Chapter VII

As we had agreed, John, Tim and I went on vacation. I knew of a very beautiful cottage close to the wonderful beaches of the Mexican bay. It was in a somewhat deserted town, but it was very beautiful and romantic there. I remember the day Michael had taken me there, when we were on our honey moon. We had spent most of the time making love together, in bed, in the water, on the beach, everywhere… It was the most wonderful time of my life…

Even though it was early month of July, I found out it was unoccupied, so I hired it til the middle of August, thus we would be staying here for almost a month and a half. John and Tim were so excited. We hadn't been outside our town for three years, at that occasion we had gone to see Michael's parents. However, not soon after that they moved from Houston to New York, the distance too long for us.

We went there by bus, finally arriving at the landlady who owned it. I was amazed. She was almost 80, and she remembered me and Michael from our honey-moon, over 15 years back in time…

We had a wonderful time together. The days passed too rapidly, but for the first time in my life since Michal's death, I was happy. Tim had borrowed a bicycle from the landlady, and was out fishing or in town most of the time while John stayed with me. We used to make love somewhere on a deserted beach without name, between the warm rocks, feeling the water wash our overheated bodies as we lay lazily ontop of eachother. The same deserted beach where I and Michael had once made love onto. Then we would make love in the water, reminding us of the first time we had done it back home. We were lucky, the weather was fine, although, somewhat too hot.

Everyday John would ask me when the result of our breeding would show, when I would give birth to our child. He was so cute, so wonderful, serving me like I would be in my last week.

At night, John and I would tip-toe out of the cottage down to the beach. There we would make love for hours without risking getting caught by Tim.

In the morning Tim would wake us up with the so familiar 'Hey sleepy heads…wake up!' and he rushed to town on his bicycle doing whatever boys do when they are together. Thus he left us, day after day, on our own. If we weren't making love, then we would be fondling eachother. If we weren't fondling eachother we would stay close together, naked skin touching naked skin.

But everything must come to an end, and so did our vacation. It felt like we had spent 7 weeks in paradise, and we were all very sad when leaving. The landlady told us several times to come back next summer, and I promised both her, my sons and myself that we would do so. Tim had made quite a lot of friends while going to town, and I must say I was amazed at how many children came to wave us good-bye when we took the bus back home.

Once back home, John and Tim went back to school. At first, like all children, they didn't want to do it. But as time passed, they got into it. I made it clear for John, that he could make love with me anytime he wanted, day or night, as long as he didn't cut classes, and did good in school. If he failed one of these conditions, our love-making would stop promptly. I knew he wouldn't want that, and the truth is, neither did I, but he did good in school, and it apperared he took my words pretty serious. Tim was also doing great, and whenever he had a problem at school, his big-brother would come help him. They were very close to eachother.

Me on the other hand was busy fixing the house. I thought that going away for a month or two would keep it nice and clean. But when I got home I found out it was so dusty it needed a good cleaning.

I went to a doctor, for consultation, and everything looked fine. Even though I hadn't started growing yet, it wasn't more than 2 months since I had gotten impregnated, I started feeling the familiar signs… My breasts had swollen a little and gotten somewhat more heavy, my vaginal juices had changed it's consistency to a more clinging and sticky substance, and I had gained some weigth. Soon, in less than 7 months, I would give birth to our child.

John was very happy to know everything was fine with me, and that the pregnancy went normal. Since I knew that too much inbreeding wasn't good on animals, I went to the library and read some from a large book of medecine. A chapter included something called 'genetical defects of the child' or something like that. It treated several kinds of handicaps, some due to the woman's old age when conceiving, but it also said something about close-related pregnancies and childbearing which caught my eye. I must say I was very scared when I read that in some cases, children where the parents were close-related, showed some 'genetical defects' which could be amplified by the parents unknown and unseen defects, leading to handicaps of different levels. There was several examples including studies made on pregnencies between cousins, as well as father and daugther, but it said nothing on pregnencies between mother and son. I was very afraid that our child would have one of these 'defects', so I went to the doctor again, telling him that I would like to do a complete check-up with tests, because I was worried that I was old. He believed me, and did all the tests necessary, giving me the result I was fine, and so was the child.

In bed, John never ceased satisfying himself with me, as well as satisfying me. He was a great lover, as he was a man and coming father. He had become so manly, so responsible. He knew how to take, but also how to give, and he gave me all his tender love. We made eachother happy every night. At first I was afraid, but then both my desire and John's pleas made up my mind, making me dare make love to him when Tim was home and awake. We used to sneak into the bathroom or into the stable and make up, then returning like nothing had ever happened…

One of the most wonderful things we used to do when Tim was out with some friends, was to get undressed and take showers together. It was during these very educative lessons of anatomy that John learned everything there was to learn of the woman body. Here I would lie on my back while John was between my fully parted legs, playing with his fingers inside my pussy, sawing and stabbing my cave with them like it would be his wonderful penis. He could feel me up for hours that way if I wouldn't stop him, playing with his tongue on my slit, directing the hot water spray towards my exposed clitoris. Sometimes he would just stare at it, while opening up my vagina to his view by pulling it open with his fingers, looking inside it, like he wanted to get a glimpse of our growing child, deep inside my tummy. Peeking inside the place where he had once so lovingly planted his own very special seed, which had united with my awaiting egg, caugth, and started growing in all it's splendour. The same place where he had once been planted by his own father in the same loving and caring way.

Then it was my turn to give him my tender touches. With my fingers, lips and cosy warmth of my mouth I would drive him insane. I taught my lover how to control his climax, how to enjoy making love even more. He had learned to hold on for a very long time if he wanted to…and by doing this he would give me wonderful nocturnal pleasures as we lay in bed for hours making love…
