Dear Reader,
I’ve had my rabies shots, my annual FVR-CP shots, which cover just about everything a kitty can get. I endure worming once a month. Large ugh. My teeth are good.
I mention this because much of this book is about health.
Pewter also gets all her shots and is a big weenie about it. The dogs, on the other hand, are pretty good.
I hope you’ve taken care of your shots and teeth and whatever a human needs to do. Expensive though it is, it’s still not as expensive as being sick.
As I’ve gone along with this series I’ve found that I truly love the characters. Funny, isn’t it? I mean I even like the corgi and, well, dogs are okay but a cat can’t be but so close to them. They’re just so slavish! If I have to admit it, I like the dogs here at home, a motley crew of rescue mixes as well as Mother’s foxhounds, her pride and joy.
Now, I adore the horses but cats and horses have a special friendship.
Whoever you are reading this, I hope you have an animal in your life that you can tell everything to and know it won’t go any further. We make the best friends—just be sure we get our shots, okay?
Always and ever,
Sneaky Pie