Chapter 20

Two days after Christmas, Valentine tossed his crutches, and decided to go back to work. Hanging around the house was starting to feel like a prison sentence, and he found himself looking forward to returning to Resorts, and making some cheater’s life miserable.

But first, he had some business to take care of. Driving to the Margate mall, he found a jewelry store with a sign in the window that said Christmas sale, all items 30 % off. He had a female clerk help him pick out an appropriate gift, then had her wrap it. He drove to the Rainbow Arms apartment with the gift in his lap, and parked on the street.

The building’s elevator was on the blink, and he climbed the stairs to the top floor. He was puffing hard as he knocked on the door to Sampson’s apartment, and told himself he needed to start exercising again. In two years he’d turn forty. He’d never had to regularly exercise, but suddenly it seemed like a good idea.

He heard chains being drawn. The door opened, and ten-year-old Bernard stood before him, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt with the face of a toothless Leon Spinks, the former heavyweight champion of the world. He stared at the gift in Valentine’s hand.

“Thought you were coming by last week,” Bernard said accusingly.

Valentine had called and said he was coming by. Then he’d gotten beat up.

“I was out of commission,” Valentine said.

“What does that mean?”

“I got hurt. I called your grandfather from the hospital. Didn’t he tell you?”

“Hurt how?”

“Guy punched my lights out.”

“You get any licks in?”

“A couple.”

A smile spread across Bernard’s face. Yes, Valentine thought, his grandfather had told him. But Bernard wanted to hear him say it, and judge for himself if it was true. Valentine handed him the gift.

“Merry Christmas.”

They went down the shotgun hallway to the kitchen with the naked bulb danging from the ceiling. The grandfather sat at the table, the newspaper spread before him.

“I was getting worried about you,” Sampson said.

“I hurt my foot and couldn’t walk,” Valentine said. “It’s fine now.”

“Glad to hear it. Would you mind making some coffee? I’m dying for a cup.”

There was a cannister of ground coffee on the counter, and Valentine doled several teaspoons into the Mr. Coffee maker sitting beside it. He heard Bernard open his present, but did not turn around until he knew it was out of the box.

Bernard stared at the Timex watch. “This really for me?”

“Yes, it’s for you.”

“Let me see it,” his grandfather said.

Bernard held the watch a foot in front of his grandfather’s face and let him visually appraise it. “A fine looking time piece,” Sampson said. “Tell Mr Valentine thank you.”

“Thanks,” the boy said.

Bernard was good at keeping his feelings hidden, and Valentine didn’t realize until he’d put the watch on how much he liked it. Valentine had chosen a snappy-looking black leather wrist band, and it looked just right on him. Bernard knew it, too.

“Better hurry before you miss the school bus,” his grandfather said.

“Yeah,” Bernard said.

He was gone in a flash, the front door slamming behind him. Soon the coffee was ready. Valentine poured two mugs and brought them to the table. He held Sampson’s cup to his lips, and let the old man drink first. Then he took a sip from his own mug.

“I have some bad news,” Sampson said.

“What’s that?”

“I’m dying,” he said.

Sampson said he had less than a month to live. He spoke about it matter-of-factly, like you would the weather, and did not say what was killing him. So much of his dignity had been stripped away by his paralysis that Valentine did not feel it was right to ask him.

“I am not afraid of death,” Sampson said. “But I fear for the boy. There are few good influences around here.”

“What about his mother? Can’t she watch out for him?”

Sampson shook his head ruefully. “My daughter is not a good influence.”

“Is she here?”


Valentine drank his coffee in silence. He’d figured out that Bernard’s mother was a street walker, and had considered sitting her down, and reading the riot act to her. But he didn’t think it would do any good. She had a son to feed, and the old man.

“Perhaps you could do something,” Sampson suggested.

Valentine stared at the grains in the bottom of his mug. He knew what Sampson wanted: If he came around the apartment more often, perhaps he could exert a positive influence on Bernard.

“I’ll do what I can,” he said.

“Thank you.”

Valentine drove to work feeling rotten. Bernard had practically saved his life. That was worth something. But how much was it worth? He would come around and check up on him, but it wouldn’t be as much as the grandfather wanted.

He parked on the street, and entered Resorts’ casino from the Boardwalk entrance. The casino was packed, with customers standing five deep at every table, waiting to place a bet. Most of the customers looked like working Joes, gambling with their paychecks. Out in Las Vegas, the casinos depended upon wealthy gamblers, called whales, to make their nut. In Atlantic City, a whale was a sanitation worker with a hundred bucks to burn in his pocket. He felt a tug on his sleeve and stared into the face of a security guard.

“You’ve got a call,” the guard said, pointing at a house phone by the elevators.

“Thanks.” Valentine went and picked the phone up. “Valentine here.”

“I’m up in the catwalk,” Doyle said.

“What have you got?”

“A card-counter,” his partner replied.

Valentine took an elevator to the second floor, walked down a long, windowless hallway, and punched a code into the combination lock of a steel door. The door swung in, and he entered a dark, cavernous space.

“Over here,” Doyle said.

Valentine found his partner hanging over a metal railing, staring at the blackjack pit through a camera with a wide telephoto lens. Located in the ceiling above the casino, the catwalk let security personnel watch the games through two-way mirrors, and gave a feel for the action that surveillance cameras could not provide.

“Where is he?” Valentine asked.

“Table number 46, guy at third base,” Doyle replied.

Resorts had seventy-two blackjack tables. At any given time, a handful of card-counters were scattered around those tables. Card-counting altered the house edge by two percent. It didn’t sound like much, but if enough people did it, it could bankrupt a casino.

Counters were intense people, and often wore baseball caps to hide their faces from the eye-in-the-sky cameras. What gave them away was the way they bet. For hours, they would bet the table minimum. Then, the shoe would get rich in high-valued cards, and their bets would grow twenty times. Casinos called it bet fluctuation.

Doyle handed him the camera, and Valentine stared through its lens at the suspected counter. The guy fit right in with the other players: gold chains, white leisure suit, red silk shirt. A true polyester prince. What stuck out was his bronze skin when everyone else in the casino was pasty white. They’d been seeing a lot of counters from Las Vegas, and Valentine pegged this guy as one of them.

Handing the camera back, he walked to the end of the catwalk, found the phone, and called down to the floor. He spoke to a pit boss, then rejoined Doyle.

“Bill Higgins taught me this trick,” he said. “Watch.”

Down below, a pit boss approached table 46. A velvet rope hung behind the table. Reaching over the rope, the pit boss took his thumb, and drew an X on the card counter’s back. The counter scooped up his chips and left the table.

“What’s that called?” Doyle said.

“The brush,” Valentine replied. “They use it out in Vegas. It tells the card counter they’ve been spotted, and it’s time to leave.”

“I like it.”

They started to leave the catwalk. Something caught Doyle’s eye, and he pointed down at the cage. “What’s Mickey Wright think he’s doing?”

Valentine grasped the catwalk railing and looked down. Mickey was standing by the cage in his signature maroon jacket. He was talking to a customer, an Italian with a thick mane of slick-backed hair. The customer looked like a mobster, but so did half the guys inside the casino. As they watched, a cashier slid two racks of purple chips under the glass. Mickey signed for them, then presented the racks to the customer, who shook Mickey’s hand and sauntered off to the blackjack pit.

“How much money do you think that is?” Doyle asked.

Purples were worth a thousand dollars apiece.

“A hundred grand, easy,” Valentine said.

Doyle whistled through his teeth. “What do you think Mickey’s up to?”

Valentine had no idea. The casino occasionally offered lines of credit to high-rollers, letting them sign for chips they were legally responsible for paying back to the casino. If the high-roller didn’t pay, the state went after him.

The problem was, Mickey Wright didn’t have the authority to approve credit lines. And, he wasn’t supposed to be on the casino floor. Resort discouraged surveillance employees from entering the casino, and fraternizing with employees, or customers.

Maybe Mickey had slipped. Maybe the guy was from the old neighborhood, and Mickey had seen him on a camera, and run downstairs to say hello. Or, maybe something else was going on.

“Get a picture of this guy,” Valentine said. “We’d better find out who he is.”
