Chapter Four

Tessa lowered her fork to the table and sighed contentedly. “That was delicious. Thank you.”

Across from her Mark nodded, reaching for her plate. “Thirds?”

Tempting. Very tempting. Mark had managed to whip up a seafood lasagna in the matter of an hour while she’d explored the paddle wheeler inside and out. But even a good thing could be too much. “I can’t eat another bite without exploding. Let me help with the dishes.”

Gramps waved at them from his position at the head of the table. “You two go do your talking. I’m going to earn my keep and be chore boy tonight.”

“Thanks, Gramps.” Mark carried the dirty plates to the counter for him then nodded toward the office. “We do need to make a few decisions.”

Tessa followed him, pleased to see the comfortable relationship between the two of them. “Your grampa is a lovely man.”

Mark pulled out a chair for her. “He’s stubborn, bossy and impulsive. I figured you’d like him.”

She laughed. “Oh, you’re learning about me that quickly, are you?”

The heat in his eyes was enough to raise the temperature in the room by several degrees. “I have a very good reason to want to know everything about you.”

Well now. Tessa worked hard to stop from fidgeting in her chair, the heat between her legs somewhat unexpected, but nice to experience. He was turning her on without touching her. Interesting revelation.

Professional concerns first. “I know we have another issue to deal with, but can we step back and discuss the business side of things first?”

Mark nodded. “No problem. It’s simpler now than it would have been. You want to buy the house—correct?”

“Yes, for the B&B and to offer eco-tours.”

“I can’t sell. Not unless you want to build an entire new building on this site.”

What? “I want the paddle wheeler as the base. It’s what makes the setting so spectacular.”

“I agree. You’ve got a great idea, and I think it’s going to work out well. Fact is, though, I literally can’t sell you the place. The paddle wheeler is grandfathered—as long as the title remains with my family, it can stay. Once ownership passes to a new family, the boat has to be torn down, and any new buildings need to meet the building specs for the area.”

Tessa’s heart fell. “Oh no. You didn’t mention that in your letter.”

He smiled. “Stop looking so glum. That’s what I said would happen. To avoid that option, I had proposed we go into business together. I remain owner of the house, you rent from me, together we run the place.”

The idea had merit. But wait. “You said ‘had’. Are you proposing something else?”

Mark turned toward her, lifting her hand in his. “You said you need me to go slower. That you won’t accept we’re mates right here and right now. I hate the idea, but fine, I see your point. In the meantime there’s no reason we have to slow down on other plans.”

Tessa stared at their linked hands. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her knuckles, the caress making lovely little hormones come to life and her body tingle. “What other plans?”

“Do you think there’s a reason why we won’t be mates eventually? I can’t think of any. So I’m going to go ahead with that assumption and follow it to its logical conclusion. This is now your home. We can work together to make the B&B a reality. I’m a great builder and caretaker—all the renovations we need to do I’ll complete over the winter.”

The tingling edge of excitement was more from his touch than from his suggestion. “Not a business deal?”

“We’ll write it up legally, of course. That’s best for us in the long run anyway. I’ll put up the paddle wheeler as my contribution to our partnership. You put up the money for the face-lift.”

She was catching his vision. “Partners. I like the sound of that.”

Only there were still some kinks to be worked out.

Mark stroked her arm, his touch making goose bumps rise. “It’s a good way to begin our life together.”

“Smooth talker.” Tessa squirmed. Fine, she might have shut down the mate, mate, mate thingy, but that didn’t mean the contact between them wasn’t turning her on. “Couple questions. I had planned… Oh boy. Stop that.”

Mark looked up from where he’d switched from petting her arm to stroking her leg. “Stop what?”

“That. You’re touching me.” Not that she minded, but…

“Sorry.” He pulled his hands back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Not touching you is going to take some work on my part. I don’t want to stop. Now, what did you have in mind?”

Tessa swallowed hard. He was doing something weird to her hormones. “I had planned on living in the house while renovations were going on.”

He nodded. “Of course you’ll live here. You’ve seen the upstairs is livable. If you draw up plans for what you want done on the other levels, I can get to work on them this week.”

“I’ll live here? You’re okay with that?”

Mark’s eyes flashed dark. “I wouldn’t dream of you living anywhere else.”

Suspicion snuck in. “And where are you going to live?”

“Here. With you.”

That’s what she’d figured. “Where, exactly, do you think I’m going to sleep?”

“With me.”

Tessa sighed. “What part of ‘not mates’ do you not understand?”

Mark growled at her. A low, rumbly noise that made her inner cat sit up and preen. “You go around kissing everyone out of the blue the first time you meet them?”

What? “Oh, outside.” Tessa shrugged. “I thought it was some kind of Alaskan greeting ritual.”

He leaned in closer. “You like sex, right?”

Her cat answered faster than the human side. She was straddling his lap, licking the side of his neck in two seconds flat. Hmmm, salty and delicious. She could go for—

Mark dragged his hands down her back until he could hang on to her hips, his grip nearly wrapping around her. “You won’t be kissing anyone else like that anymore. You want to go slow with the forever part of this—I’ll give you that. But unless you want to be celibate for the next however long it takes for us to fall in love…?”

Oh dear. Tessa pulled back and gazed into his eyes. “I’m not some kind of hussy who can’t control myself.”

“I didn’t think you were. But you’re a cat. You’re a shifter. When you need some satisfaction on the physical side, look no further than me. Consider me your own personal cat nip.”

He used her hips to pull her higher, and her core slipped over the very solid ridge in his jeans. “Oh, my.”

His voice dropped a notch. “I won’t bite you until you say I can. But I will be there for you. Here at the B&B. While you explore your new home town…”

“Will you take me to visit the pack?” That would be the ultimate in acceptance, or so she’d heard.

He never even paused. “…when we meet the pack. I’ll be there for you everywhere, including in bed.”

His pupils dilated as she watched. An eerie but cool sensation snuck over her. It seemed her trip to the north had become more complicated than she’d imagined.

* * *

Soft, sweet-smelling woman in his lap, a plan in place for the future. While he hated that she’d said no to being mates right now, Mark couldn’t fault her for anything else.

Only if they didn’t move, he was going to have a tough time not acting on his wolf’s urgings and stripping her down and taking her right there in his office.

A loud bark rang from the doorway, and they both turned to face his Gramps, who had shifted to his wolf and now paced around the chair they occupied.

Tessa stiffened. “Oops?”

“Don’t worry. He’s a wolf. He knows what’s going on. Well, most of it.” Mark leaned over and waved. “You heading back to the lodge?”

His Gramps dipped his chin, yipped a couple times. His final howl echoed off the walls as he headed out the door and left them alone.

“He said it was great meeting you, and he hopes to see you soon.” Mark refrained from interpreting the rest of the old man’s comments to Tessa. She didn’t need to know what else his grandfather had suggested.

Then again, she was a shifter. She probably knew.

Tessa leaned away until her arms were fully stretched out. “So. Now what?”

“Now we get you settled.” Mark couldn’t wait to have her things in his place. Their scents mixing together, as well as a visible sign of them as a couple. “After that you can tell me what you’ve got in mind for the other floors, and I’ll do some preliminary drafts so we can get started on renovations.”

She tilted her head. “You are a most interesting person. Does nothing faze you? I mean, I tossed a lot at you today, and yet you seem so calm and relaxed. How do you do that?”

“Good genes.”

Tessa smiled. “I’d noticed that as well.”

She leaned in and brushed her lips against his cheek before crawling off his lap and tugging him upward. “I think your plan is awesome. And thank you. I’d far prefer to live here than at some hotel. We can have all kinds of fun together as we work on the project.”

Fun. Oh goody. “Sounds great.” He forced out the words. Really? Fun?


She took off down the stairs like she was jet propelled. Mark followed more leisurely. If she was happy running at high RPM, who was he to try to change her?

Although, when he opened the front door and discovered she’d already returned with an armload of luggage, he wondered. “How do you move so fast?”

She sparkled at him. “Good genes, I guess.”

Mark snorted. “You want everything inside?”

Tessa nodded. “You sure I should put my things in your bedroom? I could…clean up one of the rooms on—”

A snarl escaped without warning, and her cat eyes blinked rapidly as she stepped away.

Drat. “So much for my calm. Tessa, don’t push the wolf, okay? Not now. Yes, my bedroom. Even suggesting anything else pisses him off.”

“Sure. I can do that.”

Poof. She was gone again. Up the stairs with only the swirl of her scent lingering on the air to torment him.

Mark went for another load, wondering how long it would take for his dual personalities of shifter/human to have a major breakdown.

He unloaded everything, carrying it into the main entrance before locking up and taking the first stack all the way upstairs. Rounding the corner into his bedroom, his heart was already racing at the idea of finding her in there. His mate, part of his future…as soon as he discovered more about her.

She wasn’t there.

Neither was she in the bathroom or the living room or the kitchen. He’d just about given up when a flash of blonde hair drew his attention to the balcony.

She sat on the railing, happily kicking her feet as she stared over the ocean.

His heart rate tripled. Mark opened the outside door cautiously, making sure he didn’t spook her. It was a long, long way down if she fell.

“Tessa?” He spoke softly. “What are you doing?”

She twisted her head to flash him a brilliant smile. “Sunset colours are so pretty tonight. Come…” She patted the spot next to her. “Watch with me.”

He strolled over, leaned on the railing and casually slipped his arm around her waist to make sure he had her anchored. Only then did he start to breathe again. “Very pretty sunsets from here.”

“We’ll set up drinks and snacks in the evening for the B&B guests. They can sit here and talk about how wonderful their day was, and then new people will want to go on the same trips, and it’ll work in a circle. More happy visitors coming all the time.”

She leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed contentedly.

“I think this is the first time since we met you haven’t been moving at a breakneck pace,” Mark pointed out. The sensation of her in his arms was so right. He dragged in breath after breath of her scent in an attempt to satisfy his need.

A yawn escaped, and she stretched, teetering precariously toward the wrong side of the railing. “Sunsets do that to me. Soporific effect? Is that right?”

He stepped behind her and caught hold of her tighter. “If that means you’re ready to curl up in front of the fire, I’m good with it.”

“I like fires.” Her voice slipped into lower, sleepy tones that tickled along his spine and promised slumbering kitty within minutes.

Then she sent him into near panic mode as she twirled in his grasp, her arms around his neck the only thing stopping her from tumbling to the ground many feet below them.

Mark held in the swear words that wanted to escape, instead lifting her over the railing until he could settle her more comfortably in his arms. He moved to a safer position, heading toward the house before he glanced down at her face.

Her eyes were closed, her long eyelashes resting against her cheeks. Her mouth pulled into a slight pucker, and a tiny sound escaped her lips. She snuggled up to his chest, breathing rhythmically.

She’d already fallen asleep.

Mark carried her to his bed, depositing her on the mattress before stepping back to debate what came next.

Stripping her down seemed…dirty. If she’d been awake, he could have asked her what she wanted, but there was a line he refused to cross now that she’d drawn it in the sand.

Instead, he pulled off her shoes, put them on the floor in the closet. She’d hung up a bunch of her things, and he smiled at the sight.

When he turned back to the bed, it was to discover she’d nestled into the covers, curled up and purring.

Seriously purring.

Mark sat on the edge of the mattress next to her, and stared. Rosy colour in her cheeks, one hand lying comfortably beside her head, the other stretched out toward where he intended to crawl in later.

To a human it might have seemed strange—that she’d said no to mating with him and yet was snuggled into his bed. Made sense to him, though. There was a huge difference between sex for fun and sex as mates and plain old cuddling. He wasn’t as sure about cats, but wolves were pack animals. Being with others satisfied something deep inside.

So far, so good. As long as he could keep them moving in the proper direction.

They’d discussed many ideas for the B&B, but she’d never promised to stay forever. Until she did, he wouldn’t be able to calm down, even though she’d admired his supposed placid exterior. Inside he was a bundle of concerns, wanting more. Needing more. One step at a time, he had to convince her they belonged together.

The sound rising from her increased—that cute little cross between a snore and a purr, and Mark smiled.

There was another thing he could add to the list of things he knew about his mate. She had two speeds: full and off. He grabbed a light quilt from the cupboard and covered her up for the night.
