Despite its reach and influence, there is a mystery surrounding nature’s great organisational force; although it is an all-pervasive influence, it is in fact an incredibly weak force – by far the weakest force in the Universe. It is so weak that we overcome it every day in the most mundane of actions. Lift up a teacup and you are resisting the force of gravity exerted on the cup by an entire planet – Earth is trying to stop you, but it is no match for the power of your arm. The reason for this weakness is not known, and the puzzle is brought into stark relief by considering what happens when you lift up the cup. The force that operates your muscles and holds the atoms of your body together is electromagnetism. It is a million million million million million million times stronger than gravity, which is why you will always win in a battle against Earth. Even so, we have evolved to live on the surface of a planet with a particular gravitational field strength, and evolution doesn’t produce animals with muscles and skeletons that are stronger than they need to be. Biology rarely wastes precious resources! To demonstrate this, someone at the BBC thought that it would be amusing to see how a human body – mine – would respond if it were transported to a more massive planet.
The centrifuge at the Royal Netherlands Air Force physiology department was one of the first devices built to spin humans around at speed. Its purpose is to subject fighter pilots to the high G-forces they experience in combat, both for research and to teach them not to black out. As we have discussed, acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity, and spinning around is a good way to achieve high accelerations in a small space. In the case of the human centrifuge, the acceleration is directed towards the centre of the spinning arm, and is caused by the force (known as centripetal force) that acts on your body through the seat to keep you flying in a circle.
My first destination was the gas giant Neptune. Just over seventeen times more massive than Earth, you might expect that the force of gravity would be seventeen times stronger at its surface. However, Neptune’s radius is 3.89 times that of Earth at its Equator, so by using Newton’s law of gravitation, you’ll find that the surface gravity on Neptune is only around 14 per cent greater than Earth’s (written as 1.14G). Even with such a small change, I could feel a difference as I lifted up my arms, because they were 14 per cent heavier than normal.
Next up was Jupiter, which is 318 times more massive than Earth. With an equatorial radius 11.2 times greater, the surface gravity would be just over 2.5 times that of our planet. At 2.5G, my arms were 2.5 times heavier than normal, which made them difficult to lift. Apart from this, though, I wasn’t in too much discomfort. This all changed when my director decided to send me to exoplanet OGLE2 TR L9b in the constellation of Carina. Over four times the mass of Jupiter, but with a radius only 50 per cent bigger, OGLE2 TR L9b has a surface gravity four times that of Earth. At 4G, things got quite uncomfortable. I could still speak, but I couldn’t lift my arms. It was also quite difficult to breathe because my ribcage and everything else in my body was four times its normal weight, and my muscles aren’t used to working that hard.
It may look like a diabolical machine designed to assassinate James Bond and test his escapolgy skills, but this centrifuge at Cologne, Germany, is used to prepare astronauts and fighter pilots for very high G-forces.
© Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS
We then decided to journey beyond OGLE and see how far I could go. As the G-force increased, things got uncomfortable. After a minute or so at 5G, the blood begins to drain from the head, because the heart finds it difficult to pump it up into the brain. This causes faintness and is accompanied by a slight but noticeable narrowing of vision. I had had enough just below 6G, when I was told that my face had been contorted into a funny enough shape to be amusing to the viewers. My job was done. Slowing down was probably more unpleasant than the high-G bit, because the senses are so confused that you feel as if you are tumbling forwards. Gus Grissom described this sensation in the post-flight report of the second manned Mercury mission on Liberty Bell 7, noting that when the main engines shut down after launch, reducing the G-force rapidly, he had to glance at his instruments to reassure himself that his spacecraft was not tumbling.
After my ride I chatted with an F16 pilot who had been subjected to a very fast acceleration and deceleration to 9G. (NATO requires all fighter pilots to be able to deal with this violent ride without passing out.) He told me the centrifuge is far worse than anything you feel in a fighter jet, and having flown in a Lightning and a Hunter, I concur. It’s the sustained nature of the G-force in the centrifuge that makes you feel odd; our bodies have not evolved to cope with the weak force of gravity at strengths much greater than those on Earth.
The body with the highest surface gravitational force in the Solar System is the Sun; with a mass 333,000 times that of our planet, it has a surface gravity over 28 times more powerful. The centrifuge cannot go that fast, because this would be a completely unsurvivable G-load.
To find still stronger gravitational fields we have to travel beyond our solar system and look for objects more exotic than mere stars. Our next stop is on one of the strangest worlds in the Universe – one once thought to be populated by aliens
This mosaic image, taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, shows the Crab Nebula, an expanding remnant of a star’s supernova explosion. Chinese astronomers recorded this violent event in July 1054, and so too did the people of the Chaco Canyon in New Mexico.