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E. E. T. S. — Early English Text Sosiety.

E. H. L. — С L. Kingsford Englisch Historical Literature in the Fifteenth Century (Oxford, 1913).

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Mancini — The Usurpation of Richard III (Diminicus Mancinus ad Angelum Catonem de Occupatione Regni Anglie Per Riccardium Tercium Libellus) / ed. and translated by C. A. J. Armstrong (Oxford, 1936).

More — “The History ofking Richard III”, in the Englisch Works of Sir Thomes More /ed. W. E. Campbell, I (1931).

P. L. — The Paston Letters / ed. J. Gaidner (4 vols., Edinburg, 1910).

Pollard A. F. Pollard — The Regn of Henry VII from Contempopary Sourses (3 vols., London, 1913-1914).

P. R. О. — Public Record Office.

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