Chapter Two

A loose strand of hair flapped in front of her face until Tessa tucked it behind one ear. She stared at the approaching shoreline. She’d chosen to arrive via the ocean from Skagway over to Haines instead of driving the six hours from Whitehorse. Not only did it make the trip shorter, it gave her another glimpse of the spectacular house.

Even though the slow rise and fall of the water was muted on the ferry, she was hanging on to her stomach control by a thin thread. Motion sickness made it tough to linger on deck, but she wanted one more confirmation her idea was more than a wild fantasy.

She shoved a piece of gum into her mouth and chewed rapidly to distract herself. Nothing had been finalized, but she’d made a decision. She was determined to establish a B&B in Haines, somewhere. Her first choice of location was still first on the list. Hopefully dealing with this Mark Weaver fellow in person would help smooth the roadblocks she’d hit.

His email response to her offer to buy his house had been unexpected. It wasn’t an outright no, which was positive, but she hadn’t expected a maybe type answer. She knew better than to dismiss his counterproposal out of hand. The best business ideas usually went through a couple modifications before resolving into a working solution, so she’d packed her bags, taken the bulls by the horns, yada yada yada, and arranged a trip to settle the details one way or another.

The ferry rounded the point and the vista changed. Tessa grabbed the railing with both hands and leaned forward, eager to spot her target.

Here the northern portion of the Pacific Inside Passage opened into a wide bay, with the town of Haines spread over the center left section. The harbour sat as the base, houses and buildings rising in neat layers up the gentle mountainside. Traces of civilization poked through the trees lining the road as it meandered up the valley to the distant mountain pass. Drivers taking that route would eventually hit Haines Junction and the intersection that led back to Whitehorse or into the bulk of the Alaskan landmass.

Her goal sat farther to the east. The town continued to spread in a thin line along the narrow highway up to Chilkoot Lake, one of the destinations each fall for thousands of spawning salmon. The pretty river descending from the lake sparkled in the sunshine like a beacon. She glanced to the right of it, sighing as her target came into sight.

The enormous paddle wheeler sat crosswise to the waters of the bay. It should have looked out of place tucked into the trees, but it was as if the boat continued its journey up a river, the dense northern forest on either side passing slowly as the ship carried cargo and passengers toward various remote destinations.

Tessa rested her chin in her hands and grinned. There was a full deck circling the second story, just like she’d remembered. It would be perfect for making individual sitting areas for the cabins she would turn into high-class staterooms. The third story had a raised back section that would be her private living quarters, while the front contained the spectacular window-filled area that would be the feature room of the entire B&B.

She could picture it now—a long communal dining table on the right side, and easy chairs and cozy private seats gathered around the massive fireplace she would have built at the far end of the room.

There would be dorm and entertainment rooms on the lower levels, along with storage for all the outdoor play equipment people could want. Tessa caught herself bouncing on her heels as ideas flooded her brain.

This was going to be so awesome, she could hardly wait.

The paddle wheeler disappeared behind a bend in the coastline, and Tessa returned to her vehicle. Time to move forward with her plans, full steam ahead, and all that. She clicked her phone back on and flipped through messages as she waited for the ferry to dock and start unloading. Tony, Tony, parents, old boyfriend, another guy. Another. Her brother. Another recent date.

She erased all but the family messages without blinking. Guy friends were fun, but there was little use in keeping touch with any males back home. Haines was going to be her new hunting grounds, although she’d be careful not to use that terminology with anyone who didn’t know, and love, cat-shifter wit.

Keil Lynus. There was a name she’d been hoping to see. She put through a return call and waited, tapping her manicured fingers on the wheel as the tone sounded.

“Keil here.”

“Tessa Williams. We met back in July, I’m Keri Smith’s friend?”

He chuckled. “I remember. How have things been since you dry-docked yourself?”

Nice. The Alpha of the Granite Lake pack had a sense of humour. “Sold the private sailboat and abandoned my bucket-list plans to sail around the world solo.”

“Sounds like a good idea. What can I help you with?”

Tessa started her engine and followed the line of cars exiting the ferry. “Two things. One, you’re a wolf and all, and I’m a cat, but I thought it would be polite to let you know I’m moving into town.”

There was a short pause before he responded. “Not a problem. Granite Lake is fairly progressive. I’m pretty sure you won’t have any issues with pack bothering you. If anyone gives you grief, call me and I’ll deal with it.”

The low rumbly sound of his voice made shivers run up and down her spine. Gad, too bad the man was taken already. He was like this huge mass of sexy shifter, but she knew better than to mess with a mated wolf. She drew a solid black line through his name with her mental marker and got back to business. “I knew I could trust you. I told my brother that.”

“Is he moving here as well?”

Was that concern she heard? More than one feline entering the picture changed things? “Oh, no. Tony just thought me being the only cat around might cause concerns…or am I wrong? Is there a pride in Haines I don’t know about?”

Keil laughed. “I think Haines is too transient a community for a pride to settle in. We get the occasional puma, lynx or cougar staying for the summer season, but if you consider that many part-time jobs in the area involve water…”

“Ick.” He was right, that would be an issue for most cats. She turned down the road leading to the paddle wheeler and took her car up to just over the limit. “Okay, no pride. That’s fine, I make friends easily.”

“I’m sure you do.” Yes, he was amused now. Tessa ignored it. Wolves took themselves far too seriously at times. “Was there something else?”

On to the more important topics. “You run Maximum Exposure, right? Adventure trips, hikes, stuff like that?”

“I do. We don’t have anything lined up in the next couple weeks except a glacier trip, but if you’re interested—”

Tessa laughed and cut in as quickly as possible. “Wait, not for me. At least, not right now. I’m asking because I have a business proposition. I’m planning on setting up a B&B and want to offer excursions to the visitors. Instead of hiring my own guide and stealing bookings from you, is there a way for us to work together?”

He didn’t answer immediately, but when he did the touch of an adult humouring a child had vanished. “That’s very thoughtful of you to offer. I’d need to sit down with you in a more formal setting to find out what you’re considering, but it could be a great help for both of us.”

Gotcha. One of her biggest concerns and she could already see it being settled. “My father always says not to reinvent the wheel. Maximum Exposure has a sterling reputation. I would love to meet with you at your convenience.”

“I’ll check my calendar. Is there an address I can email you at? I’ll send along a list of information I’ll need to know.”

She gave him her contacts, slowing to stare at the house that was now across the road from her. “I doubt I’ll be ready until the spring, so there’s no huge rush, but I look forward to hearing from you.”

Keil hung up and Tessa concentrated on finding a place to park her car. Another item to add to her to-do list. Parking for the B&B—because right now there was only space for two cars, and she was really, really close to the bumper of the vehicle in front of her.

She slipped out and eagerly looked over her surroundings.

* * *

Mark jotted down a few more numbers, the table he’d commandeered littered with notes. When the eco-developer showed up tomorrow, he’d be prepared to wow them with the plan. So ready, they couldn’t ignore the beauty of the proposal.

Oh Lordy, let them see how brilliant this idea could be. While the alternative was setting up a handyman service, working at home would be better for so many reasons.

A long, low whistle sounded from the front of the room. Mark glanced up to see his grandfather staring out the window, both hands pressed against the glass as he peered intently.

“What’s up, Gramps?”

“There’s someone on your bumper. Another lost tourist, I bet. I’ll go give them directions.” Grandpa Josiah dragged his hands through his hair before patting down his shirt. He shuffled toward the stairwell.

That was too weird. Mark rose from his chair and paced across to the old man’s side. “What do you mean you’ll go give directions? Isn’t this when you suggest I go downstairs and… Holy cow.”

Okay, now he knew why his grampa was willing to tackle the stairs. The most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen stood beside his car, her long blonde hair waving in the slight breeze. She wore a brilliant blue sweater that emphasized every curve, fitted pants that highlighted the swells of her hips when she turned toward the water.

He would have pressed his face against the glass for a better look, but his grampa was there. Instead, Mark pretended nonchalance. “You’re right, must be a lost tourist. I’ll take care of her.”

“See if she wants to stay until supper. I like company.” Gramps had returned to the window.

“I thought you said you were going back to the pack house to eat.”

Gramps grinned. “If she’s staying, so am I.”

Mark laughed. “Casanova. You be nice, old man.”

His grampa waved a hand briefly. “Ah, you know I’m kidding. Nothing like a bit of lovely scenery to brighten a man’s day, though. Go on, help the greenhorn.”

Mark took the stairs by twos, puffing slightly by the time he’d reached the bottom level and the main entrance to the unusual house. He paused for a moment and peeked in the mirror beside the door, tidying his hair. Because, well, even if all he was doing was providing directions, no use in scaring her off.

He slipped outside, the freshness of the fall rushing around him.

Home. The only home he’d ever known. The northern seasons were familiar and well loved, including winter. The upcoming cold days and long nights didn’t scare him. Not if he knew his Gramps was happy, and there was food on the table.

He was a simple man with simple needs, really.

It took a moment to spot his mystery woman. She wasn’t where he’d expected. For some reason she’d crawled on top of her car hood and was up on her tiptoes examining his house.

Mark had never had a peeping tom like this one. He stepped across the lawn space. “Hello. Can I help you?”

She landed on her heels, her brilliant smile dazzling him. Bright green eyes snapped to meet his and somewhere deep inside his wolf rumbled awake.

“Are you Mark Weaver?”

“I am.”

She clasped her hands together and bounced, literally, setting the entire car into motion. “Awesome. I’m Tessa, and I’m so glad to meet you.”

Tessa. The name didn’t register, but he automatically accepted her outstretched hand intent on helping her down off the hood.

Only instinct kept him vertical as she jumped lightly and landed beside him. The rest of him was a bundle of unplanned reactions, his wolf lurching to the surface and damn near howling in delight. The wind caught her hair again, ruffling it around her face. The breeze also brought her scent to him, and his mouth watered.

His body grew tight with need. His legs quivered.


Mark jerked to attention. Tessa stood in front of him, her fingers caught in his, their bodies nearly touching. Sometime in the past ten seconds, he’d lowered his head toward her neck and taken a good long sniff.

It was like shooting a bottle of moonshine except the hangover kick arrived simultaneously with the pleasure buzz.

“Mark, if you don’t mind, I need my hand back.” She grasped him around the wrist and tugged herself free from his clasp.

Embarrassed and yet excited at the same time, Mark let her go and forced himself to stand in place rather than crowd forward. There had to be a protocol he wasn’t aware of that explained how you were supposed to react upon meeting your mate for the first time.

Mate. Yeah, his once-and-forever, fated-and-soon-to-be-mated woman. Once he found out a few minor details, like who she was, they could get down to the important stuff. Like him carrying her inside, finding a bed.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and batted her lashes, and his heart raced. Patience, Mark. Patience…

“Tessa. What brings you to Haines?”

“I’m here—”

He meant to give her time to answer. Meant to ask her in. Meant to do all sorts of things, actually, but what he did was lose control. He closed the distance between them, cupped his hand around the back of her neck and dragged them together so he could kiss her.

Whatever she planned on telling him was lost as his lips covered hers.

The taste of her? Ambrosia. The feel of her against his body? He’d died and gone to heaven. She nestled in tighter and her breasts rubbed his chest. His wolf nudged him harder, and he was powerless to resist the command, tangling their tongues until air became a dire need.

But the idea of stopping was unthinkable.

His wolf wanted more. Forget making it into the house and a bedroom, the beast wanted him to pick her up and wrap her legs around his waist. Lean her back over the car hood and take her right there. Strip her down and wallow in her scent and sex it up until they were both too sated to move.

Mark’s human side figured most of that was dandy as well. He was far enough gone in lust that even the sex-in-public bit didn’t sound like too bad of an idea.

Two cool hands cupped his burning-hot cheeks as Tessa managed to disengage their lips and wiggle away until her face returned to view. She was smiling, but confusion clouded her pretty eyes. “Hi. I think we should start this again. I’m Tessa Williams. I sent you a proposal to buy your house.”

Shock was a good mood killer. Icy-cold restraint returned. “You’re T. Williams?”

She wiggled out of his clutches and straightened her sweater. “I am. It’s a beautiful place. We’ll need to make a few changes though, but if you don’t mind me looking around, I’m sure we’ll be able to come to an agreement.”

Mark pulled his mouth shut. This was the person who wanted to purchase his home? “You’re not supposed to be here until tomorrow.”

“I was too eager to see the place to hang out in Whitehorse overnight. We can wait until the scheduled time for the meeting if that’s better for you.” Tessa pulled out a small mirror and lipstick, and touched up her lips with a fiery red colour he was tempted to lean over and lick off. He battled his wolf into submission. Stubborn beast didn’t want to talk. Wanted to take.

Mark got the sentiment, but… “We can discuss the house in a minute. First…”

His wolf poked him again, and this time he wasn’t too distracted by lust to get the message. He took another breath, running his gaze over her entire body. Analyzing the way she stood, the way she’d moved.

Tessa crossed her arms in front of her, which only framed those flawless breasts a little more. “Yes?”

“I’m a wolf.”

She nodded slowly. “I figured that out about two seconds after we met. And this is important…why?”

“You’re a cat.”

A cute pout appeared on her succulent lips. “You have issues with that?”

Mark shook his head even as he wondered how in the world this was going to work out. “You’re perfect.”

Light laughter escaped her. “Thank you, but I’m not sure what brought that on.”

Good grief. If she’d been a wolf, he wouldn’t need to have this conversation. They would have met and known they were the one for each other. As it was, his wolf continued to do the lupine equivalent of pacing, and it was a pretty damn uncomfortable sensation.

There must be more logical ways to approach this, but his logic meter had gone out of whack at the first sniff. The words blurted from him like homing missiles.

“My wolf says you’re my mate.”

Tessa’s eyes widened. “Oh, really?”

He nodded. “That’s why I kind of attacked you back there. The kiss and all.”

“Okay, I wondered about that.” Tessa glanced him over then shrugged. “Well, that’s interesting. So, do you want to meet regarding my proposal now, or tomorrow?”

Confusion swirled with need, making his brain foggy. “That’s interesting? That’s all you’ve got to say about me telling you we’re mates?”

She raised a brow. “No, your wolf said we’re mates. My cat says you’re kinda cute, but we don’t do mates like you guys. We’re not into the insta-just-add-water thing.”

He was going to fall over. “You’re saying you don’t want to be my mate?”

“Are you saying you love me?” she snapped back. “As in, you know all about me. What my hopes and dreams are. What makes me smile and what makes me cry, and you want to spend the rest of our lives together because I complete you?”

Mark stuttered to a stop. “Well, no. But that will come. It always does, for wolves.”

Tessa stepped closer and laid her hand on his arm. “But I’m not a wolf. I want to be in love before I mate anyone. That’s important to me. We make a choice, our humans and our animal sides. I’m not trying to be cruel, but I’m sorry. We’re not mates. Not yet.”
