Nick Eastwood
What neighbors will do


On a hot August afternoon Molly Morgan dressed in a tiny bikini and marched out of the bedroom to seduce her husband, Dick. The young housewife had a determined look on her face.

Dick Morgan was sitting in his favorite chair, sipping a beer and watching football on TV. He didn't even notice Molly entering the room. She paused, hands on hips, to look at him.

Nice, she thought, a real hunk.

Dick had always turned her on like crazy.

They'd been married five years now, and she still had the hots for him. But something had changed with Dick. For the past couple of months, he'd seemed more interested in TV sports than bedroom sports.

If there was any kind of game – baseball, basketball, football, you name it – Dick had to watch it. He was a hard-working guy, and Molly felt he needed some entertainment, but lately he seemed to have forgotten how to fuck.

As a result, Molly was ready to scream with frustration. It had been almost two weeks since she and Dick had made love, and she just couldn't stand it any more. Taking a deep breath, she moved up behind him and started massaging his shoulders.

"Hi, honey," she purred. "Good game?"

"Uh-huh," Dick said.

Molly leaned closer and slid her hands down the front of his shirt, rubbing the crisp thick hairs of his chest. Dick's broad hairy chest had always excited her. She nuzzled his neck and used the tip of her tongue to tickle his ear.

"Go for it," Dick groaned.

Molly gawked at him. Was she finally getting through to him?

"What was that, honey?" she asked.

"It's fourth down and inches," Dick explained. "They oughta go for it."

Molly bit back her anger. Obviously she wasn't getting his attention, so it was time to try something bolder. She moved around and slid into his lap, rubbing her nice little ass against his crotch. He'd have had a super view of her cleavage, if only he'd looked.

She wriggled her ass some more. No results. Desperately, she yanked off the top of her bikini and rubbed her bare tits against his chest. Her nipples were hard and stiff with lust. He had to be able to feel them even through his shin.

"Dick, honey, I'm so horny," she moaned.

"Uh-huh," Dick muttered.

His eyes were glued to the set, and a second later he cussed loudly as his team made some blunder. Molly might as well have been on Mars. He was that aware of her. She hopped off his lap and removed her bikini bottom, facing him stark naked.

This had to work. Molly was young and pretty, and she knew she had a fantastic little body. She leaned against his chair, waiting for him to notice her, and finally a commercial came on. Molly dipped down and kissed Dick on the mouth.

She wriggled her tongue between his lips and probed around, and she caressed his upper body. She rubbed her naked stiff-nippled tits against his chest. She felt excited as hell, and molten pussy juice leaked from her cunt and ran down her legs.

"Am I giving you any ideas, darling?" she purred.

"Honey," Dick said impatiently, "the game's on again, and I can't see around you."

Molly's patience snapped.

"Okay, fine, Dick!" she spat. "You watch your fuckin' game! I'm going for a walk!"

"Uh-huh," Dick muttered, already absorbed in the game again.

Molly marched back to the bedroom, seething with anger. What in hell was the matter with the man? Didn't he ever get horny any more? And what was she going to do? She adored Dick and didn't believe in cheating, but she was going to lose her sanity if she didn't get laid pretty soon.

She skidded to a halt before the dresser mirror and studied her reflection. She saw a very pretty petite woman in her twenties with great legs, tiny waist, and full thrusting tits. She saw a perfect complexion, long raven-black hair, and big brown eyes. Nothing there to turn a guy off.

On the contrary, she looked fantastic. So why wasn't she getting laid?

"Oh, to hell with it," she sighed.

She put on shorts, halter and sneakers and went out the back door for a walk down the alleys. There she could mutter to herself all she wanted, and no one would notice. She walked hard for about five blocks, then heard a strange noise.

It was coming from behind a fence, and it sounded like a low moan. Was somebody in trouble? Molly rushed over to the fence and peeked through a knothole. She saw a nicely kept back yard and two teenagers, a boy and girl.

They were wearing bathing suits and lying on a blanket, and they were kissing. It was the girl who was making the moaning noise. The teen was working his tongue in her mouth and running his hands all over her body. She was wriggling lustily.

"Mmmmmmm!" she moaned. Molly shivered with lust. She wished she was making out with somebody right now. She watched the two horny kids writhing in each other's arms, and she creamed right through her panties. Finally the young couple came up for air.

"Jason, are you sure your folks won't be coming back?" the girl asked anxiously.

"They're at a company picnic, Lori," Jason said. "They'll be gone till dark. We've got the whole place to ourselves."

"Then maybe we better go indoors," Lori said. "Somebody could see us out here."

"No problem," Jason grinned. "Nobody can see into this yard."

That's what you think, honey, Molly thought mischievously.

Maybe it was wrong of her to spy, but she just couldn't resist. If she couldn't get any loving herself, at least she could watch others making out. She'd never done that before, and she found that it really aroused her.

Come to think of it, she'd never gotten it on with anybody but her husband. She was curious about how other people did it. This was her chance to find out. She stayed glued to the knothole as Lori and Jason exchanged another long steamy kiss.

Now Jason was fumbling with Lori's bikini top, and he finally managed to get it loose. He pulled off the top, and Lori gave a little shriek. Grinning, Jason tossed the bra out of reach and ogled her small high-riding tits. Len blushed hotly and tried to cover her breasts, but Jason pulled her hands away.

"Jason, that's not nice!" she snapped.

"Aw, I'm just looking," he grinned. "You've got really nice tits, Lori. Please let me look."

Lori was still blushing, but there was hot excitement in her eyes. She lay back on the blanket and allowed Jason to stare at her beautiful apple-size tits. The nipples were already stiff, a sure sign that she was feeling horny for this teen.

Carefully Jason reached out and cupped her firm tits. She gasped, then moaned as he began to mold and caress the sensitive globes. Molly felt her own tits swelling and her nipples stiffening as she watched. How long had it been since Dick had done that to her?

She couldn't remember the last time they'd had a decent love-making session. Once in awhile Dick would give her a quick fuck, but she missed all the delicious foreplay they'd had during the early part of their marriage.

"You like this, Lori?" Jason asked, his voice getting husky with longing.

"Yes," she breathed, "but be careful, Jason. Let's not go too far."

"Sure," he said, "we'll be careful. I just wanta play with your tits, that's all."

Molly grinned. She knew Jason was lying. What he really wanted was to cram his stiff cock into Lori's hot juicy cunt. Already his swimming trunks were obscenely tented with a big hard-on. But Lori hadn't noticed that yet. The girl seemed very innocent.

Jason went on, squeezing her tits, and she gradually relaxed as lust replaced her nervousness. She lay back and gurgled with delight while he worked his thumbs over her tender nipples, coning them into even greater engorgement.

When Jason thought she was relaxed enough, his hand crept down inside her bikini bottom and probed around.

Lori reddened and gasped, but a moment later she moaned hoarsely.

"Jason," she panted, "what are you doing?"

"Just making you feel good," he grinned. "You like it?"

"Yes," she moaned, "shit, yes!"

"Let me take this off," he said, "and then I can do it better."

He whisked off her bikini before she could answer him. He ogled her little dark puff of a bush, then slid his hand between her thighs again. Now Molly could see what he was doing to the girl, and she nearly moaned with longing.

Jason was rubbing a stiff finger back and forth over the tender moist folds of Lori's pussy, giving her delicious sensations. Lori couldn't hide her enjoyment. She creamed all over his hand, and she whimpered and clawed the grass.

"Oh, damn, that feels good!" she gurgled. "But don't get me too hot, Jason!"

Jason just leered at her and rubbed her silt faster. Molly watched and rubbed her thighs together, trying in vain to cool the hot itch between her legs. She felt just as excited as Lori did, maybe even more.

"Ooooooh, shit! Oooooo!" Lori wailed.

Her pretty face was twisted with lust, and she was writhing and creaming helplessly. Jason couldn't stand it any more. He was just too horny to be patient. He ripped off his bathing trunks, and his rock-hard cock snapped free.

"Lori," he croaked, "look what you did to me!"

Lori glanced dizzily at his stiff drooling cock, then gasped. "Jason, you put that thing away!"

"Aw, come on, honey," he groaned. "I can't take it any longer. I'm so horny for you! Please, let's fuck!"

Lori turned red.

"No way, Jason!" she snapped. "I told you, I'm not going all the way till I'm married." But he looked so crushed that she softened and added, "But I'll get you off the other way."

"Okay," Jason said with a loud sigh, "I guess that's better than nothing."

He rolled onto his back, and his handsome teenage cock stood up stiff and drooling. Lori knelt beside him and wrapped her fingers around his engorged boner. She started pumping in a businesslike way, as if she'd done this for him many times. Jason reddened with pleasure and groaned.

"Yeah, yeah, do it fast!" he cried.

Molly barely bit back a whimper of lust. She would have loved to trade places with Lori. It had been a long time since Dick had let her play with his cock. It had been a long time, too, since he'd played with her pussy.

"Unnnnhhhh, shit! Unnnnnhhhhh!" Jason moaned.

He closed his eyes and bared his teeth in a horny snarl as Lori worked her hot little fist faster and faster around his nearly exploding cock. Molly could almost feel that hard pillar of meat throbbing in her fist. She was creaming through her shorts now, helpless to cool her burning need.

"Faster!" Jason croaked.

Lori's fist jerked with lightning speed. Jason stiffened for a second, groaned deeply, and then started fucking her fist like crazy. Thick wads of jizz jetted from his cock, splashing over Lori, the blanket, and the grass.

"Awwwwwwww, shit! Awwwwwww!" Jason bawled.

"Oh, God!" Molly moaned softly.

Maybe she shouldn't have spied on these kids. It was torture for her to watch somebody else getting what she needed so badly. Yet something kept her there, some kind of weird curiosity she couldn't explain. Almost shaking with need, she watched Lori jack off the groaning teen.

"Thanks," Jason panted at last. "I needed that. Want me to get you off?"

"Yes, please," Len said almost primly.

She rolled onto her back, and Jason knelt beside her, sliding his hand between her legs. He found the swollen nub of her clit and grasped it between his thumb and his forefinger. He started kneading the supersensitive button, and Lori writhed and squealed with pleasure.

"Oh, yes, do it fast, Jason!" she cried. "Make me come!"

Clearly Jason had done this for her before, just as she'd jacked him off many times. This was the only form of love-making Lori would permit. Yet Molly still envied her. Molly would have taken any kind of sex she could get.

"Unnnnhhhh, God, ohhhhhh!" Lori sobbed.

Her eyes screwed shut, her molten cream soaking Jason's hand, she rocketed quickly to orgasm. She let out a hoarse wail, and her body bucked and writhed as the delicious hot spasms shot through her. Molly watched and ate her heart out.

"Oooooooooh, Jason! You did it!" Lori screamed. "I'm cominggg! Aaahhhhhhh!"

Molly couldn't stand it a second longer. She just had to get some relief for her maddening lust. She turned and jogged home as fast as she could. Dick was still glued to the tube and didn't even notice her running through the living room.

She ran to the bedroom, closed the door, and tore off her clothes. Throwing herself on the bed, she crammed a stiff finger into her hot steaming cunt and started pumping like crazy.

It was the first time she'd masturbated since she was a teenager.

"Unnnnhhhh, shit! Yesssss!" she groaned. This moment had to come sooner or later, she realized. For months she'd been seething with frustration, aching to have more sex with her husband, and finally she couldn't handle the situation any longer. She just had to come!

Feeling like a guilty kid, Molly plowed her stiff finger deep and hard in her famished box, giving herself hard stabs of pleasure, soaking her hand with her sizzling cream. It felt terrific. Why hadn't she done this before?

But she knew why. She'd always been hoping Dick would change, that he'd get back his interest in sex. Well, if she waited for that, she might never get any relief. Her own finger was better than nothing at all. She worked the finger faster and faster in her starved little box, her excitement reaching fever pitch.

"Ooooooh, God! Unnnnhhhh!" she sobbed. Just a few more deep thrusts and she'd be coming. How long had it been since she'd had an orgasm? Weeks, she realized – too long for a normal healthy young woman. Well, she wouldn't wait for Dick to help her out, not any more.

"Ohhhhhh, shit, yesssssss!" she gasped as a violent climax ripped through her pussy. "Unnnnhhhh, fuck! Whaahhhhhhh!"

Molly rolled around on the bed finger-fucking herself like crazy, milking that much-needed orgasm for every drop of sensation she could get. Then she lay panting and staring at the ceiling, her lust cooled for the first time in weeks.

Dick, she thought, I think our marriage is in trouble.
