Friday morning, nine-thirty, on June 25, Tazio Chappars opened the door of Carmen Gamble’s shop. She needed a quick trim, as she had to make a presentation to a client at one in the afternoon. Brinkley followed on her heels.
Toby, the receptionist, looked up. “Oh, Tazio, Carmen called from the airport. She’s on her way to Bermuda. Her aunt is very sick.”
“I didn’t know she had an aunt in Bermuda.”
“Me, neither, but I know you need your haircut, and Cindy Green said she’d be glad to do it.”
Cindy Green, twirling her scissors, called out, “Showtime!”
Toby whispered, “Brinkley, I’ve got a cookie.”
Brinkley’s ears perked up.
Tazio was right. Carmen didn’t have an aunt in Bermuda.