L ucas Reeves did not sleep well on Wednesday night. “Love or money” was the phrase that ran through his head in a singsong way. At six A.M., as he was waking up, the question that had been eluding him popped into his head. Who would be interested in having a person who is dead seem to be alive?

Love or money.

Money, of course. It was beginning to fall into place like pieces of a puzzle. So absurdly simple if he was right. Lucas, a notoriously early riser, never minded waking up someone when he needed the answer to a question. This time, fortunately, his advisor, a prominent estate lawyer, was also an early riser.

“Can an inheritance trust be broken, or is it always sacrosanct?” Lucas asked him abruptly.

“They’re not easily broken by any means, but if there’s a good and valid reason for dipping into it, the executor will usually be amenable.”

“That’s what I thought. I won’t disturb you any further. Thank you, my friend.”

“Any time, Lucas. But not before seven next time, okay? I get up early, but my wife likes to sleep.”
