turns, shocking those who cannot comprehend the outcome. If the mother is suicidal, she may take her little ones with her into death, despite their cries. In her mind, if she wishes death then they must too, as they are she and she is them -

the maternal bond gone awry.

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ZetaTalk: JonBenet Ramsey

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ZetaTalk: JonBenet Ramsey

Note: written on Aug 15, 2001

The reports about the sexual molestation and subsequent murder of a child do not seem to die not because it is unusual

or has great impact on world events, but because it is so obvious who committed the crime and there is a fascination that the parents are forever being let off the hook. The child showed physical evidence of being repeatedly molested.

How could an intruder accomplish that? The ransom note was in the mother’s handwriting. Why would she write such

a note, unless as part of a cover-up? The house was under a security system that would prevent an intruder, and no

such activity was noticed by the neighbors. The child was in a competitive position with the mother, dressed up to look

like a woman, complete with red lipstick, and entered into beauty contests. This was done by the mother herself, to

make the child an extension of herself, but not done without resentment toward the child and the opportunities

stretching out before such a young beauty.

What happens in cases where the children in a family are sexually molested, repeatedly, and the mother is supposedly

ignorant? The mother is not ignorant, but is a participant! She is prissy, has been asked to perform acts that disgust or disturb her, or is trying to hold onto her own sexual response, repressing this, so wants to avoid contact. It is not

uncommon for the mother to have been raised in a strict religious environment that threatened punishment of any

sexual thoughts or actions, so complete sexual repression was the goal. When the father begins to molest the children,

who are most often too young to resist or understand their options, there is a conflicting set of emotions in the mother.

She is relieved, because she now is let off the hook, but at the same time she is horrified. Horrific circumstances can

result in denial, especially in a guilty party. The mother understands her role, and though in pain prefers to pretend the molestation did not occur, or occurred only because the child incited it and thus deserved it.

The Ramsy case is cycled in the news media, especially in the scandal rags, because it sells. It sells because the reader is wondering how long it is going to take before the obviously guilty parents are brought to justice. They are wealthy, bought and intimidated the local police into cooperation by their contributions to causes in the area or threats of legal action, as they could afford lawyers aplenty during any challenge. The local police, having failed to press when the

evidence was hot, are likewise now in a conflict situation. They deny any wrongdoing, vehemently, thus preventing

prosecution. The parents appear on TV, holding hands and acting like angels, shocking the subconscious of the public

who senses otherwise. Why does justice take so long? In part because of the commonality in households throughout

the world. Children are vulnerable, cannot fight back when the perpetrator is the parent, and are thus the first object

when the father’s resentment toward his prissy wife reaches the boiling point. Each prosecutor knows of situations

within his extended family or neighborhood or circle of friends where molestation of this sort is suspected. Eyebrows

are raised, jaws set in anger, but no actions are taken. The victims, being told they asked for their treatment, are bad, are getting what they deserved, are hardly likely to point an accusing finger. The victims have been convinced they are the criminal, and have gone into hiding with their parents, into face-saving denial, and silence.

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ZetaTalk: Humor

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ZetaTalk: Humor

Note: written on Jul 15, 1996

It is not by accident that a person coughing or choking is frequently thought to be a person having a good laugh.

Likewise the start of a hearty laugh is often mistaken for a shout or sneeze, and the rhythm of laughing is similar to the heaving rhythm of sobbing. Do these similarities mean that laughter has a physiological basis with sobbing and

coughing or a defensive bark? They do indeed. An analysis of situations found humorous invariably uncovers a tense

situation. In fact, to discern why one person finds a situation funny while another does not, look to why the amused

person is experiencing tension. Muscles tensed without relief naturally begin twitching and cramping, a result of the

buildup of toxins in the muscles but also due to the evolution of effective relaxation methods. Those creatures that

cramped without release did poorly, and those that twitched into a different state survived. Thus laughter or sobbing or

barking - a tension release.

Socialized humans given to denying their hostilities excuse their laughter as benign, which of course in the main it is.

If they weren't laughing they might be murdering each other or endlessly fighting, so laughter is encouraged. When

there is nothing one can do about it - joke around. Situations of intense jealousy bring forth sarcasm, which is hostility thinly veiled as humor. If someone else gets the promotion, joke around about his qualifications in a semi-sarcastic

manner, and you might get away with throwing him a verbal punch. If you have a dominating wife who insists that the

doors be opened for her as though she were a helpless queen, the thought of someone like her dropping her parcels when the doorman gets distracted and lets the door smack in her face allows the fuming husband to do this to his wife, by proxy. Humor is thus an effective safety valve for hostility that would prove disruptive, and can even be used to

deflect antagonism from others. Oops, the jokes on me.

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ZetaTalk: Conspiracies

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ZetaTalk: Conspiracies

Note: written on Feb 15, 1997

Conspiracies are integral to all 3rd Density existence, as it is natural for intelligent species to attempt to mold the world around them to their liking. A conspiracy is simply a manipulation of the world done in a covert manner, rather than

an open attempt to manipulate. In this the 3rd Density entity is attempting to better their chances at success, since

those upon whom the conspiracy is foisted are not aware that a manipulation is underway. Humans often assume that a conspiracy needs certain components such as smoke filled back rooms and encrypted communications, but

conspiracies take place in such humble places as the family kitchen or the school yard where youngsters play. A wink

and a whisper are all that is required, and a conspiracy is in process!

Conspiracies exist in human society, as in all 3rd Density societies where entities are sorting out their orientation to be either Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, as they are an extension of the desire to manipulate others. Wanting to take

a larger share, or wanting to conceal actions that one would be punished for, or wanting to foist a pretense upon others

- all these desires lead to conspiracies. Grand conspiracies that get recorded in history books are rare, but the

conspiratorial process is common, a daily affair for most humans, in fact. Conspiracies succeed on the small scale, and

encourage those who lean strongly in the Service-to-Self orientation to try them on a larger scale. How successful have

they been? Secrets of interest worldwide to all peoples have been kept, for decades, even when known by a large

number of individuals who would just love to tell the truth. Examples of the success of such conspiracies are:

the long term FBI chief Hoover’s conspiracy to keep his cross-dressing and homosexual life style from the

general public. His close associates certainly knew, occasional lovers outside of the FBI certainly knew, and talk

of his leanings would have been shared among acquaintances of these individuals in the wildfire manner that

rumors are spread about. How did the truth get suppressed for decades until long after his death? By threats of

harassment by the FBI and frank blackmail attempts, which succeeded in preventing anyone in the media from

cashing in on this juicy bit of gossip.

the death of John F. Kennedy, murdered by the CIA with more than one hitman, in full view of a nearby crowd

of witnesses and broadcasts on TV. The gullible public was told that a single bullet traveled through two bodies,

in and out of several organs that were not even lined up with each other, and came out intact. The fact that a

single bullet would have lost speed, and fragmented when breaking bones, stands loudly pronouncing that such

an explanation is not logical, yet since members of the military and executive branch of government seemed to

buy the story, it stands. How did the truth get suppressed for decades, up to and including the present? By the

fact that a handful of men in high government positions repeated the lie in solemn tones.

the bankruptcy of banking systems, such as the Savings and Loan fiasco that took place in the United States

during the past decades or the BCCI fiasco. The public stared at the figures, which showed billions gone to

fraud, and believed the government line that banking system controls put into place since 1929 would not allow

banks to fail. These two frauds took place back to back, perpetrated essentially by the same CIA money

laundering crowd seeking a money source for all the secret programs the CIA has run over the years, yet even a

repeated performance failed to dampen the public’s gullibility. How was the public convinced that solidity was there, seeing something that did not exist? By the human tendency to believe anything that comforts, and deny

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what discomforts, so that unpleasant untruths are simply ignored.

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ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague

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ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague

written November 5, 2009

Urgent. In Ukraine Walk Viruses Pneumonic Plague and Swine Flu.

November 2, 2009


The head physician of the medical institutions sent out an informal disposal - not to sow panic, to

refute the information about the plague, but to speak only of swine flu. Pneumonic plague is a

particularly dangerous infections. This is one of the most aggressive infections that threaten human

life, along with anthrax. Typically, the agent of pneumonic plague is transferred ferrets, coney, other

rodents, including rats, living in warm climates. They are the natural reservoir. There are two main

clinical forms of plague: bubonic and pneumonic.

Ukraine Closes All Schools To Fight Swine Flu

November 2, 1009


Urging its citizens not to panic, Ukraine on Monday closed the nation's schools for a week to avoid

the spread of swine flu and suggested that nightclubs, cinemas and food markets in the west also

shut down. The World Health Organization said Monday there was no evidence that Ukraine had a

bad outbreak of swine flu. Nevertheless, all schools have been closed for a week across Ukraine,

even in the capital, Kiev, where there have been no confirmed cases of swine flu. All outdoor

markets have been closed in the western region of Lviv, where the governor also urged cinemas,

cafes, nightclubs and theaters to shut down until further notice.

Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): "Swine Flu Vaccine is Bioweapon"

August 21, 2009


Professor Moshe said that Baxter's Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a

vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the

immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu,

causing global sickness and mass death.

Rumors abound, but the current outbreak of the plague in the Ukraine is not a deliberate release of droplets via small planes, is not an attempt by the Russians to punish and threaten Ukraine or European politicians, is not caused by contaminated vaccines produced by Baxter or other production companies, and is not some kind of New World Order

incentive to declaring martial law around the world. The great plague outbreaks, the Black Death, occurred in Europe

which obviously has the plague bacillus indiginous in its rat population. At the onset of winter, rats seek shelter

indoors, and invade human lodgings. The onset of winter is also a cold and flu season for humans. Traps are set, and in

handling the dead rats, those with a cold or mild flu might pull out a hanky to blow their nose. What is causing the

spread of the pneumonic plague at this time in the Ukraine is fear of the swine flu. This fear is ramped up by

authorities intent on immunizing the public to the greatest extent possible, due to their own fears of another genetically engineered flu virus being released. Thus nervous, those who empty rat traps and wipe their runny nose with a hanky,

also put this hanky up as a face mask when encountering others. They thus send any plague bacillus to their lungs, and the cycle begins.

Pneumonic plague outbreak in Congo sparks WHO response

February 18, 2005


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ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague

An unusual outbreak of pneumonic plague that has killed at least 61 people and potentially sickened

hundreds of others is the focus of a World Health Organization (WHO) mission in a war-torn area

of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Plague is endemic in the northeastern province of

Orientale, near Uganda, but this outbreak is unusual because it appears to be exclusively the

pneumonic form of plague, which accounts for only 2% of reported plague cases overall. The

pneumonic form can spread from person to person via aerosolized bacteria, bypassing the usual

route of flea bites or infective materials. Antibiotics can treat the disease and prevent a secondary


Quarantine: Pneumonic Plague Outbreak in China

August 9, 2009


Pneumonic plague has killed three during a recent outbreak which began at the end of July.

Pneumonic plague is extremely rare, but is the most deadly type of plague. Since the start of the

outbreak, nine additional human infections with Yersinia pestis, the bacteria which causes plague,

have been confirmed in this Tibetan Area of Qinghai Province. The threat of disease spread was

considered serious enough that the Chinese authorities took aggressive measures to keep 10,000

inhabitants of Qinghai province under quarantine.

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ZetaTalk: Abortion

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ZetaTalk: Abortion

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

We, the Zetas, hold all life in respect, even such life forms as plants and insects. In creating nourishment for ourselves we destroy as little life as possible and are essentially vegetarian in our practices. We most certainly do not hunt or

fish for pleasure, and the thought of harboring domestic animals in boring or unhealthful quarters horrifies us, to say

nothing of the virtual torture done in the name of food production by many humans.

It is not surprising that we therefore view abortion with alarm. The tiny life, in truth only a potential, represents the most sentient kind of life among the life forms on Earth - a consciousness aware of itself as well as its environment.

However, the matter of abortion is not so simple, as there is more than one life to consider. The mother, whom anti-

abortionists consider not at all, bears at least equal importance. Should she not be considered? To fail to consider the

mother's situation deems her inconsequential, and herein lies the crux of the abortion issue. It is not over abortion at

all, but over control of the decision making process that mothers, fathers, and humans in general hold. Where anti-

abortionists cry they value life in the extreme, their practices are the opposite.

Much is made of the moment when sentient life begins. When does the human embryo embody a spirit or soul? At the

moment when genetic material from the mother and father combine to form the potential for human life? Most

certainly not. At the point in fetal development when the fetus could potentially live outside the mother? This

argument also is absurd, as this point in the past was close to term and now has moved along the continuum to just

past the second trimester. Have God's birthing envoys moved the point when a fetus is joined with a soul to keep pace

with modern medical advances? Clearly these arguments are not logical nor are they meant to be. Anti-abortion

arguments are meant to intimidate, not clarify.

So when does the fetus become human, filled with a spirit and deserving of the same consideration given to living

births? This varies, but generally it is no earlier than birth and frequently sometime after. We will explain. The tiny

fetus, in the early months, does not provide the entity waiting to incarnate with a learning experience. This is also true of severely injured bodies, in coma or gravely injured so as to be focused incessantly on pain management. The entity

leaves, to observe from the sidelines. Likewise, before birth the entity becomes familiar with its future home not within the tiny fetus, who lives helpless amid surging fluids and in an environment where the lessons of life cannot be learned

because action and accountability are impossible. And does the life of a tiny infant present much else? Sleep is the

order of the day, and when not asleep the infant is consumed with hunger and security concerns. The entity waiting to

incarnate is allowed to be Out-Of-Body for some time, months in fact, before being required to take up residence full

time in its new home.

Abortion, therefore, should be viewed not as an imperative, where something irreplaceable is taken away from a soul,

but as a change of plan that nature frequently makes when it washes away an imperfectly forming fetus. In particular,

when the fetus is incapable of even the thought processes a fish or amoebae might possess - instinctive adjustment to

one's surroundings - the mother's needs should be given absolute precedence. Is she not sentient, capable of thought,

and possessed of a soul?

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ZetaTalk: Suicide

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ZetaTalk: Suicide

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

We, the Zetas, believe in the right to suicide. Whose life is it, anyway? Suicide has been given a bad name in human

societies, by association. The mad man, convinced he has committed crimes in fact not done, destroys his good life. A

waste. In fact, this seldom happens, and is much more dramatized in fiction than occurs in fact. Most suicide is

undertaken after much agonizing and debate. Most suicide is undertaken when life is truly intolerable, because of

never ending pain or because the life circumstances cannot and will not change and are emotionally and mentally

intolerable. The humans have cast about for years, seeking solutions, and none are to be found. They are in agony, and

wish release. Most suicides do not even hamper others, but are seen as a relief. At last, the others no longer need

participate as spectators in the agony. The tortured is at rest.

Why is this so resisted in human society? It is the control factor, the concept that one's life is not one's own. Organized religion, and controlling establishments, view the human populace as their herds. The herds cannot escape their

bounds, and must resign themselves to their lot. Contemplating escape is not allowed, lest the herds begin to expand

their horizons. Therefore, there is no escape. Pay your dues, work hard every day, pay homage, and obey. This is the theme. Suicide angers the religious elite and the establishment elite because it represents an escape. For no other


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ZetaTalk: Vegetarian

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ZetaTalk: Vegetarian

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

Humans are omnivores, as during their evolution they required the ability to eat a broad diet in order to survive.

Carnivores develop in species that are swift and voracious, but only where a continuous and ample supply of prey

exist. Imagine a tiger with nothing but grass to eat. The tiger may be willing to eat almost anything when the hunger pangs get strong enough, but his digestive system won’t process anything but meat. Carnivores die when their prey

dies out. Species that are vegetarians also have specialized digestive tracts, designed to break down the tough fiber that is intrinsic to plant life. They have multiple stomachs in many cases, digesting in stages. All species that eat plants

consume insects as a matter of course, as insects are scattered throughout the plants they munch on, and thus are

always part of the intake.

Thus, species that evolve are either carnivores, vegetarian, or omnivores. The omnivore, of which mankind is a

member, evolve to meet wildly swinging cycles of food availability. Early humans, being land animals and highly

mobile, could travel during drought to areas lush with vegetation. Strictly vegetarian animals do this likewise, but as

their digestive tracts digest fiber effectively, they can nibble on dried vegetation on the way. Humans, evolved from

apes which were adjusted to eating fruits and insects as well as vegetation, do not have the apparatus to digest fiber.

Thus, while on the road during droughts, they would have starved unless able to kill and eat meat. They have dual

digestive systems, in effect.

Humans are designed, due to the influence of food availability during evolution, to eat either vegetables and fruits or meat, but not both at the same time. This is a fact not widely recognized or understood by humans, and thus they do

themselves damage by eating both foods at meals, routinely. Imagine the cave man on the road, traveling to lush fields of vegetation where fruits and grains and tubers could be located with ease. The troop kills a deer or elephant, and

feasts on nothing but meat and blood for days, consuming the entire kill before it can spoil. They do this repeatedly

while on the road. When they arrive at their destination, they find they no longer need to take the physical risks that

hunting invariably presents - flailing hooves and charging frightened beasts. They become vegetarians.

Modern man misunderstands what the cave man ate while lolling about during their vegetarian periods. They did not

live strictly on vegetables and fruits and grains. They ate any and everything that was handy, and this included

numerous insects and slow moving life forms such as mollusks and possums. They ate less meat, but the diet was

highly varied and included occasional small bites from sources other than plants. Thus, those modern humans who try

to live what they interpret to be a strictly vegetarian life suffer from malnutrition - poor immunity, anemia, lack of

strength, and inability to deal with stress. Man was not designed to live by vegetables alone, and must accommodate

their body with protein sources from living creatures other than plants, or suffer the consequences.

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ZetaTalk: Reverence for Life

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ZetaTalk: Reverence for Life

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Reverence for life is a concept promoted periodically, in various ways - Mahatma Ghandi, in his non- violence; Albert

Schweitzer, who coined the phrase; and the Hindus, in their treatment of cows and monkeys as sacred. Vegetarians in

general espouse this philosophy in some manner, as why else give up meat and suffer the almost invariable nutritional

deficiencies that result? We, the Zetas, have described ourselves as vegetarians, and have stated how we deplore the

abusive way humans domesticate animals destined for slaughter. What should a conscientious human do, then, to put a

reverence for life into practice? Done to an extreme, a reverence for life means starving oneself, as even plants have

some sensibilities. What to do?

All this should be balanced with some common sense. If one starts at the bottom of the food chain, with algae and

plants, and then moves up through the insect and worm world, one need scarcely apologize, especially if death is dealt

quickly and cleanly. Even an insect can die a cruel death if one sticks a pin in it and lets it struggle until death

overtakes it. Crush them quickly and cleanly. Following are fish and foul, who have the instinct to escape but truly

don't ponder their possible outcomes. Here also, death should come quickly and cleanly. In a reverence for life

philosophy, sensate mammals such as horses and dogs should be spared when possible, but if necessary for food

should be killed without forewarning of their impending fate, as they experience agony.

A reverence for life philosophy goes beyond whom should eat whom. It also involves practices of medicine, behavior

toward wounded animals, treatment of other humans, and whether one keeps pets or not and under what

circumstances. In sum, it involves putting oneself in the shoes of the creature in question, and treating it accordingly.

Do unto others, even if not human as the self.

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ZetaTalk: Indestructible Soul

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ZetaTalk: Indestructible Soul

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What you call a soul is composed of substances, just as your physical body is. These substances are just as complex as

the molecules and cell structure your physical body is composed of - in their own way. However, these substances

cannot be destroyed by such things as atomic explosions or even entry into a black hole. The soul is durable and

indestructible. Souls are born, and evolve and grow, just as in your physical world you find plants and animals

springing up from seed, from a single cell. This does not happen haphazardly, and only happens on worlds in 3rd

Density. When an entity is incarnate, what you call the soul suffuses with the physical body, spreading throughout all

the parts of the physical body.

The existence of the soul, that part of a human remaining after the physical body expires, has been measured as a tiny

adjustment in the weight of the dead body, happening at the moment of death in most cases. We say in most cases, as

the soul may depart earlier, seeing the trend. For instance, where individuals go Out-Of-Body during trauma, the soul

has already left. Nevertheless, there is some small scientific aspect to support the general human perception that they

have a soul. In fact, so prevalent is this feeling or belief in humans, that one stating the opposite comes in for some

heat. Religions invariably espouse the soul and an afterlife as a reality.

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ZetaTalk: Chakras

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ZetaTalk: Chakras

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Chakras do indeed exist. There are many human names for what is perceived to be a biophysical connection to the

spirit. These connections exist in that the soul, or spirit, is immersed in the physical body and mingles throughout. An

incarnation is not a superficial matter. During an Out-Of-Body experience the soul separates from the physical body,

and the human left behind is quiescent, as though without emotion or much thought. This is a time spent quietly

contemplating or doing mundane tasks. As the soul, during incarnation, is diffused throughout the body, it aligns itself

to embrace the world. The soul communicates with its extensions, the human arms and legs, as this is not a natural

position for the soul. Incarnations in life forms that do not have arms and legs would, understandably, have different


The Chakras are related to the functions of the incarnated spirit, not to the human form. The spirit centers itself, and

thus the heart Chakra, and concerns itself with communicating to the mind, and thus the third eye, but the other organs

of the human body are incidental to the spirit, which is not concerned with digestion or locomotion or such functions.

Spirits that are more entranced with physical activities, such as sex or drug use, may be more diffuse within the

physical body, however. A central Chakra, both in the human body and in Chakra action, is the heart Chakra. There

are several reasons for this. First, the heart is centralized in the human body in order to serve the body well in its task as circulation central. Second, the heart responds to emotions, invariably, beating fast during fright or joy, being

regular or irregular in pace with the life situation. Third, the spiritual centering of the soul within the physical body of a human must for similar reasons be centered. As the soul fills the being of whatever it incarnates, it is distended into the human limbs and digits. To work as a unit, the soul indeed utilizes parts of itself to maintain unity and cohesive

action. The heart Chakra, while not circulating fluids, has a similar importance and function.

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ZetaTalk: Reincarnation

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ZetaTalk: Reincarnation

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Reincarnation occurs because special envoys from the Council of Worlds, loosely termed birthing envoys, gather up

disincarnate entities and discuss the entities progress and growth. You may think of this as a school conference if you

wish, where the young entity and its guides have a conference with the birthing envoys. The lessons to be learned are

formulated, with the most pressing lesson taking priority. In this the entity itself has little input, just as young school children have little input into their curriculum. Many call this karma, where what one did in a past life comes back to

haunt one. The entity cannot end an incarnation, except through death or the temporary vacating of the physical body

during Out-Of-Body experiences.

Some entities require fewer incarnations at certain points or planes of development than other entities. This variation in the number of incarnations required is based both on the nature of the entity, or soul, and the circumstances of the

incarnation. The key is whether the lesson to be learned has been sufficiently learned. In some cases an incarnation

will generate more lessons to be learned than it resolved. The entity moves backwards, so to speak.

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ZetaTalk: Past Lives

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ZetaTalk: Past Lives

Note: written on Dec 15, 1995

Tapping past lives is much in vogue, especially in California. Since the proposition cannot be disproved, the claimant's

wax poetic. All the past lives are invariably romantic or impressive - they lived in interesting times, in elegant

surroundings, and were always hale and hearty, intelligent, and attractive. Although the vast number of past lives on

Earth were marked by struggle for health, with broken teeth, missing or maimed limbs, and the health problems that

plague mankind today present in the extreme - the past lives trotted forth all seem to involve health and even vibrant

health. Where all but perhaps 5% of the world's populace is of average or dull intelligence, the past lives claimed

invariably involve stations in life which would require a relatively high IQ. And where most of mankind's history has

gone down ignominiously and unrecorded, past lives published seem to all be placed smack in the center of either

momentous historical times or well-recorded historical times. What is going on here? Are these past lives remembered

simply fiction or are the memories selective?

Humans delving into their past lives face many hurtles. The human form has no memory of past lives, and the spirit has difficulty speaking to the mind about matters it has no concept of. Concept building, in the small child or the adult, is a step by step process. Complex concepts are built from many small ones, and where the small concepts do not exist

the way is blocked. Past lives are a leap into history recorded nowhere on Earth - living conditions, cultures and

traditions, and physical appearance all beyond the imagination of humans alive today. A past life spent as a cave-man,

where the diet consisted of bugs and worms and even on desperate occasions of the feces of herbivores, would not be

remembered. Thus, past lives remembered do tend to fit into written history. Add to this selective memory the human tendency to deny unpleasantness. A past life where the human was ugly and behaved atrociously would likely not be

given center stage, and past lives that passed the minimum acceptance criteria are pruned and amended by humans

remembering them just as they have selective memory about their current incarnation.

Past lives are most often remembered by subtle message the soul gives to the current incarnation, the body. If the soul

is strongly into integrating, fixing past mistakes, it may be firm during these messages, so the human has no rest until they are in sync and with the program. It is during such incarnation that humans report they have uncovered past lives.

But unless such a situation exists, mediating and begging the soul to play out in full color and sound and fury the

interesting past lives is not honored. The soul considers this idle curiosity on the part of the human, who is treated not as an equal during incarnation. Thus, such attempts, where not called for, are futile. Thus, humans seeking to

reconstruct their past lives are fighting an uphill battle, and will never get close to the hoary truth.

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ZetaTalk: Near Death Experience

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ZetaTalk: Near Death Experience

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Near Death Experiences are quite common, and are similar to Out-Of-Body experiences, but with a twist. Where the

entity has left the physical body, seeing the trend, it moves forward on its journey to return to the birthing envoys in

preparation for the next incarnation. This process is complicated, and has many steps. The first step is to let go of the former incarnation. As every dying person has many issues left undone, many statements left unsaid, and many

concerns not yet completed to the entity's satisfaction, their focus is torn between the life they are leaving and the

future. The birthing envoys meet this head on, by presenting the newly disincarnate entity with those involved in the

leftover concerns. Thus, in a Near Death Experience, an entity may meet relatives and friends, both loved and hated,

or co-workers involved in incompleted projects. When the pending death does not occur, the person remembers

meeting familiar people, but not much else as the death was aborted. Had the death continued, settling these leftover

issues would have proceeded.

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ZetaTalk: Ghosts

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ZetaTalk: Ghosts

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

All humans have visits from those they knew in the past, now dead. These spirits, who are primarily disincarnate but

can come from their next incarnation in an Out-Of-Body, are trying to settle things they feel were left outstanding.

These matters can be as simple as an apology they wished to express to you, or a bit of information they felt you

needed, intended to be told to you when you next met. Death interrupts the plans. Ghosts are such disincarnate entities.

Ghosts often show themselves to humans in a form that the human remembers. This is not a willful act on the part of

the ghost, it is the way the human’s mind perceives the ghost based on the fact that they understand they are

communicating with someone they knew. The mind plays tricks where the human see what he expects to see or hopes

to see, and fails to see something they do not wish to see.

This is exactly what occurs when humans are being visited by ghosts. The ghost takes the form that the human recalls,

the form the ghost took when they were alive. This form is shaped in the mind of the human as it fits with all the

circumstances of the conversation between souls that is taking place. The human has formed this image from memory,

but because this memory is swarming about, chemically speaking, with all the other circumstances of the encounter, it

merges in the mind of the human. Like scenes that the filmmakers in Hollywood make, where a person on top of a

wave may in fact be standing in a room, superimposed on a wave, the human encountering a ghost superimposes what

the human used to look like. To the human, this has all been received as one impression.

Not all ghosts are from the dead, as a ghost can be a spirit having an Out-Of-Body experience or a normally

disincarnate spirit. The majority of time, during 3rd and 4th Density, an entity will find itself incarnated. Upon death, the entity leaves its physical body, and this can also occur slightly before death too. Many humans experience Out-Of-Body experiences, and these are times when what you call the soul separates from the physical body either because it

is curious and wants to go somewhere the physical body cannot, or because the physical body is experiencing trauma.

Disincarnate entities are in light form. The reason some such entities appear brighter in light form than others is related to their spiritual maturity. The older and wiser, the brighter. They gain in spiritual bulk, one might say.

When an entity is disincarnate, it can wander about just as the soul can in Out-Of-Body experiences. Likewise, as in

Out-Of-Body experiences, it is drawn to places it is either curious about or tied to because of emotional trauma. The

entity that feels an issue is unresolved will hang about, desiring to influence proceedings. This is much displayed in

your media in ghost stories of one kind or another. Just as with visits from entities in 4th Density or higher densities, these disincarnate entities cannot affect humans unless the human gives The Call. It is not because these disincarnate

3rd Density entities are under the same rules as we, the rules from the Council of Worlds, it is because their substance

cannot affect the physical world, and they cannot possess another's body unless The Call has been given and

permission granted. In this regard, a walk-in or a possession is a reality, and can happen.

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ZetaTalk: Out-Of- Body

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ZetaTalk: Out-Of- Body

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Out-Of-Body experience is much misunderstood. It is desired by many but experienced by few. The entity, driven

by curiosity or strong emotion, flits out of the physical body, desiring more mobility. Once the spirit learns how to

jump out of the body, the human finds they can go out of the body at will, but they cannot describe the mechanism as it

is, after all, a skill of the soul, not of the human body that the soul inhabits. Out-Of-Body is not a particular position or a particular mind set, and it is not really a voluntary activity on the part of the human. This is not something that a

human can teach itself, because it is a lesson that the soul must experience.

Most often, in humans, it occurs in trauma or impending death, the sense of the spirit that the body will die. It is

stepping away as though jumping out of the fire. The soul often jumps out of the body just as death is happening, as

those who have come back from Near Death experiences can relay. They were watching the scene. Even though the

point of death experience is remembered by spiritus, this pales in the flood of other experiences and tends to be not

remembered until a similar instance returns, such as the death of the current incarnation.

Once entities learn how to do this, they want to do this often. If they don't return voluntarily, on their own, they are

returned by their spirit guides, who watch over the incarnated entities like school yard monitors, ensuring that the

incarnation proceeds by the rules. These temporary exits are self limiting, as the guides force the entity back into its

physical body after a time. No skipping out of school. During 3rd Density the entity is required absolutely to be

incarnated, as this is where it learns the fastest. There are occasional Out-Of-Body experiences, but in the main, 3rd

Density is a grounded experience.

During 4th Density the entity is also incarnated, but is aware of the potential separation of the spirit from the body, and Out-Of-Body experiences are openly discussed among all - a fact of life. 4th Density is a long plateau, where many

lessons are solidly mastered. During 4th Density, the entity increasingly finds itself Out-Of-Body, and thus is getting

familiar with life without a body. Moving into 5th and 6th Density, then, the entity is comfortable without a body, and

finds its learning experiences can continue apace with or without. However, depending on the determination of the

entity and lessons to be learned, these 5th and 6th Density entities may find themselves incarnated, even back on a 3rd

Density world such as the Earth is at present.

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ZetaTalk: Walk-in

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ZetaTalk: Walk- in

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

A walk-in is where a naturally evolved Earth entity vacates its human body and then an entity from another world

enters, incarnating. When a walk-in takes place, it is not because the entity has left temporarily, but, like death, has left permanently. This occurs when the entity essentially wishes to commit suicide, and would do so if the walk-in were

not allowed. The spirit guides are aware of this, conferences take place, and all is agreed. Since this changes the nature of the incarnation agreement, it is like an amended incarnation agreement, terminating the incarnation for one entity,

but instituting this for another. Walk-ins are very rare, although they get a lot of press. Possessions are one such

instance, and exorcism is where the original entity is persuaded to return. Another example of a walk-in is where there

is extremely important work to be done, but the incarnated entity does not feel up to it. This occurs only where there

had been conferences between the entity incarnated and the entity desiring to enter. Also present in these instances is a mission that both feel is important. However, if a human, being miserable, wishes to end his life and inadvertently

gives The Call to the Service-to-Self crowd, he may be mis-informed as to the mission. The Service-to-Self crowd is

not noted for truthfulness. One should not assume that disincarnate entities are waiting around for an opportunity to

jump in, or that this would be allowed by the spirit guides, in any case. As we say, this is an extremely rare occurrence.

Service-to-Self entities from other worlds rarely do walk-ins unless the stakes are high. The reason is simple. They

don't give a darn about anything except themselves; they have more power and fluency in the higher densities; and in

agreeing to a walk-in they are stuck in the human body until death can be arranged. Although suicide can end a walk-

in, and often does when the walk-in has occurred by a Service-to-Self entity, the suicide itself involves pain that the entity would rather not experience. Walk- ins by those in the Service-to-Self should be looked for where humans in

positions of authority begin acting strangely and reverse some prior decisions in a manner that would benefit those in

the Service-to- Self. An example might be a judge ruling that oppression of an underclass should continue, an act that

would cause elitism in the upper classes to increase and despair and hopelessness in the underclass to likewise

increase. A walk-in by the Service-to-Self might be suspect in this case only if this is a change from the prior tone of

rulings and this changed tone continues, affecting other aspects of the judge's life.

Note: added during the November 9, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

There is a misunderstanding about incarnations. The spirit has memories, from past lives, but when incarnating as a walk-in relies on the humans memories. The human, thus, experiences few new memories, unless the spirit is sharing

conclusions or deja-vu feelings with the new human. The human left by the spirit does not feel a void of memories at all.

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ZetaTalk: Star Child

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ZetaTalk: Star Child

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Star Child is a New Age term that has come up only in the past few years in regard to incarnations into human form by

entities from other worlds. A Star Child differs from a walk-in in that the walk-in entity is not incarnated from the

point of birth. As the Earth is scheduled to be a Service-to-Other world after the Transformation, at this time a Star

Child can only be from the Service-to-Other orientation. When an entity from another world in the Service-to-Self

orientation takes possession of a human body, it is more in the nature of a walk-in, or what some call a possession. As

Star Children bring experiences from other worlds to the incarnation, they approach life on Earth differently than terran born entities. Each Star Child also approaches life on Earth differently than other Star Children, as they come from

many different worlds.

An entity formed on a world where the intelligent species was a bird found that flight was always possible, and

thus confrontation may stun this entity. Another, from a world where the intelligent species could not escape

confrontation, would have many experiences to tap in a confrontational situation, and not shrink from


Where the original life form had few senses, the entity may be used to relying on intuition heavily. Another,

from a world where the senses could observe sight, sound, auras, electrical energy, temperature, relative weight,

and physical composition would feel handicapped incarnated as a human, and may flounder a bit.

An entity which has determined to help humans accept the massive death that will result from the pole shift will

set out to speak of the transient nature of any given incarnation. This might put their particular mission at odds

with another Star Child whose mission is to help humans survive the pole shift.

Star Children are often misunderstood while incarnated as humans, simply because they have no way of

communicating their vast background to their human neighbors. Imagine trying to talk to little children, who have only

known the nursery, about jungles and deep oceans and the vastness of space! There is no frame of reference. Star

Children seldom operate alone, but are assisted with others from their group who operate disincarnate, in the main,

particularly if the Star Child is from a higher density beyond 4th Density. Nevertheless, the Star Child finds himself cut adrift, as the human body is confused and has only the incarnating soul as a point of reference. Thus, a Star Child's

spirit may urge the human mind and body to a particular action that the human, mingling in human society with its

limited perspective, finds absurd. The incarnation is then at odds with itself, with the human distressed and feeling

lonely and confused.

Since a Star Child is an incarnated spirit from a higher density, they are more powerful than the human body is

prepared to deal with. The human body finds it knows things, senses things, and attributes this to all manner of reasons

because its dealing basically only with what it has perceived and learned in school and from its immediate family. So

there are incidences where a Star Child has lived its entire life and the human body has never become aware of the true

nature of the incarnated entity, or maybe not even be aware of reincarnation as a concept. Other Star Children are

aware almost from birth of their true nature. In many cases, the incarnating spirit allows the body to not be troubled

until the time comes for action and then intrudes upon the body to get in sync. Often this is very stressful for the

human body. Illness can prevail, and a lot of anxiety. Thus often the human is given an out, so unless it is necessary

for the human to be in sync, the human is allowed to blithely go along in ignorance.

Note: added during Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Star Children, who are entities that were born as spirits on worlds other than the Earth, are from widely varied

backgrounds. As most emerged on water worlds, this is their base experience, and they tend toward fluid social

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ZetaTalk: Star Child

interactions as a result. A water baby can move in more directions that humans are used to, and this is an escape

mechanism used. Likewise, entities that were birds in their early existence use flight to escape, in the main, and do not stand and fight. Of course, both experiences have situation where being trapped, or pressed, to confront occurs. The

water baby can find itself pressed into a rock crevice, with no where to escape. The bird form can find its young under

attack, and decide to enter the fray even at cost to itself. Reptilian evolution is confrontational, as in hominoids, as the creature is land based and moves relatively slowly. Thus, fainting is an escape, or a version of fainting, if flight or

fight is not determined.

Beyond the base life form experience, there is the social complexity, where to say that billions of cultures are involved in the Universe to which the Earth is a part is an understatement. Of the billion of so incarnated Star Children on Earth at this time, assisting with the Transformation and Awakening, it would be fair to say that a least a million different

backgrounds, including base lifeform and cultures, is represented. There is a lot of difference of opinion on how to proceed, and a lot of difference in what tasks are accepted. Some prefer to be in the background, in a support capacity.

Some have specialties, and will only function in those, checking out to fall to the side on matters if the setting is not just right. Thus, for us to try to make statements as to what tasks a Star Child might assume, would be impossible, they are too varied! They are likely to be the garbage man as a CEO, a crippled child as an athlete, and poorly socialized

and isolated as charming.

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ZetaTalk: Aware

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ZetaTalk: Aware

Note: written during Feb 1, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

As we have stated repeatedly, a subconscious awareness is often far more effective than conscious awareness. Those

who are consciously aware of the coming changes, as they will attest, routinely meet with arguments from family and

friends and coworkers alike when they try to bring the subject up. It goes beyond argument, it goes to punishing

isolation, divorce, employment termination, and suggestions that the messenger should perhaps be considered insane

and treated that way, with rights removed. What happens to the human who is subconsciously aware, notes the weather

changes, the increasing movements in the Earth not only due to quakes, the increasing illness in wildlife and domestic animals and humans alike. They raise these issues, with concern, noting the little details that are bypassed when a full-blown geological changes-in-the-past type discussion erupts. Those around them connect, listen, participate in the discussion, and things move on.

The person who musters forth frozen mammoths, earthquake statistic graphs, and weather patterns and ZetaTalk

prophecy accuracy has unloaded both guns, and everyone puts their hands over their ears and runs. Denial is a fragile matter, often the more evidence that is presented, the greater the wall of denial! This wall erodes when the press

subsides, allowing cracks, allowing a subconscious pondering of the facts. Thus, most Star Children, while coming to

Earth because of the Transformation, will assume an almost casual attitude toward what is coming. This may include

keeping the human dumb, so that the soul is aware, the subconscious aware, but the human consciously unaware. This is a matter in play, constantly, so numbers cannot be given that will have any meaning. Suffice it to say that in dealing with Star Children, you can assume they are aware, but may present a human face that is in almost violent denial! This

is all to plan.

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ZetaTalk: Star Children Examples

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ZetaTalk: Examples

Note: writen during the July 13, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

We have indicated that the Star Children starting the Earth's major religions - Christianity, Muslin, and Buddhist, were

send to give message of love and the importance of looking beyond the material. We have indicated that Einstein was a Star Child, and what his mission was. But most Star Children who have influenced mankind were not known as

such, nor even suspected as such. Many examples that could be given would be no surprise - Ghandi, Al Gore,

Spielberg, and others who influence by their example.

On the negative side, it is not the primary sadists and leaders of nations on atrocious mission of greed and savagery that are Star Children. Those in the Service-to-Self from higher densities are much too vicious to even function in a society such as human society. They instead respond to the Call, as was done for the Nazis, influencing humans who

create a milder approach to the vicious practices. Thus, other than the Biblical descriptions of the Devil, a true

incarnation in a reddish life form, we can point to no examples that mankind would relate to, of incarnated Star

Children. Possessions, which are fleeting, being the only exception.

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ZetaTalk: Possession

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ZetaTalk: Possession

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

In possession a walk-in by a very high level entity in the Service-to-Self orientation has occurred, such that this is

dramatically noticed by the other humans in the vicinity. They could not fail to take notice, as however aggressive and

non-compliant the human was prior to the possession, the stance the possessed human now takes is a quantum leap

higher. The human now challenges everyone, and any social exchange has become a war. Where the human formerly

complied with some social norms, the possessed human now complies with none. They seem, thus, completely

uncivilized and unsociable.

Stories about levitation and physically impossible feats during possession are greatly exaggerated, but where the entity

taking possession has learned how to do levitation they will on occasion employ this during a possession. The issue of

lettering raised on the skin is quite within the range of possibilities for the human body, but requires skill not yet

acquired by Earth entities now in the 3rd Density. These tricks are used by the possessing entity to deflect attention

from do-gooders pouring forth concern, but usually only heighten the resolve and attract even more determined do-

gooders. The possession becomes a challenge, a wrestling match, and the possessing entity finds itself without rest.

There thus ensues a great flurry of activity where various authority figures try to reason with the possessed human,

thinking they are still speaking to the one they knew. In truth, the human is in part the one they knew, but at the core is someone very different, the possessing entity from another world. When reason fails, forms of magic or witchcraft are

tried, and we are here including Catholic exorcism. This is where the faith or conviction of those in authority, their

orientation to give Service-to-Others, comes into play. Where this is successful in driving out the possessing entity and securing a return of the original incarnating entity it is because of two things.

One, the flood of concern and caring poured upon the strongly oriented Service-to-Self entity disturbs its

concentration, tugging at its focus on self, and it departs in disgust.

Two, the formerly incarnating entity hears the pleas of the humans it formerly knew, feels the love pouring

toward it, and changes its mind about having left in the first place. The birthing envoys confer with all concerned

and the possessing entity vacates in an exchange.

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ZetaTalk: Body Senses

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ZetaTalk: Body Senses

Note: writen during the November 09, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

As we have stated, a walk-in, or possession, occurs when the soul of incarnated in a human body wishes to leave. The

soul is in fact departing, planning suicide, and thus it is not a matter of arguing with the soul. Where another spirit

wishes to possess the body, whether this spirit is Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self, an immediate conference is

called with all parties in attendance. This is a spiritual conference, so the human body, the brain and memory, is not a party. Where a suicidal human is incarnated with a spirit that wants out of the incarnation, there was no argument

before, but as a result of the spiritual conference and agreement to allow a walk-in or possession, this changes. The

human finds they suddenly have a change of heart, feel differently, see new solutions or avenues to address their

problem that they had not considered before. Thus, rather than pick up the gun or jump off the bridge, they take long

walks and mull matters over. To the human body, under the influence of its incarnated spirit for the duration of its

existence, this may feel like a spiritual change that they can't explain. Some may call it a type of death bed conversion, where upon contemplating death, they saw how beautiful life was! Most find their ability to consider others, not just

the self, in the case of a walk-in by a highly developed Service-to-Others, makes their relationships with other humans

flourish! They thus have additional reasons to choose life, and ascribe their new relationships correctly to their new

approach to dealing with others.

In the case of a possession, the human agreed to allow a highly Service-to-Self spirit incarnate in the body they wished to leave. The soul incarnated in that human, closely allied with the human and influencing the human body

during the lifetime, must have leaned toward the Service-to-Self orientation for this to develop. It does not happen that a human becomes Service-to-Self while the spirit is pulling toward Service-to-Others. Thus, the human in a possession

by a Service-to-Self likewise finds they have renewed energy, but toward a different agenda. Where the walk-in found

themselves more concerned about others, and less obsessed with problems in their personal life, the possessed human

finds they have new ideas on how to torment and exact revenge against those resented in their life. They conclude

little, taking no time to ponder the change, but proceed with the practice of horrifying the family concerned with

ending the possession. Since possessions are always short lived, in that highly Service-to-Self spirits find 3rd Density

living too restrictive, the human is shortly returned to the original spirit. Finding a lack of ideas, a lack of energy and determination to continue the games that had been enjoyed, all including the human recently possessed fall back into

their familiar patterns.

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ZetaTalk: Star Seeded

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ZetaTalk: Star Seeded

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Mankind arose from a combination of sources, and the earth was one. As there is tremendous variation on the

environments found through the Universe, in any genetic engineering project the engineers find it most profitable to

use, as a base, a species native to the planet. The species in this case was a form of ape no longer in existence on

Earth. Anthropologists searching for this missing link have not found it, as this ape was chosen not for its wide range

but for its suitability.

Having a suitable base, several experiments were tried. Through genetic engineering, the intelligence and dexterity of

this ape was increased. The bi-pedal stance was encouraged. When we say experiments, we are speaking of the stage

where the product was re-introduced to the Earth, having been residing in labs. The product of genetic engineering

then either survived and flourished or died out for some reason. More often than not, the product expired. Some of the

aggression and violence we now seek to diminish, for 4th Density existence, were necessary for the product to survive

on Earth at that time. This step was repeated many times, on different places on Earth, and this formed the basis for the various races of mankind you see today.

When mankind was genetically engineered, this was under the direction of the Council of Worlds at all times, and at

no time was the intent for mankind to be slaves of another intelligent life form. Of course, having created mankind,

various groups had as their agenda to do just that. We are saying that the mission was not slavery, but some who knew

of the product came back to Earth to attempt to muscle in on new territory. This has occurred here and there, with one

group or the other, but all were fleeting occurrences and all were stopped shortly after the campaign developed.

Both the Koran and Bible attempted to explain this among other things to mankind, most of which was misunderstood.

Therefore, dwell not on the Koran or the Bible when looking for the true history of mankind's birth.

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ZetaTalk: Meditation

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ZetaTalk: Meditation

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Hindus are a very mystical people, in touch with their spiritual side, and trying all the time to move more in that

direction. They study and practice methods to improved communications with the spirit world. Concentration, diet that

will improve the ability of the body to concentrate and not be distracted, positions of the body that are helpful, and the right mental attitudes. All this effort brings them little, however, as the ability to communicate with spirits is strictly related to the desire to do so. A human following all the recommended practices religiously may be nowhere, another doing everything wrong, according to the recommended practices, is speaking regularly to the dead or spirits in higher

dimensions. However, as would be the case with any group of people, some Hindus who follow the recommendations

also have desire, and so connect. There is then a great flurry of enthusiasm for the practices, which had nothing to do

with the success.

The Hindu speak of a state, the goal of living, called Nirvana. They attempt to reach this via meditation, and correct living, during many incarnations. They attempt to reach high levels of communication with others, as an adjunct to this

state. What they are seeking is termed living in light form, or the spirit only, not requiring incarnations. Incarnations are a learning experience, but spirits grow beyond the need for this, in both the Service-to-Others and Service-to-Self

orientations. Incarnations are then used as a learning experience, or a tool, for these spirits.

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ZetaTalk: Shamanism

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ZetaTalk: Shamanism

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

All cultures have shamans, who go by different names. A shaman must be able to convince those he lives amongst that

his experiences are real, and his guidance valid, or his stature quickly falls. Therefore, shamans in the main are having real experiences that are somewhat familiar, if only in part, to other humans. There are seldom fake shamans, and then

not for long. What is a shaman? A shaman is a human who refuses to deny what his intuition is telling him, and thus

communicates with entities he cannot see or hear or capture for exhibition, as in a cage. He communicates with the

world of spirits, the dead, higher level entities that no longer need incarnate bodies, and as frequently as possible, he is having Out-Of-Body experiences. He may attempt to incarnate, briefly, into other humans, or animals of various types,

but he seldom gets permission to do any of this. Imagination plays a great part in shamanism, but is bolstered by real

experiences so the shaman's stories can be very compelling.

Many who claim to be speaking to the wind, or animals, or rocks, and genuinely believe this is so, are simply giving a

spirit they cannot see a name and source. Humans sensing a spirit in the vicinity are often at a loss to explain what they are sensing. They refer to vibes, or a presence, or an intensity. Nothing can be captured on camera, or grabbed

and put in a box for later examination. Spirits communicating with a group, such as an Indian tribe, will often go with

the flow, and allow whomever is communicating to assume this presence. It is possible to influence the direction a bird flies, easily, as the reason for flying in this or that direction are few and can be staged for the benefit of the bird. Thus, a Shaman who thinks the bird has a spirit, and finds it flying in patterns that would indicate that, is none the wiser.

All humans have the capacity to be shamans, but in the main lack the faith. They stop themselves. They feel insecure,

not being grounded. They prefer to be a spectator. But the family of man, hearing the shaman weaving his spell,

remember their tentative experiences along the same lines, and believe. A shaman's followers have gone to the edge

with the shaman, and when he describes what was beyond, they recall what they caught a glint of.

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ZetaTalk: Carlos Castaneda

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ZetaTalk: Carlos Castaneda

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

A widely misunderstood means of connecting to the reality known to the incarnated spirit involves forcing the human

body to take a back seat so that the mind can communicate more fully with the spirit, the incarnating entity.

In American Indian cultures, this takes the form of exposure and fatigue to the point of exhaustion, so the body has

ceased to demand center stage and has in effect given up. Isolation from the normal social interaction demanded when

others in the group are about is another technique used, a technique most humans intuitively understand. Another

means of forcing the body to take a lesser role involves various hallucinogens, naturally occurring so that they are at

hand to native peoples throughout the world. This is not a necessary step, and in fact clutters the communication, but has caught the fancy of many in drug cultures who look for any and every excuse to support a habit they have come to

rely upon as an escape.

To speak to the incarnating spirit most effectively, removing oneself from the social demands of others is imperative.

A walk in the woods, or in the meadow or along the beach, where the artificial and often unnatural demands of human

society are removed. Eliminating imperatives such as extreme hunger or the press of urgent sexual demands assist in communication with the spirit, as does arranging for the isolation to be in a setting where distractions such as weather

extremes or physical dangers do not occur. In cultures where distractions cannot be eliminated due either to ever-present hunger or sexually repressive rules or the ever-present proximity of others, the individual seeking to commune

with their spirit may meditate under the stars at night, when others are sleeping, or alter their diet to in essence put

their body to sleep. The starving body shuts down.

Drugs or natural hallucinogens are not needed, and in fact create confusion when hallucinations induced by the humans

psyche are taken as a reality outside of the human psyche. The human mind is fractured into separate brains, the result of numerous genetic engineering maneuvers that superimposed a conscious intelligence on top of an underlying

subconscious. These two brains communicate during dreams, and the hallucinogenic state is akin to the dream state. It

can be utterly nonsensical, having meaning only in the past experiences recorded in the subconscious of the human, as

interpreted by the highly selective conscious! Thus, hallucinations are not removing the human body from the

conversation between the mind and the soul, they are imposing the selectivity of the conscious as a director.

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ZetaTalk: Premonitions

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ZetaTalk: Premonitions

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Almost everyone knows of an instance where a premonition came true. These instances are common enough that the

process is not doubted. But what is the process? If the future has not yet been written, how can someone have a

premonition of the future? Premonitions are misunderstood, and are judged on their results rather than the process, and

thus are seen as fortune telling. In fact it is a high degree of common sense combined with the ability to weigh many

factors at once. Those subject to premonitions are not shallow, they are deep, and they listen to and trust their

intuition. Where all humans have the capacity to have premonitions, few trust their intuition enough to let them form.

An example where a premonition could have formed, but did not, would be the following. A mother has an

adventurous child, who has in the past been found climbing high on furniture or creeping out to the edge of drop-offs.

The child rushes into things, with enthusiasm, and seems to never hesitate. The child has lately been allowed outside,

alone but within a fenced-in yard assumed to be safe. One day the child is found in a neighboring yard, close to a busy

street, and everyone is alarmed.

Should the mother have been prone to premonitions this tale would change. About the time when the child was to be

freed in the yard, presumably safe, the mother has a premonition that the child is to be beset by danger on all sides. She is so fearful that extra checking and fussing are put into place, yet the child escapes and is in danger, close to a busy street. The extra checking brings this to everyone's attention, so the child is not harmed, but everyone marks the

moment - this was a premonition. What occurred was a combination of the mother's knowledge of her child's nature,

the agility the child displayed, and perhaps past familiarity with children that age who are anxious to demonstrate to

themselves their independence. The mother mulled all this around and the result was a hunch that the child might

break out of the yard and go exploring. Rather than dismiss this as merely a possibility, the mother gives her hunch credence, and plays these scenarios over and over again in her head with new factors recently learned. She plays with

combinations and nuances, and has great trust in her innate judgment. Thus, she vocalizes her concerns, where another would dismiss this concern as only a mother's tendency to worry.

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ZetaTalk: Poltergeist

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ZetaTalk: Poltergeist

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

A phenomenon long known but little understood by humans is what is termed poltergeist, or ghost knocking.

Researchers have correctly identified that it is not caused by spirits but by the living. Is this a deliberate act? Most definitely, and the fastest way to locate the perpetrator is to scan for the angriest person, as intense rage is the engine by which poltergeist activity is run. Intense and unremitting anger sets the brain into Theta waves, and this builds over time until another offshoot is possible. What humans take to be their physical surroundings are what they can see,

hear, feel, and observe to have substance as it moves, has color, or has a physical effect that can be observed. Humans

understand that air is a substance as the action of wind is felt and observed, and airplanes, operating on this unseen

substance, can lift and fly. Can't taste it, see it, or put ones hands about it, but know it's there.

Think of the substance that supports poltergeist activity as a type of air. When Theta waves reach a certain level, they

support a transmission across this substance just as electrical arcing can cross an air space when the opposing charges

reach a certain level on either side. Are opposing charges involved in poltergeist? In a manner of speaking, yes. The

human causing poltergeist cannot control the effects, as this is a random discharge. They ramp up and things go bang.

Windows break, knickknacks fall off the shelf, a chair moves, and internally the perpetrator is smiling as they made

the object of their hatred distressed once again.

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ZetaTalk: Hauntings

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ZetaTalk: Hauntings

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002

We have stated that spirits cannot manipulate the environment, except to effect a sense of coldness in those humans

they are attempting to contact. The stuff of souls incarnates bodies, and has many points of influence during

incarnations, but cannot move furniture or slam doors. The souls incarnating bodies work via the body to effect change in the physical world. Thus, much of what is described as haunting, other than the sense that a spirit is present and a

communication soul-to-soul of what that communication is, is not from disembodied spirits. It is from humans, living in the vicinity and most often in the very house, using a brain wave generated by anger. This is commonly known as

poltergeist activity, and is ascribed correctly to angry teens in the vicinity. Specialists can identify the human causing this, and advise the parents on how to reduce the anger, get it out in the open so it does not have these misdirected

effects. Telekinesis has been registered, scientifically, so this is no longer a mystery.

Where ghosts appear on video images, these are in essence a chemical reaction, such as affecting the flow of light

particles, and thus can truly be a spirit imprint! Levitation, done by aliens in 4th Density, is done by manipulating

gravity particles. Thus, we float a paralyzed contactee into our ships, or float ourselves at will. A visiting spirit might attempt to affect gravity particles, to levitate objects, but will not manage this. However, humans who temporarily

levitate objects are doing so, as they do when the slam doors, by other means, not gravity particle flow. Air pressure, magnetic manipulation, electrical particle charging, are in effect. Movies often portray levitation or poltergeist as being able to lift a heavy table, but in reality this is not what hauntings find. The chair moves a couple inches, a cup jiggles off the edge of a table, a paper lift and floats off the stack. Hollywood has exaggerated, as usual.

But where humans see something misty, a shape, or think they see a human appearing and then disappearing, this is

most often a mind-trick of their own when they are aware they are talking to another spirit. Likewise, a spirit can leave an imprint on physical matter, in the same way they can make the room feel cold. To have a chemical effect like this

requires the right chemistry, to be affected for instance by a lack or increase in heat particles. Heat particles are not the only particle flow a spirit can affect, but is the particle flow humans are most attuned to, thus notice. For instance, a human quickly feels cold when stepping outdoors without adequate clothing, but scarcely notices that the magnetic

field has increased nearby. Thus, the division line is where large movement of objects, slamming doors and the like, this is human generated. Where there is a sense of presence, or a shadowy figure, or a sense of heat loss, this is most

likely visiting spirits.

As with viewing a temporary manifestation of someone you knew, or a shadowy figure, hearing their voice or the musical chime, is also something your mind is doing to you, in response to a visiting spirit. Thus, this is a type of suggestion, which you willing go along with if this is a spirit you know, and wish to communicate with. The mind

often does this, filling in the pieces in events that lack the whole. This is why there is such a strong different, often, between what witnesses report. Each has filled in the missing pieces to make sense, to form a whole, and is describing

the whole. If the visit is from a recently deceased uncle, beloved, and the mind wishes to record the messages as from this uncle, then it might insert an image of the uncle as he looked. Thus, during visits from spirits, there are some in the room who hear and see them, and others are unaffected and call them liars!

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ZetaTalk: Psychics

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ZetaTalk: Psychics

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Humans in the main do not have a great deal of psychic ability, which is simply a combination of telepathy and

common sense. A small percentage, perhaps less than 10%, have some psychic abilities, and a very few are

significantly psychic. Most humans are personally acquainted with a situation that had overtones of psychic interplay,

or have a close friend or relative who relays such a story. Someone knew that revenge was being plotted and the means

being planned. Someone knew that a package was in the mail and what it contained. Someone sensed that an airplane

was in danger and warned a potential passenger to change their plans. Psychic ability runs in families, and for a simple

reason. Telepathic ability as well as common sense are based on the structure of the brain, and this is for the most part genetic.

What's going on here, within the psychic, to allow them to be aware of existing situations and seemingly to foretell the

future? For those situations where the psychic simply had to be aware of an existing situation, one known to other

humans, the answer lies in telepathy. Any fact known to another human can be sensed by a telepath. Psychics are most

sensitive to those they know, or those who may be thinking about situations they care about, or those who may be

thinking about the psychic themselves. This accounts for the majority of psychic situations, where a personal

connection of some kind is present.

Where psychics seem to be foretelling the future, common sense has entered in. Here the psychic senses facts known

to a number of humans, and puts them together in logical probabilities. The pending airplane crash is in fact known to

several humans - the airplane mechanics who are ordered to overlook maintenance because the financial condition of

the airline is dire; the pilot who notices, however subconsciously, that his instruments are not lining up as they

normally do; the scheduling clerks, who regret assigning aging airplanes to busy flights, knowing the risks involved.

These humans send forth their thoughts for psychics to capture and ponder. For every situation where there is a

successful foretelling of the future, there are literally thousands of situations where the psychic was wrong. The

successful occurrences are so dramatic that the story gets widely told. Failures rarely get a mention.

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ZetaTalk: Telepathy

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ZetaTalk: Telepathy

Note: written on Dec 15, 2002

Telepathy is both specific and general. As someone who has telepathic ability can tell you, it can also be voluntary or

visited upon one. We will use the analogy of a radio, which can be tuned to various radio frequencies or turned off

entirely. A radio also requires a broadcasting station, from which many radios as receivers can listen. Radio waves go

long distances, as do the brain waves responsible for what humans call telepathy. If someone with telepathy ability can

receive, theoretically, from all broadcasting brains, how to the receiving brain sort it all out, and not get overwhelmed?

The receiving brains are in essence busy with their own business, so the incoming is treated as noise in the main.

Where the incoming strikes a cord with the receiving brain, such as a familiar scene or mutual concerns, the receiving

brain may decide to listen. When this occurs, it is as though the dial on the radio were being turned, and the volume

turned up likewise. The receiver concentrates on the inbound signals, not allowing itself to be distracted by internal

concerns of the self.

Thus, a telepathic person in listening mode may seem distracted, though other functions can proceed. In tune

with the inbound message, the receiver's heart will beat in tune with the sender, and their brain be activated in

similar places, so they are acting as much as possible as a single brain. During these modes, it is possible for the receiver to start sending, as they are in sync, on the same wave length, so to speak.

In general, and to a high degree, telepathy is something your DNA supports. Be aware that only a small segment

of humankind can utilize telepathy to any degree. A small percentage of the population has an occasional

telepathic experience, rare, sometimes once in a lifetime. Of this small percentage, a smaller yet percentage,

perhaps only 2% of the whole population, have any ability that they can muster at will. In that they share DNA,

share brain wave hardware, so to speak, family connections are the most common. Twins and family also share

experiences, which also increases occurrences.

Telepathy also occurs during sleep, highly common, which is why many humans conclude they have prophetic

dreams. They are merely reaching out, during sleep, when they are breathing slowly and not highly oxygenated,

and chatting with others who have knowledge. Prophecy is often simply a logical guess, based on many facts not

generally known to the public. The prophet may be simply putting together information gained from many

others, and arriving at the logical conclusion!

Holding your breath, to increase Carbon Dioxide levels, helps, which is why the Hindus prefer mountain tops for

meditation. Carbon Dioxide suppresses interference, noise, from other body and brain functions, so the body and

brain is in essence drugged. Likewise, learning to trust your senses, if you think you are in contact, rather than reject them as silly thoughts, can help you make full use of what ability you have. Practice with some friends,

and compare what you received with what they have sent or written down, to gain confidence.

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ZetaTalk: Sleep

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ZetaTalk: Sleep

Note: written on May 15, 2002

Life on Earth sleeps, due to many factors not present on other worlds where life that has evolved does not necessarily

sleep. What are these factors, and how does life that developed elsewhere cope without sleep? Almost all worlds that

evolve life rotate, as rotation occurs in planets with liquid or molten cores, which are warm and not cold, a

requirement for life. Thus, these worlds have a night and day, and a night alone does not dictate the need for sleep.

The factor on Earth that nudged evolving life into regular sleep is the carnivores, huge and voracious and savage.

Where today you have big cats and wolf packs and large bears and sharks in the oceans, in the past life on Earth was

more precarious. Look to the age of the dinosaurs, T-Rex and the Saber Tooth Tiger. Life that was not a carnivore could expect a short and not too sweet life, on the run, relying on mass production of eggs or young in order to

perpetrate the species. Like vegetation that produces huge numbers of seed so that some plants could grow past the point where they might be eaten, and bear new seed, non-carnivore species had little hope of continuing unless they did this. However, beyond the hoofed herds that could outrun or form a circle to ward off the attacks, and thus could

perpetrate themselves, and beyond bugs that multiply easily with mass laying of eggs, there was yet another

evolutionary technique that allowed survival - sleep.

As Darwin has pointed out, those features that survived passed on to the next generation. Those creatures that crawled

into crevices and slept escaped notice of carnivores during the dark periods when a sense of smell could allow a

carnivore to locate a meal, and lack of sight would prevent an easy escape for the meal. A sleeping creature is quiet,

passes the time without being restless, and conserves energy. It simply developed that sleep was a positive evolutionary

technique, and these genes passed even to carnivores due to the branching trees of evolution not being a straight line,

but criss-crossing. Today's meal can become tomorrow’s carnivore, via evolution. Evolution then took advantage of

the sleep state, likewise benefiting those creatures so they evolved. The creature who was highly alert during wake

states was more likely to:

1. get their own meals,

2. avoid being eaten,

3. find a mate and

4. keep their young close at hand and safe.

The creature who was slow during wake states would conversely:

1. starve,

2. get eaten,

3. not propagate,

4. not rear young.

In order to be highly alert during the day, the body then needs to do certain functions during sleep. It is not that the

evolving body decides to do this, it is that those bodies that mutate and do this are selected by success to spread their genes about. What processes does a body need to do, that could be put off until sleep state? Sorting out the events of

the day, in the brain, is one such process. Physiological functions are done during sleep also, like kidney or liver or

digestion, but this type of function creates little interest in curious man, who wonders, rather, about their dreams.

Oversleeping, the desire to escape, leaves man sluggish. The body has learned to adapt to sleep, doing physiological

functions during this time. It is expected, by the body, that a matching wake state will be in place, so does not always have a dial to stop the sleep state functions if oversleeping occurs. Thus, lack of sleep, or too much, can create chemical imbalances in the body, so the body does not feel well. The giant hominoids on the 12th Planet do not sleep,

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ZetaTalk: Sleep

as we have mentioned, but go into rest states. As can be discerned from looking at the shape of their heads, long and

narrow rather than round as are humans, they did not have the same evolution. Mankind was engineered to survive on Earth, and some of the engineers created separate brains, the subconscious and conscious, which are physically

separate brains. These giant hominoids do not have this separation, but likewise are more slow and less alert than many jittery men. Should you associate with them on a daily basis, this would be noted.

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ZetaTalk: Dreams

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ZetaTalk: Dreams

Note: written on May 15, 2002

Where the brain functions during the day, it is like a computer collecting data but keeping it all in memory. During

sleep, the data is tucked into databases and cross-indexing is done. The soul does not go Out-of-Body during sleep state, contrary to what many suppose. The soul in a normal incarnation is fascinated with the body, and the action of

tucking way and reliving the day's events is likewise fascinating. While the brain is having these memories sorted out,

the conscious mind is treating the replay like an occurrence, a dream. The subconscious does not need the tucking away into databases that the conscious does. The subconscious in fact gets it all straight and is aware all the time. It is the conscious that needs sleep, as it has learned to take advantage of the sleep state. Humans who wake during these

states recall the replay, and try to find meaning in it. In that the most imperative action an evolving creature on Earth had to do was survive, the first memory to be tucked away and processed at night involves surviving.

During sleep, the brain is also communicating with other brains, via telepathy, as the Alpha wave is predominant and this is the state used during telepathy and meditation. If two humans connect on the same wave length during sleep,

one may begin to tape into the reply the other is experiencing, and take a trip, so to speak. The meaning of a dream

can thus be:

1. the dreamer is sorting out his day, and the replay is a piece of something that happened during the day, or related

information in the databases of memories that has been dragged out to be integrated.

2. the dreamer is following along with someone else's replay, having been made aware of this because the other has either thought about the dreamer, or they have shared experiences.

Thus, in deciphering what a dream might mean, one must take into consideration the possible origin and not take it too seriously if it appears to be simply the tucking away of the days' events.

Recall from the subconscious, such as a contactee does or an ex-amnesiac does, where the memory is recorded only in the subconscious and not at all in the conscious, creates a different kind of "dream". During hypnosis, or meditation, or when coming out of sleep, a contactee will allow the subconscious to function, while damping down the conscious, turning it off and clearing it so it is, essentially, idle. When the subconscious replays a memory it holds, the conscious is thus experiencing, and recording, for the first time, this event. Thus, the funneling of memories are full, including touch, smell, and not just the types of memories the conscious is trying to sort out during sleep state. Why don't

normal dreams include such features as touch and smell? These sensory memories are tucked away during the day,

being without association in complicated connections. They are simple, and have only a slight connection to what we

could call the resident memory of the day, not yet processed in databases. When the days events are replayed by the

conscious, during the tucking away time, the connections to smell and touch are retained, but do not need replaying.

They are simply reconnected to the database location, not resident memory, to use computer system analogies.

However, when an event is relayed from the subconscious, this is not the case, so the conscious mind must get all these peripheral part of the memory - touch and smell and the like.

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ZetaTalk: Faith Healers

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ZetaTalk: Faith Healers

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The dramatic moment is well known to humans - the faith healer approaches another riddled with disease or stricken

with a new affliction, lays on hands, and the pain and disability are gone. Is this fraud? Yes and no. Given the driving

desire of the afflicted to be relieved of their distress, it is no surprise that con men and women arise to take advantage.

This is a scenario well known to humans, as it is much played out in the movies where almost invariably the faith

healer is revealed as a charlatan.

But there are cases where measurable changes take place in the afflicted, for various reasons.

First, the affliction may have a psychosomatic component, and the healing can be nothing more than the

afflicted deciding to abandon a self affliction. By this we mean that people can choose to afflict themselves, as

punishment or to evade responsibilities or for whatever reason. Dramatic improvements can ensue, such as

remission of cancer, but where the faith healer is given credit for this it should be born in mind that such

remissions occur without the help of faith healers. Most, if not all, diseases have a psychosomatic component,

and are thus susceptible to be influenced by a changed psychological state.

Second, the affliction may have been imaginary, a call for attention, and the faith healing put the supposedly

afflicted one in a situation where they could receive more attention for being healed than for being afflicted.

Third, the faith healer may have adjusted the alignment of the mind and spirit within the body, by essentially

having a conversation with the afflicted's mind and spirit and assisting in the alignment. This is nonverbal

counseling, on a mental and spiritual level.

How do the body, mind, and spirit get misaligned? There is a tug of war, of sorts, between the various parts of man.

The body, which traces its ancestry way back, wants to live simply and to focus on bodily comforts such as shelter,

food, rest, and sex. The body cannot be truly put aside without repercussions. Its demands are ever present and

pronounced. The mind, which has been superimposed on the human body by genetic engineering, has its own life and

is driven by curiosity and obsessions. That the mind has a life of its own can be demonstrated by placing a puzzle

before a bright, curious human. The human will ignore defecation and urination demands, hunger, and the need for

sleep in order to complete the puzzle. The mind and body can work together, and most often do, but can at times pull

in opposing directions. Now comes the spirit, incarnating. Yet another focus, which may be in sync with the body, at

times, as in the desire to commune with another of the opposite sex when both are, as you say, horny. The spirit may

also be in sync with the mind, at times, as when the desire to be of service to others melds with the opportunity to do


But the body, mind, and spirit may all be pulling in different directions, and thus make the body sick. The faith healer

discerns the misalignment and discusses this, nonverbally in most cases. Counseling occurs, with suggestions on how

better to proceed. As the faith healer may be in touch with higher entities, they can be assisting in this action, the faith healer having in essence given The Call to those in the Service-to- Others. The faith healer convinces the parts of the

afflicted to adjust to each other, so that the mind and spirit take each other and the body into consideration more

effectively. Were this to be a verbal communication, there would not be so much mystery about faith healing, which

can and does occur.

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ZetaTalk: Yin-Yang

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ZetaTalk: Yin- Yang

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Chinese put much faith in the influence that Yin and Yang have upon their existence. This concept is an offshoot

of the Buddhist philosophy that balance is everything. Problems are looked at as an imbalance, and the solution

returning to balance somehow. Thus, Yin and Yang are superimposed on all of life, on social interactions in particular,

and even on the seasons and weather. If a group of school children are boisterous and aggressive, their Yin is tempered

with more studies in art, inserting Yang. If a wife is sullen and brooding, her Yang is tempered with more outings into

the vibrant city, more Yin. If the spring came early and the fields are unprepared for planting, this Yin is handled by

the farmers Yang, by meditation in the fields. Does all this help? It can't hurt, and in the main tends to focus humans

on the spiritual aspects of life.

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ZetaTalk: Karma

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ZetaTalk: Karma

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Under duress, and having experienced a shattering blow of some kind, humans often ascribe the cause to karma. There

is bad karma and good karma and this explains everything, or so they hope. Could it be that life is so terribly

unpredictable? Why would a benign God throw them into such a situation, create such an erratic world? Yes and no,

there is karma. Karma is at play where the human causes the situation in some manner, by their prior actions in this

lifetime. Karma is not at play when the life situation occurs because of acts of nature or the actions of other humans not directly involved in the situation at hand. We will give examples.

Karma. A man is greedy, always seeking to maximize the goods that he can call his own. Materialistic. In the main he

succeeds in becoming a man of means, and secretly gloats over his ability to charm or manipulate others so that he

succeeds. Then one day he finds himself a pauper, having been outdone by one with greater charm or manipulation

skills. Is this karma? It is indeed, as the man brought this down on himself by amassing goods and bragging about. He

essentially placed a sign where everyone could see, saying come steal from me. It would also be karma if a former

business partner, having been left bereft and financially devastated due to the actions of the greedy one, arranged for

the greedy one to have marital troubles. Where one's trouble can be traced directly to one's own actions in this

lifetime, that is karma.

Not karma. A woman desires children, and in due course marries and becomes pregnant. Through a throw of nature's

dice, one of her conceptions has an extra chromosome, and is a mongoloid, retarded. Friends point out that she was not

a scrupulous housekeeper, or perhaps was torn between her career and family duties, and that her misfortune is karma

as now she must stay home and tend to the new youngster, who needs constant care. Another example is a car

accident, where one is driving down the highway and, rounding the curve, finds themselves head on with a drunken

driver. Did the victim cause this accident somehow? It was simply a matter of time and place, a throw of the dice.

These situations do not involve karma, not even as retribution from a former lifetime, which never occurs. Each incarnation is truly a fresh start.

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ZetaTalk: Archetypes

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ZetaTalk: Archetypes

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Archetypes are common human experiences, in the form of humans whom others interact with or observe. These come,

in the examples below, from the child's knowledge of mother and father figures, and from memory of childhood,

whether from self or of a brother or sister or playmate. All have these archetypal concepts, from these common human

experiences. Verbal and written stories are rift with human archetypes. In the day and age of the video and computer

games, these media are also rift with archetypes.

Archetypes may be exaggerated in their characteristics to heighten their uniqueness. Thus, in the examples below, the

Mother, whose uniqueness is her desire to care for her charges, is described as caring less for her personal appearance.

The Father, whose uniqueness is his desire to protect and provide for his charges, is described similarly. The Hand

Maiden, whose uniqueness is the subservience that comes by nature to the weaker sex in a physically or socially

immature state, is exaggerated into downcast eyes and such compliant manners that her masters assume loyalty.

Mother: Even before archetypes of things to be feared, we have loving archetypes. The reason is simple. Most

humans, if they are to survive, are given such love by a mother or mother substitute. This archetype is seen most often

as a woman, frequently older, gray haired to some degree, a little overweight, paying attention to the charges given her

rather than to herself. She deals with food stuffs, is frequently in the kitchen or around the campfire, and is never at a loss for a tasty item of food to give to a youngster.

Father: Likewise, the infant, if it has survived, has encountered in person the archetypal father. This archetype is burly, strong if not smart, and very protective. He may be gruff, frequently is at a loss for words, and like the

archetypal mother, cares more for the charges given him than for himself, and most certainly for his physical

appearance. He needs a shave, or in the olden days, needed to get his beard trimmed. He is a bit unwashed. His shoes

laces or boot straps may be frayed. He's been busy. When the family circle is threatened, father steps between the

threat and his family. He sacrifices his life to give his family a get-away. He is non-competitive, allowing his young

sons to watch him at work, and assist.

Young Boy: This archetype is active and curious. He gets into trouble, not because he is a trouble maker but because he has an active mind. His curiosity gets the better of him. He climbs over fences and through windows, the urge to

explore greater than any warning he may have been given. He is courageous, not actually from ignorance of danger,

but because his curiosity is the greater force. He is slender, rather than fat, and scruffy, showing the typical veneer of a young boy - scratches, scuffs, and dirt smudges.

Hand Maiden: This archetype is shy and obedient on the surface, but aware within. She is charged with attending to a mistress, who is almost invariably sarcastic and selfish. The Hand Maiden is dressed demurely, no flashy colors, and

has her brunette hair tied back. She stares at the floor, not meeting gazes. She has access to secrets, as she is not seen as a threat by anyone. Consequently, in folklore and reality, she frequently has a role in conspiracy situations. True to the situation in real life, where men in particular assume any dependent woman must give them full loyalty, the Hand

Maiden is assumed to be loyal. She knows the conspiracy, having overheard the plot discussed openly. She knows the

secret passageways. She has access to garments or tools that can assist the cause of justice. In modern days, this

archetype is shown as a hired maid, or secretary to an important personage.

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ZetaTalk: Werewolves

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ZetaTalk: Werewolves

Note: written on Sep 15, 1995

Werewolves exist, but not in the form portrayed in the media. The media image portrays a change in form under the

influence of a full moon, and this all quite out of the control of the human infected by a bite. A dramatization of the

real situation, which happens rarely and is indeed an infection, the result of a bite - rabies.

What happened in the past when a rabid animal, most often a wolf, tangled with and bit a human. Wolves normally

avoid human contact, but when wildly irritable with an infected brain, they savage anything that disturbs them. The

infected human first finds insidious changes setting in - irritability, snapishness. During the course of the disease the afflicted human would become unkempt - hair and nails growing long. And in the final stages of the disease, madness

and extreme irritability set in - the man having become the wolf. Why does the legend tie the madness to the full

moon? Even unaffected humans grow a bit wild during the full moon, but a human in the final stages of rabies, wild

eyed and howling with pain, snarling at all who come near, would be more noticeably affected. The full moon become

the point where it was all too much, and quiet suffering became anguished howls. Tormented in the villages, rabid

victims often sought the quiet of the woods to soothe their hyper-irritable nerves. Thus, the legend.

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ZetaTalk: Cultural Influences

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ZetaTalk: Cultural Influences

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The culture indeed affects how the human relates to its environment. This culture begins prior to birth, when the fetus

anticipates how human emotions will be accepted within the human culture. The infant in the womb is not unaware of

discussions, arguments, resolutions, and any resentment the mother may feel in these matters. The infant stands in his

mothers shoes, truly. Thus even before birth the infant anticipates how its persona will be accepted, how its emotional

tone will be received, when it is safe to assert the self, and under what situations true fear for the safety and security of the individual arises.

In some cultures the individual is allowed true expressions. No matter what the mind-set of the individual, this can be

expressed. This is not to say that actions against another, which would hinder the free progress of others or harm

others in their innate right to be, are allowed. We are talking here of honesty, in expressing one's true impressions and mind-set. In these cultures the individual feels secure in his or her person, and as the majority of conflict situations involve the perceived repression of free expression, much energy is freed to attend to the common good. These cultures

therefore become more secure in general, and there is less emphasis on trying to dominate the environment.

In other cultures much anxiety exists because those parts of humans which are quite natural are not accepted. A battle

begins even before birth, in which the individual buries those parts of itself not acceptable, but has buried the un-dead.

As in a nightmare, the un-dead parts of itself arise, and must be dealt with. There is rage at the necessity for this. The individual fights with itself, and therefore there is little energy to attend to the common good. Thus not only is the

individual insecure, due to the lack of consideration perceived from others, but the community is insecure, from the

lack of concern for the common good.

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ZetaTalk: Heaven's Gate

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ZetaTalk: Heaven's Gate

Note: written on May 15, 1997

Scarcely anyone believes, as the leader and follower of Heaven's Gate did, that a UFO was indeed following what was

billed as the comet Hale-Bopp, or that they as human beings would be selected out from among the billions for special

treatment. What shocked the nation and the world was not so much the absurdity of their beliefs but the extent to

which they would go to adhere to them. Incidences such as suicide bombers and soldiers going into battle and even

into certain death are not unknown, but behind these actions is something concrete, such as home and family or actual

politicians and laws one is in rebellion against. Many church-goers prate the belief they supposedly espouse, but would

hesitate to put even their time and discomfort behind them, much less their lives. And those who would discomfit

themselves for a belief are sure that their belief is not as silly as Heaven's Gate.

However, if one looks at just a few examples from Christian belief - that of the Rapture that many Christians cling to,

or the Ascension where Jesus supposedly rose from the dead, or Baptism where splashing a bit of water is supposed to

make the difference between a tiny babe going to heaven or hell - one sees that the Heaven's Gate crowd was scarcely

alone in their silliness. These beliefs and the actions they generate have no more rationale than the beliefs that the Heaven's Gate crowd held. That said, why did the Heaven's Gate crowd arrive at such an absurd conclusion, and what

led them to take the steps they did?

When looking to understand why cults do as they do, one should first examine the leaders. Cults are characterized by

an isolationist life style, with the flow of information coming only from the leader and this slanted to fit his needs. The psychology that occurs is simply an extension of what goes on in the average family - what father says goes, and he

has ownership over his wife and children. Dictated rules seem absurd when one only sees the devotee slavishly

following them, and make sense only when one examines the leaders. They are, after all, his rules, created by him to further his comfort and reduce his distress. The sense of possession that prompts a cult leader to order his followers to follow him in death is a factor present in the average household, where it is not unheard of for the husband to threaten

to kill his wife if she even thinks about leaving him.

The leader of the Heaven's Gate cult was beset with personal anxieties, which are no secret. Ashamed of his

homosexual yearnings, he had himself castrated. Guilt often leads one to think of eminent death, the ultimate

punishment while simultaneously the ultimate escape, and this too was a theme throughout his life. Riddled with

sexual conflicts, he compulsively structured his life to avoid any temptations, and thus the rules against personal

interaction and the silly rules about how to slice apples and the like. Had the cult leader espoused the beliefs of an

organized religion, where their death was to take them to heaven, they would not have astonished many. That his

heaven was a space ship rather than a nebulous place in the clouds put him at odds with what the church teaches, and thus he was considered a kook instead of a deeply religious man!

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ZetaTalk: Right Religion

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ZetaTalk: Right Religion

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The major religions of mankind, now and throughout the history of mankind, have almost invariably fostered an

impression of selectivity - a theme that those holding to the beliefs taught, or those strictly adhering to the practices required, will be selected for special treatment both before and after death. Of course this is entirely false, and

purported only to secure and hold adherents. Christians are told that a few words spoken by a member of the religious

elite, along with a sprinkling of water blessed by these same religious elite, is the ticket to heaven. We are speaking

here of baptism. Absence of these steps damns non-Christians to hell. What nonsense. Does the entity not earn their future path by the steps taken? Whom does such a belief benefit? Look to this to understand why this falsehood is

promulgated. Those most insistent on holding out false hopes of an easy road in the future are those who benefit most

directly from widespread belief - the religious elite, who in most cases are charging for their services.

Just so, throughout history, religious elites have required that their enemies be persecuted and eliminated, their bed be feathered, their followers submit to sexual advances, and their coffers be filled - all in the name of a glorious future for the faithful followers.

There is no right or wrong religion, only ignorant or enlightened practices.

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ZetaTalk: Holy Wars

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ZetaTalk: Holy Wars

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Many religions based on the same concept of consideration for others and fair play have come to see each other as

rivals and do anything but practice what they preach. The Christians during the Crusades set out to eliminate rival

religions, and cared not how much murder and mayhem resulted. Islam has become so intolerant of western religions

that to reveal one's religious affiliations to be anything but Muslim in some countries is tantamount to a self imposed

death sentence. The basis for such polarity is strictly rivalry for territory, followers, and the subsequent control of

wealth. To dissuade loyal followers from veering from their path, alternate religions or the countries predominantly

influenced by these religions are dressed as evil gluttons, liars, and most certainly not to be trusted. Thus the followers cannot verify the truth of these warnings, as distance must be maintained.

An old ploy, still much in use today.

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ZetaTalk: Racial Hatred

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ZetaTalk: Racial Hatred

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Many agendas are ascribed to racial hatred when the cause is something different. Why do people war with each other?

For territory, resources, sexual prize, booty, slaves, a sense of conquest, a sense of power, greed, hunger, fear of the

other, ignorance - there are many reasons. When warring occurs between people of different races, everything is

ascribed to racial hatred. Take note of what happens when there is scarcely any difference between groups. Warring

still occurs, but now it is ascribed to bad chemistry, a long standing feud, or a disagreement over boundaries.

Is this to say that there is no racial hatred? Certainly not. Racial hatred has the same base that hatred in general has, so here again we will point to the generic base. Empathy counters hatred, and empathy is strongest where the entities find

themselves in similar circumstances. People of similar backgrounds, same sex, same upbringing by parents of similar

personalities, same life situation, same religion, same schooling and exposure to the same media - these people will

sympathize with each other and forgive each other trespass, temper flares, theft, and rivalry. People with dissimilar

backgrounds will react entirely differently, flaring into arrest and lawsuits over a trivial affront, because the other is received with suspicion and a lack of understanding.

Therefore, see racial hatred in the same light as other hatreds - as one more factor posing a challenge to entities

developing toward the Service-to-Others orientation. Empathy seeks to transcend differences, finding the common


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ZetaTalk: United Nations

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ZetaTalk: United Nations

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

We, the Zetas, feel the United Nations is the best hope for the world to experience a firm and reliable governance

during the tumultuous times ahead. The United Nations we speak of is not the United Nations you see today, it is the

United Nations that may be if it grows to meet our hopes. Without such a body the world will crumble into fiefdoms

and the sharing of technology and skills, so needed during the dark and fearsome times ahead, will take place little if

at all. The United Nations represents a body that is supranational, and as such can approach any of the world's

governments not as a threat but as a friend. Guards are let down and eyes are turned toward the horizon for the long

range view. It is our sincere hope that the recent surge in strength and prestige given to the United Nations will

continue unabated and increase steadily.

Many see the United Nations as interfering, and many see too little interference. Several factors are at play here. Those who long for the world of the future, where all consider the needs of the other and artificial barriers such as country or race or religions are ignored, wish for the United Nations to grow in influence and breadth. But those who would exert

supreme control over peoples and lands under their dominion see the United Nations as a threat to their powers. These

opposing forces play off against each other, with various rouses as excuses. Money given to the United Nations is

squandered or unfairly spent. Tasks undertaken are not equally shouldered. Whatever. Support may be promised and

then suddenly withdrawn, or crucial votes withheld for trivial reasons. All these are ploys to weaken what individual

power mongers consider a threat. Consequently the actions of the United Nations should be viewed not from their

actions alone, but by the many countervailing actions designed to weaken and destroy the United Nations.

Those who would see the United Nations reach its potential should support it regardless of any individual actions

taken. This is a body pulled in many directions, and those who would see it pulled in the right directions should not

stop pulling.

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ZetaTalk: Capitalism

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ZetaTalk: Capitalism

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding capitalism, with its arguments that the whole benefits from the avarice and greed of the few. Proponents

point to the United States or other western civilizations as proof of the theory. Where in truth there are the wealthy, as there always are in every civilization, nevertheless poverty still reigns for the masses. Is your United States any

different, in truth? How many citizens are starving on the streets, in increasing numbers? How many tiny school

children sit with hollow eyes because their bellies are cramping in an insistent demand for the breakfast they never

seem to get? How many families try to make moldy, bug ridden quarters cheerful, with not much more than a plucked

dandelion or two. Children playing in the mud because this is their only toy. This is Capitalism's outcome. In point of

fact, these statistics would be a thousand times worse if Capitalism were allowed to run full course. It is held in check by your laws.

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ZetaTalk: Scientific Theories

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ZetaTalk: Scientific Theories

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

Humans like to believe that they do not give credence to any theory that cannot be verified in the labs or in some other

manner. This is just not true. Children are taught that evolution developed man, but what is called the missing link has

never been discovered. Astronomers work on the premise that a Big Bang started things going, but most certainly have

never viewed this or reproduced this in their labs. The wonders of electricity are extensively utilized in human society, as are the wonders of magnetism, radio waves, and light, but the theories guiding these wonders are plastic and forever

under adjustment by humans. Humans in fact use their theories as guidelines, during their search for a more perfect

explanation. A pleasant pastime, both in publications and when meeting each other socially or at conventions, is to

debate scientific theories.

Where do humans go wrong, in their search? Where are they on target and where off? How can they better direct their

energies? A key fault in the debates that humans conduct is allowing the debate to address a limited scope. This is

done many times to allow any discussion at all to progress, but when pertinent aspects of the subject under discussion

are excluded, then the results will invariably be twisted in some manner. Human scientists are so used to limitation

being the rule that they become furious when the scope is broadened. Since humans, intellectually, are not really

capable of dealing with many factors at once, it is best to admit where human explanations falter. In this way, at least, one is not led astray or time spent arguing absurdities.

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ZetaTalk: Human Infallibility

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ZetaTalk: Human Infallibility

Note: written on Jan 15, 2002

In any discussion about human science there is more than discussion about facts, assumptions, and theories. There is also posturing and the need for comfort. Postulating a theory becomes, too often, a matter of ownership and pride. The

theory thereafter cannot be wrong, or the owner is somehow discredited and falls in stature. Then there is the structure

built around a theory - published books, lectures and curriculums, clubs meeting regularly and discussing the matter.

All this is like a web, holding the theory up, and any attempt to change the theory brings howls of distress from the web which must likewise change. Thus, in human society, one has the Catholic Church apologizing only recently for

dismembering and burning alive those who pronounced the Earth round, not flat, and the Flat Earth Society still in

existence today.

How are the sciences, in human society, treated any differently today? Einstein’s works, when first presented, were not

only pronounced wrong, but were shouted down. They were treated by those whose posture required the existing

theories to continue as a threat, which Einstein’s work was. The worst garbage could be calmly discussed, but

Einstein’s lectures were disrupted by shouting sessions and physical assaults. This was, one was to assume, because

Einstein was wrong, but in fact the heat of the debate was the opposite, because he was, compared to the existing

theories of the day, correct. But Newton is still taught in the schools, to the young, along with Einstein’s theories, and when they contradict the students are expected not to notice. This is because the professors require a posture of being

all-knowing and infallible, and any student implying otherwise suffers at their hand.

Then there is the comfort factor, the need to feel that sudden calamity will not descend, as the facts are known and thus the future somewhat predictable. Lighting strikes, and strokes fell strong and stout humans like a lightning bolt, but the factors surrounding lightning and strokes can be analyzed and thus the likelihood of occurrence somewhat predictable.

How, beyond the comfort of sameness that a posturing professor or scientist requires, are current scientific theories

tied to the human comfort factor? If the theories on how lightning is produced were to change, then this implies that those smug in their assumptions about the likelihood of a strike might be wrong, and thus vulnerable. If the theories on the cause of stroke were to change, then this likewise implies that those smug in their assumption that they are

immune might be wrong. Thus, discomfort with change causes resistance to change, and theories often develop

solidity for no other reason than this.

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ZetaTalk: Independent Thinking

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ZetaTalk: Independent Thinking

Note: written on Jan 15, 1997

Students who think for themselves are on the right track, when they grope into areas that are not discussed or presented

in school as they sense that they are only being given part of the picture, when they reject rigid explanations they have been given of how things work, or explanations that were based on only part of the puzzle and not the whole. This can

never be wrong, but they are treated otherwise. The student is expected to accept the rigid explanation and toss away

any new pieces of the puzzle they discover because it upsets the rigid explanation. Thus the anger of professors when

they are asked questions that seem to counter or contradict the going theory. In truth, more bright students, the thinking type, leave school than stay in, and those that stay in are in pain.

Where most humans like to think of themselves as intelligent creatures, and even the only such creature so gifted in God's creation, they are more often willing to accept the conclusions of others than to think for themselves. This is

because emotionally they are children. Look to the discussion on why the planets continue to revolve as an example.

It's Newton's law. Once motion starts it continues unless stopped. When there is obvious contradiction to this so-called

law, which in fact is not law but only describes behavior, the children are discombobulated. It is not that Newton

cannot be challenged, it's that the children cannot think for themselves.

Look about you, at how small children deal with the complexities of life. They ask their parents to explain, and

whatever reason is given out becomes the answer, is repeated to other children, and is angrily defended. The child

needs the parent there to explain matters, and the emotional overtone of desperation overrides any capacity for logical thought the child may possess. Having been raised to the level of gods, the parents can do no wrong, until adolescence

arrives and new gods are clung to with the same desperation - gang leaders, movie stars, athletes. Most adult humans,

grownup on the outside only, are still children on the inside, clinging to whomever acts like a self-proclaimed god by

either claiming to take care of the adult child or claiming to have the answers.

Scientific principles, once stated by such a god, are not allowed to be challenged unless this is done by another god.

No matter how illogical the scientific principle becomes, the precepts of the religion are repeated mindlessly, and any

challenge to this devotion meets hostility. How dare you challenge the god's laws! This tendency to behave as a

mindless child is most dramatized in scientific communities, where logic and the ability to think matters through is

assumed. In stark contrast to what humans expect from their scientists, the adult child prates the laws of their gods and refuses to put obvious contradictions alongside of these laws. They look the other way. They throw insults. They walk

off in a huff. Anything but be forced to grow up and think for themselves!

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ZetaTalk: Context

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ZetaTalk: Context

Note: writen during the May 25, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change. The Earth then

has its greatest advocate for its previous alignment, the Sun and its magnetic alignment, negated. The

Earth hears only the magnetic voice of the giant comet, so to speak, which stands between the Earth and

its former magnetic commander, the Sun.

ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

When approaching the point of passage, the shift suddenly happens, and this is before the point when ...

Planet X is actually between the Earth and Sun. After the passage, Planet X exits as quickly as it


ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation (May 18, 2002 Addition)

The sticking point is the use of the word exactly in the Pole Shift write-up, in 1995, when more detail given that same year explains the angle and position and distance such that exactly between the Earth and Sun do not seem appropriate.

The one write-up was an overview, focusing on what occurs on earth during the shift, and why it happens (magnetic alignment) and the others were focusing on positions between the planets and Sun. If one goes to the store, for

groceries, and Mother says "Father will be right back, he went shopping", and then Father does not come back for an hour as he also gassed up the car and chatted with a neighbor, does this make Mother a liar? Her point was, he will be

back, soon, and she felt no need to explain all possible diversions he might make. If Mother is approached by a cop, explaining that her husband is in danger of being shot as a kook with a gun has issued a death threat, her answer would

not be in that context. She would then state that he went shopping and give the address of the grocery. She would also list all possible side trips or activities he might make. She would provide addresses, phone numbers, details on what he

was wearing, the license plate number, and color of car. Is there a difference in the context, the focus, in these two settings? Yes!

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ZetaTalk: Event Timing

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ZetaTalk: Event Timing

Note: writen during the May 25, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

On a live radio show with New York this past year, there were questions about the missing Congressmans

girlfriend, the one who was going to return to California but went missing. The Zetas said she was

amnesiac, not dead, and was in Mexico, and would likely not ever be found. Of course I hold my breath,

with the intensity of this investigation, looking for her body, but this has not been found.

TT-Watch, Dec 12, 2001

The park is not far from where Levy lived, and she was known to jog there. Last summer, police conducted

an extensive search of the park without finding Levy. The park cuts through some of the city's more

upscale neighborhoods and includes jogging and bicycle paths. Police said Levy had looked at a Web site

that included information about the Klingle Mansion, an 1823 farmhouse now used as park offices, the

day she disappeared. Ramsey said it is too soon to know if Levy's body was there at the time, nor do

investigators yet know whether she died at the scene or was killed elsewhere and placed in the park.

CNN, May 22, 2002

The body was not buried. It looks like it was lying on the floor of the forest there, and it was covered with

what would accumulate over a year. ... And the fact is the D.C. police did search it, as you know, with 50

police recruits over a period of days, then went back, searched again, went back, searched again. Can you

be a lot more specific about how you didn't find this body and a dog walker did? We actually spent some

three weeks up there with recruits. ... But given the information we had from her computer, that was a

natural place to look and we spent quite a bit of time. What we did was go to different groves and parking

areas and paths, drawn concentric circles out of there and had our troops fan out from there to try to find


CNN, May 24, 2002

The missing person episode of the year, perhaps of the decade, was the Chandra Levy case. On major media, night

after night, in the scandal rags, on Oprah, and with a web site devoted to the search, active for the entire time she was missing until her body was found. This hit the international news also, as CNN and FOX and other media giants go

global. Did they not use dogs during the concentric circles they drew from her likely path outward, through the park?

Was the body not above ground, where rotting would attract dogs and wildlife, if not call the body to the attention of passing joggers by the rot? Could the body not be seen after the leaves fell from the trees, by a small plane passing overhead, given the clothing supposedly nearby? Bodies left above ground are torn apart and carried about by dogs or

cats or other carnivores that live in city parks quite comfortably. Coyotes, for instance, are urban residents. An arm, a leg, a shoulder bone, found at a distance from the body. But none of this was the case, the skeletal remains intact!

Thus, one could conclude that:

1. 1. the body did not rot there,

2. 2. the body was moved there.

Who moved the body, and why? Given the media exposure, and the sensitivity of the Congressman who clearly

wished to return to Congress and be re-elected, this was an open invitation for blackmail and delivery. A blackmail

attempt was made, denied, and delivery done to embarrass the Congressman. Was she murdered to fulfill this threat?

Yes, and well in advance of the finding of the bones. Look to the viciousness of the Mexican drug cartels, for the

methods they would use. Chandra was identifiable, her face everywhere in the papers and on the web. The

Congressman was likewise identifiable, his district and Washington DC address in the media constantly. Thus, this

contradiction is not a contradiction, in that the statements given in the summer of 2001 were correct, but the situation http://www.zetatalk2.com/beinghum/b92.htm[2/5/2012 1:28:11 PM]

ZetaTalk: Event Timing

in the hands of man, subject to change, which it did. She was found on the streets in Mexico, dazed and confused, and

thus taken and used for blackmail. It was not deemed that contacting her parents would work, in that they feared a live

body being able to identify those demanding money. Thus she was quickly killed, and put out to rot in the sun.

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ZetaTalk: Categorization

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ZetaTalk: Categorization

Note: writen during the May 25, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to-

Self orientation, and 68% undecided.

ZetaTalk: Photon Belt

Reincarnation will not be affected by the pole shift any more than normal life cycles. Humans died young

in the past. In the days of the cave man life was far shorter, so this is common to your species. There will

be much death, and this has horrified many people, but at the present time the majority of humans on

Earth, in fact four-fifths or more, do not have reincarnated souls but can spark new souls. This has

happened because of the population explosion.

ZetaTalk: Harvest

Why did we state, in the Photon Belt writeup, that there were close to 5 billion people, when the figure is closer to 6

billion? The billion excluded is those human bodies incarnated by other than terran born souls, in other words, Star Children. And who were we addressing when we stated the percentages of Service-to-Other, Service-to-Self, and

Undecided? Clearly not human bodies who were only a potential for a soul, not having sparked yet. Could these

humans be Service-to-Other, a non-existent soul having made this decision? Could they be undecided, if they were not

yet aware of themselves to the extent of realizing there was a choice? The percentages, reaching 100% in total, were

addressing those approximate 1 billion humans incarnated with terran born souls, sparked in past lifetimes. Thus, the

percentages, how the Earth's human population breaks down, is:

1 billion or so incarnated by terran born souls, which break down into 25% Service-to-Other, 7% Service-to-

Self, and 68% undecided.

1 billion or so incarnated by souls born elsewhere, assisting in the Transformation, in other words, Star Children.

4 billion fogged potentials, dazed and gap-mouthed, trying to sort out the world on their first tour.

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ZetaTalk: Best Intentions

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ZetaTalk: Best Intentions

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

Most technological research is done with the best of intentions, unless it is done frankly in the name of weaponry

development. Even the atomic bomb started out in this manner, with a desire to harness the atom for mankind, for a

higher standard of living.

Where research is undertaken with the best of intentions, results cannot be hidden. New technologies inevitably come

under the scrutiny of the power hungry, if only through being marketed or widely used. Most often technology is

patented, and thus comes under scrutiny early in the process. Money is used as the vehicle to gain control of new

technology, with the establishment offering lures, rather than threats. Frank takeovers are rarely attempted, as the same results can be achieved in ways that draw less attention. Talk to the inventor who refused to allow himself to be

bought, and a different picture is drawn. Competition may be structured such that the inventor finds himself without a

market, with the aim that he should capitulate. The invention may be stolen and used, as those without money can

scarcely object effectively in the courts.

If a new technology can be used to boost weapons, the military has means at their disposal which allow them to simply

confiscate the technology. If the technology simply offers a higher standard of living, then those in the establishment,

corporate giants, will use every means at their disposal to reap profits from mankind's eager adoption of the

technology. This is usually masked as a joint arrangement with the inventor, but should one scrutinize the record, most

often the inventor is barely rewarded and the takeover artists become wealthy. The price for any new invention is then

placed at what the market will bear, to maximize profits, so mankind in the end does not benefit as the inventor had


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ZetaTalk: Hippocratic Oath

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ZetaTalk: Hippocratic Oath

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The medical needs of your country have been increasing, but this has been in response to the medical advances made.

As you learn how to keep the human body alive, when born younger as in prematurity or aging far past the point of no

return, the philosophy of the medical community has been that all life at all costs must be saved. Of course, the cost is to be born by someone else, and they are at least indirectly the recipient, so the philosophy is not without self interest.

The philosophy, Hippocratic Oath, is such that this will not change overnight. Legalizing suicide and making common

sense determinations on when to pull the plug on a comatose geriatric case and when to go to heroic efforts to save a

tiny premature baby who will in all likelihood be brain damaged will not be forthcoming anytime soon. The conflict

will continue.

The medical community will be caught, in our opinion, between opposing forces over the next decade. On the one

hand the trend we just described will continue, as medical advances are going to keep coming. On the other hand are

the tight budgets experienced on many levels. The tax payer finds himself increasingly out of a job and finding

employment only on the basis that he provide himself with benefits, which usually equates to no medical benefits. The

federal and state governments toss the issue of who is responsible back and forth, all the while letting the big boys who run the corporations off the hook. Socialized medicine will eventually arrive in the US, and common sense will

eventually prevail not as a changed philosophy but as procedures where delays are such that patients held from death

by a thread will die before treatment arrives.

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ZetaTalk: Career Choices

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ZetaTalk: Career Choices

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

Lifelong endeavors, contrary to the usual assumption, are not typically career choices. Humankind, struggling to

survive in most places, is forced into activities by either their physical location, their sex, or their native abilities.

Primitive groups hunting and gathering left the females out of the hunting party so as not to distract the males.

Physical strength in farming communities presses the young men into service, using their bodies, not their minds.

Young women likely to become pregnant are pressed into activities that pregnant women can handle, in anticipation of

their future state. Leadership falls to tall, large men almost invariably, as tradition has established them as the winners in physical contests, precursors to the verbal politics of today. Thus, most humans do not choose their occupations, they make the best of what they are presented with.

However, where a leisure class has developed or industrialization has provided food without the constant necessity to

farm, choice is possible. Choice usually runs into tradition, with tradition winning, and this is much played out in the

media. Given that an individual is indeed free to make a choice, is not required to take the best paying possibility in

order to support dependents or is not threatened with loss of family or community support if they make an independent

choice, then another drama ensues. Depending on their orientation, Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, they will

choose in the following manner.

If leaning toward Service-to-Self, the individual will seek a position that gives them power and control over

others. This may be disguised as serving others, as for instance joining the religious elite may be disguised as

saving souls, but in fact is an opportunity to dominate others while intruding into their personal lives, a power

trip. They will seek positions of power where few can resist, such as teaching the young in a military school, or

acting as warden over a prison colony. Power and the desire to control others will take precedence over wealth

and comfort, but this is the second priority.

If leaning toward Service-to-Others, the individual will ponder what the needs of those around them are, and

how their talents might best serve. Since those in the Service-to-Others are not without self interest, the

occupational choice will undoubtedly include those activities that the individual enjoys. This is not a conflict of

interest but a merging of interests, a win-win situation. Where there is a conflict, due to strong need in the

community, the budding Service-to-Others individual will sacrifice his comfort and enjoyment, becoming the

one to repair the sewer mains to prevent infection in the community if no one else is filling this need, for

instance. Meeting the needs of the community takes precedence, where a choice is to be made.

If of a mixed orientation, undecided, the spiritually immature individual will tend to focus on comforts and

status, seeking lucrative occupations with lots of leisure time and where one can be on center stage getting

applause. If the choice happens to give the individual control over others, they scarcely notice except that this

may allows them to foist work onto others and increase their leisure time. If the choice happens to allow the

individual to help the community, they are happy to take bows and applause, and may even seek such activity

for this reason alone. However, the priority is to enjoy life and avoid discomfort.

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ZetaTalk: Status Symbols

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ZetaTalk: Status Symbols

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

Human society, as most 3rd Density societies, is rift with status symbols - big cars, big houses, titles after the name,

designer clothing, the right neighborhood, membership in elite groups, and name recognition. For many, the status

symbol looms more important that any underlying meaning, because the status symbol represents power.

Those with money have more power than those without, almost invariably, as money can buy cooperation. Thus,

most status symbols denote money. Where it is difficult to put on the facade of big money without the actual

prop, those masquerading as well-to-do manage to do so surprisingly well on occasion by dressing well, acting

arrogant, and getting others to foot the bill. This is usually a short run affair, with the perpetrator remaining on

as a pet of the wealthy only happening in the movies. The perpetrator is almost without exception resented for

crashing the gates and prosecuted.

Those with membership in elite, exclusive groups have more power than those without, as the membership

cooperates with each other, doing favors, and thus each member has a larger reach. Thus, those with such

memberships almost invariably advertise them in any introduction or brief biography they provide. Rarely are

those without actual memberships able to assume this facade. This is not due to any difficulty in making up

counterfeit certificates or cards, but due to the clubby way members communicate with each other. Phone calls

on a first name basis, and introductions from someone known before a stranger is allowed into the midst. This

ploy, claiming membership one does not possess, is not tried often as it is invariably counterproductive.

Those with name recognition have more power than those without, as others are afraid of offending them for fear

of the incident becoming widely known. Thus hotel accommodations or fast and often free service is provided as

everyone suspects the cameras may be running in some manner. Scams where the power hungry assume the

name of someone well known are usually short running, though all humans can have look-alikes and some of the

famous have many. A certain dress, a little make-up, practice the voice and posture, and voile, one can walk

about and pick up the perks at a party or convention. The counterfeit personage, emboldened by success, tends to

use this routine more and more often and linger, thus eventually getting caught and dealing with a lot of disgust

and venom thrown their way, outweighing any benefits gained.

However, the easiest status symbol to attain, and the one most often used by the power hungry, is a title after the

name. Doctor, Judge, CPA, Representative, Director, Manager, Esquire, President, Captain, General - how often

are the titles verified as genuine? Almost never, unless the personage is applying for a job and even then this

type of checking is seldom done if the personage has the proper demeanor. Thus, the power hungry can assume

a title and get away with it in the main, winning deference and rapt attention at a minimum, entry where the

doors were formerly locked, an audience where the message was formerly dismissed, and as any good salesman

knows, getting the foot in the door is half the battle! They are home.

Thus, when one finds status symbols in the form of titles after a stranger's name, particularly nebulous titles, one

should not instantly assume they are dealing with a person who has earned the title, or any title for that matter.

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ZetaTalk: Get Rich Quick

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ZetaTalk: Get Rich Quick

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

Money may not buy love but it certainly covers a lot of fronts - good nutrition, housing, the ability to travel, hand

servants, sexual gratification, life in a good climate, and a good view from the top of a hill. More significantly, money is a way out - out of having to work, having to do chores that hirelings can do, out of having to be polite to employers and bankers, and the possibility of a way out of any troubles with a quick cash settlement. Money can also allow the

vision to be attained, and make the difference between embarking on a visionary path or languishing. It is not

surprising, then, that get-rich- quick schemes are popular and make a lot of money for their promoters, who are

themselves trying to get rich.

In dealing with these assertions, that the secret is this or that, one should bear in mind that if it were all that easy, then everyone would be rich. Is this a closely held secret when it is for sale? Is anything being revealed that is special

knowledge? These schemes generally include a lot of self confidence builders, which in and of themselves are

calculated to make a difference in the lives of those who buy the packaged scheme. The shy man who stood by while

others took credit for his ideas becomes assertive and now gets credit, and attributes his improved standard of living to the get-rich-quick scheme. The steady saver, who clings to solid and sure bonds and savings accounts, takes more risky

investments and, until they lose big as well as win big, thinks their life transformed.

To the extent that the packaged scheme gives solid advice and encourages the shy and constrained to live life more

fully, these schemes do no harm. Where they take money from those who are poverty stricken on false promises, they

are only making the promoters rich.

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ZetaTalk: Politics

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ZetaTalk: Politics

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Those who go into politics, like those who go into upper management, want to be able to wheel and deal, to be able to

have cards that they can play, and are anxious to come out on the top of the pile. They are not concerned, no matter

what they say, about the average citizen because the average citizen cannot give them backing. This has always been

the case throughout human history, and is a heavy factor in all 3rd Density cultures. Politics is a way of disguising the lust for power over others. When one says politics, they hope this lust will not be noticed, and some other motive,

such as the general welfare or leadership in troubled times, will be assumed. Few are so misled. Nevertheless,

politicians are not deflated when exposed, nor put off by the frank disgust of those they purport to serve. Those who

wish to be on top will use sales techniques, bribery, a loud mouth, wheeling and dealing and making partnerships or

whatever it takes.

Early leadership goes to those of a massive or powerful build. There is no mystique here, as the caveman image of a

massive giant with a club says all. In a confrontation between tribes, the giants with their clubs rumbled forward, and

whomever survived the bludgeoning wins. Not much has changed. Politicians in the main are men, large and ruthless,

who show an early propensity to destroy their opponents without conscience. There are, of course, exceptions, but

these are few and far apart. When it suited the strong tribal leaders to group, then qualities other than brute strength

counted. Nevertheless, the motive was for the self - the leaders of the tribe seeing the tribe as an extension of the self.

Now the ability to negotiate gained in importance, to trade off something of little value for another thing sought. But

have the motives changed? Not at all. So politics is basically a way of having tribal wars and conflicts over resources

in a polite, bloodless way.

Politics steps in when bloody battles would be counterproductive, but politics is discarded when frank war will win the

prize more readily. One should not be fooled simply because the claws of the politicians are retracted. They are still

there, and the hunger is still there. This will be the case on Earth, during the Transformation, as long as 3rd Density

cultures remain on Earth. Depending upon what part of the Earth one lives in, who the neighbors are, there may be a

rapid transition during the Transformation to a different type of politics. The Council of Worlds is elected by true

elections, not by an electorate arrangement which is a percolating-up method that can be controlled, not by a method

whereby only those the power structure has already chosen are presented to you as candidates, but by a true election

such that the type of individual that all desire to see as candidates and all admire are in administrative positions. Our administration goes smoothly because they are highly respected, often directly elected by the individuals that they are


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ZetaTalk: Taking Responsibility

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ZetaTalk: Taking Responsibility

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Many times those who would take a responsible position in life have mixed feelings. Should they step to the helm, be

the one on call, make promises - and then find they lack the leadership or are at a loss for ideas or cannot deliver? At

what point is it safe to offer? Many hesitate, fearing failure not only for themselves but for those who would be the

brunt of their failure - those whom promises were made to. On the other hand some promise blithely, with never a

thought that they may be required to deliver, enjoying the appreciation they receive in advance. And then there is the

other side of the equation, the recipient, who may trust blindly or be guarded, may find themselves delighted at the

results or waiting forever for any results.

Think of the child, whose father has turned his back without any thought of how the child and its mother will survive.

These men are often the most free with slavish promises stated boldfaced to the women they charm. In many cases

they may even believe their own words and be horrified at their behavior, living afterwards with a deep sense of

dismay and shame.

Whichever side of the equation one finds themselves on, how to know when to step up to the plate and how to know

when to trust. This is one of the major lessons of 4th Density in the Service-to-Others orientation. Entities find

themselves on both sides of the equation, disappointed, dazed, confused, and trying not to blame the other for the

mess. Endless discussions sometimes ensue over what went wrong and who should shoulder blame. In the Service-to-

Others orientation, more often than not, both sides of the equation want to take the blame, and this becomes just another issue - who will be allowed to take responsibility for what went wrong.

This lesson, on taking responsibility, is not one we can address with a few words, as it is complex enough to differ for

every situation. However, some guidelines are obvious. When shouldering responsibility the entity should assess their

ability to meet all contingencies. If, for instance, they sense that in the main they are equal to the task, then they should move forward but communicate the points where they feel help from others will be required. If passion to become

involved is strong, but skills or knowledge lacking, the entity may enlist a cohort to team up, thus gaining the skills to match the passions. If confident and experienced, but suddenly finding themselves in a pinch, the entity who has taken

responsibility for a situation should communicate clearly and unmistakably their need for help.

In all cases, the answer is communication and helping hands.

Take the situation of the charming father to be, who has started something which later comes to terrify him. He runs,

or feigns indifference to the child, because he is at a loss at how to proceed. Imagine this situation, all too common in human society, with open communication and helping hands. The father feels free to state that his heart is full of pride

and eager love but he doesn't know how to pick the baby up without breaking it. He may resent the need to spend

precious cash on endless crises and fear the trend will only acerbate. Will his life not matter anymore? How different

matters might be if he could openly discuss his fears and accept help from others, rather than letting his fears build

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ZetaTalk: Taking Responsibility

until they propel him from the woman and child.

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ZetaTalk: Commitments

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ZetaTalk: Commitments

Note: written on Mar 15, 1996

For the human animal, the question of commitment has a long history, as mammals by their nature commit to mates,

offspring, kin and kindred. But being by nature emotionally complex and having been granted increased intelligence

makes for painful dilemmas. Where an ape makes the call based almost entirely on emotions, essentially driven by

their hormones, the naked ape weights in with possibilities. Feeling protective of a woman he is bedding, a man does

not simply accept this as a concomitant of sexual desire, he starts to worry about how to put the kids they may have

through college. Sharing vegetables from their garden, neighbors may not accept this as simple bonding but begin to

worry about future intrusions. Might the neighbor show up for dinner one day, uninvited, or perhaps park himself on

the doorstep and demand to be taken in? The ape shares food without these worries, as a simple life without

possessions doesn't complicate the picture.

At the base of a fear of involvement is the inability to say no. If every contact melts all the borders then conquest

cannot be resisted. It's all or nothing. Those who fear involvement are either fearful of losing this fight to retain their individuality, or desire this consumption and would start on a slide with no stop. The desire to be possessed, to lose oneself in another, is a form of hero worship but also a sign that the individual thinks little of himself and wishes to

augment the package he represents. In either case, a stronger self image is the answer, as when reaching across

borders, one must have a country to extend a hand from.

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ZetaTalk: Scapegoats

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ZetaTalk: Scapegoats

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Hatred and scapegoating are rift throughout humanity, and in truth, throughout all intelligent species everywhere. Why

is it that emotions can ramp up and focus, like a laser light, at innocents? What could cause men to deliberately harm

innocent children? Although others can see that the cause is not just, and the victims not guilty, the perpetrators are

sternly convinced they are doing the right thing. What is going on here, and what is going wrong!

In society many emotions must be hidden, and in many families this is learned young. The babe senses that certain

postures get applause, and other postures illicit rage. Does this eliminate the emotion? It does not. These emotions

simply go underground, where they cause many problems as they are not recognized for what they are. What are these

emotions, and why are they unwelcome. In families, cohesive emotions are applauded, and discord is punished. As the

father, or father figure in most cases, is most powerful and dominant, this is the fulcrum where discord is determined.

In short, if the dominant father figure makes a statement or a determination, any challenge to this is deemed discord

and is punished. The frustration this genders, particularly in young boys, is buried, but like fires in the underbrush, the sparks and coals glow with life, waiting to spring up at a later point.

By what logic does a young man, now grown, turn with savagery against innocents simply because decisions in their

youth were arbitrary? This is not a decision made in the heart, as those who scapegoat and form the core of hate

groups are not in touch with their feelings toward others. They are in the process of learning how to suppress feelings

toward others, and moving in the direction, if not already arrived, of the Service-to-Self orientation. What then is the

motive? It is to relieve rage, which cannot be directed toward the actual source, perhaps long dead or at least buried in the subconscious, but in any direction that results in an emotional catharsis. The scapegoat, screaming and bloody or

perhaps pleading for mercy and life, is viewed, at least subconsciously, as the father figure or whomever was dominant

and arbitrary in the past. As the true cause of the rage is in fact not addressed, this catharsis is short lived and yet

another scapegoat is sought.

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ZetaTalk: Holocaust Denial

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ZetaTalk: Holocaust Denial

Note: written on May 15, 1997

The many scenes of the holocaust are vivid and compelling, and continue to appear afresh in print, the horror

undiminished over time. The holocaust horrors are likewise well documented, as where millions of neighbors are

dragged off there are likewise millions of neighbors left behind to remember the circumstances. And where numerous

gas chambers and concentration camps have train loads of hollow eyed and stick starved Jews moving toward the gas

chambers and only the smoky smell of death and piles of gold fillings jerked from the teeth of the dead emerging from

the camps, there can scarcely be any doubt as to the activity going on. However, the fact that the holocaust is vivid and well documented is one of the reasons for a holocaust denial.

In short, the more horrible the event, the more guilt one bears toward this or similar situations, the more likely denial will be used to deal with the discomfort the event engenders. Denial of horrific events is so common as to be almost an

everyday event in human lives. The ease with which the conscious mind of humans can sever memories so the mental

pathways are not traveled readily adds to this, as it is a ready route to be taken by those who want to forget or put an

alternate story into place. Those responsible for an accident begin to think that the victim himself caused it, thus

relieving themselves of responsibility. Those responsible for a crime likewise excuse themselves by blaming the


This tendency is one reason the most heinous crimes, such as the mass rape of a young girl, can be turned around to be

her responsibility. She was flirtatious, and brought it all down upon herself. By this all men who turned an eye toward

a vulnerable girl and pondered having her in a helpless state are relieved of responsibility for the acts that such

thoughts might engender. They tell themselves that they are not the perpetrators, even in their thoughts, as the victim was guilty. Likewise the holocaust is often explained away as something the Jews brought down upon themselves, due

to being financially and professionally successful. Then engendered jealously, so they had it coming to them! If this

does not fly as an excuse, then the holocaust never happened. Those wishing to deny that thoughts can turn into

action, and that they share the thoughts that the perpetrators held, will even cling to the absurd rather than discomfit


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ZetaTalk: Forgiving

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ZetaTalk: Forgiving

Note: written on Sep 15, 1995

Forgiving someone who has injured one involves two parties - the injured and the perpetrator.

Circumstances may be such that the injury was an accident and the perpetrator horrified and asking what they can do

to make amends. In this case the path to forgiveness is already paved with possibilities, and the injured has but to

specify what is required to make amends and the two parties will begin to heal each other. Circumstances may be such

that the injury was an accident but the perpetrator in denial. Nothing has happened, and even if it did it wasn't their

fault. In this case forgiving the injury must take place on separate paths, with the injured coming to terms with the

accident as just that - an accident. The perpetrator has already forgiven himself, as he wasn't there and there is nothing to forgive. Circumstances may also be such that the injury was deliberate, but was a result of a disagreement, a fight,

and fault lies all around. One was pushed beyond his limits and lashed out. One was steadily tortured until a dark

mood overtook him. In these cases forgiveness usually progresses rapidly, as both parties are clearly cognizant of the

underlying currents and the shared responsibility for what has happened. Tears, hugs, and a resolve to be more careful

in the future.

Forgiveness is most difficult where the injury is deliberate and no fault lies in the one injured - a true victim, an

innocent. And thus the perpetrator has savaged the injured for sport, for a power trip, or to simply gratify themselves at the expense of another. In these cases forgiveness is inappropriate, and is not the issue. In these cases the injured

should be concentrating not on forgiveness, but on defense, and after ending the assaults on changing the

circumstances that allowed the injury in the first place. Does your criminal justice system forgive the sadistic murderer and say to the victim - the problem is yours as you have not learned to forgive?

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ZetaTalk: Multiple Personality

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ZetaTalk: Multiple Personality

Note: written on Jul 15, 1996

The human mind has the capacity to deliberately forget, allowing the amnesia state to wash away bridges between

chemical memory lanes. This is but a step away from compartmentalizing memories into packages the human feels

capable of dealing with at one time.

Brain chemistry and brain structure wise, the process is the same. The average human can point to instances in himself

or others where selective forgetting occurred. One just forgets that embarrassing moment or that appointment to go to

the dentist. In amnesia the chemistry in the brain shuts down to the extent that the conscious brain is not recording new memories or playing back old memories. It's off-line, rather than on-line, as they say in the computer business.

Individuals recovering from coma move in and out of this state when first awakening. Selective amnesia attacks just

those bridges that lead to painful memories, washing these away. Here the conscious brain chemistry is not affected as

a whole but is altered at the site due to the strong emotions engendered. The chemical process, however, is the same

for selective amnesia, total amnesia, or multiple personality disorders.

Its not uncommon for humans to have what they call different sides, or to have what is called a Dr. Jekyll and Mr.

Hyde personality. This is the same mental technique that those suffering from multiple personality disorder employ.

Situations and the responses to those situations that are by their nature incompatible are compartmentalized. Take anger, for instance, a common facet of the personality to be suppressed. The little boy who is punished for expressing

anger represses this, but the boiling rage he feels at times expresses itself when he is out with the other boys, in

pranks. He may package other aspects of his personality into this persona too, so that he is not only reserving anger for these times, but being messy and slouching rather than standing straight, too. Rebellion time, a common situation in


Individuals who develop multiple personality disorders are raised in harsh and hostile social environments where

conflicts and duality are rampant. Children who observe hypocrisy in the adults around them soon pick up this duality,

but most often it is a conscious duality. One compliments someone to their face, but behind that individual's back

denigrates them, being two-faced as you say. In multiple personality disorder the need to be two-faced is extreme, and

is not just a nicety but a lifesaving tactic. If mother cannot abide discussing sex much less observing any expression of sexual heat, but father is molesting the children regularly barely outside of the mother's view, then extreme duality is

present. Perhaps things get broken at those times, in the tussle, but where mother ordinarily demands immaculate

neatness she has a remarkable tolerance for broken lamps and tossed pillows after a molestation episode - more

duality. The child trying to cope in this situation may thus package their messy persona in with their sexual persona.

In response to the duality their childhood presents, the human developing a multiple personality will compartmentalize

the various aspects of their personality. Anger, the sex drive, curiosity, aggression, greed, sloth, artistic expression, fear, compassion - those aspects of the persona that are compatible are packaged together, as they are let out to be free at the same time. For multiple personality disorder to develop, harsh duality is not only present in early life but is the situation throughout childhood and frequently into early adulthood. The compartmentalization encompasses their whole

early life, and forms the base for the later years. Thus cut into pieces, the sufferer finds they cannot cope with ordinary life. The socially proper persona may be on-line while the individual is standing in the checkout line when someone

nearby drops a jar, shattering the jar and splashing tomato sauce everywhere. The proper persona goes off-line, in

distress, and when the messy persona takes over those at the grocery store find themselves standing next to an entirely

different person!

Invariably, in multiple personality disorders, the individual is not able to cope. This permeates their life, evident in

social situations and employment alike. Ordinary living requires the many sides of an individual to be present at the

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same time. A business meeting requires one to be calm and orderly to absorb the subject matter, but also to be

aggressive when presenting one's opinion, fearful of being rejected, and angry when rejection occurs. An individual

who has rigidly packaged their persona may find at least three different persona called out during such a meeting,

ineffectively handling this social situation and startling their co-workers. Thus, they get fired, become reclusive, and

often remain in the home where their personalities were warped in the first place - the victim yet again.

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ZetaTalk: Dowsing

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ZetaTalk: Dowsing

Note: written on Apr 15, 1997

The practice of dowsing, using divining rods to locate water, is so common as to not be doubted, but no one, including

the practitioner, understands how they work. Some humans can douse, but most cannot, so its recognized to be a talent

or ability within the practitioner. Dowsing works best when the dowser is allowed to walk about out in the fields and
