Chapter 3

My sojourn at the pensionnat was drawing to an end, when an event happened which I had foreseen must sooner or later take place. One day the lodge door remained closed; the window shutters unopened. A woman did temporary duty at the great iron gates. The pupils were restricted to the lawn in front of the house in the hours of recreation. The whole establishment wore an air of melancholy resignation.

Then the mystery leaked out. First, of course, from the servants. The teapot had disappeared-spout and all! My friend the concierge had at last been "found out."

But this was not all. Two of the elder girls with whom I had not formed a very close association were gone also. Another was locked up in her room. Gradually the whole truth unrolled itself bit by bit. Mademoiselle L and Mademoiselle B had been sent back to their parents, each bearing increasing evidence of the efficacy of the teapot's long straight spout in their domestic arrangements. Mademoiselle X having no parents, and her uncle being abroad, had been retained to await the ultimate issue, but it fortunately turned out, in her case, that the spout had not injected its prolific essence to the detriment of her pretty figure!

Of course, there was a scandal. As in the Brighton case, the public got hold of it. Ruy Blas, and other smart newspapers, published racy details, and more or less beyond the facts, which were strong enough in all their naked simplicity.

It was from the girl, Mademoiselle X-, I finally learned the real facts. It seems they were all three in the swim. The ugly concierge must have had a good time, for the girls, especially the latter, were all good-looking and well-made. I was lucky to be out of the trouble. My conduct had always been quoted as exemplary. It was held up as a pattern to the rest. The concierge had the merit at least of not talking of his amours. I remained unsuspected.

That he had managed to penetrate the private parts of these girls was evident. I was anxious to know all about it. I could not understand how so gigantic a member of a man could enter them. I wormed the whole story out of Mademoiselle X, being selected as the only companion permitted to visit her.

It appeared they had actually discovered a means of escaping from their bed-chamber, where all three were supposed to sleep in separate little beds. They waited for dark nights. They took it in turn to go down to the lodge. The hunchback had always some trifling trinket or some bonbons to bestow on his nocturnal visitors. Soon, however, their senses awoke to the reciprocation of his lascivious sensations. They relished his embraces. My unlucky companion described all that had passed in terms which did not exhibit much repentance for her indiscretion. She discovered very soon I was by no means an unsympathetic listener.

It was delicious; she would do it again had she the chance. He possessed a thing which was delightful. It was also very long and very thick. Did I know that the other girls were, some of them, in the habit of sucking it for bonbons? But it was true. She had sucked it. He enjoyed that very much. She also enjoyed that. He would then suck her parts. In the daytime they were very guarded. At night they were free. They did as they pleased. They used to take it in turns. He was always ready for them. He induced her to take off her peignoir; under that was only a skirt and a chemise de nuit. He made her quite naked. He produced his big limb. She caressed it and sucked it. Then he visited her body all over. One day he laid her on his bed. He was much excited. He had only his chemise on. He pressed her and kissed her everywhere. On the mouth. He would not let her finish him off as usual. He was fond of finishing his enjoyment as she had already told me-in her mouth. A quantity of thick white stuff came from him. It was nice. His member was oh, so long. Oh, so thick, too! It was like that-and thick like that. It was too terrible-so big-so strong! "Eh bien! This time I was on my back. He was on my belly. His member was between my thighs. He made me open them. He pressed, he rubbed the big member in between the lips down there. He hurt me more. I cried out. He called me petite imbecile. He was furious. I put my hand down to stop him. I caught hold of his big member. I found quite half of it was inside my parts. Oh! It was so stiff, so strong! He continued to thrust-to force into me this enormous thing. It would enter no further. He cried, "Now I discharge!" I seized the member again in my hand to pull it out. I felt throbs pass along its sides. Then he sank down on my body. I knew that the thick stuff was spouting into my belly. After he had quite done, he got off me. He made me rise also. I was all covered with his discharge. My legs were slippery, so were my parts. They ached dreadfully. But what did I care? My good uncle would not be angry. He would love me very much himself. He was always good to me. One day, he made me feel his member. It was not so large as that of our concierge, not nearly so large. I would love him. He would put it in where that enormous concierge could not enter. I would enjoy. My uncle would enjoy-we would be happy."

Once more the train to Calais, once more the dreadful sea sickness. I am free. No more school; no more pensionnat for Eveline! My father had returned from India. His term of service had expired. He had received his C.B. He was now retiring as a Major General. His breast was covered with the medals he had won, yet except some mere scratches, he had never received a wound. He was still a young and vigorous man in the prime of life. He was also the lineal descendant of an ancient family, and a Baronet.

I was considered to have arrived at an age when I might bid adieu to educational routine. I was to spend a few months at home in Mayfair, to improve the occasion in the reception of music and singing lessons from the first professors. Not that my mother desired my return; she had her own reasons for her unwilling assent. Lady L had never overcome her antipathy for her only daughter. Sir Edward, however, had a distinct desire to have me at home. It was to him I owed my emancipation. My sympathy was all for him. I shared his desire to meet again after so long an absence.

Sir Edward was absent shooting in the North when I arrived. My mother was suffering, so she informed me, from rheumatism. She kept to her room. My time did not hang too heavily on my hands for all that. I had plenty of liberty. The carriage was at my disposal. We were rich. The house was commodious. The servants were numerous and well paid. They were evidently overjoyed to welcome me to my home, and have someone to break the monotony of their existence.

I very soon began to discriminate among them. There was the senior footman, John Parker, who was particularly polite and attentive to me. My mother preferred to take her meals in her own room upstairs. I dined all alone, save when I invited a young friend of my own age to share my meal. On the occasions when I was quite by myself, John would venture to suggest various choice portions from the dishes set before me. He cut and arranged them on my plate. He interested me. He was a man of some eight and thirty, not very tall for a footman, but stout and broad. I thought in my ignorance he was magnificent in his handsome livery, with his gold garters, black silk stockings and his crimson plush breeches. He made a great impression on me. I suppose I showed my interest in him too plainly. He soon became more attentive, more subservient-more familiar.

"How long have you been here, John?"

From the first I could never bring myself to call him Parker.

"Three years, miss, come Christmas."

"You must find it very dull now that Sir Edward is away and Mr. Percy is in Canada. I expect you have gay times downstairs, when your work is over in here."

"Well, miss, not so much. The others are not a very gay lot and the cook goes out when the work is done. The girls both sit upstairs with my lady's own maid. Now you're here, miss, if I may be allowed to say so, the house is not at all the same. It seems quite lively-at least to me, miss."

"Where is my maid, John? She has not brought my shoes. I cannot bear these boots any longer, I am tired."

"Mary is upstairs, miss, shall I call her?"

"No, John, if you will be so good as to undo these laces, I can sit more comfortably at the table."

I pushed out my foot. I placed it on a stool. John stooped over it. He began to fumble at the knot. His hand trembled.

"I am afraid, John, you are not quite a lady's maid, but I think you are very nice all the same."

John chuckled. I gave a little kick out with my foot. It touched his plush breeches.

"Oh, you hurt me, John-no-not your knuckles-it's the lace at the back of the instep-see here-

He took my foot in his hand. He touched my ankle.

"It's just there, John, please rub it a little."

John set to work to rub the ankle. As he rubbed, I swayed my foot backwards and forwards upon his plush breeches. Something hard seemed to grow up under my foot.

"What have you got in your pocket, John? Is it a flute?"

"No, miss, I am not musical. I don't play any instrument."

The man blushed scarlet as his breeches, and seemed quite confused.

"It feels exactly like one, John, and it gets bigger and bigger."

I pushed my little kid boot into closer contact with the thing. John's hand was now resting on my calf, and my black silk stocking evidently delighted him, for he made any and all pretenses in order to linger where he was.

I put on my most innocent and childish air.

"Do all men have those things there, John? The girls at school told me lots about them."

"I don't know, miss. I suppose so. I-really! Miss! I'm afraid someone may come."

"Don't be alarmed, John, no one will come. I want to feel it."

"Good Lord! Miss-if they should know-if I am found out I shall lose my place."

"But you won't tell, John, will you?"

"Oh dear, no miss! But you might let it out unawares-like."

I sprang forward. I seized the object in his red plush breeches with my hand. John stood quite still and breathed hard.

"Good Lord, miss! If they come, if we're found out!"

"They are all upstairs-we are alone. I must feel it. I know what it is, John. My goodness! How it throbs-how big it is getting now-let me feel it."

The footman submitted with a good grace. It was clear he was by no means unwilling. He evidently enjoyed my fingering. I slyly undid the corner button of his flap. I audaciously slipped my hand in. I ran it quickly down his belly. I encountered his nice clean shirt all warm. Then my hand fastened on his limb. I pulled away his shirt. I grasped his naked member. It felt very fat and thick. It was still stiffening. I gave it a sudden twist. It stood up now against his belly.

"Is that nice, John?"

"Good Lord! Yes, miss, it's heavenly, but I'm afraid we may be caught at it."

He appeared to have an enormous limb, not so long as the horrid concierge, but very thick and strong. I managed to pull back the skin. I felt a big soft, beautiful knob on the end. He turned towards me. He favored my toying by thrusting and grinding at my palm, but the space was too confined to enable me to stroke it as I liked.

Just then the front door bell rang.

I withdrew my hand. John buttoned up. The next minute he was opening the door with the grand air of a butler who could crush the comer with a glance.

I set to work to scheme a way to arrive at the sum of my desires. There are some things one must do for oneself. I nerved myself for the occasion. I went to a quiet street in Soho. I had noted a second-rate shop which was fitted up as an apothecary's-as we say in London, chemist and druggist. I entered. I had chosen the quiet time in the early afternoon. No one was in the shop. A good-looking, fair-haired young man advanced from the back room.

"Good morning. I want a syringe-a female syringe; show me some of your best."

"Certainly, miss, please to step this way."

He led me to the further end of the counter. He produced from a drawer a number of the articles in question.

"These are all good, but this pattern is the one we specially recommend. It is of vulcanite. It cannot break, or do any mischief."

I looked them over with a professional air.

"Yes, you are right. I will take the one you recommend."

Probably he saw I was a little awkward in handling the thing. I looked him in the face with a smile. His eyes sparkled.

"Do you understand how it should be applied, miss?"

"Well not properly, perhaps."

He smiled this time. I laughed softly.

"How do you fill it, and with what?"

"We have a detergent always made up, miss. If you will wait a moment, I will get some water and explain the action."

I nodded gently. He went into the back room. In a few moments he returned.

"Please come in here, I can show you how it works."

I followed the good-looking, fair young man. He filled the syringe with water, and squirted it out again into a basin.

"You should always wipe it after use and return it nicely to its case-thus."

I laughed again softly.

The young man laughed also. I was wicked enough to encourage his hilarity. He evidently took me for a representative member of a class to which I had not the honor to belong. I determined to humor him. He grew more familiar.

"After all, it is not at all equal to the real thing. Would you like me to try it for you? I shall be delighted to serve you, miss."

"Thank you, but I should prefer the real thing, it if it acts at all like the imitation. Probably you have none in stock?"

He laughed outright this time. He glanced around. We understood one another in a moment. He caught me round the waist.

"You beautiful devil! Where do you come from?"

"Are we quite sure to be alone? Suppose someone enters the shop?"

"They must wait. I can shut the door. See, there is a muslin curtain. We can see out. They cannot see in."

"Then try the real thing-if you have one?"

He was very good-looking and had roused my lust. He locked the door and pushed me towards a sofa.

"You really mean you will let me do the job for you, eh? You are awfully pretty, you know. I never saw such a beautiful girl. You are so beautifully dressed. I am not rich, you know; you will not want to bother me afterwards?"

"I ask nothing. I should not like to disappoint you."

"Oh, my God! What fun! I never had such a chance. How sweet your kisses are! Let me feel."

"Where is your syringe? Oh, my goodness! What a beauty! It is much larger, though, than the imitation. Kiss me?"

"Yes, much larger and almost as stiff. It holds nearly as much also, as you will soon find. Oh, your kisses are sweet."

I held his limb in my gloved hand. His fingers were in the moisture of my slit. He was beautifully made-not nearly so large as the concierge. I was dreadfully excited. I longed for him to "do the job," as he called it. He was stiffly erect.

I had not long to wait. I was utterly devoid of modesty. I fancied I knew how best to please him. I played my part.

"Be quick-I want it! Come!"

I pulled up all my clothes. He saw all my nudity. I felt the air on my exposed parts. The coolness of it was in such great contrast to my own heat that my slit grew all the slicker. The handsome young chemist eyed me with a lasciviousness I had come to appreciate. I wagged my tongue across my teeth. I undulated my lower body. But rather than inspire an assault, this moved him to express his admiration vocally.

"My God, what lovely legs! What fine stockings! What exquisite little boots! My God! Oh-what a chance!"

"You tarry so. I said I wanted it. Must I repeat myself? Do not make me beg further or I shall deny you. Can you not tell I want it now?"

The young man mounted quickly upon me. In an instant I felt him penetrating my orbit. My slit was all on fire with longing.

"My God, how tight you are-keep still-it's going in now. Oh, my God, how nice! I'm right into you now!"

It was true. I tasted the pleasure of coition for the first time with a full-grown man. I could not speak-I could only sob and moan in the ecstasy of that encounter. I clutched him by the shoulders. I felt the light hair of his belly rub on my flesh. He thrust vigorously. His limb grew stiffer and harder. It seemed to push to the extremity of my capacity. The pleasure was divine.

"Oh, Christ! I'm coming! I'm-coming! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

"The syringe! The syringe! Give it all to me!"

The young man discharged-gush after gush. He had spoken the truth. His syringe was ample. His sperm squirted into me in a flood.

"You beautiful little devil! How deliciously nice you are. Now you must make use of the imitation. I will get you some water."

"Thanks. Remember to wipe your syringe and return it carefully to its box."

I walked home. I was no longer afraid of John now.
