All song lyrics are original, with the exception of two stanzas from “Hares on the Mountain,” a traditional English ballad first printed in One Hundred English Folksongs: For Medium Voice, a landmark 1916 songbook edited by Cecil J. Sharp (1859–1924); one stanza of “Pretty Saro,” another traditional English ballad, first published in Alan Lomax’s North Carolina Booklet in 1911; and “Little Omie Wise,” which first appeared in The Greensboro Patriot (North Carolina) newspaper on April 29, 1874.

And of course, “Wrought Iron Fences” by Kate Campbell, from her 1997 album Moonpie Dreams, and used by her generous permission. She gets honorary Tufa status for that.

The painting The Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke by Richard Dadd is currently on display in the Tate Gallery in London. Its presence in the United States is entirely fictional.
