Molly didn't feel at all guilty about cheating on her husband. She felt she had a right to a normal sex life. But she still loved Dick and couldn't help wishing that they could be lovers again. If only she could put the magic back into her marriage!

On Saturday night, while Dick was watching yet another game, she got a call from her sister Pam.

"Molly," Pam said, "could I come and visit you for a few days? Len and I aren't getting along too well, and I need to getaway and think about it."

"But of course, honey," Molly said. "Come right away. I want to help."

Pam arrived early the next morning. She was petite like Molly, but she was a blond and a few years older. She and Len had been married almost ten years. It had seemed to be a happy marriage, but Pam wasn't looking happy as Molly met her at the door.

"Oh, Sis, I don't know what to do," Pam sighed. "I don't think Len loves me anymore."

"Honey, what makes you think that?" Molly asked.

"He doesn't even seem to know I'm there," Pam said. "All he does is watch TV – one damned football game after another. He's not even interested in sex."

Pam began to grin, too. "You know, Molly," she chuckled, "I think you're on to something. The fellas probably just need a little fling to get them revved up again. Besides, I have to confess that Dick's always turned me on."

"Then go for it, Sis," Molly cried.

Dick had been sleeping in, but of course he managed to wake up in time to gobble some breakfast and see the first football game of the day. As he wandered out in his pajamas and robe, he spotted his sister-in-law and smiled cordially.

"Hi, Pam," he exclaimed, "good to see you. Hope you're staying for awhile."

Right then and there Molly knew her hunch was right. Dick's eyes traveled discreetly but hungrily over Pam's curvy little body, and it was obvious that she excited him. Sure enough, Dick wanted a fling. His wife bored him, but other women didn't.

"Dick," Molly said, "I've got to go do some shopping. I may be gone a couple of hours, but Pam will keep you company."

"Uh-huh," Dick said absentmindedly as he turned on the TV.

Molly drew her sister aside and whispered, "Okay, he's all yours. If you can get his attention away from football, we'll know he's still interested in sex. Mind if I hide somewhere and watch?"

"Molly," Pam giggled, "that's really kinky. Sure, go ahead and watch."

Molly went into the kitchen and opened and closed the back door. Dick would think she'd left. But she tiptoed back to the doorway and watched as Pam poised herself on the arm of Dick's recliner. Pam ran her fingers through Dick's hair, and he looked up at her in surprise.

"Mmmmmmm, you always had a nice head of hair, Dick," Pam purred. "You're a very good-looking guy."

"You think so?" Dick said. "Well, you're a very sexy lady, Pam. I've always thought so."

"Thanks for being honest, Dick," Pam said in a low husky voice. "I'll be honest with you, too. I've always had the hots for you."

Dick's eyes glazed over with sudden hot lust. "I've had the hots for you, too, sister-in-law," he leered.

"That's great," Pam smiled, "because we've got a couple of hours alone together. Maybe we can work something out."

She slid into his lap and put her arms around his neck. Dick gawked at her, probably not believing what was happening. But when Pam kissed him, that was real enough. She jammed her lips against his and wriggled her tongue into his mouth.

"Mmmmmmmm," she sighed.

Molly smothered a laugh as Dick turned lusty red all over. He grabbed Pam and returned her kiss, shoving his tongue into her mouth and probing around. The two of them looked like they were trying to swallow each other.

Molly didn't feel jealous. Pam was her sister and would never try to take Dick away from her. What Molly felt was relief. Dick was still interested in sex after all. He hadn't lost the urge or the talent. He was proving that right now.

As they kissed, Dick slid his hands up under Pam's t-shirt and cupped her thrusting ripe tits. She gurgled with excitement as he squeezed the sensitive melons. She wriggled her nice little ass against his crotch.

Finally they came up for air, both of them flushed and breathing hard.

"Mmmmmmm, that was nice," Pam cooed. "Could we keep this our little secret?"

"You bet," Dick said, still happily fondling her tits. "My marriage means a lot to me, Pam. I really love Molly. But after five years of marriage our sex life's gotten kinda dull."

"I know what you mean," Pam said. "It's the same with me and Len. So maybe you and I need a little adventure. Nobody else has to know about it."

"Right," Dick leered.

He pushed her t-shirt up and unhooked her bra. His big hot hands closed over her silky skinned tits, molding and squeezing, and Pam moaned with excitement. Like Molly, she was way overdue for some decent sex. Her eyes got feverish with lust as her brother-in-law fondled her tender breasts.

"Mmmmmm, Dick, you're getting me so excited," she gurgled.

Dick leered at her and then bent over to lick her luscious pink nipples. Pam moaned, and her nipples responded to his lashing tongue, going long and stiff and supersensitive.

"Yes, honey," she panted, "that feels so good."

Dick pushed her tits together fill the rigid nipples met, then sucked them into his mouth. Molly could hear his greedy sucking sounds as she spied. And she could hear her sister whimpering and moaning with lust. Molly sure could relate to that.

In fact she was getting horny out of her mind. She was tempted to slip away and see if Tom could come out and play. But she didn't want to miss a thing. She wanted to watch every second of Pam's seduction. Naturally she wondered how far Dick would go.

Right now he seemed eager to go all the way.

He was sucking hungrily and noisily on Pam's throbbing tits, while Pam wiggled in his lap and moaned. He was doing everything he could to get his sister-in-law horny.

"Why, Dick," Pam suddenly giggled, "I do believe you've got a hard-on."

He popped her spit-soaked nipples from his mouth and leered at her.

"Gee, I wonder why?" he said.

"Oh, I just have to see it," Pam chirped, slipping off his lap and standing up.

Molly stifled a lusty gurgle. Pam's hunch was correct. An enormous cock stand tented Dick's robe. Pam opened his robe, then grasped his pajama bottoms and pulled them off. His cock sprang free, standing up stiff and thick and drooling.

"Mmmmmmmm, yesssss!" Pam moaned, licking her lips.

Quickly she knelt before him and wriggled between his thighs. She grabbed the base of his rock-solid cock, bent down, and started licking the hot salty cream from his prick head. Dick groaned hoarsely and gave a lusty shudder.

"Oh, Jesus, yes!" he cried.

Molly hadn't seen him so aroused in years. It wasn't just that he was making it with a new woman. Like Molly herself, he hadn't been laid in a long time. He must be just as horny as she was. But he'd rather have no sex than boring sex.

That was the key to it all. Molly knew her man, and if Dick couldn't travel first-class, he didn't go. She had to admit that their sex life had gotten pretty dull and routine. But maybe she'd found a solution for that now. She watched eagerly and started forming new plans.

"Mmmmmmmm, uuummmmmm!" Pam moaned as she gobbled up Dick's tasty cock juice. "I haven't done this in months."

"What's Len's problem?" Dick groaned.

"Oh, he'd rather watch football than make out," Pam sighed. "Isn't that the silliest thing you ever heard?"

Dick didn't answer. He just reddened and looked sheepish. Of course he knew he'd been neglecting his wife in order to watch football. But now, even though the set was on and the game was in progress, he didn't even glance at the screen.

He was totally absorbed in watching Pam's little pink tongue as she gobbled the juice. As fast as the thick cream bubbled from his piss hole, she speared it up and ate it, gurgling hungrily. Football was the farthest thing from Dick's mind just then.

Molly nodded and smiled. At last she knew what would get him away from the TV set. All he needed was a little adultery. She couldn't get mad at him for that. After all, she'd had a little adultery herself yesterday, and she'd loved every second of it.

Now Pam was sliding Dick's throbbing cock into her mouth. It stretched her lips wide. She drew in her cheeks and started sucking, and Dick almost flew out of his chair.

"Christ, yeah, suck it!" he yelped.

Molly creamed her jeans. It had been so long since she'd had the chance to suck Dick's cock and gobble his juice. There had to be some way for her to get in on the fun. She went on scheming and planning as she watched.

Pam's head bobbed up and down, her blond curls flying, as she greedily suctioned the salty cream from Dick's cock. Dick slumped back in his recliner and grinned like a maniac. Something told Molly that he hadn't cheated on her before.

No, he hadn't been fooling around at the office. He was far too excited for that, he didn't act like a man who cheated all the time he began to pant and groan as Pam sucked faster and faster on his nearly-exploding prick.

"Pam," he said hoarsely, "you better stop. I've got other plans for that hard-on."

Pam released his spit-soaked prick from her mouth and grinned at him.

"I hope those plans include me," she said. "Oh, yeah, they do," Dick leered. "Why don't we go in the bedroom?"

He got up and led the way. Molly crept after them and saw him close the bedroom door. No problem. She knelt down and spied through the keyhole. She saw Pam getting out of her clothes as fast as she could while Dick shucked his robe and pajama top. They both dashed for the bed.

"Christ," Dick moaned, "I've been wanting to do this for years."

"Me, too," Pam panted.

They kissed and groped for a minute, but they were both too horny to spend much time at foreplay. Pam rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide, and Dick ogled the luscious wet pink flesh of her fur-fringed gash.

"Come on, honey, fuck me!" the little blonde moaned. "I need it so bad, Dick!"

Dick gave a horny growl and rolled on top of her. He sank down between her hot thighs and socked the fat head of his cock into her moist slick cunt mouth. Pam jerked her hips up to take his prick, and pushed deep into her.

"Ooooooooooh, God – yessssssss!" she wailed.

"Awwwwww, Christ!" Dick snarled.

Cupping her hot little ass, he began fucking her deep and hard. Pam threw her legs around his waist and jerked her hips to his rhythm, fucking back at him with horny hunger. Molly could hear the obscene sucking noises of his cock in her tight juicy box.

"Yeah, fuck it to me, honey!" Pam whined. "Fuck my brains out!"

"I'm sure as hell gonna try," Dick panted.

Molly was creaming her jeans again. There was nothing she could do about that steady helpless juicing. She was getting incredibly horny as she watched her husband fucking her sister. Maybe she was some kind of weirdo, but she sure loved to spy.

She slid a hand between her legs and rubbed her crotch. Even through her jeans she could feel the heat and wetness of her pussy. She needed to get off very badly, and playing with herself wasn't going to do the job. She needed Dick's big hard cock. But it was already spoken for by her own sister.

"Unnnnhhhhh, yes, you big bastard! Fuck hard!" Pam was moaning. "Fuck me forever, Dick!"

Her hoarse horny words brought Dick's lust to a boil, and he fucked into her mercilessly, till the bed rattled and groaned. Molly was almost whimpering with need. She remembered when Dick used to fuck her like that. Could she make it happen again?

Maybe, but she'd have to wait just a little longer. Dick and Pam were fucking up a storm right now, and they wouldn't appreciate being interrupted. Like two rutting animals, they snarled and growled and humped at each other, shaking the king-size bed.

"Ooooooh, shit! So fuckin' good!" Pam sobbed. "Fuck hard, baby, make me come."

Dick snorted with lust and hammered his cock furiously in his sister-in-law's juice squirting cunt. Pam's pretty face twisted into a lusty mask, and she closed, her eyes tight as she rocketed toward the orgasm she needed so badly.

"Unnnnhhhhh, just a little more!" she sobbed.

"I'll try," Dick groaned, "but I'm just about to shoot."

Pam bared her teeth in a horny snarl as she steadily tightened her cunt around his pile driving cock and frantically rubbed her swollen clit against his shaft. With all the delicious friction, it was easy for her to get off. A moment later she let out a shrill howl of release and began to convulse.

"Ahhhhhhhh, yessss! I'm cominggggggg!" she screamed. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, baby – unnnggggghhhh!"

"Awwwwww, Christ, aaaaaggggghhhhhhh!" Dick roared.

As he pumped his load into her hotly sucking cunt, Pam sobbed in ecstasy. Molly whimpered softly, wanting all the things her sister had gotten. She had a plan now, but she wasn't sure if it would work. Mi she could do was try.

Dick and Pam humped frantically at each other for almost a full minute, then collapsed in each other's arms. Molly took a deep breath, stood up, and marched into the bedroom.

"Hi, honey," she called, "I'm home."
