

1. Бороздин. В. И опять мы в небе. М.: Молодая гвардия, 1990.

2. Тейлор М., Мандей Д. Книга Гиннеса об авиации. Мн.: БелАДИ/«Беларусь», 1997.

3. Цихош Э. Сверхзвуковые самолеты. М.: Мир, 1983.

4. Barlay S. The Final Call. Pantheon Books, New York, 1990.

5. Edwards A. Flights into Oblivion. Paladwr Press, 1993.

6. Allen O.E. The Airline Builders. Time-Life Books Inc., 1981.

7. Gesell L.E. Aviation and the Law. Coast Aire Publications, 1992.

8. Oster O. Jr, Strong J., Zorn K. Why Airplane Crash. Oxford University Press, New York, 1992.

9. Kane R. Air Transportation. Kendall/Hunt Publishers, 1990.

10. Mellberg W. Famous Airliners. Plymouth Press, Michigan, 1995.

11. Captain “X” and Dodson R. Unfriendly Skies. Doubleday, 1989.

12. Stewart S. Air Disasters. Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1994.

13. The Air Traveler’s Handbook. St. Martin Press, New York, 1989.

14. Chant C. Encyclopedia of World Aircraft. Mallard Press, 1990.

15. Great Aircraft of the World. Chartwell Books, Inc., 1992.

16. Johnston D. Lockerbie. The Tragedy of Flight 103. St. Martin Press, New York, 1989.

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