ВВ – Византийский временник
ВДИ – Вестник древней истории
ЗРАО – Записки Русского археологического общества
ИАН – Известия Академии наук
ИГАМК – Известия Государственной Академии истории материальной культуры
ИРАМК – Известия Российской Академии истории материальной культуры
СА – Советская археология
ТСАРАНИОН – Труды секции археологии Российской ассоциации научно-исследовательских институтов общественных наук
Штерн, ГРАЕИ см. Stern, GLAJJ
АЕМ – Archäologisch-epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich – Ungarn
AIIFCS – The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting, 1-5 (Grand Rapids /Carlisle; Eerdmans/Paternoster, 1993-1996)
AJ – Archaeological Journal
AJA – American Journal of Archaeology
AGSU – Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Spätjudentums und Urchristentums
ANRW – Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neuen Forschung (Berlin/New York, 1972-)
ВА – Biblical Archaeologist
BAGD – A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, A translation and adoptation of the 4th ed. of W. Bauer’s Griechisch– Deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des NT und die übrigen urchristlichen Literatur by W.F. Arndt, F.W. Gingrich, 2nd ed.revised and augmented by F.W. Gingrich, W. Danker from W. Bauer fifth edition (Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 1979)
BAGD – The Beginnings of Christianty, eds. EJ. Foakes Jackson, K. Lake, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, 1-5; 1: Prolegomena; 2: Criticism; 3: The Text of Ac (J.H. Ropes); 4: Translation and Commentary (K. Lake, H.J. Cadbury); 5: Additional Notes (eds. Lake, Cadbury) (London, 1920-1933)
BCH – Bulletin de Correspondance He I Unique
BDBG – The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1979)
BE – Bulletin öpigraphique
BGU – Ägyptische Urkunden aus den königlichen Muzeen zu Berlin
Bib – Biblica
BJS – Brown Judaic Studies
Bl.-Debr. F. Blass, A. Debrunner, A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, revised by R.W. Funk (Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 1961)
BSA – The Annual of the British School at Athens
CBQ – Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CIJ – J.B. Frey, Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum, I2 (New York: Ktav, 1975); II (Roma: Pontificio Istituto di archeologia Cristiana: 1951)
CIG – Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, ed. A. Boeck (Berlin: 1828-1877, переизд.: Hidesheim, 1977)
CIL – Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin, 1862-1909)
CIRB Corpus Inscriptionum Regni Bosporani (Корпус боспорских надписей) (М–Л: Наука, 1965)
CPJ Corpus Papyrorum Judaicorum, eds. V.A. Tcheri– kover, A. Fuks, M. Stern, 1-3 (1957-1964)
CRAIBL Comptes rendus de TAcademie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
CRINT – Compendia Rerum Iudaicum ad Novum Testamentum
CSEL – Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum
Dessau, ILS – H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, 1-3 (Berlin, 1892-1916)
Diehl, ILCV – E. Diehl, Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres (Berlin)
Dittenberger, OGIS – W. Dittenberger, Orientis graeci inscriptionesselectae, 1-2 (Leipzig, 1903-1905)
DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers
EPRO Etudes préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’Empire Romain
ExpT – Expository Times
FGrHist – Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, ed. F. Jacoby (Berlin, 1923–)
GCS – Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte
GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies
Guarducci, EG M. Guarducci, Epigrafia graeca, 3: Epigrafia di carattere private (Roma: Institute poligrafica dello state, 1974); 4: Epigrafi sacre pagane e Christiane (Roma, 1978)
Horbury, Noy, JIGRE – W. Horbury, D. Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of Graeco-Roman Egypt (Cambridge: CUP, 1992)
HTR Harvard Theological Review
IBM Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum, 1-4 (Oxford, 1874-1916)
IEph Die Inschriften aus Ephesos, 1-8 (1979-1984)
IG Inscriptiones Graecae, 1–(1873–)
IGBulg Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, ed. G. Mihailov, 1-4 (Sofia, 1956-1970)
IKorinthChr Corpus der griechisch-christlichen Inschriften von Hellas, I. Peloponnes, 1: Istmos-Korinthos, ed. N.A. Bees (Athens, 1941, перепеч.: Chicago, 1978)
IKorinthKent Corinth, 8.3: The Inscriptions 1926-1950, ed. J.H. Kent (Princeton, 1966)
IKorinthMeritt Corinth, 8.1: Greek Inscriptions 1896-1927, ed. B.D. Meritt (Cambridge, Mass., 1931)
IM Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Istanbuler Abteilung (Istanbuler Mitteilungen)
IOSPE B. Latyshev, Inscriptiones orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini, I2 (СПб, 1916); II (СПб, 1890)
JAC – Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum
JBL – Journal of Biblical Literature
JHS – Journal of Hellenic Studies
JJS – Journal of Jewish Studies
JQR – Jewish Quarterly Review
JRA – Journal of Roman Archaeology
JRS – Journal of Roman Studies
JSJ – Journal for the Study of Judaism
JSNT – Journal for the Study of New Testament
JSS – Jewish Social Studies
JTS – Journal of Theological Studies
JÖAI – Jahreshefte des österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien
LCL – Loeb Classical Library
Lifshitz, DF – Lifshitz, B. Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues juives (Paris: Gabalda, 1967, Cahiers de la Revue Biblique, 7)
Lifshitz, Prolegomenon Lifshitz, B. Prolegomenon CIJ I2 (New York: Ktav, 1975)
LSJ – H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, revised and augmented by H.S. Jones with the assistance of R. McKenzie with a Revised Supplement, ed. RG.W. Clare, with the assistance of A. AThomp– son (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996)
MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, 1– (1929–)
NewDocs New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity, 1– (Macquarie University, 1982–)
Noy, JIWE – D. Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe, 1: Italy (excluding the City of Rome), Spain and Gaul (Cambridge: CUP, 1993); 2: The City of Rome (Cambridge: CUP, 1995)
NRSV – New Revised Standard Version
NT – Novum Testamentum
OLD – Oxford Latin Dictionary
PBSR – Papers of British School at Rome
PEQ – Palestine Exploration Quarterly
PG – J.-P Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca
PL – Series Latina
RA – Revue Archéologique
RB – Revue Biblique
RE – Pauly– Wissowa-Kroll, ReaI Encyclopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft
RECAM – Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor
REG – Revue des études grecques
REJ – Revue des ötudes juives
RGRW – Religions in the Graeco-Roman World
RLAC – Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum
RPh – Revue de philologie
SBF – Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
SBLSBS – Society of Biblical Literature, Sources for Biblical Study
SEG – Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
SCI – Scripta Classica Israelica
SJLA – StudiG.W. Bres in Judaism in Late Antiquity
SPAW – Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
Stern, GLAJJ M. Stern, Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, 1-3 (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1976-1987), русск. пер.: М. Штерн, Греческие и римские авторы о евреях и иудаизме, т. 1 (М/Иерусалим: Гешарим, 1997)
TAM – Tituli Asiae Minoris
ТАРА – Transactions of the American Philological Association
TDNT – G. Kittel, ed., Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, transl. by G.W. Bromiley, 1-10 (Gran< Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966-1976)
TynB – Tyndale Bulletin
TZ – Theologische Zeitschrift
VC – Vigiliae Christianae
WUNT – Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
ZAW – Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZNW – Zeitschrift für die neuestestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZPE – Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik