Fuller and Romero pulled into Valentine’s driveway at noon the next day. Valentine hobbled out of his house on crutches, his right foot covered in a green ski sock. He slid into the back seat of the FBI agents’ car, and laid his crutches on the floor.
“I hear you want to talk to some ladies of negotiable affection,” he said.
Fuller’s eyes danced in the mirror. He was driving, and wore a black sweater that showed off his physique. “Rumor has it you’re the expert.”
“You can’t work this town and not be one,” Valentine said. “Get onto Pacific Avenue and head north until you hit Harold’s House of Pancakes.”
“That the local hangout?” Fuller asked.
“There’s usually one or two girls hanging around.”
Fuller followed his instructions. Leaving Margate, he drove through the suburb of Marvin Gardens, entered Ventnor with its rows of majestic mansions that locals called slammers, and then came to the mean streets of Atlantic City. The scenery changed from spectacular to slum in the time it took to smoke a cigarette. A sign for Harold’s House of Pancakes loomed in the windshield. Valentine had Fuller pull into the lot.
“Hookers like to eat here,” Valentine said. “Manager has a special for them.”
They went in. The restaurant was paneled in knotty pine turned smeary from grill grease and smoke. Valentine canvassed the back of the room. In the corner sat a hooker hunched over a plate of rheumy eggs with hash browns that looked like wood shavings. Her eyes locked onto his.
“Looks like we’re in luck,” Valentine said.
Her name was Mona. Valentine had always thought it was a put-on, until he’d run her in, and the name had appeared on her rap sheet. “I popped out of my mother’s belly, doctor slapped my ass, I started moaning like a cat in heat,” she had explained, her wrist handcuffed to a chair as he finger-typed his report. “Name stuck.’”
Valentine had always liked her after that. Mona was heavy on the sarcasm, and he guessed she was trying to hide the real self, which was a strung-out, broken down women whose best days were past. She liked him, too, as much as any hooker could like a cop.
“Mind a little company?” Valentine asked.
Mona looked the three men over. “Pick up the check?”
Fuller agreed, and they sat down at her table. Mona’s right hand held a fork, her left a cigarette. She hacked violently in their faces. “I hear you got shot,” she said.
Valentine showed her where the bullet had gone through the palm of his hand.
“No more life line, huh?” she said.
The bullet’s scar had wiped away the life line on his hand.
“All gone,” he said.
“What’s with the crutches?”
“I fell down running after my wife.”
Mona laughed hoarsely while sizing up Romero and Fuller. “Who are these Toms?”
“Special Agent Fuller, Special Agent Romero, FBI.”
“You’re hanging out with fast company.”
“I’m helping them with a case.”
A waitress with a cigarette glued to her lip took their order. Coffee all the way around.
“What do you want from me?” Mona asked.
Romero removed an envelope from his jacket, took out head shots of the Dresser’s four victims, and slid them Mona’s way. She pushed her plate to the far end of the table, then spread the photographs in front of her and stared.
“These girls were working Resorts,” Valentine said. “Know any of them?”
Mona pointed a gnarly finger at one. “She kind of looks familiar. Haven’t seen her in a while.”
Romero removed the Dresser’s composite and showed it to her.
“How about him?” Valentine asked.
Mona studied the composite for a few moments. “Naw.” She looked up, and her eyes rested on Romero, as if trying to place him.
“Now you, I know,” she said.
Romero dabbed at his brow with a paper napkin. It was cold inside the restaurant, yet there was sweat pouring off him. Had he gone out for some fun, and done her?
“You must be mistaken,” the FBI agent said.
“Don’t get smart with me, federal agent man. I saw you the other morning in the Catholic church over on Atlantic. You were in the front pew, praying. You said good morning to me. Remember?”
She banged out a cigarette from her pack of Kools. Romero picked up her lighter and fumbled with it. Finally, he got her cigarette lit.
“Yes, I remember,” he said.
Mona inhaled deeply on her cigarette. “I pray for my sister. She’s dying of leukemia. Who you praying for?”
“A dead friend,” Romero said.
“That ain’t nothing to be ashamed off,” Mona told him.
Fuller and Romero had printed flyers with the Dresser’s composite along with a special 24-hour FBI hot line to call, and asked Mona if she would distribute them to other working girls on the island. Mona read the flyer and shook her head.
“This will never work,” she said.
“Why, what’s wrong with it?” Valentine asked.
“It says, ‘If you think you recognize this person, please call Special Agent Fuller or Special Agent Romero of the FBI at this number.” She snorted with laughter. “Come on. You really think a whore is gonna call the Hardy Boys?”
Valentine hid a smile. “Probably not.”
“Have them call you,” Mona said.
“Me?” Valentine said.
“Yeah. The whores trust you. Your word means something.”
Fuller turned sideways to looked at Valentine. “Do you mind if we do that?”
Valentine hesitated. He had enough on his plate, only he knew Mona was right. The hookers in the town would call him if they thought their lives were in danger.
“All right,” he said.
Romero got pens from the waiter, and he and Fuller crossed out the last line on each flyer, and substituted Valentine’s name and station house phone number. Mona took one of the flyers, and appraised it with a skilled eye.
“This will work,” she said.