Chapter Eight


Magical defenses were in place, invisible shields where they needed to be.

Aldon couldn’t find Sadie despite the blood he’d taken from her, even if he tried to use a spell. But the blood Trey had given her had been just enough to get the job done. It had taken every ounce of her magic to finish the deed. She couldn’t keep going. Not like this. And she couldn’t take more from Trey to regain what she’d lost. Not yet. Taking more was too dangerous.

That meant she wouldn’t be able to provide for herself and Leigh.

She watched her friend, wondering how she should break the bad news.

“I’m beat,” Leigh said, peeping through the blinds covering the window.

Sadie wanted to tell the young vampire she had no idea.

Instead of basking in the afterglow of her encounter with Trey, it had taken her nearly an hour to calm the fledgling down. Leigh had lodged herself in a corner in a bedroom, crouching between a dresser and the wall. Nathan had tried to calm her down but his presence only upset the girl. Sadie’d come to the rescue, asking everyone to leave in order to take charge of the situation. Trey and Nathan hadn’t liked it but they’d relented. During their absence she’d managed to convince Leigh to put aside her fear, warning her Aldon would find them if she didn’t. Sadie had given Leigh as much blood as the vampire would take, explained what they needed to do and shortly thereafter they’d gotten to work.

To Nathan and Trey’s credit, the shifters had gone about their business. Although Sadie had seen them check in on them here and there as they moved through the house. The women—Ava and Mary—had made themselves scarce. Sadie wasn’t sure if they were busy or didn’t trust the crazed vampires in their home. Either way, she understood. Things weren’t simple. Leigh had to understand that now more than ever.

I have to tell her. Sadie drew a deep breath. Bring on the crazy.

“We need to talk.” She plopped down on the bed, glad to get off her feet.

Yet again her pride and confidence had gotten in her way. She’d thought she could do this. After all, she’d defended the coven for years. But the people in Diskant’s home weren’t her coven and Aldon wasn’t an idle threat. In light of what she’d learned, she’d accepted she couldn’t defend everyone on her own. Leigh had all a vampire could need—blood from a sister, power beyond a human’s belief—but it wasn’t enough. Not even close. With his abilities Aldon could crush through the girl’s defenses and take them down one by one.

Leigh had to accept things had changed.

“About?” Leigh asked, continuing to look outside.

“What’s at stake,” she exhaled in a rush, frightened for the first time since she’d entered Disktant’s domain. Trey’s earlier warning returned to torment her. Diskant would kill Leigh if he had to. Sadie had to make sure that didn’t happen. “You have to be prepared.”

Leigh pivoted, a wave of dark hair spilling over her shoulder. “I don’t understand. You said we only needed to cast the spell. We’ve done it,” she stated, relief on her pale face. “We’re safe.”

Safe? If only.

Leigh’s abilities surpassed Sadie’s by leaps and bounds. As painful as it was to admit, the newborn vampire’s magic was much more potent. It shouldn’t have come as a shock when Leigh had memorized the spell Sadie had taught her, worked to create it and sealed off the place without breaking sweat. Even now—standing in front of Sadie with her face aglow—Leigh looked like she’d done little more than climb a hill. Meanwhile, even if Leigh wasn’t aware of it, the magic had put Sadie on her ass. If it weren’t for Sadie’s determination to defend the compound—to defend Trey—she might have given up. Fortunately Leigh had taken over with ease, invoking the spell like a seasoned pro.

That was the bitch of it.

Leigh thought everything was gravy.

The naïve creature had no idea how strong she really was.

Be honest. Tell her the truth.

“Your magic is stronger then you realize. That comes with a cost.”

A shadow of agony crossed the woman’s face. “You think I don’t know that?” Leigh snapped with a hint of bitterness. “I don’t cast spells or use my abilities unless I have to. I wouldn’t have now if it weren’t so important. You know how I feel. I’ve told you why.”

Leigh hated the magic, feeling it made her less human.

The poor thing—even though she knew better—held out hope that one day she’d return to her normal life. She denied herself blood, preferring to eat human food that did nothing for her body. It left the vampire thin, ghostly pale and constantly weak.

Sadie wanted to curse the world that had treated Leigh so cruelly.

One minute Leigh had been a human girl with hopes and dreams. The next she’d been changed by a vampire who’d left her to rot. No one knew why. Some rogues thought it was funny to create fledglings who didn’t understand what they’d become. Leigh’s case was strange though. Most creators—even dickhead rogues—usually returned to their progeny and established some sort of connection. Whoever had made Leigh would always be able to find her. A link formed between a vampire and its child, one that could only be broken in death. Why he hadn’t shown himself—why he hadn’t returned—was anyone’s guess.

“You’re going to have to get over the past.” Sadie lifted her head to stare at her friend. “This spell—our spell—is nothing. Call it a blimp on the shit-o-dar. We’re about to deal with some medieval stuff. You’re going to have to come to terms with your part in this.”

A surge of exhaustion rushed through her.

“Some choices are never easy.” She kept going, hoping Leigh would listen. “You take what you’re given or you die. You’re going to have to accept more than you’re willing to, even if you hate me for it.”

Leigh’s bitterness swiftly changed to suspicion. “What do you mean?”

“I can’t feed you,” she blurted, shaking her head to clear away cobwebs clouding her thoughts. She bowed her head, unable to bear the horror in Leigh’s face. “I thought I could but I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“I can go a long time without blood. It shouldn’t be an issue.” There was resolve in Leigh’s statement, as though she harbored a small bit of hope.

Hope for what?

A world gone to shit? A world in which everyone would burn?

“Diskant will kill you.” She hated the gravity the words carried. It wasn’t her job to threaten members of her coven—it never had been until this moment. “He’ll tear you apart if he thinks you’re a threat. If you want to live, you’re going to have to accept I can’t provide for you. Starving yourself isn’t an option. This isn’t the coven. You can’t hide out and pretend you’re not a vampire anymore.” Telling her sister-in-magic something so brutally honest hurt Sadie more than Leigh would ever understand. She tried to keep a level head, attempting to convey her concerns. “You’re going to have to take what you’re given, even if that means accepting what you’re not ready for. I wish it were different. I wish I could give you choices. I’m sorry you have to…”

Take Nathan’s blood. Be Nathan’s mate.

Sadie’s chest ached at the thought. Forcing Leigh to accept Nathan—a man the woman didn’t love—wasn’t what she wanted for her friend.

Damn it.

Life wasn’t simple. If Leigh wanted to survive, she had to think about the future.

Maybe it was Sadie’s old age. She accepted that some things were decided by fate. Leigh had been born a mortal, putting her faith in a higher power. The truth was no one knew what happened for certain when a person died. And Nathan wouldn’t let anything happen to Leigh. If Diskant threatened to harm her the Beta would take Leigh somewhere else—to another pack perhaps. Sadie would insist on traveling with them but she needed to know if something happened Leigh would have a protector.

“You can’t make me drink. It’s my choice.”

“It used to be,” Sadie conceded, speaking quietly. “That’s no longer the case.”

“No longer the case?”

“You need to able to defend yourself. You can’t do that if you don’t feed.” Bracing herself for the earful she was about to receive, Sadie continued, “What if something happens to me? What would you do then? Your options are limited. The coven isn’t secure. They have weaknesses. And Geneva’s been hiding something. I’m not sure what it is but it’s no good. You won’t be happy there. You need someone to watch out for you, someone who would give his life to keep you safe.”

The silence that followed was almost deafening.

“You think you can force me to take blood from Nathan?” Leigh finally asked, voice shaking. “That’ll never happen.”

The scheming bitch! Sadie caught Leigh’s thought and followed it, delving into her friend’s thoughts. I can’t believe I followed her here. I can’t believe I trusted her! She’s been lying to me the entire time. And why not? She’s finally gotten what she wanted. She’s mated to her werewolf. She’ll turn on the coven and go on her merry little way. Oh God, she’ll try to make me do the same thing. She’ll force me to become just like her.

Sadie accepted the vehemence directed at her but even as she did she knew she’d missed the mark big-time. A face flittered through Leigh’s mind in her panic—of a young man, smiling and laughing. Sadie knew it had to be the man Leigh’d lost after she’d been changed. She’d never imagined Leigh was so affected by the love she’d left behind. Yet Sadie felt Leigh’s hurt, the heartache lancing through her chest like a rusty knife. The terrified young woman would never give up her hope for her past life.


Leigh thought she could change what had happened to her. The only reason she’d given up was because she had to. She actually believed there had to be a way to go back to the way things used to be. If magic existed, there had to be a way. She wanted to be who she used to be more than anything.

“I’m not doing this because of Trey.” Sadie knew if she didn’t get this right everything would turn to shit. She had to reason with Leigh and help her understand. “You came to find me, remember? None of this happened because I wanted it to.” She knew she had to tell her the rest as well. “There’s a reason Geneva took you in, Leigh. I didn’t question it at first but I should have. I don’t know what it is but there’s some ass backward shit going down in the coven. I have a feeling Geneva’s been planning something for months. That’s why she tried to trap me at the house. She’ll use you. You’ll find yourself snared in her web if you’re not careful.”

She’s playing you for a fool! Leigh’s thoughts—much louder now—slammed into Sadie’s head. She’s one of them now.

“So it’s Geneva we have to worry about, huh?” Leigh strode from the window as her private feelings crashed into Sadie’s mind. “You might have fooled me once but it won’t happen again. If you’re going to lie, at least come up with something decent.”

Will the coven welcome me back? Leigh wondered. Will they turn me away? Where do rogue vampires go? Is there a place for us?

Every single worry in Leigh’s mind merged with Sadie’s thoughts.

They’ll destroy me for leaving in the first place. They’ll make me suffer. It’ll be worse than before. Will they make me feed? Will I kill? What if they turn me over to…to…the vampire who made me? Oh God. I can’t go through that. Not ever again. What do I do? Where should I go?

“I’m not lying,” Sadie said, trying to stay composed. “Geneva was ready to turn on me. That’s why I told you to phase. She almost trapped me before I could escape. She used her magic against me. She took you into our home for a reason. She wants something from you.”

“Like you don’t!” Leigh screamed.

Sadie used the little energy she had left to raise her head and look at the girl.

Leigh’s entire body was shaking, her eyes brimming with tears. “You brought me here,” she sobbed, eyes swimming. “You brought me to him. You knew exactly what you were doing.”

“I didn’t bring you here for Nathan.” Not intentionally, not with ulterior motives. Sadie would never have done such a thing. “I swear. It’s not—”

“I’m not listening to you anymore,” Leigh yelled while her thoughts tumbled together, making it impossible for Sadie to understand them. “You’re a liar! You’re all liars!”

Oh no. She’s going to phase.

Somehow—someway—Sadie knew she had to reach Leigh before she did.

She stumbled from the bed and grasped Leigh’s arm. Months of starvation had shown her she could push beyond fatigue. As tired as she was, she had enough energy to maintain her grip. But it wouldn’t last, especially if Leigh decided to throw a spell in her direction. She couldn’t reason with the youthful vampire, not right now. Leigh’s mind was too chaotic, too fucking wounded.

Trey!” Sadie called out mentally, banking on his ability to hear her. “I need you. Come to me.

In her weakened state she wasn’t sure if it was her demand or the passage of time that caused Trey and Nathan to appear so quickly. The door burst open and the men rushed inside. The shifters’ gazes darted to the women—Trey’s full of worry, Nathan’s filled with alarm—prepared to take on enemies.

She’s going to run.” Sadie directed the thought to Trey. “Stop her.

“Get your female,” Trey snarled to Nathan. “Don’t let her go!”

Sadie welcomed Trey’s embrace, leaning against him, allowing him to hold her. Leigh fought Nathan, thrashing about to break free. When she couldn’t, Leigh screamed. Sadie’s heart broke for the woman as she cried, slapping at Nathan’s chest.

Leigh didn’t love Nathan. She yearned for someone else.

In another time and place, Sadie would have fought Nathan if he tried to stake a claim.

It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.

Life seldom was.

“No! Get away from me.” Leigh’s defeated cry seared Sadie’s soul. “No!”

“Shh, baby,” Trey soothed, wrapping his arms around her. It was then Sadie realized she was trembling violently. “I’m here.”

He was there but at what cost?

Her attention drifted to Nathan and Leigh.

Nathan subdued the fragile vampire easily, trapping her small form against the wall. The Beta was cautious but determined, snaking his hands around Leigh’s wrists. Even if Leigh tried to phase, she couldn’t. The fledgling was strong but hadn’t yet developed her powers. For the first time Sadie was glad Leigh hadn’t fine-tuned her abilities. Leigh had no idea what kind of danger she was in. In her current mental state she couldn’t be reasoned with. There was nothing left to do but take care of her, keeping her from inflicting harm on herself.

“Tell him not to let her go.” She sagged against Trey, emotionally battered. “She’s scared and hurt.”

No, it was more than that.

The poor woman was maimed—her soul torn apart and bleeding out.

Weakness sapped the last of her strength.

She sank into Trey’s arms, closing her eyes.

If Aldon tried to find them, he couldn’t.

Even if she’d lost Leigh’s trust forever, everyone was safe.

For now.

“Don’t you dare let her go,” Trey snapped, holding Sadie close. “If you do, she’s gone. You feel me? Hold her tight. Do not let her loose.”

Leigh howled at the order, kicking out at Nathan’s shins, tears streaming down her face. When that didn’t work she attempted to ram her knee into the Beta’s crotch. Nathan moved out of the way, dodging the blow, then moved in close. That riled the banshee up even more. She thrashed so hard she caused the nightstand to shake—wailing all the while—and the tiny knickknacks on the top rattled.

Damn the woman.

She’d already made enough noise to raise the dead. If Diskant found out the unstable female had lost her shit a second time he’d kill her for sure.

“For fuck’s sake,” he hissed, wishing she’d shut the fuck up. “Keep her quiet.”

How in the hell the Beta kept his level of control, Trey would never understand. Nathan calmly placed one of his hands over Leigh’s mouth, keeping the other locked around her wrist. Using his much larger body to his advantage he pushed his weight into her and caged her against the wall. Leigh didn’t give up, curving her fingers into balled fists.

“You want to tell me what set her off this time?” he whispered in Sadie’s ear. “What happened? Why’s she so angry?”

It’s a lot of things, actually,” Sadie responded telepathically. “Give me a minute to catch my breath. I’ll talk to her.

“I don’t want you talking to her.” And he didn’t. Not one small iota. Right then he really pitied Nathan. A crackpot for a mate? How fair was that? “The bitch is fucking crazy.”

“She is not a bitch. And she isn’t crazy.” Sadie tried to shove away from him. “Don’t be a dick.”

Whatever. The insane woman was Nathan’s problem.

Satisfied Leigh wasn’t going anywhere, Trey slid an arm beneath Sadie’s ass, lifted her from the ground and went to shut the door. He stopped when he saw Ava standing right outside the room, her arms folded over her stomach.

His good humor faded. Sadie tensed against him, going impossibly still.


“Ava.” Sadie tried to wriggle free, letting him go. “It’s not what it looks like.”

“This is my home,” Ava said, crossing the threshold. She lowered her arms and closed the door, eyes on Sadie. “You stay here, you abide by my rules. That one,” Ava’s gaze drifted to Leigh, her irises no longer blue but an eerie hue of green, “needs to learn her place.”

Double shit.

Leigh had just brought out Ava’s dark side.

Nathan whipped his head toward the Omega’s mate, panic in his expression. “Ava—”

“Quiet.” Ava cut the man short, striding toward the wall. “If I can’t get the message through her head then Diskant will. Is that what you want?”

Sadie dropped her weight, ready to defend her friend. Trey caught her before she could break away, wrapping his arms around her waist. When she tried to yank free he sent a clear and direct thought to her. Do it and Diskant will come in here, rip Leigh’s head off and send you packing. Watch, listen and stay right where you fucking are.

“You’ve suffered, I get it.” Ava stopped a few feet away from Leigh, resting one of her small hands on her burgeoning tummy. “Life’s a bitch like that. But you’re not in Kansas anymore. There are no red slippers here. You can’t click your heels and go back home. As far as Diskant’s concerned, you’re better off dead than alive. He doesn’t think you’re worth the trouble or the risk. And I’m not going to argue with him over it. Especially if you’re going to act like this.”

Trey wasn’t sure if he should keep his arms around Sadie or bolt for Nathan. Both were furious, the tension in the room so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Ava didn’t back down, gauging her opponent, standing calm before the storm. Ironically enough Leigh had finally gotten hold of herself. No longer did she fight against Nathan, her attention was riveted on Ava. Maybe if they were lucky for a fucking change the vampire finally grasped what kind of position she was in.

“This,” Ava said, gazing down as she rubbed her belly, “is more important than anyone else in this room. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my son or daughter safe, even if it makes me a monster.” Lifting her head, she whispered, “I feel for you. You’ve been dealt an unfair hand. If things were different I’d try to help you. But I won’t risk my child. It’s never going to happen. It’s best you know that now.”

You don’t know anything about me.” Leigh’s thought ricocheted through Trey’s mind. His chin darted up, his senses on alert. Everyone’s faces told him they’d heard her as well. “I want to leave,” Leigh informed them. “Let me go.”

“I’ve been listening to your thoughts since you arrived. I know everything about you,” Ava informed Leigh, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Like where you come from. Who your parents were… We share that, actually. My parents died when I was young too.” Ava joined gazes with Leigh. “I know everything you’ve thought about since you phased here. I know what you’re afraid of. What you’re trying to avoid. I know what you’d try to hide,” Ava shook her head, “not what—who—you’d try to hide.”

After a pause, Leigh’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh yes, I would,” Ava whispered, nodding. “Do I have you attention now?”

Tears seeped down Leigh’s face. She closed her eyes and nodded.

What the fuck was Ava talking about?

What had Leigh so shaken?

“Good, you’re finally listening,” Ava said. “You’re going to do what I say from here on in. You won’t argue. You won’t try to run. You’ll do whatever you’re told, whenever you’re told. I’m warning you.” Ava’s irises changed from green to yellow. “If you cause us harm—if you vanish without a trace or stir up any shit—I’ll hunt Brett down and kill him myself.”

Leigh’s eyes flared open and she screamed into Nathan’s hand.

What the fuck?” Sadie snarled in Trey’s head, clawing at his arm. “She can’t do that!”

“Can’t she?” Trey didn’t blame Ava for protecting her unborn child. In a smooth motion he captured Sadie’s forearms and brought them to her breasts, trapping her hands, keeping her back pressed against his chest. “She’s the Omega’s mate. She can do whatever she wants.”

“I’m going to tell Nathan to let you go now.” Ava took several steps back, inching away from Leigh and Nathan. “I expect you to calm down, pull yourself together and behave while you’re in my home. And a small word of caution? Don’t do this again. There won’t be any second chances.”

Nathan cautiously removed his hand from Leigh’s mouth. Across the distance Trey could see the Beta’s fingers trembling in rage. Leigh slid to the ground and Nathan followed, whispering soft reassurances as he crouched before her. Sadie didn’t stop struggling to get free, wriggling like a worm on a hook, her fury directed at Ava.

“You’re pissed. I get it,” Ava said, turning to Sadie. “But I meant what I said.”

“I think I made a mistake saving you in that alley,” Sadie snarled, her words laced with acid. “I should have left you bleeding out on the ground. I should have left that gaping hole in your fucking head.”

“Maybe.” Ava didn’t take the bait, remaining neutral. “Maybe not.”

“I won’t let you hurt her.”

“How exactly will you stop me? Do you think you can kill me and take your chances with the pack? For the sake of argument, say that happens. Where will you go? To your coven? Are you going to ask them for help? Do you think they’ll give it to you?”

Ava raised a hand and snapped her fingers.

“That’s right. You don’t have a coven anymore.” Lowering her arm, Ava whispered threateningly, “Leigh’s not the only one I’ve been listening to. I’ve been monitoring your thoughts since you walked through my door. Don’t underestimate me because I used to be human. I’m not a vampire and I’m not a shifter. I’m something in between. That makes me a lot more dangerous.”

Without another word, Ava walked to the door and slipped from the room.

“Get your hands off me,” Sadie roared as soon as Ava slipped out of sight.

Trey let her go, feeling numb. He watched from the sidelines as she shoved Nathan aside and went to her friend. Sadie held Leigh as the woman sobbed, running a comforting hand down her back. Nathan turned to Trey, obviously torn. The poor bastard didn’t know what to do.

Welcome to the club.

The Omega’s mate had prevented a catastrophe but her involvement came with a price. Not only were they faced with enemies at the gates, they now had them right inside the doors.

Damn you, Ava.

So much for a welcoming his mate and her friend with open arms.

Time for damage control.
