Chapter 8

That same afternoon papa and I duly ensconced ourselves in the snug little closet on the left in the narrow passage which led to the chamber I already knew.

We had not long to wait. Our door was bolted-the two apertures were uncorked. We had found that each commanded a most complete view of the bedroom. Our heads were not six inches apart. We had chairs on which to sit with soft cushions upon them. I noticed that the legs of these seats were covered with India-rubber pads, so that no sound would be audible if they were moved. They were the caps or cups which are supplied for sticks and crutches. A soft carpet covered the floor and a padded rest was fixed above each peephole upon which to lay the forehead. Everything was luxuriously complete. Presently I heard the sound of footsteps in the corridor. The door of the bedroom opened. A voice in gentle accents murmured: "This way, please." The door was closed again after giving ingress to two individuals. Then there was silence-profound, but for the gentle breathing of papa behind me.

The first who came under my view was a short, thick-set man of some five and forty years of age. His hair was already turning gray; his closely cut beard and heavy moustache were of the same grizzly shade. His features struck me as being ordinary without vulgarity, and he possessed a look of ardent sensuality which, to my practiced eye, there was no possibility of mistaking.

The second comer interested me more. She was a girl with a build like that of the man, although she was thinner and very appealing. Indeed, she had a very youthful face and long limbs. She was far from being either full-grown or fully developed. What, however, struck me most was her extreme beauty. She had skin like alabaster, white and soft. She was fair and plump for a child of her age. Her features were regular and good and bore a close resemblance to those of her companion. I noticed that she was dressed in the usual fashion of the age. She had very short skirts and wore socks so that her calves were without stockings, showing the naked legs about the tops of her perfectly fitting, high and delicate little kid boots.

Having carefully bolted the door, the man threw himself upon a lounge. The girl set herself to examine and take note of the apartment. He watched her every movement as a cat studies a mouse. I thought I already detected a flash of obscene desire in his liquid eye as he rapidly scrutinized every change of position. Then he threw off his coat, opened his waistcoat, deposited his watch and chain on the adjoining table, and removed his necktie and shirt collar.

"Do you see her boots?" whispered a voice at my ear. "What nice legs she has! What is he going to do?"

"Yes, and so pretty too! Do you notice the likeness, dear papa?"

We could distinctly hear every word they spoke.

"Come here, Lucy!"

The girl obeyed with an air of indifference which appeared to me to hide a certain amount of fear. The man put her upon his knee.

"When did I do it last?"

The girl blushed scarlet.

"It was Wednesday, a week ago-the day mother went to Liverpool."

"What did I promise you this time, if you were good."

"You said you would give me a new photographic album and a whole pound of chocolate fondants."

"What-all that! Well, I suppose I must be as good as my word. Now then, Lucy, let's see if you are getting to be a young woman."

"Oh! I wish I was already a grown-up woman!"

"It will all come in time-you are getting on fast."

While this edifying conversation was progressing, the man had let the girl slip from his knee. She stood between his legs. His left arm encircled her tapered waist. His right played with her ankles, her calves, and her knees. Then he advanced his eager hand a little further. Suddenly he bent forward and pressed his lips to her with a fervent embrace which spoke volumes to us witnesses. He sucked long and ardent kisses from her with the bestial avidity of a satyr.

"Who told you about kissing, Lucy?"

"That girl at school. She said the men knew best how to kiss."

"She was right, dear girl! What else did she say?"

"Oh, I don't know-but she said men liked to feel the girls about- well-you know-under their clothes."

"Yes, I think she was right, dear child! So they do!"

Suiting the action to the word, he slipped his hand further up between the girl's thighs. His eyes glowed-his lips parted.

"Oh, there it is! What a nice little slit it is!"

"Oh, father! Don't! That hurts! Pray, don't!"

We looked at one another for a moment. The secret was out.

"Give me your hand, Lucy. Put it there-do you feel that?"

"Oh yes, I do! I know-you told me about it."

"What did I tell you it was? What did I say you might call it?"

"I remember! You told me last time. You said it was a prick."

The man had been loosening his clothes. He held the child's hand close to him as they continued-

"What did that girl at the school tell you it was called?"

"She said some other name. I think she said it was a diddle. It was when she pointed to the statue of Mercury on the stairs. But it was not at all like yours. It was very small and hung down. Yours is always upright, father-and oh, so big!"

He drew aside his shirt. He exposed his naked member with the child's little hand in contact.

"Isn't that nice, Lucy-oh so nice! We are all right and quite alone here. You have only to be quite quiet and play with my prick."

"Yes, I know. Now mother's at Liverpool, we shall not be found out. Oh, my! If I was! How she would beat me! But-but-you won't forget the album, will you, father! I'm promised several photos to put in it."

"No, my darling, certainly not. But come, take off your clothes. I want to see you naked. I want to see all your pretty things."

"Oh, father! must I take them all off?"

"All except your chemise. Of course not your boots. They are too smart to lose sight of."

As the pretty child stripped, I feasted my eyes on the lascivious exhibition. She was as fair as one of Watteau's beauties and far more comely. A lovely little Venus, with limbs like the most delicate ivory. The man sat at his ease contemplating the process of disentanglement from the manifold tapes and laces which hindered the operation. His member was exposed in its erected state beneath our full gaze. He had evidently no shame, but on the contrary, showed rather a Satanic delight in all the indecency he perpetrated.

"Ah, that's right! Now come here, Lucy! What a delicious little slit! Let me feel it! How soft and warm it is-how my fingers slip in between the pretty lips. You must never let the boys touch it. You must always keep it for me."

"Mother says some day I shall have hair on it."

"Yes, I dare say, unless you let me take care of it for you. But Lucy, my prick wants to be kissed."

She went down on her knees. She clasped the man's member, a large and long one, in both hands, and imprinted a fervent kiss on the livid gland. He pushed it forward towards her.

"Now suck it at little, Lucy! Think of the chocolate!"

The girl opened her lips. The man pushed forward. The big head entered Lucy's mouth; she sucked to order.

"Oh, that is nice! That's delicious-stop now! I must suck your slit. Put your feet on the sofa. Bend over my head-so."

The satyr held the delicate child close to him. He parted the rosy lips of her peach-like slit with his fingers, then he applied his eager face, covering her belly and beautiful mount with humid kisses. Finally, he sucked her parts until he appeared to have exhausted his breath. Lucy seemed to feel no particular sympathy with her parent's toying, but rather to be inspired by a certain obedience, which, no doubt, she connected with the promised reward. Then, hot from his obscene caress, he sat up.

"That was a real treat to me, Lucy! Now I want you to turn round and round slowly that I may see how nice you look naked."

The fair child obeyed, slowly rotating, posturing, and posing her exquisitely graceful and youthful form beneath the bestial gaze of her excited progenitor. As for the man, he sat upon the edge of the lounge, his legs wide apart, his shirt drawn up, his member, red-topped and erect, curving its length backwards towards his navel as if confident of the pleasures yet in store for it. Then he rose and, catching the little sylph in his arms, carried her unresisting to the ample bed.

"Look, look, Eveline! Do you see? Do you think he is going to put his member into her? It looks like it."

As cautiously, I rejoined:

"Yes, papa, it looks like it! What a beautiful child! What a fine thing he has! I should like his thing, papa! Would you like the girl?"

I gently lowered my hand. I clasped his limb, loose already from the confinement of his trousers.

"Oh! How stiff you are, dear papa! This erotic scene is almost too much for you. Pray keep calm! Let us look on and watch them further."

The girl was on the bed; the man was kneeling over her naked form.

"You won't hurt me again like last time, will you?"

"Of course not, Lucy! Only hold still; put your pretty legs apart! Now raise you knees up-so! I must lie down on your soft little belly and feel how warm it is!"

"Oh! But you are pushing it into me! It's-it's-oh, my! It's too big! Oh, father, pray don't-you hurt!"

"Be quiet, I say, you young she-devil! You were not making all that noise when I caught you with young Symes."

"Oh, oh, no! But his thing was not near so big as yours, and he was ever so gentle."

"Well! If he could have you, so can I! Lie still, I say! It's going in now-there! It's half in already! How tight you are, Lucy-you young harlot! I'll tell you mother if you cry out! Lie still, I tell you! There! There-now you've got it! Oh-ugh! How nice it is! Oh! Jig-jig- joss!"

The man began to move up and down; Lucy took a big mouthful of the bedclothes and half shut her pretty eyes.

"Oh, father! It's too far in! You hurt-"

"Nonsense, Lucy, you must have it all! I'm too stiff to stop now! Hold up! Let me put my hands under your bottom. That's right. Now I can get in better! Oh, my-it's lovely!"

She groaned. The lascivious parent commenced to move up and down with a regular cadence. It was easy to see he was in absolute possession. From our hiding place we could see his weapon moving in and out between the girl's plump young thighs. I began insensibly working papa's limb in my warm hand as we looked on. The man stopped occasionally as if to prolong and linger over his pleasure. The girl lay utterly passive, her little hand convulsively clutching the sheet as if to fortify her to bear the process of the disproportionate coitus with less suffering. Suddenly her companion retook himself to his libidinous exercise. A few rapid jerks-a thrusting, straining movement upon his little victim-and it was easy to see his climax was at hand. It came. He fell with a gasping cry upon Lucy's rosy little form and lay bereft of all motion save the hoarse breathing with which he accompanied the overflow of his nature.

"He has done! He has discharged right into her!" whispered dear papa.

My hand grasped the erected staff-it pushed itself forward. I worked it quickly, decisively. A plentiful stream of hot sperm gushed over my tightly fitting kid glove. Papa sighed deliciously. His head reclined on my shoulder. He had succumbed to the excitement of the scene.

The voices of the strange couple in the bedroom at length aroused us both.

"I want to know what else that girl at the school told you, Lucy. Didn't she say she had two brothers? Now don't hide anything from me, my girl. You know I'll not tell mother, and you had better tell me all about it."

"Well, so I will, father, if you won't be cross. Amy says she has two brothers, both older than her, and that they taught her all she knows about-about diddles-and things."

"I suppose they had nice little games between all three?"

"Yes, but not at first. It was her younger brother, Fred, who began it, she says. He got her into the wood behind their house. They live in the country, you know-and there he pulled up her clothes and made her let him put his fingers to her slit. Then he showed her his thing and she found it got so stiff and big when she touched it! After a time, the elder brother found them out and he wanted to play at it too."

"Well, Lucy, and then, I suppose, they began in earnest?"

"Yes, they did. The elder brother had a much larger diddle than Fred. One day he got Amy down in a quiet corner of their garden, and I do believe he would have pushed it quite into her little pussy, but it came on to rain, and while they were sheltering in the greenhouse the gardener caught them. Amy says she is sure he saw what they were doing. Alexander was the name of her big brother and he ran away, but the gardener stopped her. He explained to her why Alex could not push his diddle into her slit. He said that she had an egg there like all very young girls, and that he ought to have the egg broken, and that she would be quite a woman and able to play with the boys and even with the men. She was very much obliged to him for explaining all about it to her. She told me she felt very grateful to him so that when he offered to break the egg for her, she thought how kind it was of him. She told me that the gardener locked the door of the greenhouse and put her on some hay in a wheelbarrow. Then he let down his trousers and showed her his diddle-"

"You mean his prick-don't you, Lucy?"

"Yes, it must have been his prick-like yours. Well, he let it out for her to look at she said, 'Oh, such a whopper! And all red at the top!' He took her in his arms and pulled up her clothes. Then he pushed his diddle-I mean his prick-up between her thighs and right into her little slit. Amy says he was not long doing it, but that it hurt dreadfully-only she is sure that he broke the egg because she felt the yolk all running down her legs when he had done."

During the edifying history, papa and I had found it very difficult to restrain our risible tendencies; we were quite relieved when the tender parent began once more to tumble and caress his charming daughter.

Her naive and innocent story had evidently had its effect, for his limb stood up wickedly in front of him as he pulled the girl roughly from the bed. He passed his lewd hands all over her Hebe-like figure. He was especially attracted by her rosy buttocks. Bending her face- downwards on the side of the bed, he pressed himself against her back. We saw his rampant member protruding beneath her soft little belly. Then he adjusted its nut to the pretty slit. Slowly and carefully he conducted his outrageous assault, till at last he contrived to sheath the greater part of the instrument in her vagina. Regardless then of her complaints, he pushed in until the spasmodic vibrations of his loins told that his climax had been attained. Whether he had broken an egg or no, we had no means of ascertaining; certain it was, however, that poor Lucy's legs were covered with something which might have passed for a very pale yolk.
