Abramovich, Roman
Achalov, Vladislav
Afanas’ev, Viktor
Afanas’ev, Yurii
Against the Grain. See Confession on an Assigned Theme
Ageyev, Gelii
Agrarian Party
agricultural collectivization
Yeltsin’s critique of
Akayev, Askar
Akchurin, Renat
Aksënenko, Nikolai
Albright, Madeline
Alekperov, Vagit
Aleksii II (Orthodox patriarch)
on Yeltsin as believer
Alma-Ata accord
Amiel, Barbara
Andreas, Dwayne
Andropov, Yurii
and planned transfer of Yeltsin to Moscow
Arbatov, Georgii
attempted reform of
disarray of
impeachment charge over
arrears. See nonpayments
Atatürk, Kemal
Avakov, A. V.
Ayatskov, Dmitrii
Badge of Honor
Bakatin, Vadim
Baker, James A.
Baklanov, Oleg
Barannikov, Viktor
Barsukov, Mikhail
Basayev, Shamil
Bashilov, Sergei
Bashkortostan (Bashkiriya)
Basilashvili, Oleg
Batalin, Yurii
Baturin, Yurii
Bayev, Vyacheslav
Belarus (Belorussia)
proposed union of Russia with
Belovezh’e Forest accord
impeachment charge over
renounced by State Duma
Belyakov, Yurii
Belyakovka River
Berezniki Potash Combine
Yeltsin family in
Yeltsin family’s move to
Berezovskii, Boris
exile of
and 1996 election campaign
political influence of
Berlin, Yeltsin drinking incident in
Berlin, Isaiah
Bezrukov, Sergei
Bichukov, Anatolii
biography, neglect of in Russia
Black Tuesday
Bobykin, Leonid
Bocharov Ruchei. See Sochi
Bocharov, Mikhail
Bogdanov, Vladimir
Bogomyakov, Gennadii
Boiko, Maksim
Boldin, Valerii
Boldyrev, Yurii
Bolshevism, Yeltsinism compared with
Bonner, Yelena
Bordyuzha, Nikolai
Boris Yeltsin (Korzhakov)
Boris Yeltsin: The Man Who Broke Through the Wall
Boriska. See Kukly
Borodin, Pavel
alleged corruption of
and renovation of Kremlin
Bortsov, Valerii
Boutros Ghali, Boutros
Brakov, Yevgenii
Brezhnev, Leonid
approval of Yeltsin as Sverdlovsk leader
constitution of
cronies of
and demotion of Ryabov
personality cult of
and Sverdlovsk
Brodskii, Igor
Bryntsalov, Vladimir
Burbulis, Gennadii
electoral activities of
and institutional changes
and shock therapy
on Yeltsin as arbitrator
on Yeltsin and KGB
Yeltsin’s relationship with
on Yeltsin as savior figure
Burlakov, Matvei
Burns, James MacGregor
Burtin, Yurii
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
early doubts about Yeltsin
negotiations with Yeltsin
revised assessment of Yeltsin
Bush, George W.
retirement of Yeltsin’s parents and grandparents to
Caro, Robert
Castro, Fidel
Cathedral of Christ the Savior
Center for Presidential Priorities
Center for Study of Public Opinion. See VTsIOM
Central Bank of Russia
Central Clinical Hospital. See TsKB
Central Committee
Bureau for RSFSR Affairs
dissolution of
delegates to USSR Congress of People’s Deputies chosen by
plenums of
Secretariat of Yeltsin in
Yeltsin as member of unanimity disregarded by
Yeltsin secret speech to (1987)
Chazov, Yevgenii
Chebrikov, Viktor
Chechevatov, Viktor
Chechnya See also terrorism
first war in media criticism of
impeachment charge over
independence declaration of
peace negotiations over
second war in
Chekhov, Anton
Chelnokov, Nikolai
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chernomyrdin, Viktor
attempted comeback of
and Chechnya
as continuer of Gaidar reforms
dismissal of
and Gazprom
as juggler of people and interests
and Korzhakov
and 1996 election campaign
and 1993 election campaign
and Our Home Is Russia
and Russian Congress of People’s Deputies
on Yeltsin as guarantor of reform
on Yeltsin’s aloofness
and Yeltsin’s heart surgery
Yeltsin’s relationship with
Chernyayev, Anatolii
on sources of Yeltsin’s appeal
on Yeltsin’s exit from the CPSU
on Yeltsin secret speech
Chirac, Jacques
Christopher, Warren
Chub, Vladimir
Chubais, Anatolii
as chief of staff
in government of young reformers
as privatizer
and Svyazinvest dispute
and Yeltsin’s campaign for re-election
on Yeltsin’s historical role
Chudakov, Aleksandr
Chudakova, Marietta
Church of Beheading of John the Baptist
Church of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Churchill, Winston
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
civil-military relations See also army; Chechnya; coup d’état
Clark, Wesley
Clinton, Bill
and allegations of corruption in Yeltsin administration
on inadequate U.S. aid to Russia
and negotiations over Balkans
and re-election of Yeltsin
tardiness of
and Yeltsin’s drinking
on Yeltsin as Irish poet
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Cohen, Stephen F.
collectivization. See agricultural collectivization
Communist Party of Russian Federation. See KPRF
Communist Party of Soviet Union See also Central Committee; Politburo; Russian Communist Party
apparatus of
congresses and conferences of
dissolution of
Soviet presidency as alternative to
Confession on an Assigned Theme (Yeltsin)
on activity as Communist Party secretary
on construction career
on early life
on family background
on secret speech and aftermath
writing and publication of
Constituent Assembly
constitutional conflict of 1992–93
parliament shelled
Yeltsin constitution adopted
Constitutional Court
on Yeltsin decrees about Communist Party
on ineligibility of Yeltsin for third term
under Yeltsin
Council of Europe
Council of Ministers
coup d’état (1991)
anniversary of
Crimean Tatars
Danilov, I. V.
Davydov, Oleg
de Gaulle, Charles
DeBakey, Michael E.
Defense Council
democratic centralism
Democratic Russia
Yeltsin’s criticism of
Deng Xiaoping
Denisyuk, Lidiya
Deripaska, Oleg
Dikun, Yelena
Dmitriyeva, Oksana
Dneprov, Eduard
Dole, Robert
Dolgikh, Vladimir
Dostoevsky, Fëdor
DSK. See Sverdlovsk House-Building Combine
Dubinin, Sergei
Dudayev, Djokhar
Dukakis, Michael
Dyachenko, Gleb
Dyachenko, Leonid
Dyachenko, Tatyana (daughter of BNYe)
and Berezovskii
childhood of
and 1996 election campaign
political influence of
on Ryabov
in Yeltsin household
on Yeltsin’s perfectionism
and Yumashev
Dybskii, Kirill
Dzerzhinsky, Felix
Eisenhower, Dwight
Erikson, Erik
Gandhi’s Truth
Esalen Foundation
European Parliament
European Union
Failed Crusade (Cohen)
“Family” group
Fatherland–All Russia Bloc
Federalist Papers
Federation Council
Federative Treaty
Fedotov, Mikhail
Fefelov, Aleksei
Filatov, Sergei
and presidential party
on Yeltsin’s aloofness
Financial Times
Five Hundred Days Program
compared with shock therapy
Fourth Chief Directorate of Soviet Ministry of Health
Fridman, Mikhail
Friedman, Milton
FSB (Federal Security Service)
FSK (Federal Counterintelligence Service)
Furmanov, Boris
Fëdorov, Boris
as finance minister
on Yeltsin’s style
Fëdorov, Nikolai
Fëdorov, Svyatoslav
Gaidar, Yegor
as acting prime minister
electoral activities of
and shock therapy
on Yeltsin as Il’ya Muromets
on Yeltsin’s disappointment with Putin
on Yeltsin’s style
Gandhi’s Truth (Erikson)
Garrison, James
Gavrilov, Ivan
Gavrilov, Prokofii
Gerashchenko, Viktor
Girin, Iosif
Girina, Mariya
Girina, Naina. See Yeltsina, Naina
GKChP (Public Committee for the State of Emergency)
GKOs (State Short-Term Obligations)
Glazunov, Il’ya
Glière, Reinhold
Glinka, Mikhail
Glinski, Dmitri
Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms
Gmelin, Johann
Golembiovskii, Igor
Golovacheva, Valentina. See Yeltsina, Valentina
Golushko, Nikolai
Gomzikov, Yakov
Gomzikova, Mariya. See Yeltsina, Mariya
Gopkalo, Pantelei
Gorbachev Foundation
Gorbachev, Mikhail
activities after December 1991
appreciation of Yeltsin’s acumen
and death of Yeltsin
early life compared with Yeltsin
incredulity at Yeltsin’s success
and 1991 coup
slowness to break with communist system
style compared with Yeltsin
Life and Reforms
underestimation of Yeltsin
on Yeltsin as confrontational
on Yeltsin as power seeker
Yeltsin’s relationship with (pre–April 1985)
Yeltsin’s relationship with (1985–87) secret speech and aftermathpassim
Yeltsin’s relationship with (1988–91) and dissolution of Soviet Union
Gorbachev, Sergei
Gorbacheva, Raisa
Gore, Al
gorkom (city party committee)
Gorky, Maxim
Gorky. See Nizhnii Novgorod
Goryun, Andrei
Gosplan (State Planning Committee)
Gosstroi (State Construction Committee)
Yeltsin as first deputy chairman of
Grachëv, Pavel
as drinking companion of Yeltsin
and 1993 attack on Supreme Soviet
Graham, Billy
Great Patriotic War. See World War II
Grigor’ev, Anatolii
Grishin, Viktor
replaced by Yeltsin as Moscow Communist Party leader
Yeltsin attack on clients and policies of
Gromyko, Andrei
Grushko, Viktor
Gukova, Yuliya
Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn)
Guldimann, Tim
Guseletov, Aleksei
Gusinskii, Vladimir
conflict with Putin
and 1996 election campaign
and Svyazinvest dispute
Guvzhin, Anatolii
Hashimoto, Ryutaro
Havel, Václav
Hayek, Friedrich von
Hendrickson, Paul
Higher Komsomol School
Hoffman, David
Hook, Sidney
Hospital No. 2 (Sverdlovsk)
Hungary, Russian relations
Il’in, Aleksandr
Il’yushenko, Aleksei
Ilyukhin, Viktor
Ilyumzhinov, Kirsan
Ilyushin, Viktor
and letter to Yeltsin on drinking
and 1996 meeting with oligarchs
against postponement of 1996 presidential election
as senior assistant
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
impeachment. See under Russian Congress of People’s Deputies; State Duma
under Yeltsin
International Herald Tribune
Interregional Deputies Group
members not promoted under Yeltsin
weakness of
Yeltsin in leadership of
Ioganson, Boris
Ipat’ev House
Isakov, Vladimir
Iset River
Ishayev, Viktor
Ivan the Terrible
Ivanov, Tereshka
Jackson, Michael
Jiang Zemin
John Paul II (pope)
Johnson, Lyndon
Kabakov, Ivan
Kadannikov, Vladimir
Kadochnikov, Sergei
Kaganovich, Lazar
Kalinin Machinery Works
Kama River
Kantemirov Tank Division
Kapitonov, Ivan
Kapustyan, Ivan
Karabasov, Yurii
Karamzin, Nikolai
Karl Gustav, King
Katyn massacre
Kavarga, Dmitrii
Kazakov, Matvei
Yeltsin family in
Yeltsin visits to
Kazan State University
Kazannik, Aleksei
Kaëta, Grigorii
Keller, Bill
KGB (Committee on State Security)
and 1991 coup
Ninth Directorate of
Putin and
reluctance of Yeltsin to abolish
surveillance of Yeltsin by
in Sverdlovsk
Khairullin, Vilen
Kharin, Gennadii
Khasavyurt accord
Khasbulatov, Ruslan
and Chechnya conflict
and constitutional conflict of 1992–93
and shock therapy
Khazanov, Gennadii
Khizha, Georgii
Khodorkovskii, Mikhail
arrest and imprisonment of
Khonina, Antonina
Khristenko, Viktor
Khrushchev, Nikita
eases membership in Communist Party
exiles opponents
housing program of
lived at Gorki-9
secret speech of
Kirilenko, Andrei
Kiriyenko, Sergei
as prime minister
on Yeltsin’s contempt for bureaucracy
Kiselëv, Boris
Klyuchevskii, Vasilii
Kochur, Anatolii
Kohl, Hannelore
Kohl, Helmut
Kolbin, Gennadii
Kolchak, Aleksandr
kolkhoz (collective farm)
kompromat (compromising material)
Yeltsin as member of
Yeltsin’s critique of
Konoplëv, Boris
Konstantinova, Natal’ya
Korabel’shchikov, Anatolii
Kornai, Janos
Kornilov, Yurii
Korovin, Yevgenii
Korzhakov, Aleksandr
Boris Yeltsin
clique around
dismissal of
on Dyachenko and Berezovskii
influence of
and Kukly
and 1996 election campaign
and plan to subdue parliamentary deputies (1993)
and Yeltsin’s athletic activities
and Yeltsin’s depressions
and Yeltsin’s drinking
and Yeltsin as driver allegation of fatal car accident
Yeltsin’s friendship with
and Yeltsin’s health
on Yeltsin as provincial
Kostikov, Vyacheslav
on Yeltsin’s personality and style
Kostomarov, Nikolai
Kotkin, Stephen
Kovalëv, Sergei
Kozhukhov, Yurii
Kozyrev, Andrei
KPRF (Communist Party of Russian Federation) See also Zyuganov, Gennadii
and attempted impeachment of Yeltsin (1999)
and death of Yeltsin
and internment of Nicholas II
and Lenin Mausoleum
in parliamentary elections
proposed ban on
Krasnov, Mikhail
Kravchuk, Leonid
Alexander Nevsky Hall
Catherine’s Hall
Palace of Congresses
Red Staircase
restoration of
St. Andrei’s Hall
St. George’s Hall
Yeltsin’s first glimpse of
Yeltsin’s offices in
Kryuchkov, Nikolai
Kudrinskii, Sergei
kulaks. See also dekulakization
Kursk submarine, sinking of
Kvashnin, Anatolii
la Repubblica
Lakhova, Yekaterina
Lantseva, Valentina
LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia)
Lebed, Aleksandr
and Chechnya
dismissal of
and 1996 election campaign
Lebedev, Nikolai
Ledeneva, Alena
Leikin, Mikhail
Lenin, Vladimir
mausoleum of
office and statues of
policies of
Yeltsin compared with
Yeltsin’s views of
Leningrad affair
Leningrad. See St. Petersburg
Lermontov, Mikhail
Leskov, Nikolai
Levada, Yurii
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. See LDPR
Lieven, Anatol
Life and Reforms (Gorbachev)
Ligachëv, Yegor
conflict with Yeltsin
in post-Soviet politics
and promotion of Yeltsin to Moscow positions
and Yeltsin secret speech
Lisovskii, Sergei
Literaturnaya gazeta
Litvin, Aleksei
Livshits, Aleksandr
Lobov, Oleg
in Sverdlovsk
on victory in first Chechnya war
on Yeltsin’s competitiveness
on Yeltsin’s impatience with Soviet system
Lopukhin, Vladimir
Lower Depths (Gorky)
Lower Iset Construction Directorate
Ludwig, Arnold M.
Lugar, Richard
Luk’yanin, Valentin
Luk’yanov, Anatolii
Lukashenko, Aleksandr
Lukin, Vladimir
Luther, Martin
Luzhkov, Yurii
influence ratings of
Yeltsin’s relationship with
Major, John
Makarevich, Andrei
Malashenko, Igor
in 1996 presidential election
Malenkov, Georgii
Malkin, Vitalii
Malkina, Tatyana
Malyshev, Nikolai
Manyakin, Sergei
Manyukhin, Viktor
Maskhadov, Aslan
Maslyukov, Yurii
Matlock, Jack
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Mazurov, Nikolai
MDG. See Interregional Deputies Group
Medvedev, Pavel
Medvedev, Sergei
Medvedev, Vadim
Mekhrentsev, Anatolii
Memorial Society
Merkushkin, Nikolai
Mesyats, Gennadii
Mezentsev, Vladimir
Midnight Diaries. See Presidential Marathon
Military Compound No
military-industrial complex
Milošević, Slobodan
Milton, John
MishMash Project
Mitchell, George
Mittérrand, François
Moiseyev, Mikhail
Molchanov, Sergei
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Molotov. See Perm city and province
Morozov, Valerian
Morshchakov, Fëdor
Moskovskaya pravda
exposés of elite privilege in
anti-Yeltsin letters in
Murashov, Arkadii
Muromets, Il’ya
Muzykantskii, Aleksandr
MVD (Ministry of Interior)
Nadezhdinsk. See Serov
Nazarbayev, Nursultan
neformaly (informal organizations)
Nemtsov, Boris
in Chechnya with Yeltsin
in government of young reformers
and myth of Yeltsin as tsar
on oligarchs
as possible successor to Yeltsin
Nevsky, Alexander, painting of
New Economic Policy
New Russians
New York Times
Nezavisimaya gazeta
ratings of politicians in
on 1996 election campaign
Nicholas II
execution of him and royal family
internment of
Nikolayev, A. A.
Nikolayev, Andrei
Nikolayev, Konstantin
Nikolin, Viktor
Nikonov, Nikolai
Nit, Igor
Nixon, Richard
Nizhnii Novgorod
Yeltsin visits to
Nizhnii Tagil
political elite of
Nizovtseva, Alla
NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Interior)
nomenklatura (Communist Party elite)
Norilsk Nickel
Notes of a President (Yeltsin)
on family background and early life
on political actors and events
writing and publication of
on Yeltsin’s personality and views
Novodevichii Cemetery
Nunn, Sam
Nurnberg, Andrew
obkom (oblast party committee)
Obolenskii, Aleksandr
OGPU (Combined State Political Directorate)
oil and gas industry
decontrol of prices in
politics of
privatization of
Yeltsin’s role under Soviets
Okulov, V. L.
Okulov, Valerii
Okulova, Yelena (daughter of BNYe)
in Moscow
Ol’kov, Yakov
Old Believers
Old Square
and 1996 election campaign
Putin’s attack on
Ondar, Kongar-ool
Order for Services to Fatherland
Order of Lenin
Order of Red Banner of Labor
Girin family in
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Osin, Yevgenii
Oslon, Aleksandr
Oster, Grigorii
Ostrovsky, Alexander
Otletayev, Maksim
Our Home Is Russia
Pacolli, Behgjet
Pain, Emil
Pal’m, Viktor
Panov, Dmitrii
Panskov, Vladimir
Parkhomenko, Sergei
Pavlov, Valentin
perestroika (restructuring)
Perm city and province
Peter I (Aleksei Tolstoy)
Peter the Great
Yeltsin compared with
Yeltsin’s admiration for
Petrov, Vasilii
Petrov, Yurii
in Sverdlovsk
as Yeltsin’s chief of staff
Petrova, Nina
Petrova, Yelizaveta
Pickering, Thomas
Pikhoya, Lyudmila
Pikhoya, Rudol’f
Poland, Russian relations with
Polevanov, Vladimir
decisions of
and promotions of Yeltsin
Yeltsin as candidate member of
and Yeltsin-Gorbachev conflict
and Yeltsin as threat to stability
Polozkov, Ivan
Poltoranin, Mikhail
fabricated version of Yeltsin secret speech
and Yeltsin’s conflict with Ligachëv
Poluzadov, Yurii
Ponomarëv, Leonid
Ponomarëv, Lev
Popov, Gavriil
and eradication of KGB
and seating of Yeltsin in Supreme Soviet
and Yeltsin as reform leader
and Yeltsin’s role in Interregional Deputies Group
against Yeltsin as USSR president
Poptsov, Oleg
on Yeltsin’s mutinous tendencies
on Yeltsin’s political arrhythmia
Potanin, Vladimir
Powers, Francis Gary
reduced coverage of Yeltsin
reports on removal of Yeltsin from Moscow Communist Party position
Presidential Business Directorate
Presidential Club
Presidential Commission for Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression
Presidential Council
Presidential Executive Office
Presidential Marathon (Yeltsin)
on political actors and events
writing and publication of
on Yeltsin’s personality and views
Presidential Regiment
Presidential Security Service
Primakov, Yevgenii
as prime minister
on Yeltsin and Chechnya
Prisekin, Sergei
initiation of
resistance to
Yeltsin on mistakes made in
Prokof ’ev, Yurii
Promyslov, Vladimir
Protopopov, Vladimir
Prusak, Mikhail
Ptushko, Aleksandr
Public Committee for State of Emergency. See GKChP
Public Opinion Foundation
Pugachëv, Yemel’yan
Pulikovskii, Konstantin
Pushkin School (Berezniki)
Pushkin, Alexander
Putin, Vladimir
and death of Yeltsin
policies of
and reputation of Yeltsin
Yeltsin’s relationship with after retirement
Quayle, Dan
Raikhel’gauz, Iosif
Railway School No. 95 (Berezniki)
Rasputin, Grigorii
Razin, Stenka
Razumov, Yevgenii
Razumovskii, Georgii
Reagan, Ronald
red directors
Red Square
proposed reconstruction of
Reddaway, Peter
Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms
Reed, John
on confidence in Yeltsin (1993)
on constitution (1993)
1996 election as
on retention of USSR and Russian presidency (1991)
Yeltsin’s support of
Remnick, David
Repin, Il’ya
Reynolds, Albert
Rice, Condoleezza
Rodionov, Igor
Rogitskii, Stanislav
Romanovs. See Nicholas II
Roosevelt, Franklin
Rossel, Eduard
Rossiiskaya gazeta
Rostropovich, Mstislav
RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)
renamed Russian Federation, or Russia
Russian nationalist sentiment in elite of
sovereignty declaration of
status within Soviet Union
RTS (Russian Trading System) index
Russia’s Choice
Russian Communist Party (1990–91)
Russian Congress of People’s Deputies
attempted impeachment of Yeltsin by
and constitutional conflict of 1992–93
dissolution of
opposition to Yeltsin reforms of
Yeltsin selected as chairman of
Russian émigrés
Russian national anthem
Russian Orthodox Church
Russian Supreme Soviet
and constitutional conflict of 1992–93
Rutskoi installed as acting president by
Yeltsin’s humiliation of Gorbachev at meeting of
Russkii telegraf
Rutskoi, Aleksandr
and Chechnya
and constitutional conflict of 1992–93, 259, 273–79 passim
generosity of
as Kursk governor
and position of presidential chief of staff
profanity of
punctuality of
and shock therapy
as Yeltsin’s running mate
Ryabov, Yakov
criticisms of Yeltsin
demotion of
as patron of Yeltsin
and Yeltsin’s ambition to leave Sverdlovsk
Ryazanov, El’dar
Rybkin, Ivan
Rykov, Aleksei
Ryurikov, Dmitrii
Ryzhkov, Nikolai
on danger of dissolution of Soviet Union
in 1991 presidential election
opposed to promotion of Yeltsin
in post-Soviet politics
and Yeltsin secret speech
Ryzhov, Yurii
Saikin, Valerii
in Yeltsin’s Moscow kitchen cabinet
and Yeltsin secret speech
Sakharov, Andrei
assessment of Yeltsin
Salii, Aleksandr
Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail
Samson Agonistes (Milton)
Samsonov, Viktor
Sanders, Jonathan
Satarov, Georgii
and formation of presidential party
and 1996 election campaign
and project on Russian national idea
Savel’ëva (lecturer)
Sawyer, Diane
School No. 9 (Sverdlovsk)
Scowcroft, Brent
Secondary School No. 1 (Berezniki). See Pushkin School
Security Council
Berezovskii in
and first Chechnya war
Lebed in
Seleznëv, Gennadii
Semenchenko, Valerii
Sergeyev, Igor
Sevast’yanov, Vitalii
Shaimiyev, Mintimer
Shakhnazarov, Georgii
Shakhnovskii, Vasilii
Shakhrai, Sergei
and dissolution of Soviet Union
electoral activities of
Shakkum, Martin
Shalayev, Stepan
Shaposhnikov, Yevgenii
Shapovalenko, Vladislav
Shatalin, Stanislav
Sheinis, Viktor
Shenderovich, Viktor
Shevardnadze, Eduard
Shevchenko, Vladimir
Shmelëv, Nikolai
shock therapy
consequences of
recovery from
shock worker
Shuiskaya Chupa
Shumeiko, Vladimir
Shushkevich, Stanislav
Sikorsky, Igor
Silayev, Ivan
and 1991 coup
Simonov, Pavel
Simpson, John
Sitnikov, Nikolai
Sklyarov, Yurii
Skokov, Yurii
Skuratov, Yurii
Smolenskii, Aleksandr
Sobchak, Anatolii
Yeltsin decisions on reforms taken at
Sokolov, Ivan
Sokolov, Maksim
Solana, Javier
Solomentsev, Mikhail
Solov’ëv, Sergei
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Soros, George
Soskovets, Oleg
as ally of Korzhakov
dismissal of
and 1996 election campaign
as possible successor to Yeltsin
sovkhoz (state farm)
St. Petersburg
Yeltsin visits to
Yeltsin library to be built in
Stalin, Joseph
death of
demolition and defacement of landmarks by
personality cult of
policies of
proposed monument to victims of
purges and terror of
Yeltsin compared with
Yeltsin’s views of
Stankevich, Sergei
and State Council
on Yeltsin’s historical role
Starovoitova, Galina
Starygin, Vasilii (maternal grandfather of BNYe)
self-reliance of
Starygina, Afanasiya (maternal grandmother of BNYe)
Starygina, Klavdiya. See Yeltsina, Klavdiya
State Council
of Russia
State Duma
elections to
impeachment debate in
no-confidence motions by
Yeltsin compromises with
Stepashin, Sergei
as prime minister
on Yeltsin’s final say in second term
Strauss, Robert S.
Stroganov mines
Stroyev, Yegor
Struggle for Russia. See Notes of a President
SU-13 (Construction Directorate No. 13)
Sudakov, Gurii
Sukhanov, Lev
and 1989 visit of Yeltsin to United States
on Yeltsin’s disillusionment with communism
and Yeltsin remarks at Higher Komsomol School
Suslov, Mikhail
Sverdlov Hall. See Kremlin, Catherine’s Hall
Sverdlov, Yakov
Sverdlovsk city and province
anthrax outbreak in
development of
dissent in
Sverdlovsk diaspora
Sverdlovsk House-Building Combine
Sverdlovsk Youth Palace
Sylvenets, Ivashka
Talbott, Strobe
Taman Motorized Rifle Division
Tank No
Tarpishchev, Shamil
Tatars See also
Crimean Tatars
Tatarstan (Tatariya)
autonomy movement in
bilateral treaty with
Tatishchev, Vasilii
Tavasiyev, Rostan
Temporary Extraordinary Commission for Strengthening Tax and Budgetary Discipline
Thatcher, Margaret
Tikhonov, Nikolai
Time Machine
Timofeyevich, Yermak
Titov, Konstantin
Titov, Vladimir
Tolstoy, Aleksei
Tolstoy, Leo
Ton, Konstantin
Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms (Reddaway and Glinski)
Tret’yakov, Vitalii
on basis of Yeltsin’s popularity
on 1996 election campaign
on political weakening of Yeltsin
Troublemaker Kolkhoz
Yeltsin as
Tsipko, Aleksandr
TsKB (Central Clinical Hospital)
Tumanov, Vladimir
Tupolev, Andrei
Ukhtomskii, Konstantin
Crimea, claims to
separatism as impediment to survival of Soviet Union
Ul’yanova, Olga
union treaty
United Nations
United States Congress
Unity Bloc
UPI (Urals Polytechnic Institute)
faculty in Yeltsin administration
Yeltsin’s classmates from
Yeltsin’s studies at
Upper Iset Works
Ural magazine
Ural’skii rabochii
Urals State University
Urals Wagon Works
development of
ethos of
peasants in
speech mannerisms of
terror in
USSR Congress of People’s Deputies
USSR Supreme Soviet
Yeltsin in
Ustinov, Dmitrii
Ustinov, Mikhail
Vakhrushev, Vasilii
Varennikov, Valentin
Vinogradov, Vladimir
Vlasov, Aleksandr
Vlasov, Yurii
Vol’skii, Arkadii
Volkogonov, Dmitrii
Volkov, Vladimir
Voloshin, Aleksandr
Volzhskii Utës
Vorob’ëv, Andrei
Vorontsov, Nikolai
Vorotnikov, Vitalii
and 1989 election campaign
and 1990 election campaign
and RSFSR sovereignty resolution
and Yeltsin secret speech
Voshchanov, Pavel
VTsIOM (Center for Study of Public Opinion)
Vyakhirev, Rem
Wałesa, Lech
Wallenberg, Raoul
War Communism
Washington Post
Wellington, Duke of
Wolfensohn, James D.
World Bank
World Economic Forum
World War II
deportations during
hunger during
nostalgia for
patriotism during
Yabloko Party
Yaiva River
Yakovlev, Aleksandr
advice to make Yeltsin Soviet vice president
and reluctance of Yeltsin to abolish KGB
on Yeltsin’s contradictions
and Yeltsin secret speech
Yakovlev, Yegor
Yakunin, Gleb
Yanayev, Gennadii
Yandarbiyev, Zelimkhan
Yarov, Yurii
Yasin, Yevgenii
Yastrzhembskii, Sergei
Yavlinskii, Grigorii
and Five Hundred Days Program
in 1996 presidential election
Yazov, Dmitrii
Yegorov, Nikolai
Yekaterinburg. See Sverdlovsk
Yeliseyev, Aleksei
Yeltsin Epoch (collective memoir by aides)
Yeltsin Foundation
Yeltsin, Andrian (uncle of BNYe)
Yeltsin, Boris Andrianovich (cousin of BNYe)
Yeltsin, Boris, Jr. (grandson of BNYe)
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich
admission to Communist Party of Soviet Union
aloofness of
athletic activities of; hunting; swimming; tennis; volleyball
Barvikha-4 residence of; commute from; icons at; locked in steambath of; as retirement home
birth of
childhood of; female influence on; pranks during
christening of
construction career of
and crimes of Stalin period
death of
dress code of
drinking of; early moderation in; increase in; late curtailment of
education of
family life of; in Moscow
fondness for Urals
German studied by
Gorki-10 dacha of
Gorki-9 residence of and morality of occupying it
health of; in first presidential term; in 1996 election campaign; in second presidential term; in retirement
historical contribution of
impatience of
intuitive style of; and Gorbachev program; as opposition figure; and Putinand radical reforms
literary tastes of
marriage of
medals and awards of
mood swings of; before and after secret speech; as president
Moscow residences of: Second Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street Krylatskoye
musical tastes of
on cryptic forces in history
personal scripts ofduty rebellion success survival testing
property of
punctuality of
reading of
religious views of
retirement years of
Russian identity of
self-reliance of as social and political approach
seventy-fifth birthday of
as social democrat
sport as model for
steambath, love of
suicidal impulses of
television, ambivalence toward
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, as Communist Party leader in Sverdlovsk (1968–85)
advancement into leading positions
compliant activism of
dominance of
as enforcer of communist orthodoxy
evolving worldview of
housing and perquisites of
and overcentralization of Soviet system
relations with mass of population
as spokesman for province
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, as Communist Party leader in Moscow (1985–87). See also under Gorbachev, Mikhail
appointment as Central Committee official
appointment as Moscow first secretary
conflict with Ligachëv
personnel and policy shakeup by frustration at resistance to
political liberalization promoted by
populism of
radical rhetoric of
resignation letter to Gorbachev
secret speech to Central Committee disgraced and purged afterward
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, as opposition political leader (1988–91). See also under Gorbachev, Mikhail
alleged fatal car accident
and decentralization of Russia
and democratic movement
disillusionment with communism
and dissolution of Soviet Union
elected president of Russia
embarrassing incidents around
exit from Communist Party
first visit to United States
in Gosstroi
and 1991 coup; speech on tank
at Nineteenth CPSU Conference
and Russian rights
physical and mental recovery of
program for de-monopolization
Russian Congress of People’s Deputies: elected to chosen chairman of
USSR Congress of People’s Deputies: elected to parliamentarian in
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, as president of Russia (1991–99). See also Chechnya
and constitutional conflict of 1992–93
dismissal of Chernomyrdin
economic reforms of
external resistances to radical change
foreign policy of
foreign travels of
governance by
heart surgery of
improvisations by
internal resistances to radical change
and mass media
models of leadership
1996 campaign for re-election of
and oligarchs
political weakening of
populism repudiated by
refusal to create a political party
resignation of
and search for national idea
search for successor
and stabilization of federal system
symbolic decisions of
and young reformers
Yeltsin, Dmitrii (uncle of BNYe)
Yeltsin, Ignatii (paternal grandfather of BNYe) passim
Yeltsin, Ivan (soldier)
Yeltsin, Ivan (uncle of BNYe)
Yeltsin, Mikhail (brother of BNYe)
Yeltsin, Nikolai (father of BNYe) passim
arrest and incarceration of
Yeltsin’s relationship with
Yeltsin, Savva (great-great grandfather of BNYe)
Yeltsin, Sergei (ancestor of BNYe)
Yeltsin, spellings of the name
Yeltsin, Yekim (great-grandfather of BNYe)
Yeltsina, Anna (paternal grandmother of BNYe) passim
Yeltsina, Klavdiya (mother of BNYe) passim
death of
Yeltsin’s relationship with
Yeltsina, Mariya (aunt of BNYe)
Yeltsina, Naina (wife of BNYe)
in Communist Party
and death of Yeltsin
and dissident literature
and Gorbachev
and Korzhakov
marriage of
and 1996 election campaign
and renovation of Kremlin
religious views of
and Yeltsin’s drinking
and Yeltsin family life: in Sverdlovsk in Moscow
on Yeltsin and multiparty system
on Yeltsin secret speech and aftermath
on Yeltsin’s restlessness
and Yeltsin’s retirement
Yeltsina, Tatyana. See Dyachenko, Tatyana
Yeltsina, Valentina (sister of BNYe)
Yeltsina, Yelena. See Okulova, Yelena
Yerin, Viktor
Yerina, Margarita
Yesenin, Sergei
Yevstaf’ev, Arkadii
Yevtushenko, Yevgenii
Young Pioneers
Youzhny, Mikhail
Yumashev, Valentin
as chief of staff
and “Family” group
as ghostwriter of Yeltsin memoirs
and 1996 election campaign
and Yeltsin’s retirement speech
as Yeltsin son-in-law
Yumasheva, Polina
Yumasheva, Tatyana. See Dyachenko, Tatyana
Zadornov, Mikhail M. (economist)
Zadornov, Mikhail N. (comedian)
Zaidel, Robert
Zaikov, Lev
Zakharov, Mark
Zalesov, Mikhail
Zanin, Vasilii
Zav’yalov, Nikolai
Zavgayev, Doku
Zavidiya, Andrei
Zemskov, A. I.
Zhdanov, Vladimir
Zhirinovskii, Vladimir
in 1991 presidential election
in 1996 presidential election
ZIL Works
Zor’kin, Valerii
Zubov, Valerii
Zucconi, Vittorio
Zverev, Sergei
Zyryanka River
Zyuganov, Gennadii
in 1996 presidential election passim