
The ticket change went smoothly. I slept through most of the flight, dreaming that I was in Coney Island with my brother, Danny, and Danny’s brother, Nick, my best friend. We were eating Nathan’s hot dogs. I woke up wondering why I hadn’t had Jerry drive me there before we left.

I was walking through McCarran when I felt a heavy hand come down on my shoulder. It was a very familiar pressure.

“Hey, Mr. G.,” Jerry said.

“Where did you come from?”

“Seven rows behind you.”

“No, I mean-”

“I know what ya mean, Mr. G.,” Jerry said. “I figured you could use some help on this one.”

“On which one?”

“Yer missin’ friend,” he said, “not to mention Marilyn Monroe.”

“How the hell did I miss you on the plane?” I asked. The question was more for me than him.

“You never looked,” he said. “And you slept most of the way. Come on, Mr. G. Did ya leave your car here?”

“No,” I said, “we’ll have to take a cab.”

He gave me a look I’ve seen on lots of puppies over the years.

“You ain’t sorry ta see me, are ya?”

“No, Jerry,” I said. “I’m not sorry to see you. Come on, we’re goin’ to the Sands first to get you a room.”

“We ain’t stayin’ at your house?”

“Naw,” I said, “I could never match your hospitality. This time, I’m gettin’ you a suite!”

We arrived at the Sands and I got Jerry situated in a suite. I told him I didn’t need him because I was going to see Jack Entratter, so he figured he’d just take a shower and enjoy the place.

“Order room service,” I suggested.

“Really? What can I get?”


After I left him I wondered if I’d just opened a can of worms I’d never be able to close.

“Welcome back, Eddie,” Entratter said, as I entered his office. “How was the-I mean, how did it go?”

“It went,” I said. “Listen, Jack, I may have to leave again. If I do it’ll be quick.”

“Where to this time?”


“This have to do with that favor for Dean?”

I nodded. It was actually Danny, but that name didn’t carry the same weight.

“Okay, Eddie,” he said, “just keep me informed.”

“Will do, Jack.”

I started to leave, then stopped.

“Jack, are the guys still in town?”

“Dean is,” he said. “Sammy had to leave, and Frank went to Palm Springs. He’s still havin’ that construction done.”

“Dean in the same suite?”

“Yeah. You wanna go see ‘im?”

“Yeah, right now.”

“I’ll call ‘im and set it up,” Entratter said. “Just go on up.”

“Thanks, Jack.”

Dean opened the door. “Hey, pally, how are ya?”

“I’m okay, Dean,” I said, entering the room.

“The funeral?” He closed the door and turned to face me. He was dressed casually, cream-colored slacks and a yellow pullover short-sleeved shirt with a collar. Cream-colored loafers matched the pants.

“Over with,” I said. “I’m not here to talk about that, though.”

“Okay,” he said. “Drink?”

“Where’s Mack?”

“Didn’t make the trip this time,” Dean said. “I can get you a drink myself, though.”

“Too early,” I said.

He walked to the bar, where a glass filled with a clear liquid and ice sat. I knew from past experience it was soda water.

“I appreciate you stayin’ over, Dean.”

“I told you I wouldn’t leave ‘til you got back,” he said. “Gave me time to get some golf in. What’s on your mind now?”

“Marilyn thinks she’s being followed,” I said. “What do you think?”

“What I always think,” he said. “She’s a frightened, confused child in a woman’s body.”

“Well, maybe she’s right, this time,” I said.

“How do you mean?”

“Can I use your phone?”

“Sure, go ahead. It’s your hotel. Make it long distance if you want.”

“No, that’s okay,” I said. “Local is good.”

I dialed the number of Danny’s office and waited for Penny to pick up. I let it ring a dozen times, but there was no answer.

“Okay,” I said, hanging up, “now I’m really worried.”

“What’s goin’ on, buddy?”

“My friend, Danny, followed Marilyn to L.A. to make sure she was safe,” I said, “and now he’s missing.”

“How do you know that?”

“His secretary called me in New York, said she hadn’t heard from him, and couldn’t get ahold of him. Now I just called his office, and she didn’t answer.”

“So you think she’s missing?”

“Maybe she’s out to lunch,” I said, “but I’ve got to go and find out. After that, I’m pretty sure I’ll be goin’ to L.A. Look, Dean, I know you’ve got things to do. I don’t expect you to hang around here.”

“I’m gonna leave tomorrow, as a matter of fact,” he said, “but I’m gonna give you my home number, and my manager’s number. Keep me informed, all right? And let me know if I can do anything.”

“Will do,” I said, shaking his hand. “Thanks, Dean.”

“No, thank you,” he said, walking me to the door. “You’re only involved in this because I asked you.”

“Well, now I’m involved because I’m concerned about Marilyn,” I said, “and my friends.”

I left to go and get Jerry. It looked like I might be needing him after all.
