It was my birthday, I was turning 36, the boys and I had decided to take a ride out to the lake for a pick-nick, sort of. We had a great time, laughing, making jokes, eating and drinking. The wine bottle I had brought was finished pretty soon, of course I didn't want my sons to drink alcohol, but inviting them to drink a glass with me couldn't be bad. I was feeling very joyful, maybe it was the wine that did it…
"Let's take a swim!", I heard myself exclaim.
"Yeah, why not?", Tim responded.
"But, we don't have any swimming suits with us" said John.
That was true, but what did it matter, besides I didn't feel like I wanted to wear a swimsuit. I felt like I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I hadn't gone skinny dipping, since my husband was killed. After all this day was special, at least to me, and I wanted to amuse myself…
"What difference does it make" I asked, "there's only us here, and I've seen you naked before! Let's go skinny dipping!"
That was also true, but I hadn't seen my boys naked for years. Even though we were an open family, I was raised to respect the privacy of someone, but what difference would it make now.
This day however, I'm sure it must have been the wine that got to my head and the warmth, but as I started peeling of my clothes, one by one, I started to feel….excited…
Michael, my husband, was a city boy, raised in Houston, before he had moved out to work in Texas. For me, he was the first man I had ever been with, even after his death. However, Michael wasn't a beginner at making love, he showed me a lot of things, letting me explore my own as well as his body. Teaching me the differences, showing me the secret of the love-act, things I had only heard about or dreamt in my wildest dreams… He introduced me to a completely new dimension. Of course, coming from the country, I was pretty naive, and, you could say, prude and strictly raised, knowing that sex was taboo, and somewhat a sin. But Michael changed this within me, I learned that all the lectures my mother had had with me about sex, sin and duty, was falling apart. My first orgasm, that was actually the second time we made love, changed all my ideas and theories about sex, it became something pleasurable, a game, in which you couldn't loose, you would feel good with any outcome. And he taught me that as long as everything felt good, there was no bad in it. Michael also taught me what stimulated men, but he also taught me what could stimulate women… This was one thing I got very aroused from, at first undressing in front of Michael with lit lamps, scared me. I was ashamed of myself. But he showed me that it was something that really turned him on, and that started to turn me on to, knowing that just by displaying my body to him when undressing, could make him go crazy… so crazy that we would keep the bed rocking the whole night, then keeping it warm till noon the next day, when we would get up only to eat and again have even more sex… But as I have already told you, that ended some 14 years ago, and since then I have been all alone in bed…Loosing all my trust in ever having any man again, and my rule was to first get a steady relationship, then sex. I had become sure that I would be alone for the rest of my life in bed, but how wrong I was…
The act of undressing in front of two males, may be they were my own sons, started to turn me on… Soon I was having only my bra and panties on…And slowly, as provocative as only a female can be, I peeled them off, standing all nude on the blanket, my long, brown hair hanging down in a pony tail, covering my left breast. I hadn't paid any attention to it, until I was this naked, but my two sons had started taking off their clothes, they were staring at me with huge eyes that looked like they would pop out off their skulls any minute. It wasn't until now, when they slowly took their jeans off that I saw the tent formation in their underwear…They had hard-ons! And I mean reel hardons! My hart skipped at least for beats, and I had a hard time not looking at their crotches…Looking up I saw them eyeing my body, and meeting their eyes, they blushed, doing there best to hide their erected penises. I felt a little embarrassed I hadn't awaited this reaction…Here I was standing all nude, like I had only in front of one man earlier. Now I was starting to have these strange sensations a woman gets when wanting a man… NO! I couldn't think this way! These were my sons!
"I'll run ahead I said…" slowly, not really wanting to, I turned around and headed for the water…I needed to cool off, to cool off bad! To get rith of my horny feelings, feelings towards my sons!
I tried no to look, but seeing my boys coming towards me 20 yards away, I watched them closely. I eyed them in maybe the closest way I had ever inspected them.
Ooh, how tall and beautiful they were, John was only 15, and yet so tall, shoulders broad like his father's, the muscles he had gotten from working on a ranch part time were playing on his body as he moved, his body, which already showed the masculine power it possessed. Girls would chase him in a year or two, he was really handsome, every wet schoolgirls dream… Puberty had come, and already set the marks on him, he looked gorgeous. It was strange how fast he had grown to be a man, I hadn't realised he was a man till now, admiring his male flesh, watching his semi-erected penis, which had already received the cute dark-brown bush above it. Then we had little Tim, only 14, looking so innocent and sweet, still a child compared to John, I couldn't see at this distance, but I couldn't figure out whether he had any blonde hairs covering his… his…manhood… but… they were no children any longer… they were men, at least if you judged by their young and beautiful erected… ooh what was I thinking of…I hadn't seen a man naked for 14 years, and for 14 years I had made myself happy in bed, with my fingers, imagining it was Michael, my husband making love to me, however lately I no longer enjoyed it as much, imagination didn't have any effect on me any longer. But now I felt really horny, for the first time in years, it must have been the wine that was playing a game on me…
I held my breath and took a couple of strokes under the water, feeling the coolness around me, seeking deeper water. By the time I surfaced, John and Tim were in the lake, swimming towards me.
"Come on you two! or maybe you're chickening out?" I tried to ease up the tension the odd situation had created, and I knew Tim couldn't resist a challenge, always wanting to win every possible contest. So he lunged himself towards me, taking a pair of quick strokes, then as he approached, he stopped a few feet away from me. Then SPLASH, a rain of water drenched my face as Tim hit the water with his palm…
"What are you doing?" I yelled at the sudden attack, laughing…
"Let's se who's chickening out?" He yelled, giving me several more splashes. Then there was war, me and Tim splashing water on each other and suddenly John was in the battle too, only he was on my side… Timmie fought bravely, but was doomed to loose, not liking it, he took a couple of strong strokes, and off he went…
"I'm going to take a swim…I'm heading for those rocks, to get a sun-tan" he said, lunging himself towards a couple of rocks some 100 yards away, along the shore, probably setting up a new challenge.
"Be careful.", I said, like any mother would…even though I new my sons were good swimmers.
"Sooo, we won!", said John happily.
"Sure did", I took a step closer to him, feeling the soft sand tickling my toes, the waterline at my shoulders…
Then, splash!
"Oh, you little…", I never had the chance to speak out, another splash, now it was John who were giving me a hard time.
I tried getting away, but he kept scooping water on me, so I I went for the kill…but I ended up bumping against him, my big, soft breasts pressed against his naked chest, my long legs against his muscular, but then, there was his semi-erected penis, between my legs, barely parting my cleavage, slightly pushing at the entrance…twitching, tickling my clitoris, following the rhythm of the undulating water movements… I was melting from the treatment…and he was growing…his penis reaching full stiffness, full erection, really deserving to be called a manhood…
We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, which couldn't have been more than a few seconds. His eyes meeting mine, hot glances exchanged, talking through them with each other, expressing what we both so sinfully wanted. Then nature took over our oversexed bodies which ached so bad for relief. John started to hump me, even though he hadn't entered me, he was running his penis in the crack of my womanhood, his eyes, glassy like mine with the hot lust, passion-burning, no more logic, no more sense, no more moral. Pure animal lust, owned our bodies… I wanted him, I wanted him now. Feeling his penis play in my crack, was exciting me a lot, I was going to cum… I realised I wanted him inside! I wanted him where I couldn't have him, where no mother was allowed to have her son after once giving birth to her child…I wanted him in my pussy, deep, deep where his father once planted him. I wanted to have sex with him, I was hot…
I moaned, looked at his closed eyes, the eyelids fluttering as he was experiencing great pleasures from feeling his stiff penis running between my slippery vaginal lips, his hands were at my waist, keeping me close to him, his lower body working in a fast rhythm to satisfy his eager need, the need to mate, he was beyond rational thinking, his entire body shaking without control, seeking that ultimate lust.
He's my son! echoed in my head, I can't do what I'm about to do! It would be a great sin, it would be incest! I thought, but feeling his penis bumping against my hole, almost entering, stimulating my erected and hypersensitive clitoris, made up my mind… I wanted him as much as he wanted me…
I grabbed his penis with my hand, the other one went around his buttocks. When he felt that he couldn't hump anymore he opened his eyes dreamily…
"Ohh…please… don't make me stop mom, it feels so good…I've never felt this good before…just let…"
"Shhhh…", I hushed him motherly, "I know my love, I want to help you…I only want to make it even better…for us…"
Slowly, like in a trance I directed my sons virginal penis against my love cave, letting it part my fluttering butterfly- like lips. I was trying hard to find a good reason to tell him I wanted to stop, one final effort to stop this depraved incestuous act, as a mother and grown-up, it is my duty to see what's right or wrong, but I was blinded. I could not see nor hear anything but only feel his pulsing penis in my hand, guiding it towards my welcoming hole…
When finally it was positioned, I slowly started pressing his penis against my overheated womanhood. I could feel the entrance muscle, starting to soften as I applied pressure, dilating as his penis pushed forward. There was a sudden 'Pop' and his mushroom tip sank inside me, I gave out a loud moan of pleasure, simultaneously I heard John gasp…
For more than 14 years, no one had been there, and for the first time I was doing it with someone else than my husband. For the first time I was letting my son enter me, letting my son fulfill our pleasure strive of lust, to tame my pussy in heat, letting happen the most perverted thing a mother could do with her son, to have intercourse…For the first time my beautiful son made love to a woman, and it would be me who was going to be his first…I was enjoying it, I tried to convince myself that it made no difference whether he was my son or not, and after all, he would still fuck some woman someday, so why not making it with someone who loves you most in this world, someone who won't cheat on you, someone with patience and the will of teaching the act of lovemaking…I've allways tried to give my sons what's best for them, now I would only give him the most beautiful pleasures a boy can receive…that couldn't be wrong as both enjoyed it, yes I would receive pleasures myself that I had for missed for so long, but we would have a great time together…Part of my brain desperatly tried to convince the other, why I should let this happen…but it was finally the feelings from 'down there' that made up my mind…
It was bigger than I had expected, I think it was even bigger than Michael's had been. It felt wonderful having his mushroom tip just inside my entry muscle, enlarging my soaking wet canal, twitching. I was still holding his penis, when he couldn't hold it back any more. He pushed his big rod to the bottom in one plunge, slicing through my tight, oversoaked vagina like it was melting butter. I joined him in with a loud moan from the sudden thrust, then I felt it coming, beginning in my toes, legs starting to go limp, my vagina starting to contract, I was climaxing…The scene of making love to my own son in the a lake, seeking sexual fullfillment like never before, was highly erotic…It was the peak…
"mmmpph…mphhh…I'm..coming…ahhhh…do it…do it to me… my son… do it…fill me up…", I couldn't talk, only give out guttural noises. In the frenzy I grabbed my son around his buttocks and started pushing his body tight against me. He got the idea and started humping me. He didn't last long, my orgasm-cramping vagina massaged his young, inexperienced and virginal, member merciless. He was so excited he gave me short humps and stabs with his mighty penis for only 5 or 6 times, but who cared how long he lasted, I was already coming hard. In the dizziness I was in I heard my son moan, pressing himself tight against my body, my breasts flattening against his boy-hairy chest, nipples erect, his penis filling me up to the brim.
"Ohhhh…moooom…it's going to happen…ohhh…", then, as I was climaxing I felt a sudden twitch in his member, then another and another. I could feel the so familiar and for such a long time missed hot clinging juice filling my pussy and I realised that my loving son was shooting me full of his sperm, his incestuous sperm…our bodies shuddering with the intensity of our orgasmic pleasures, our genitals matching each other. Every time John's cunt-embedded penis spew out a new gooey load of his hot incestuous seed deep inside my belly, my pussy would clamp tightly around his flesh, milking merciless for it's precious honey. In the frenzy, I found myself squeezing his buttocks hard, then moving my hand to his small sac, starting to squeeze it gently, feeling the two nuts inside, small and tiny, but yet so manly, contracting as they were pumping out potent seed. By squeezing his sac in time with his contractions like Michael had taught me to, my pussy milking his penis in time with every outburst of his, I was helping his throbbing penis on its way to relief by squeezing out the virginal spunk his fresh testicles had produced for this heavenly act, the act of sex. It felt like my vagina had its own life, like its only goal was to dry-suck my beautiful son's and lover's lovemaking penis…
We stayed embraced for what seemed like an eternity, the water gently licking our overheated bodies, the small waves making my big, womanly, soft, breasts, bouncing against my son's chest, nipples still erect, the excitement still showing, like a reminder of what we had done. John's lovemaking penis was still buried inside my now sperma- soaked pussy, however, it's present size and glory had diminished, but not the knowledge of the sinful, and yet so wonderful act we had done. It was now that it really started flushing my body, after the pleasure had subsided so much that I started to think more rational. I knew what incest was, I had read about it, and even seen some debates on our new purchased T.V. I knew it was an act of depravity, the ultimate thing a mother could do to her son. It was bad, forbidden by church and law. How could I let it happen? Giving in for my personal needs, sexual needs, I had for so long kept secret and hidden to myself? How could I let my own son loose on my body, the way I wanted and needed a man? Yes, maybe he had wanted it too, but after all, he was so young and innocent he didn't know what was wrong or right, he just followed his instincts, his sexual instincts…Oh…how wrong I had acted…
"Ohh…what have we done…" I whispered in his ear, my brain getting aware of the fact I still had my hand firmly around his sac, still holding it gently. Slowly, almost reluctantly, I let go, feeling the shame flush…John was still holding me close to him, his hands around my buttocks in a steady grip, however he was more weak than I, and he didn't resist when I slowly parted from him. It wasn't until his penis slid out of my cum-filled vagina, that he awoke from his dreamy state… he blushed, looking me in my eyes…
"I'm so sorry…I…It's my fault…I…I don't know what got into me…", I heard myself stammering, tears filling my eyes…
"Ohh…how could I let it happen…"…by now I was crying openly, ashamed of the dirty act I had just done…one of the most deprived things a woman could do…how could I forgive myself…how?
I felt two strong hands embracing me, John's body pressed tight to me… "It's all right mom, it really is…don't cry…it felt wonderful…in fact…I've never, ever, felt this good in my entire life!"