"Aiyeee!" the young girl shrieked as Norm started to flog her with his belt. He cracked the buckled end sharply across her titties and belly. It slashed across her inner thighs until the girl managed to break free from the men's grips and roll moaning over onto her belly. She kept on screaming, clawing at the cold concrete floor with her slender fingers as Norm kept slashing his belt across her naked back and bare ass cheeks. The young freshman screamed in agony, her body jerking and lurching with every whip-like attack until her voice was hoarse from yelling.

"Fuck this shit!" Norm muttered, tossing the belt away as he reached down and unzipped his pants.

"A little in a hurry, eh, Norm?" Matt commented as the young professor threw himself on top of the moaning girl, digging his prick wildly into the crack that ran between her reddened ass cheeks.

"No, no, not there! Oh God!" the young girl moaned, her eyes widening as she felt his monstrous seven-inch dick sliding up and down the full length of the tight butt-crack. Norm pulled himself up and looked at the marked, red-streaked fleshy ass-mounds. The girl begged for him to stop. But her cries and pleas just fired the man up more. He dug his thick thumbs into the crack and pried her butt-cheeks apart. The girl moaned with shame and pain as the big man's thumbs slid down to her bunghole and dipped into her tight asshole. He pried her tight shitter apart as hard as he could while the girl twisted and thrashed on the floor like a spiked snake.

"I'll really make you wiggle," the man growled, pulling harder and harder at the tight hole until the girl's moans turned into ear-splitting, high-pitched shrieks of horrified agony. Her fingers clawed savagely at the floor as she pounded her head uncontrollably against the concrete. Her nostrils flared and her mouth drooled saliva as Norm raised up his groin, then dragged his prick-tip across her butt until the inflamed, puffy cock head was pressed against the brown, wrinkled skin of the girl's shitter.

"Aiyeee! Nooo! N-noooo!" the young freshman begged as Norm hunched down. His stiff, thickly veined cock bowed out, refusing to jam down into her tight shit-chute as his hips thrust down harder and harder. The girl shrieked and shrieked until Diane prayed God that she'd pass out.

"Damn it! The fucker won't go in!" Norm gasped, pulling back and slapping the groaning girl hard across the shoulder-blades.

"Ohhhh," she moaned gratefully, her muscles relaxing temporarily as Norm prepared for another back door attack on her ass.

"Get her in the cunt and let's get it over with. We've got a faculty meeting in a half-hour," Matt said, glancing at his watch.

A faculty meeting! Nothing surprised Diane any more. After doing these incredibly filthy, depraved things to them, these men were calmly going to freshen up and attend a faculty meeting!

"On your back, whore," Norm said as he pulled on the girl's hair and forced her to roll over on her ass. He pinned her down with his powerful body as her arms beat his back wildly. Her sudden fighting was too much for the biology professor. He reached back with his right hand and punched her hard across the right side of her narrow chin, knocking her almost unconscious.

"Mmmm!" Diane protested through the gag that was still jammed in her mouth. She couldn't believe that she was witnessing such savagery happening just a few feet in front of her. As she stared helplessly at the now quiet girl, Diane watched as the biology professor spread her legs with his hand and probed for her cunt. The girl was coming to and realized what he was trying to do. She started beating him on the back again. Norm raised his hand as if to hit her again and she stopped. The girl realized that there was nothing she could do. She was going to be raped in front of all these people. If she tried to fight back, she would only get a punch in the face for her efforts.

"Ohhhh!" she cried as Norman reached out and held her wrists down tightly to the cold floor with his powerful hands. Moving his hips first up, then to the right, he found the girl's cunt lips with his cock head. Quickly, he slid his dick between her soft, furry lips and into the wetness of her cunt. He pushed down with his hips, groaning softly as his cock was buried to the hilt. Soon his cock hairs were brushing against her pussy fur. He started thrusting in and out, moaning at the delightful feeling of her warm, wet snatch around his throbbing hot cock-stalk.

"Fuck her good, Norm," Chris said as his eyes widened and glazed over. All the men were fingering their dicks, turned on by the sight of this helpless young girl under the professor's constant, violent attack.

"Ahhhmmmm," Norm sighed, pumping his cock slowly in and out of her snatch. He felt his cock sliding easily in and out of the girl's wet hole. He let go of her right wrist and moved his hand down, grabbing hold of her titty and squeezing it tight. He pinched her sore nipple savagely, making the girl's body shudder with agony as his fucking motions increased.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Qhhh!" the young girl moaned, turning her head to one side as Norm glued his lips on her neck and shoulders and sucked at the hot, sweating skin. He raised his body up and looked down at the girl's violated twat. He loved watching his long, fat dick sliding in and out of her cunt. It glistened under the bright overhead lights with her juices. He pulled it out until just the head was buried between her cunt lips, then thrust it hard back into her box, making the young girl groan with shame and hatred until the rod disappeared under her bushy, black cunt hairs.

"Fuck, I'm close," the biology professor groaned, taking longer strokes. Soon he was bouncing up and down on the girl as his balls flipped out of his trousers and swung against her ass. He screamed suddenly and loudly as his dick head swelled in her hole.

"Nnnghhh!" he groaned, holding tightly onto her twisting naked body as he pumped his hips quickly and furiously. He howled like an animal, releasing the hot load of jizz in his balls.

"Ohhh," the girl groaned as Norm finished dumping his wad into her sore pussy. She didn't move as he huffed over her. She felt the hot wetness of his jizz spewing into her body and groaned with disgust. After he'd finished raping the young girl, Norm rolled off her body and fought to catch his breath.

"Maybe you're getting a little too old for that sort of thing," Matt said, laughing along with the others as they moved toward Annette.

"No! Nooo!" she shrieked, covering her face protectively with her hands. She was afraid that they were all going to go after her now.

"Take it easy, baby. We're not going to hurt you," Matt said, sneering as he glanced over his shoulder at his wife.

Diane glared with hatred at her depraved husband as she watched what happened in the next five horrible minutes. All of them had their way with the shrieking freshman girl. Matt had picked up the whip and held the flogging end tightly under her chin, stretching her head back. Annette couldn't say anything in that position. All the poor girl could do was moan helplessly while first Chris, then Art and the silver-haired man Diane later learned was Rick Hallman, Dean of Students, raped the girl repeatedly.

"That ought to do it," Matt said, releasing the whip.

Annette lay limply on the floor, too degraded and exhausted from the gang-bang to say another word. Bruises covered her lower belly and inner thighs while teeth marks showed up on her neck and tits. Annette raised her right arm and covered her eyes with it as tiny sobs shook her violated body.

"Get my wife out of that stupid suit and tie her up with the others. We'll come back with the rest of the faculty in a little while and show these girls a really good time," Matt said cruelly.

Diane sighed with relief as she felt the tight-fitting leather suit being unlaced and peeled off her. Her skin tingled as the blood flowed back. In the corner, she could see Jennie slowly regaining consciousness. Annette was still sobbing as cum oozed out of her sore pussy.

Art and Chris held her tightly as they dragged her over to the third leather-covered table and pushed her onto it. Diane didn't have any fight left in her. She let them strap her wrists and ankles to the rusty metal rings that were bolted on either end of the long table. She turned her head to the right and watched Matt and Norm grab the sobbing Annette and jerk her violently into a standing position. The girl almost fell forward when they let go.

"Hang her up for the others," Norm suggested.

Matt smiled and nodded his head. While he held the girl still, Norm and Art unlocked one of the many chests in the room and pulled out several long pieces of leather strips. They quickly bound her wrists together tightly. Then they moved her over to the far right corner of the room until she was standing directly under a large metal ring that was suspended by a half-inch chain hanging down from an overhead pulley. While Matt held the sobbing girl's arms up, Norm tied Annette's bound wrists firmly to the ring. When he was done, the two men stepped back and nodded to Chris, who was staring at the three of them. Diane craned her neck further back and saw that he was unlocking the handle of some wheel. She recognized it as similar to the device that Matt had installed in their basement. Annette snapped back to reality when she felt her arms being stretched tighter and tighter over her head.

"Ohhh!" the girl cried out as she felt her toes leaving the floor.

"That's enough," Matt ordered as the girl's feet dangled a half-inch above the concrete. She cried and moaned, swaying lightly back and forth with every jerking motion she made.

"She'll keep for a while," Norm commented wryly as he patted her lightly on her reddened buttocks.

"Then there's this one," Matt said, bending down and jerking Jennie up to a standing position.

"Ohhhh, let me alone," the girl moaned. Diane could tell from her tone of voice that she'd already given up hope of being saved.

"Hang her up next to that one," Matt ordered. The men tied the limp brunette exactly as they had tied Annette, hanging her three feet to the right of the young freshman.

"We'll be back. And this time, I don't think we'll have to worry about anybody leaving," Matt said as Art, Chris and Norm started up the wooden stairs. Diane kept her mouth shut until she heard the door slam closed above.

"Jennie! Jennie, what are they going to do to us?" Diane whispered.

"Ohhh! I wish I knew, Diane. I – uhhhh!" the girl groaned with pain as the agony of being hung from the ceiling took over.

"Are they going to kill us?" Diane asked in a hoarse whisper as chills ran up and down her spine. There was something terribly final about this room and about the attitudes of the men involved.

"They never did anything like that before," Jennie said, trying to fight down the pain that seared through her body. "They always just stuck to people who were interested in the same kind of thing they were. But now, I don't know," the girl whimpered.

"What do you mean?" Diane asked, feeling her hair standing up on end.

"They never forced anybody into this thing who wasn't interested," Jennie said softly. "You were the first. I didn't even really know that you weren't just playing along with the reluctant-virgin bit until Matt started really laying into you that night. Then I was too scared to do anything," Jennie confessed.

"You thought I liked it?" Diane asked in disbelief. "A lot of people put on this I-hate-it routine just for jollies. But after a while, I could tell that Matt wasn't kidding when he said you weren't into this trip. When he said he was going to force you to submit to the whip, I thought it was just another kind of fantasy trip. I swear, I didn't know about what was going on," the girl moaned.

"Is that why I found you tied up like that?" Diane asked as she shifted her eyes to Annette. The girl was listening quietly to the two of them. But Diane could tell that she was filled with horror and disbelief from the conversation she overheard.

"I told Matt I wasn't going to go along with him any more," Jennie said as she stretched down her big toe and tried to touch the floor for support. "That's when he got to me and beat me. Oh God, he kept hitting me over and over with that damned whip across my – ohhhh," Jennie groaned as she closed her eyes and remembered what had happened.

"Jennie, what's going on here?" Diane asked again, feeling as if the girl were holding something back.

"It's gotten out of control. I don't know what's happened. But everybody in this group's acting crazy – weird! They're not doing it for fun any more – at least, not the kind of fun I joined in for. I've even heard some talk about Black Masses and sacrifices," Jennie said in a low, quivering tone of voice.

"That girl! That girl!" Annette cried out suddenly with horror in her voice.

"What girl?" Diane asked, turning her head back to the young freshman.

"The one they found out by the north campus parking lot on the other side of the Sculpture Gardens. I heard that they found weird markings on her body," Annette whispered.

"My God!" Diane cried out, feeling her skin crawl with horror. Is that what Matt and the others were into now? Devil worship, and using the coeds as sacrifices for their sick ceremonials?

"Diane, you don't think?" Jennie started to say, reading her answer in the young blonde woman's widened eyes. "Oh God, we don't have a chance," the girl sobbed out.

"Don't give up yet, Jennie," Diane said, trying to comfort the two sobbing girls as she felt panic gripping her own mind.

"Don't give up?" Jennie echoed, laughing hoarsely as she thrashed her body violently back and forth. The sound of clanging chains was almost deafening as the brunette shrieked with hysterical laughter and swayed helplessly back and forth from the ceiling.

Finally, Jennie calmed down and hung limply from the iron ring.

"Don't give up. That's a laugh," she said defeated. "Who's going to save us, Douglas Fairbanks?"

"I told a friend of mine what Matt was into, and that I was leaving him. He was expecting me tonight. When I don't show up, I'm sure he'll suspect that something's wrong," Diane said hopefully.

"Does he know you're here?" Jennie said, her eyes sparkling with hope.

Diane sighed with disappointment.

"No," she said in a low voice. Both Jennie and Annette groaned.

"By the time they find us, we'll be just like that girl," the young freshman moaned.

"Maybe not," Diane said in a strained voice as she pulled up with her right leg. The iron rings holding her ankles seemed rustier than the others were. As she moved her ass cheeks back and forth on the table, pulling her legs first up, then pushing them down, Diane realized that she could work the rings out of the wooden frame of the table.

"What are you doing?" Annette and Jennie asked together as they watched Diane's legwork.

"Ooooofff!" the woman grunted. "Trying to get these things off," Diane growled, resting for a few seconds before she tried again. She could feel the rings slowly rising out of their drilled resting place. Back and forth, back and forth she worked her ass, pulling her legs up and down the leather-covered table until she could feel the rings steadily easing out of position. "I think I've got it," Diane said, resting for another minute, before yanking up with her legs with all her strength. The rings finally gave way with a loud groan.

"She did it!" Annette cried out happily.

"Great! Now what are you going to do? Your ankles are okay, but what about the hands?" Jennie asked wryly.

"One thing at a time," Diane said, gasping for breath. She raised her head as best she could, looking around the immediate vicinity for anything that might help her free her hands.

"The lever! The lever behind your head! You can't get at it with your hands, but you might be able to use your feet if you can get them up that far!" Jennie cried out suddenly.


"That's how the rings are locked into the table. It's a lever at the head of the table – push it in to lock in the rings, pull it out to let them go. It's right behind your head!" Jennie said hopefully.

"Oh God!" Diane said, rolling up her eyes as she hauled her legs over her head. "I feel like an ass," she grunted between her uplifted legs as she bent her knees and lowered her upside-down feet to the head of the table.

"Never mind that. Just get free!" Jennie said, watching Diane like a hawk.

"Shit!" the blonde cried out as she ran the back of her toes lightly along the top edge of the table. At first all she felt was the wooden frame, and was going to tell Jennie that she was full of it. On the second try, however, Diane felt something narrow, long and metallic pressed against the wooden frame. "I think I found it," Diane said, moving her right foot back slightly until she felt the edge of the lever with her big toe. Wriggling it back and forth, Diane managed to pry the lever up slightly with her toe.

"Pull! Pull!" Annette and Jennie encouraged.

"Okay!" Diane almost shouted, working the lever all the way up and then yanking her arms free.

"Thank God! Thank God!" the other women murmured as Diane sprang off the table and ran up to Annette.

"Going to get you down first, honey," Diane said quietly as she untied the leather thongs that held her to the overhead ring. As the girl slid down to the floor, Diane moved to Jennie, unfastening her bonds and helping her down.

"Let's get out of here," Jennie said, bending down and picking up her raincoat. Diane nodded in agreement, quickly pulling on her clothes and encouraging Annette to dress faster. They had to escape now, or God only knows where they'd wind up – and how.
