Why don't you lead the prayers sometime. Rabbi?" demanded Joshua Tizzik. "Then we'd get through at a decent hour."
Rabbi Small grinned at the sour face of his questioner. "I do. More than half the time, the trouble is you don't come often enough."
They were walking across the parking lot after the evening service, although it was almost eight o'clock, the approach of evening offered little relief from the heat of the August day.
"I admit I don't get down often, mostly when I come to say Kaddish, for my mother this time, may she rest in peace. But when I do come, it's usually Chester Kaplan who leads."
"Well, this time it wasn't."
"So it's his son-in-law. Mind you, I've got nothing against young Aptaker, but it's like Kaplan wants to keep it in the family, like a monopoly."
"Mr. Kaplan had nothing to do with it." said the rabbi "I called Arnold myself last night and suggested it. You see, it's a special occasion."
"I know, I know— the new baby."
"And he was most reluctant, I might add," said the rabbi. "I had to persuade him."
Tizzik's features twisted into a sour smile. "I can understand why, too. I'm no expert, but it seemed to me he stumbled a couple of times, and he read so slow like it was the first time, maybe that's why Kaplan stayed away. Didn't want to embarrass him."
"Mr. Kaplan is out of town on business, as I understand it," said the rabbi.
"He is? But today is Wednesday."
"What's that got to do with it?" the rabbi asked.
"Wednesdays, Chet Kaplan has his At Homes."
"He still keeps that up? Then I suppose he'll get home in time for it. Do you still attend. Mr. Tizzik?"
"Now and then, the wife and I go to the movies more now that it's only a dollar for senior citizens. Besides, those At Homes, they're not like they used to be."
"It's only what you'd expect," said Tizzik. "At the beginning, there's always a lot of enthusiasm, and then it tends to die down, and this Rabbi Mezzik who had a lot to do with it, he doesn't come down anymore. Got himself a pulpit in upstate New York, I understand, and maybe that last retreat that Chester organized didn't help matters."
"Is that so? What happened?" The rabbi was interested.
"Didn't you hear?" Tizzik was incredulous. "I wasn't there, of course, but I got it from Bob Wiseman, a complete washout. Rabbi. It was the Fourth of July weekend and I guess it was the first time they'd been up there during the summer, according to Wiseman, who'd been to most of the others, what was nice about the place was that it was so quiet and peaceful. Of course, the other retreats had been held in the fall, after Labor Day, well, it seems that in the summer the place is a madhouse, especially on weekends, there are houses all around this little lake and each and every one of them, according to Wiseman, must have a speedboat or an outboard, they were drumming up and down that lake all day long so you couldn't hear yourself think, and at night, it was worse with the radios and the phonographs going full blast with this rock-and-roll music, that's why the Catholic church gave it up as a kids' camp. Some of the guys came home the next day."
"That's very interesting," said the rabbi, they had arrived at Tizzik's car and the rabbi was about to turn away when he thought of something. "Oh, if you can manage it, Mr. Tizzik, you might try to come to the morning service this Sunday, Arnold Aptaker will lead the prayers again and you can see if he's improved, there will be a light collation afterward, tendered by the Kaplans and the Aptakers in honor of their new grandson."
"The usual cake and kichel and herring, I suppose."
"I suppose so."
"And whiskey in paper cups?"
The rabbi smiled. "Maybe in glasses."
"Well, maybe I'll try to make it. What else is there to do Sunday mornings? On TV it's all church services."