d gotten Leigh out. She had no idea what Geneva had in store but she did know Leigh didn’t need to take any part in it.

Thinking about all the blood she had on her hands—blood Geneva had put there—made Sadie sick. She’d killed many people for the coven in the past. What if some of them hadn’t done anything wrong? What if she’d done as she’d been instructed because she hadn’t known any better?

She snagged a couple of sheathed daggers for good measure and tossed them into the bag. Then she picked up a pair of boots. She carried them into the bedroom, retrieved fresh underwear from her drawer and jolted for the bathroom as she stuffed them into the carrier. She managed to move everything to one arm in order to toss soap, shampoo and other necessities on top of her clothing. Her eyes drifted to the shower.

Goddess, she felt dirty. One hot, steamy fix was all she needed.

The problem was she wanted all six-foot-plus inches of Trey in that shower with her. She wanted to tease him beneath the strong pulses of the water, using her tongue as she slid his cock to the back of her throat. Just imagining the pleasure on his face got her hot and bothered. Instantly her nipples pebbled and her pussy spasmed. She’d thought that once she’d had him her lust would relent but she’d been wrong. She wanted him more than ever.

To hell with it.

She called on her magic, pulling more energy in order to bring the objects along with her. It bled over her, white-hot and burning. She accepted the bite of energy, knowing she needed it. She wasn’t able to phase with another person but she’d mastered the art of carrying a sword and other things if necessary. In a blink she phased back to the bedroom Ava had given them.

Trey stood in the center of the room, his head darting up when she appeared.

“That took long enough,” he snarled, advancing on her.

Dropping her belongings to the floor, she reached for him. “I wasn’t even gone five minutes.”

“One minute is too long.”

He kissed her, his tongue delving past her lips.

Yes. This was what she wanted.

She placed her arms on his shoulders and stepped backward. Somehow she guided him into the bathroom. Thankfully Ava had thought ahead, giving them one of the larger rooms. With Trey around, Sadie’d probably need it. When they weren’t in bed they’d be washing away the evidence of their play. They were already like a pair of rabbits, jumping on each other every chance they could.

“You’re feeling dirty, aren’t you?” Trey whispered, his words a heavy growl. “I like it when you feel dirty, darlin’. It gets me harder than hell.” He clasped his fingers around her wrist and brought her hand to his crotch. His cock was thick and stiff, straining against his jeans. “Do you feel what you do to me?” His lips brushed past her mouth and he nipped at her neck. “I want to be inside you so bad, baby. I want to feel that hot, wet pussy of yours all around me.”

“A dirty talker, are you?” She moaned and arched her back, pushing her breasts to his chest. She liked a man who spoke his mind. Some women might have been offended by the coarse language but she wasn’t. She liked hearing how much she excited him. It was its own kind of turn-on.

“For the most part, but I can be romantic when the mood calls for it.”

She released his cock and brought her hands up, fisting her fingers in his hair. He lifted his head and their eyes met. She loved his irises, how they shifted color from light to dark. Right now they were a beautiful shade of gold, the color stark against his tanned skin.

“I’m not in the mood for romantic. Are you?”

“Hell no.” He went at her clothing, tearing the shirt from her back. “I want to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk straight. I’m going to make sure you’re so sore you won’t be able to stop thinking about me and what I’ve done to you.”

“Barbarian,” she teased. “Isn’t the mark enough?”

“No, it’s not.” He stopped undoing her pants and gazed at her. “I want every single thing you have to offer. I won’t stop until you’re mine in every way. All of you, darlin’. I’m going to have all of you.”

Her heartbeat accelerated, breaths coming hard and fast. She knew what he meant. He wasn’t going to simply fuck her. That would be too easy. He wanted to completely master her, taking her in a way she wouldn’t be able to forget. The thought of his cock in her ass got her even wetter. Her clit throbbed, her pussy so slick she felt the moisture drenching her panties. She was no novice to anal sex. Although it wasn’t entirely without pleasure, it had never been her thing either.

She had a feeling Trey was about to change all that.

“What are you waiting for?”

Her leather pants suffered for the question. Trey showed them the same courtesy he had her shirt. He was careful enough not to hurt her but he didn’t give a shit about the material. She stood there, letting him work. She’d never had a man this eager for her. Ripping at her clothing, so wild all he could think about was sinking his length inside her. As he finished undressing her, she searched the room. To her relief she saw the nearby shelf had everything they needed.

“Ditch your clothes.” She bit her lip when he snarled, trying not to laugh. “I’ll meet you in the shower.”

He didn’t like the idea—the way he glowered at her made it clear—but he didn’t waste a moment arguing. She used the seconds she had to get the water running, collect the shampoo, soap and baby oil. When she had them resting on the edge of the tub she stepped over the rim and shoved the curtain aside. She stepped into the spray, soaking her head. The hot water felt like heaven against her skin, cleaning away everything from the past few weeks. She felt Trey behind her, was aware of his large body as he clutched her hips and brought her back. His cock glided between the globes of her ass, the shaft hard and unrelenting.

“Turn around, baby.”

He lifted her right leg as she did as he said, resting her foot on the edge of the tub. She stared at his body, appreciating the corded muscles, taking in the tattooed skin that traveled from his shoulder to his wrist. A tribal design, a combination of animals merged together. The other arm wasn’t as carefully adorned, a swirling design resting over his upper biceps. Her people prayed to the Goddess of Healing but she wondered who’d been responsible for Trey’s creation. Whoever it was had achieved perfection. His features, dark hair and glowing skin were absolutely flawless.

He sank to his knees and brought his lips to her cleft. “You smell so fucking good.” His tongue teased her clit, swirling around the sensitive nub. “I’m going to eat you up.”

“Do it.” Dirty talk was well and good but the actual thing was even better. “Do it now.”

She threw her head back, grasping at the shower curtain and wall. He decided not to torment her, swiping his tongue from the mouth of her pussy to the tip of her clitoris. She curled her toes around the edge of the tub, trying to keep her balance. The man was a fucking artist with his mouth, painting designs only he could see. He lapped at her slit and pressed two thick fingers inside her, stopping when his hand was flush against her sex. She thrust her hips forward, grinding her clit against his thumb.

“Fuck yes. Just like that,” he encouraged against her tingly flesh, licking at her every couple of words. “Ride my hand. Take what you want.”

It was easier to ignore the pressure in her gums. The sight didn’t bother Trey and it was her nature. She simply allowed her fangs to drop, immersed in raw sensation. She undulated against him, groaning when his fingers hit the sweet spot inside her. The water drifted down her skin, steaming the air around them. Stray strands of hair tickled her back, sweeping toward her buttocks as she swayed back and forth.

“Perfect,” Trey rasped. She lowered her head, watching as he laved his tongue over her pussy. The visual ramped up the tension, fueling the heat. “Exactly like that. Come for me, baby.”

His lips surrounded her clit and he sucked—hard.

The pressure in her abdomen bubbled over like shaken champagne. She whimpered, allowing the climax to wash over her. She was grateful he was there to hold her because the one leg keeping her up wobbled, her muscles going weak. He didn’t stop loving her with his mouth or fingers, using his free arm to help her stand. He cupped her ass, keeping her stable until she found her balance. Still he kept going, wringing every last bit of ecstasy from her.

It’s his turn.

Shaky and out of breath, she lowered her foot and started to sink to her knees to reciprocate. He stopped her, slipping his fingers from her wet depths.

“Not yet,” he murmured, licking his fingers clean. “I want to take care of you this time.”

Talk about shifting gears.

He’d gotten her revved up only to slow her down.

She almost fought him over it, ready for more. His chest rubbed against hers, sending a prickle of electricity through her nipples. Then she felt his hands easing over her back, aiding the water in cleansing her skin. He massaged the muscles of her lower back, his large, capable hands working miracles. She could practically feel those talented fingers skimming over her body, tracing across every soft contour.

She kept that in mind when he retrieved the soap and washcloth she’d placed on the edge of the tub. He did what she’d hoped for, starting at her feet, working his way up. He paid careful attention to the apex of her thighs, soothing the skin with gentle swipes of the cloth. Once he’d finished he abandoned the cloth and used his hands. Sudsing her up with his palms, cupping the weight of her breasts when he reached her chest.

“Does that feel good?” he asked, running his thumbs over her nipples.

Did it ever. She closed her eyes, humming, “Mm-hmm.” She never wanted him to stop touching her.

“Let’s see how you like this.”

A bottle snapped open, the sound cracking through the room. She waited, keeping her eyes shut. She heard him close the container and felt him return. He brushed against her, his enormous frame straining above hers. The water spray changed, hitting her in the lower back. His hands went to the top of her head. He massaged floral-scented shampoo into her scalp, rubbing his fingers against her skin.

And she’d thought him washing her body felt good? Damn.

“Go soft for me.” He worked his way down the long strands, washing her hair. “Relax.”

If she relaxed any more, she’d go to sleep.

Wouldn’t that be a total waste? Stay awake. Just enjoy.

She let him do his thing, living in the moment. All of her worries vanished. There was only Trey. His soft touch. The warmth of his voice. The way he made her feel. If tomorrow never came she could die happy. She’d been given a taste of what she wanted, which turned out to be something far more than she’d ever expected.

“Time to rinse.”

He stretched over her again and adjusted the stream of water. It hit her on the top of her head and she craned her neck, letting the lather wash from the locks and down her back. Trey swept his hands over her head, making sure all the soap was gone. She trembled when he turned her but she’d known what was coming. He’d gotten her relaxed for a reason. He didn’t give a shit about reciprocation because in the end he was going to take what he wanted.

She placed her hands above the faucets, resting her palms against the tile. Trey manipulated the showerhead so the water rushed to the side, the heat from the spray keeping them warm. He reached down and squeezed her ass, using subtle pressure to part her cheeks.

“You look so fucking hot, Sadie.” The admission was full of possessiveness and lust. “I’ve dreamed of taking you like this.”

Funny. So had she. “Make the dream a reality.”

His snarl wasn’t nice—it was a promise to deliver what she’d asked for and more. He left her and she heard another bottle open with a snick. She didn’t tense up, waiting for what would happen next. One of these days she was going to taste him. For now, if he wanted this so badly, she’d give it to him.

And she’d love every moment of it because it was real.

She’d stopped dreaming a long time ago.

Knowing how good reality could be, she never wanted to go back.

Trey forced himself to slow down, ordering the wolf back into its cage. His female had offered him the one thing shifters desired most, the ultimate act of submission. But he knew to approach things with care, to make the encounter enjoyable for her. She’d known what he was alluding to earlier. He’d seen it in her eyes when he’d tried to warn her. She’d made sure to retrieve things to make it easier for them too. Next to the soap and shampoo rested a bottle of baby oil. It would take care of things, pave the way.

He thought about how tight she’d be and his cock jerked.

Sadie hadn’t shared her age but Trey knew she’d ventured around the earth and wasn’t new to life’s adventures. She might even be older than his five hundred and twelve years. A part of him hoped not, wishing her to be younger. Sexuality stirred in every creature, including vampires and werewolves, when the right time came. He didn’t like thinking she’d taken many lovers in her life.

Who are you to judge? You’re not exactly a saint.

Fuck it all.

The only man she’d take into her bed from this moment forward was him.

She’d never need the affection of another.

Since they were in the shower, he placed the bottle over her lower back and let it drip onto her skin. The silky fluid streaked over her pale flesh, traveling down the curve of her buttocks. He slid his fingers through the slippery puddle, getting them good and slick. Then he reached down, placing his fingers between the globes of her ass. He searched for the tiny rosette hidden between them and stroked the pucker with the tips of his fingers. His wolf snarled in his head, wanting to fuck her as badly as he did.

“Easy, baby,” he said, working his way into her carefully.

He kept his hand level, making sure he didn’t go too fast. She made things easier by bearing down. His fingers slid into her ass, gliding past the second knuckle. He pulled back and poured more oil over her. Only when she was soaking wet did he return, working the lubricant into her ass.

“More,” she demanded, rocking back.

Fuck. His balls drew up and a spike shot down his cock.

If she didn’t stop he wouldn’t even make it inside her. He’d shoot his load before they’d even passed second base. Scissoring his fingers, he stretched the delicate area. She was tight but ready, her channel nice and wet by the oil. There wouldn’t be any force when he entered her. She’d part like a whisper, giving him the room he needed.

He removed his fingers and stroked his dick, covering the entire length with the lube. When his cock was equally slick he fisted the base and placed the thick, mushroomed head against her entrance. He closed his eyes, fighting the wolf for control, drawing a steadying breath. The animal clawed the inside of his skin, begging to get out. He told the asshole creature to shut the hell up. Most men weren’t this lucky. Some were mated to human women who refused to consider such a thing. While mating a female shifter—who usually had the same deviant desires—made things easier for males to experience anal sex, it was never a guarantee.

Taking a woman in the ass was the ultimate thrill.

He was the luckiest man in the world.

“Do you want me?” He pressed against the tiny hole, making sure he didn’t penetrate her. For this he wanted her consent. Knowing she was right there with him. It wasn’t worth it to him to have the moment if it didn’t mean anything to his female. They had to experience this together.

“You know I do.” She gazed at him over her shoulder. “I want you in any way I can have you.”

Christ. His heart slammed in his chest. She means it.

He’d told her that he knew she loved him. In his own way he did.

But now he saw it clearly through her eyes.

She truly would take him in any way she had to. That was how devoted she was. No wonder his betrayal had cut her so deeply. She’d pretty much offered him her heart and watched as he tossed it to the ground and stomped on it like an asshole.

He returned her stare, wanting to see her eyes when he breached her. He was wide enough that it took more pressure than he’d have liked to get inside. He hissed when the head slipped past the ring of muscle and lodged in her ass, the constrictive walls hugging the tip.

Sadie lowered her chin, gazing at him with desire and adoration. He almost lost it.

Count to ten. Think of unicorns. Do NOT fucking come.

“What’s wrong?” she purred, probably because she’d heard the thought.

The wolf—already eager and aggressive—broke free. “Not a damn thing.”

Grasping her hips, he planted his feet. One hard thrust and he slammed his cock in her ass, burying himself from tip to hilt. She accepted him but the teasing playfulness on her face vanished. She gasped. Her eyes widened and her lips parted. Good. If she kept trying to provoke him he wouldn’t be so cautious. He’d act like a fucking idiot, ramming into her like a sloppy teenager. There wouldn’t be any care, only mindless horniness that wouldn’t do her any favors.

Thinking on that, he reached around and thrummed her clit.

Her breath caught and her ass flexed around his dick. She was so damn snug he was afraid to move. She felt so good around him, like a warm, fisting glove teasing his prick. Fuck. He’d be lucky if he made it five minutes. Plucking her clit, he backed away. Her flesh parted, making way, enfolding him even as he withdrew. When only the head remained within her, he plunged back inside. His balls slapped her pussy, sending Sadie onto her toes.

“Hold on,” he warned, ready to unleash his beast.

She didn’t turn away, keeping her eyes on him as he moved. Her still-wet hair clung to her back and shoulders, a few pieces sticking to the side of her face. With each thrust he rubbed her clit, applying just enough pressure. He could scent her arousal and knew she was close. He wanted to feel her ass clamping down on him and know she was swept into a climax as he succumbed to the pleasure only she could give him.

There’ll never be another.

No other woman will ever compare.

He watched her mouth, studying her fangs. Either she’d gotten enough from him or she was gaining more control. She seemed to be attuned to the sex more than her need for blood. Or maybe it was because each time they’d been intimate they’d been rushed. He wanted to find out everything about her. After he faced the pack, he intended to spend eternity figuring out the mystery that was Sadie Dumus.

“There it is.” He gritted his teeth and tried not to think about how good she felt. “There you go.”

She whimpered, rocking back against him. He rotated the tips of his fingers over her clit, moving faster and faster. Her blue eyes brightened, turning nearly white. He pumped harder into her, aware she was right on the brink. Just a little bit more and she’d fly. He wound her up, drawing her tighter.

Right there, baby. Let go.

With a strangled cry she came, her ass squeezing him tight. He let himself go, releasing a roar of relief and triumph. His seed jetted into her ass, his balls emptying wave after wave of semen. He hammered into her, unable to stop. His attention swept to her mark, the wolf like a snake beneath his flesh. It slithered inside him, howling its own shout of possession. The animal would kill anyone who threatened its bond with its mate, regardless of the penalty.

“Trey,” Sadie moaned, going soft.

He stopped the motions against her clit, slowed down and wrapped his arm around her. She rested her weight against him, bowing her head as she took deep breaths. He kept moving, not wanting the connection to sever. He’d finally found his place. After all his trials and tribulations he’d found home. His cock softened and he reluctantly pulled away. The head popped free, leaving her open and vulnerable.

“You okay?” he asked, fighting for breath of his own.

She nodded and lifted her torso so she wasn’t bent at the waist. He reached above them to return the streams of water to their bodies. Her sigh was one of relief and satisfaction. A smile spread across his face, happiness radiating over him like the rays of the sun.

This was as good as life could get. Here, with her.

“Just rest.” He ran his hand down the length of her back, fingers drifting over the delicate arch of her spine. He rested his thumbs in the dimples in her lower back and made a mental note to touch them next time he fucked her like this. “I’m going to clean you up.”

Another surprise—she didn’t protest or try to deny him. In fact when he retrieved the washcloth she parted her thighs. He cleaned away his semen, lovingly caressing her thigh and lower back as he did. Knowing her ass was sensitive, he made sure to be tender, washing the area carefully. He made sure she was cared for before he cleaned himself, swiping at his cock.

Tossing the cloth aside, he returned to her.

She pivoted from the wall and faced him, a curious and shy expression on her face. He wasn’t sure what put it there but he liked it. He wanted her to feel comfortable around him, even when she was exposed and uncertain. She needed to know she didn’t always have to be ferocious or deadly. Not with him. When they were alone she was always free and safe to let her guard down.

An instinct he was born with told him to hold her. She needed it as much as he did.

He opened his arms and she stepped into them. They swayed in the shower, cocooned by the hot steam. He didn’t want to pull the curtain aside and face the world but they couldn’t hide forever. Emotions tugged at his heart, telling him he needed to share how he felt.

This had to be what people had told him about.

This has to be how Emory and Diskant felt about their mates.

He’d never been in love before but he couldn’t imagine anything that was more intense.

“You don’t have to say it,” she whispered, her lips drifting over his neck, repeating his earlier words. “I already know.”

He held his breath when her tongue danced over his skin, anticipating her bite. His cock remained soft but he knew he’d come the instant she bit him. He felt drained from what she’d taken earlier but he didn’t have it in him to tell her no. With a soft kiss to his pulse, she drew away. His confusion must have shown because she immediately rested a hand on his chest, her palm directly over his heart.

“Next time.” Tilting her head to peer up at him, she said, “You need to be strong for what’s coming.”

Just like that, everything came rushing back.

His growl came naturally. “I know I said you’d have to fight for me but I’m not sure that’s best. We have a little time left. We can think of something else.”

“Trey.” This close, he could see how full and dark her lashes were. “I’d tell you if I didn’t think I could handle myself. I’m not worried for me. I’m worried for you.”

“Don’t be.” The last thing she needed to worry about was him. “Worst case scenario? They’ll make me leave. Everything considered it might not be a bad thing. We wouldn’t be tied down. We could go wherever we want.”

“And you’d be miserable.” Her fingers whispered over his chest. “I know you need them. They’re all you’ve ever known. And that’s understandable. It’s who you are. It’s what’s in your blood. I’ll do my best to prove myself. If Diskant thinks we can do it—if you believe you can do it—then we will.”

“I don’t deserve you.” The words came right out, uncensored.

“I didn’t think you did either but I’m starting to warm up to the idea.” She shook her head when he tried to respond. “No more words. Let’s just be for a while.”

She lifted to the tips of her toes and he bent his head. Their lips met, soft and sweet. He cradled her to him and she slid her hands around his neck. Once again she was right. Nothing had ever been better. Their mating was like a key sliding into a lock. Doors opened, the world changed. Everything faded away but the woman in his arms, her skin warm and slippery from the water. Her mouth opened and he swept his tongue over her lower lip, asking for more.

I’ll give you more, don’t worry,” she whispered in his mind. “Once we settle accounts we’ll have all the time in the world.

He couldn’t prevent the fears that raced through his head. If something happened to her he wouldn’t be able to survive the loss. If she was aware of what he was thinking she didn’t let on, deepening the kiss.

And that was a good thing.

He didn’t want her to see him trying to imagine a world without her in it.
