
I began this book by speaking into a cassette recorder, and what I said was transcribed word for word onto paper. To translate from the spoken word into written material is not easy and, in fact, my dictation was not something one could easily convey in words, something pictorial and easily described; it was more like lyrical prose, and needed a lot of work in order to become a comprehensive tool for the reader. Yet, when I considered all the wonderful people my method had enabled me to help and the exciting new discoveries they had experienced, and when I thought about the hope I wanted to give to billions of people in the world along with my own patients, with the help of many, I began the real work of putting a book together.

Therefore, I thank Phillip Barcio for helping to compile the materials and making my ideas more comprehensible. Next, I would very much like to thank my friend Richard Mandrachio, whose talents as an editor helped enormously in presenting the book in a straightforward manner that all readers can understand and practice with. I also wish to give many thanks to photographer Richard Miller, who himself benefited tremendously from this work; he improved his vision in spite of a birth defect and a condition that caused a major loss of his optic nerve. He regained much of his vision and, through black and white pictures, was able to bring to life many of the exercises that will help you, the reader. The person to whom I extend my heartfelt gratitude more than anyone else is my good friend Jan Albin, who worked tirelessly for countless hours on all the forms the manuscript has taken. Jan offered an incredible amount of aid in editing this book and was instrumental in getting it published. Finally, my sincere thanks go to the editors and good people at North Atlantic Books who accepted my manuscript for publication.
