"Ohhhh! Unnghhh!" Diane grunted, trembling with fear and revulsion as she felt something cold and wet press against her cunt lips. She screamed again, frightening the curious Doberman and making him jump back and almost off the table. Matt stopped the big dog from leaping and turned him back around to the crouching blonde. This time the animal walked back up to her and placed its muzzle between her spread thighs. The dog nosed her pussy, stabbing its pointed snout into her quivering slash while Diane cried out for help.

"Astaroth!" Matt cried out again as the Doberman's stubby tail wagged quickly back and forth. Diane cringed as she heard the Doberman growl excitedly. He smelled the musty odor that leaked out of her exposed snatch. The big dog's growl turned into an excited whine as he stuck his snout back in and burrowed deeply into her moist pussy.

"Ohhhh, noooo!" the blonde protested. Cold chills ran up and down her spine as the big dog moved back and opened his powerful jaws. She could feel the hot, moist breath blast against her snatch lips. Diane twisted under the men's tight grip as the dog started lapping at her pussy hairs.

This can't be happening! Diane thought to herself as the sound of the chanting filled her ears. The whole scene was having a strange effect on the woman. While she was still filled with horror and revulsion at what had happened and what was happening to her, there were the beginnings of a pleasurable, tight sensation somewhere deep in her crotch. It was almost as if she were willingly going along with this crowd. The dim lights, the chanting, and that wonderful warm, wet lapping sensation in her pussy were releasing delightful feelings in her cunt.

"Astaroth, Astarte, veni veni," Matt said in a husky, loud voice. The chanting changed in style now. Diane noticed that as soon as the Doberman began tonguing her cunt, the men's humming became rhythmic, almost matching the lapping of the big dog.

"Unnnn!" Diane groaned. That pink tongue was so hot! It was the most pleasant thing that happened to her in days. She closed her eyes and fought down the revulsion that churned her stomach as she concentrated on the pleasure that racked her pussy at the same time. As the animal moved around unsteadily on the desk, the blonde could feel the short hair covering his body prickling her naked skin.

"Oh, no," Diane moaned as the Doberman licked her ass cheeks. He ran his tongue shamelessly over every inch of her buttocks, wetting down her asshole and cunt lips until the hairs surrounding her pussy were plastered down and pointing up to the ceiling. Diane let out a shivery moan and widened her knees voluntarily. The men holding her looked at one another with surprise, then backed off, letting go of Diane.

Even Matt was surprised at his wife's sudden acceptance and even enjoyment of what was happening to her. The blonde slowly lifted her ass, wagging it back and forth for the dog as she clawed at the red velvet cloth with her slender fingers. The dog growled and wet down each cheek even more with his sloppy tongue. He smoothed it between her ass-crack until his hot spittle dribbled down over the thick blonde curls of her cunt.

It was something she'd never done before in her life. And now in front of all these men who might be out to kill her, Diane was growing more and more shamelessly excited. She was panting almost as hard as the animal. The weight of her hanging titties as they swayed lazily back and forth was exciting. She wobbled there on her elbows, sucking in air when she could, holding her breath when the Doberman's strong tongue brushed across her stiffening clit.

The blonde parted her thighs even more until her inner pussy lips stickily peeled back from the warm cunt meat along her slit. The Doberman pushed at her hungrily, raking his tongue under her cuntal mound and upward as the men's rhythmic chanting pounded like African drums in Diane's ears.

"Ohhh! Ohhhh!" the woman cried out.

Norm and Art took over, rolling her over on her back and hauling her legs into the air. The dog looked a little puzzled at first at the change of position. But soon he was back again, pushing steadily into the mouth of her cunt with his black, pointed snout. He panted heavily in her steamy, soaked flesh. Diane kicked out as the tense thrills built deep in her gut.

"Veni! Veni! Veni!" the men sang out in a mumbled chorus, increasing the rhythm with each passing second.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Diane cried back.

The Doberman was growling again. It was a soft, smothered growl of sexual lust Diane had heard in the streets when two dogs fucked their brains out. When she looked down under the big animal's hunching belly, she saw the dark-red pointed dick head slithering out of his black furry dick sheath. It glistened with his pre-cum as it throbbed excitedly in the air.

"Ahhhh!" Diane shuddered out as her eyes glued to his jerking prick. She remembered all the dogs she'd seen screwing each other in the streets and in the park! In a few minutes, that painted hot spear would be buried in her pussy. It was too bizarre to believe.

Diane babbled with excitement, bouncing her plump ass cheeks on the table top as the men chorused out another humming chant of excitement. The Doberman's tongue rubbed her flooding pussy meat now. He was forcing her clit down, wagging his powerful hindquarters as even more of his red dick slithered out. Her cuntal hair clung together in wet curls along the edges of her pussy lips. She sat up and watched in dazed fascination. She could see the tendons in her inner thighs bulging out whenever the big dog slurped upward through the slippery length of her cuntal cleft.

"Ahhhh!" Diane cried out, pushing her hands behind her and throwing her head back as her lower jaw slackened with ecstasy. Drool started to ooze out of the corner of her mouth as she gave herself completely up to the lapping dog's fury.

The Doberman grew more excited and snapped his sharp teeth down gently on her pussy lips. The effect was immediate. What normally would have been painful shot Diane into higher planes of sexual excitement. The blonde fell back on the desk and tossed her thighs upward. She waved her ass around in circles, whimpering as loudly as the dog was.

"Now is the time," Matt suddenly said.

"Now is the time," the others chorused.

Diane didn't hear them. She was too involved with what was going on down by her pussy to pay attention to the men. The dog whined and ate more and more into her hunching pussy. The Doberman humped his ass as he nipped and licked her cunt. She could feel his shoulders shaking powerfully and his strong back humping down. It was making her pussy tremble, rocketing closer and closer toward climax as Diane moaned and prayed God that what she was feeling now would never end.

"Yes… yessss!"

Diane whipped her legs against the dog, hugging his body with the insides of her knees as he brought her closer to her throbbing climax. More hot juices boiled out from between her fat, hot labes as the dog's furry muzzle was slicked down with the blonde's cunt juice. She could hear the slick sounds of his mouth on her cunt. It sucked and clicked with each movement.

"Mmmmm," the blonde groaned. She couldn't stop moving. Her shivering moans and feverish squirming set the Doberman off into a wilder fury. He started making strange animal sounds against the hotness of her cunt. It was a kind of growling whining noise that made her open her trembling knees wider. Just as her passion was about to peak, she felt something take hold of her legs and force them over her head.

"Consummation!" Matt cried out, his eyes wild with unnatural lust.

"Consummation!" the others echoed.

Diane groaned, waiting for something to bring her shivering pussy off. She was teetering on the brink now, hovering over a brain-splitting climax as the big Doberman growled and snapped in confusion. Then he jumped forward, placing his big forepaws on her upturned legs as he hunched down with his powerful hindquarters. Diane closed her eyes and let out a long, low moan as she felt the sharp, pointed dick head part her puffy outer labes and slice into her drooling box.

Shudders of revulsion and delight mixed strangely together and racked through her body as the dog's high-pitched moan of pleasure filled the room. Diane wriggled her ass excitedly on the table top, unwittingly encouraging the Doberman to fuck her deeper. He growled louder, raising his powerful black ass a little, then jabbing down harder. The blonde let out a shriek as she felt several of the big knobs on the animal's hot, red prick push past her stretched labes and squish into her swampy box. She dug her head into the red velvet cloth and rolled it back and forth as she jerked her thighs up automatically, matching the fucking dog's downward thrusts. The stretched, itchy feeling gripping her snatch grew unbearable as Diane prayed for sexual release.

"Ughhh! Fuck! Ohhhh!" the woman cried out helplessly as drool from the dog's mouth splashed down on her flat, sweaty belly. Diane babbled obscene phrases deliriously as the Doberman humped his pointed, knotty prick harder and harder. There was one big knot at the root of the dog's dick. She sucked in a ragged breath as the animal jabbed down hard and plowed it past her swollen lips, burying it in her hot, wet fuck tunnel.

"Oh! Oh! Ohhhhnngh!" Diane groaned in ecstatic agony as that big knot slopped past her labes. The blonde squirmed more frantically as her sucking hole fired up hotter and hotter. Her legs bounced and flailed as the big dog's leathery balls slapped against her ass cheeks.

"Consummation!" Matt cried out impatiently.

Diane wanted it as badly as he did. As that big knot in the Doberman's jerking cock worked deeper into her cunt, stretching the sensitive wet walls more and more, Diane felt her body about ready to explode. She felt her belly knotting up tighter and tighter as a strange hot wetness grew along the bottoms of her tits and around her cunt. A sudden swelling sensation from the Doberman's cock let Diane know that the big dog was about to fire his load.

"Ohhhh!" she cried out in a tight voice as her cunt exploded into a fireball of orgasmic fury. She lay on the table, panting like a cow in rut as the big dog's prick jerked and sprayed white-hot doggie jizz into her snatch.

A roar of pleasure filled the room as the men saw what had happened. Again and again Diane's cunt throbbed powerfully as her climax shot through her. The Doberman growled and whimpered, slamming his hairy belly against her dancing, plump ass cheeks. The dog worked his long, thick, knotty cock back and forth in her juicy cunt as Diane felt a tiny river of hot cum leaking out of her snatch. It trickled down her thighs and onto the red velvet covering as she ground her teeth together and beat the table top with her fists.

"Ohhhh, ohhhh!" the blonde finally cried out in exhaustion as the last spasms swept over her cum-filled twat and died away like the ripples of a pond.

"It is done!" Matt said, obviously pleased at what had happened.

"It is done!" the others said as Norm and Art jerked the whining Doberman off the tabletop. Diane lowered her legs down on the velvet and raised her hands. Now the shame covered her like a thick cloth, making her want to rip her hair out in self-disgust. How could she have done such a thing? And so willingly! It was as if she'd signed up to perform in front of these sickies! Even if she got out of this mess alive, she'd never be able to face herself again. She'd fucked a dog in front of these men, and showed them all that she enjoyed it!

Diane lay on the table as she watched Matt bend down and draw a circle around him and the table she was resting on. Norm and Art followed, drawing strange symbols at various points on the circle. Diane recognized this as the drawing of the magic circle. It was to separate whoever was inside it from the devil or whomever they decided to conjure up. Matt and the others were really serious about that! Diane prayed that Annette would show up quickly with Jack and plenty of help.

"Bring in the other one," Matt said to Norm as they finished making the markings on the circle. As soon as he pronounced those words, everyone in the darkened room reached up and unfastened his robe at the top. Diane watched in fascination as they pulled the cloaks open at the top, then let them fall to the floor. They were all standing stark naked in front of her!

"Matt, what is this?" Diane asked in a trembling voice.

But her husband had ceased to exist. In his body was another person, more ceremonial and haughty than any person she'd ever met! He pretended not to hear her, absorbed in his own world of demon-worship.

"Let me go!" Diane heard Jennie cry out from behind the door to the right. In a second it opened and Norm appeared, dragging the naked, struggling brunette behind him. Her hands were bound tightly behind her, and her ankles were fastened together by three strips of half-inch brown leather.

"The markings!" Matt said, turning and facing Jennie, who was now dragged in front of him.

"What is this? Diane?" Jennie asked, turning and looking at the blonde who was still lying in exhaustion and humiliation on the tabletop.

"I don't know, Jennie," Diane said honestly as she watched Matt move to his right and open the lowest drawer of the desk she sat on.

"Get off!" Matt growled to the blonde, reaching over and pushing her off. Diane slid down to the floor and was quickly grabbed by Art and another tall man. They were still wearing their robes while the audience stood facing them, nude.

At the same time, Norm and two other men hauled Jennie roughly onto the table, quickly moving to opposite ends of the "altar" and pulling the girl's ankles and wrists in opposite directions. The result was that Jennie's body was stretched like a tightly pulled rubber band. Her white skin glowed even in the dim auditorium light as Matt revealed what he'd pulled out of the drawer. It was a twelve-inch carving knife, approximately three inches in thickness and sharp as a surgical blade. The handle was made of black ebony wood with strange astrological signs embedded in it.

"Oh no!" Diane groaned as she saw him raise the knife high above his head and mutter something in Latin that she couldn't understand.

"Diane!" the brunette shrieked, craning her neck back and seeing what Matt was doing. "Noooo, don't! Oh God in heaven, don't!"

"Matt! Stop it! Don't!" Diane pleaded along with the brunette as she struggled to break free.

But her husband didn't hear her. He was muttering some obscene prayer, holding the knife as if it were a holy chalice. Finally he finished with a loud grunt, bringing down the knife slowly until it was even with his waist. He turned around and slowly moved behind the table where Jennie was stretched out. Diane's eyes widened with terror. The girl was on display like a piece of meat on a butcher's counter. She glanced at the naked men in the audience. They were transported into some obscure region of the mind Diane knew nothing about. She could feel the excited expectation in the room as everyone seemed to be holding his breath. The dog fucking was obviously a preliminary rite. As Matt moved forward until his thighs pressed against the back edge of the table, Diane realized that the red velvet cloth was actually an altar cloth used in most Catholic churches during Easter. She'd been too frantic before to recognize it. But now she could see the gold cross embroidered on the material. It was pure and simple desecration – the byword of the Black Mass. She'd performed an act of bestiality on that cloth. And now – now, Jennie was going to be sacrificed to their obscene Gods on it.
