Chapter 2

"Here is news for us all, Eveline. I have a letter from Percy. He is likely to be home soon on leave."

"Oh, Papa! What fun! I am so glad. It is so long since I have seen him. How he will be altered! He was only a boy when last I saw him and bid him adieu. Now he is a man and a soldier."

"There is his letter. He has got several steps too. He thinks it likely he will be moved into the other battalion of his regiment."

The letter was full of joy at the prospect of coming home soon. He was very young for the service. He was clever, however. Interest was pushing him along. I wondered what he would think of me. He had only been in Canada a year, but I had been abroad when he joined his regiment.

It was breakfast time. Papa and I sat alone. Lady L was indisposed. Dr. Proctor was in attendance. I heard his step descending the stairs. Papa advanced to meet him. They shook hands.

"Much about the same. Yes, these cases are extremely difficult and delicate. You must do all you can to keep down the stimulants. Plenty of beef-tea-exercise-fresh air. We have a very delicate duty to perform, Sir Edward. We doctors, of course, cannot enter into the domestic difficulties of our patients. We must keep aloof-my sympathy, however, I may tell you, is entirely devoted to this case."

"It is not so much your sympathy which I would invoke, Dr. Proctor, as your practical suggestions, your deliberate opinion on the course I should pursue. I am much perplexed-very much distressed."

"Very difficult-very delicate. Better let me know if any recurrence of the excitement supervenes. Meanwhile sedatives-bromides-Ah, how do you do?"

He had caught sight of little me in the doorway. I bowed. He had been speaking in a low confidential tone intended for Papa's ear. There was a callous, selfish ring in his voice, which never left the pompous professional key-never sounded the true ring of brotherly sympathy as from man to man. Dr. Proctor seemed glad to change the subject.

"You do not appear as if you required my services, Miss L, if I may judge by your looks."

"Looks may be deceptive, Dr. Proctor. I do not feel any fresher or better for the fatigues of the London season so far. Some of your bromide might not be wasted on me."

He was too stupid, or too much engrossed by the consideration of his own professional importance to notice the ironical tone of my voice.

"Take her into the country-give her bracing air-a few days change to the East coast would set her up. Good bye, Sir Edward, good bye. I have a long round today-and royalty to visit at noon."

"That's rather a good idea. I wonder if Mrs. Lockett could be trusted to look after our invalid. We might run off to C, or B-for a couple of days. It would bring back all your roses, Eveline."

What a hideous thing! I thought as I stood behind the great statue of Achilles in the park. It was misty, not to say foggy. The air of the murky London atmosphere had not yet been moved by the breeze. It stood in yellow patches about the green glades and spoiled the fresh fragrance of the flower beds. I walked slowly on. A solitary figure came slowly out of the haze. Nearer and nearer. It took the shape of a tall man, broad-shouldered, upright, a military air and independent stride which argued decision and self-confidence. It was Inspector Walker.

"Ah, Miss L, how fortunate I am to find you out already! Not a very promising morning either. You look frightened. I trust-"

"No, I am not frightened. I am only a little nervous. I am anxious no one should recognize me. You recall too often my individuality. I run a great risk. In fact I have been wrong, I fear, to come here."

"Do not say that. I will not repeat the imprudence. You know I am quite safe in any case to keep a confidence. I am only too grateful to you for permitting me to see you again."

"Can you keep a secret?"

"It is my business to keep secrets. I am a member of the detective force."

"I suppose I may trust you, Mr. Walker?"

"Indeed. Let me caution you to lower your veil."

"Are you afraid to look at me?"

My eyes spoke mischief. I smiled, but did not blush.

"Indeed I am. You are too beautiful for a man to look at safely."

"Was that the reason I was to put my veil down?"

"Oh, no! It was for your own protection. You are now quite safe from recognition."

We sat down on one of the seats by the side of the path. No one was about. The nursemaids and the soldiers had not yet arrived, nor was the morning propitious. The Inspector became very loving, especially when he found I was not offended by his little familiarities. We laughed and chatted. I soon learned the sort of man with whom I had to deal. He was quite my ideal. I brought him quickly to the point.

"You say you want to be my friend-my secret eye on all around. You should be-if I was sure I could trust you."

I listened to his explanations. I determined to go on with my intrigue. In ten minutes we completely understood each other.

"You would have me treat you so, then, little lady?"

"Yes! Exactly in all respects as if I was one of the class to which I have referred."

"Be it so. You shall find me loyal and true. I am a lucky man!"

"I like you, Mr. Walker. Henceforth you are my dragon-my watchful, protecting dragon."

A look of strong animal passion passed over his features. He had caught the infection from my eyes. I gave him my hand. He pressed the pretty tight-fitting kid glove to his lips.

"At four o'clock we will swim in pleasure. Au revoir, my dragon."

"John, where is Mary? I did not see her at work on the stairs this morning."

"No Miss Eveline. Mary is gone; Mrs. Lockett sent her off yesterday. Shall I bring you a glass of wine, miss?"

Mrs. Lockett had received Sir Edwards' orders to discharge the under-housemaid. She gave her a month's wages, one hour's notice, and an excellent character extending over eighteen months. She had known her exactly two. Jim was away exercising the horses when she left with her tears and her box. John brought the wine on a salver.

"Shall I pour it out, miss?"

"Yes. How is Robin, John? He has not had any ginger nuts lately."

"No, he hasn't. He's had no fun either, poor chap. He's overloaded, miss, that's what he is-puffed up with his own importance, like too many folks. He wants taking down a peg."

"Shut the door. Bring him here-quick, let me feel his pulse!"

I had his big limb in my grasp. All was quiet. Papa was down at the Horse Guards, where he had an appointment now. I found the footman's member irresistible. I kissed it. I moistened the willing tip. I rubbed the long shaft well up and down with both hands.

"Oh! That's heaven! It's-it's doing him good already!"

The thing swelled stiffly up. I let it enter my mouth. I sucked it. I tickled it. I worked so quickly that he grew livid with excitement.

"Oh! My God! I shall spend! Oh! Oh! I shall come!"

I continued, going so far as to bury my face in his belly. John discharged. I received all and swallowed. Not a drop of his delicious sperm was lost. I had infinite pleasure thus. This form of libidinous gratification was growing on me. From that day I seldom missed my morning dose. Robin took to it very willingly.

At four o'clock I was at the appointed rendezvous. My "dragon" was there. He was overjoyed at my punctuality.

My veil was down. We took a short run. He made sure we were unobserved. Then he hailed a four wheel cab. He put me inside after giving a direction to the driver. He stopped at the corner of a street. I followed him a few paces after he had seen the man drive off. We then crossed the road. My dragon led the way. I followed a dozen paces behind. Presently he entered a large house, the door of which he opened by turning a big brass handle. I found him ready to receive me in the hall. No one else had appeared. He led me to a back room on the entrance floor. To my surprise, I found the window shutters fast, and the curtains closed against the daylight. A good fire burned brightly on the hearth. Electric lights shed a golden luster on a beautifully furnished bedroom. My companion closed and locked the door. Some particularly "risky" engravings hung from the walls.

"We are secure here. We can be absolutely at our ease."

I felt he was to be trusted. He evidently knew his ground.

"Yes, we are alone. We are at our ease."

The words were hardly out of my lips before I was folded in his arms.

"You beautiful girl! This is too much happiness!"

"Do you really like me, my dragon?"

"Like you? It is not even safe for man to look upon you, you beautiful little lady. I believe I shall-yes! — I shall call you "Beauty." Come, I want you-Beauty! You know what you promised me this morning? You said we should swim in pleasure. Was it not so?"

"I will do more than that. I will intoxicate you with delight. I will try to make you revel in-in lust. Your pleasure will be mine also!"

I had sunk my voice to a whisper. All was otherwise silent, save the splutter of the burning wood in the newly lighted fire. My companion held me in his arms. I sat on his knee. Our faces touched-our lips met in a delicious embrace. Our tongues rolled together.

I can imagine no finer sensation of refined sensuality than for a woman of salacious temperament to be the instrument of a strong man's pleasure. I love to encourage the gradual approach of such a one. To receive his ardent kisses-his lewd caresses all expressive of his delight, his passion, and his desire-to succumb to his strong will, to feel his naked form pressed roughly, brutally, upon my tender bosom, my satin skin-his big trembling hands clasped around my swelling buttocks, as he draws me nearer, closer, in the lascivious movements of his passionate enjoyment-to know that I am the instrument of his supreme delight-that it is I who am about to receive the essence of his manhood, the outpourings of his nature, in the satiate of that ecstasy of which I am the cause-all this is joy to Eveline, and in that act of self-abandonment consists her own moist poignant pleasure.

The next few minutes were devoted to an almost silent delicious anticipation of pleasure. We looked in each other's eyes-our lips joined. Then he gently put me off his knee. I guessed his intention. He opened the front of my dress. I took the hint. He threw off his coat and waistcoat. He kicked his trousers away from him. He stood in his shirt. I slipped off my dress and my skirts. I had no drawers. We both trembled with desire unquenched, as yet to be assuaged. Then with an animal cry of triumph he seized me.

Oh, good Heavens! What do I touch? What is this object on which my little hand closes convulsively? Oh, what a delicious limb the man possesses! As large as John's-as stiff-almost as long. Hard and standing fiercely with expectant, impatient lust. I had nothing on me but my fine chemise. He raised it and devoured my white body with his eyes. I lifted his shirt. I looked on all his nakedness.

"Ah! Oh! My beautiful-my delicious little lady! How I will have you! You are mine! mine to enjoy-come!"

He lifted me roughly upon the great springy bed. He threw himself upon me. I opened my thighs only too willingly. He thrust. He experienced a difficulty. He tried again. Then he sprang from the bed. He took a small white parcel from his coat pocket. Cold cream-the best in the whole world-from Bond Street. He anointed my little parts. He again essayed. The big, stiff limb penetrated my vagina. It bore up me-up-up! He thrust into me to the balls. The slippery unguent had done its work. It was delicious to feel how easily-how lusciously the intruding instrument of pleasure moved and glided up and down my belly. We neither of us spoke. We groaned-we sobbed-we panted in the perpetration of love's act. The heavy bedstead fairly trembled under our salacious movements. His thrusts were terrible in this strength. I heaved up my loins to receive them. It was too ecstatic to last. We each tried to prolong the act. The end came all too soon. He discharged copiously. He flooded me in his excitement. I joined in the delicious climax. I squealed as I felt the hot ejection. He lay still on my bosom at last.

It was over! Shall I admit that I experienced a revulsion of feeling? Hardly that. It was a touch of remorse. A feeling that I was committing an injustice to someone. I felt uneasy. I knew not why. This man was no common person to serve my purpose-to gratify my passion and then disappear. I thought I had lost my prudence. I had committed, I thought, a great indiscretion. I was no longer incognito. This man knew me-knew my family-knew, moreover, Sir Langham Beamer, was, in fact, in daily communication with him. A sickly fear stole over me. I was only a woman after all. I burst into tears; my companion saw my distress. He partly divined the cause. It was not possible he could read all-know all. He set himself to comfort me-to reassure me. I should never regret what I had permitted him. He would always be my friend. My secret was safe- nay, inviolate-with him. I must dry my tears, or he must share my trouble. He would not see me suffer.

Gradually I recovered my composure. "Dragon" wasted no time in long protestations-in passionate assurance and vows of secrecy. Gradually he brought me to see through my own unaided judgment that I ought to have no cause for apprehension. It is curious how quickly the brain resolves when outer influences are withdrawn. A few moments' calm reflection with a kerchief over my face and Eveline was herself again.

Gradually, too-but without reluctance on my part-the strong man drew me to him. He covered my soft white belly with his own, insensibly, yet with infinite tenderness he gradually inserted his rampant weapon into my body. I realized the potent argument. I reconciled myself to the position in which I had placed myself. I gathered force and power of sensuous enjoyment as he proceeded in his own wild gratification; until my body vibrated, my arms enfolded him, and my senses reeled in the full ecstasy of his manly embrace.

By gradations also we returned to the land of realities. My previous humor perhaps still haunted me. I turned to my new friend.

"You must think me a strange wild instance of perversity."

"Dragon" sat by me as I rested languidly upon the bed. He threw an eiderdown quilt over me before he replied. His tenderness touched me. His manly character was never better in evidence than when he let me see that his gallantry for the companion of his pleasure shone out even if his heart remained untouched.

"If you knew as much of society at large as I do, little Beauty, you would not be so much astonished. You do not know how society is made up-all its hollowness-all its rottenness. You only obey a natural impulse. Unknown to yourself you have flung from you the unnatural restraints which society pretends (mind, I say only pretends) to cast around you. Without being aware of it, you have returned to that condition of primitive life which is best represented by the topsyturvy account of Adam and Eve-to the primitive condition of existence when the sons and daughters of mythical Adam and Eve- brothers and sisters-enjoyed each other-coupled and procreated."

"My dragon-do you know you interest me very much? Where did you attain your philosophy?"

"I have not passed all these years in the detective service for nothing. Shall I tell you, little lady-little Beauty that I kiss and worship-that but for the accident of the indisposition of a comrade you would never have met me the other day! But so it is. I was only at Bow Street to fill the place of the inspector who was ill. I am employed generally in the secret service of the force, as what is known to the public as a detective in plain clothes. It is my duty to penetrate, if I can, by the aid of my brains, the criminal combinations, the society mysteries, scandals and infamies-aye, and the political intrigues of those against whom I am let loose. I am the sleuth-hound of the London Police, but I should be very incapable of the execution of my duty were I not exceptionally fitted to fulfill its various requirements, and to sustain its constant strain on nerves and brain."

"You make me quite afraid of you, my dragon."

"On the contrary, little Beauty, you must see that I only want to be your friend. You have nothing to fear from me. Like yourself, I love to indulge my animal instincts. When I am free, I would be a sensualist always if I could. Shall I confess? You have given me a chance I could not have hoped for-a treat of the senses which I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams of sensuous enjoyment."

"Did I give you so much pleasure-my fiery dragon? You little know how your words excite me. I could have no pleasure in the act if you did not demonstrate your own enjoyment also. Every sigh-every little muscular vibration which serves to betray your gratification thrills me with a kindred emotion. Tell me more about yourself."

"What shall I say? Well, you see in me a man of energy with a very shady sort of calling. Is it not so? Yet I would tell you that I have received an excellent education. My father even intended me for the church. Nothing would satisfy my restless spirit. I scorn the quiet hypocrisy of the conventional clergy. I found one out in his iniquity. I convicted another of gross vice. I hurled the idea of the so-called sacred calling to the devil. I devoted my restless energy to the discovery of such social problems as interested me. I became what I am from choice-not altogether from necessity-a detective."

"You must have had a large amount of experience. You must have gained a thorough knowledge of London life."

"I kept my eyes open. I had access to all sorts and conditions of society. I studied their ways-I learned their habits-I was up early and late to take note of their iniquities. The result was-at any rate to me who expected to find purity and refinement-disappointing. I gradually came to the irresistible conviction that society in London was rotten to the core-that at no period of English history, not even in the days of the Second Charles, or in those of the Georgian Regency, was the outward contempt of everything noble and virtuous and the meanness of individual indulgence at the expense of others who should have been trusted and respected, so distinctly marked and openly encouraged. I found the married lady glorying in her adulterous lust. The single woman no less abandoned, advocating free intercourse as a mere measure of health. I found a nobleman, old enough to be your grandfather, charged with infamous offenses- members of the clergy in the same predicament, and a whole troupe of noble lords and ladies who were content to drag their dirty linen through the divorce court."

"Your experience has certainly been somewhat varied, dear Dragon."

"You are right, little lady, very much so! What wonder that the middle and lower classes go wrong, when even the highest authorities flaunt their contempt for decency-I will not say "morality"-before their eyes. Women, faded and abject in their worn-out attractions, strut in public, content to exhibit themselves as the quondam favorites of those in high places-unconscious that their popularity and their vices go hand in hand and are equally stale."

"Your view of modern English society is not encouraging."

"No, certainly it should not be so-but it is true. When you see women well-known and holding recognized positions in life, degrading themselves to the so-called investigations of the kraals at Earl's Court, taking the brutes away in their carriages, prating to their no-less-demoralized associates of their exquisitely beautiful soft velvet skins, their huge limbs and their dog-like proclivities for bestial indulgence-what is there left to be said of the refinement, the austerity, or even the modesty of modern London society!"

"Is that really true? Is it within your knowledge?"

"All that, and very much more-but I have done. It reminds me of Satan reproving sin. I am a sensualist at heart. I should scorn to creep behind a husband's back and debauch his wife, or take a young girl from the lawful custody of her parents to satisfy my selfish passion. When pleasure is offered I accept it-but it must be so far as my own perceptions go, willingly accorded. It must be, so far as I can see, without detriment to my companion in voluptuousness, or to anyone else."

We rearranged our disordered toilets. We parted. "Dragon" gave me an address at which I could always hear of him. He insisted that I should not write it down. I committed it to memory.

"Tickets, please. Two first class to H. Thank you, sir. Yes, I can lock the door if you like. Best train this, sir; no stoppage before arriving at C. The next is H."

Papa took me on his knee. We were off at last. We chose a Tuesday. We avoided all the weekend people-we were alone.

"How fast the train goes! I feel so happy now. I am sure this trip will do you good, Papa. We both seemed to want air."

"It will also benefit you, dear child. London seasons are dearly bought as to their enjoyment, when you consider the wear and tear. What pretty little boots, my darling Eveline! How well they fit! What graceful outline of instep and heel! What delicate kid, and then how soft and flexible! You are so simply, yet so beautifully dressed, you would rouse an anchorite."

"If I can only succeed in pleasing my darling papa, I shall have arrived at the zenith of my desires. Oh, but you are roused already- wicked, naughty Papa."

My hand was on his limb. I unbuttoned his trousers.

"Does my dear papa like his little Eveline to comfort this unruly thing? Does he like my soft touches? Do they give him pleasure? How stiff this is!"

He lolled back in his well-cushioned seat as the train sped along. I seized on his stiff limb and released it from its confinement. Papa closed his eyes and enjoyed my toying. The sturdy weapon stood boldly up in the bright sunlight as it streamed in at the carriage window. I rubbed it up and down. I closed my softly gloved hand upon it. The head grew purple with excitement. A bit of fluid emerged from the tip. How I longed to lick it! I stopped my movements.

"Where are we going tonight, papa dear? What have you arranged?"

"We have tickets for H. We'll sleep there. I know an old- fashioned hotel in the town with an interior garden, and plenty of fresh air. Just the place in which to repose for a couple of days."

"How delightful! This sweet thing must not be too impatient. Little Eveline will give it all the pleasure in her power tonight, but my dear papa must not overexert himself."

Two bedrooms adjoining-a delicious sitting room looking into a well-kept garden, in which the budding flowers already blossomed brightly. The rooms well stuffed with rich old furniture-everything polished, bright, and clean.

"My darling! My beautiful Eveline! Tonight!"

We dined well. I had the woman's weakness for sparkling wine. He liked it also. The cuisine was good. We were well served. We strolled in the garden. And by the sea. We came back to our rooms refreshed. We enjoyed our tea. We sat at the open window and inhaled the pure fresh air of the country perfumed with the sweetness of the flowers below.

I was already in bed. He came quickly from his room. I extended my arms. I opened the bedclothes. I showed him my form which only my fine lace-trimmed chemise served to cover. He flew into my embrace. Our bodies were in closest contact. I warmed him in my naked arms. He was radiant with lust to enjoy me.

"My Eveline! My darling! My child!"

He toyed with my breasts. He sucked the rosy little nipples. I tickled his big balls and caressed the limb already stiff and swollen with desire.

"Is my dear papa happy now? Does his little Eveline give him pleasure?"

His breath was agitated-his sighs, his kisses, hot and voluptuous, all denoted his condition. He rose on me. His manly body pressed my light young form. I threw my soft arms around his neck. Our tongues met. Mine slipped between his lips. I opened my thighs to him. The stiff limb pressed open my little parts. He bore in-into my belly.

"Oh, my love, my dearest papa! You make me suffer!"

"My beautiful darling! I must-I will!"

His large limb bore upwards. It slipped entirely into me. He was having me to his heart's content. During the act our tongues met again. He writhed on my body. He raised his head. He paused.

"My Eveline! Dearest girl! I am afraid to finish!"

"Have no fear, my dear papa. You are killing your little Eveline with pleasure. Let it come! Give it to me-all!"

He thrust his limb in to the balls. I felt it at my womb. He discharged violently. I felt the thrill-the spasms, with which his seed flew into me. My own sensations were celestial. He was giving me the essence of my being. I felt bathed in it. At length we slept. It was still early morning when we woke.

"Let us play a little before we get up. Be my stallion, dear papa, and I will be your little mare."

I rose on my hands and knees in the bed. He raised my chemise. He passed his palm over my plump posterior. He toyed a moment with my buttocks. He slapped them. He caressed them. Finally he kissed them.

Then he pressed down on me. I felt the stiff insertion of his parts. The knob passed in. He bore furiously up me. His balls beat against my thighs. I could hardly bear his weight. His thrusts drove me forward. My head was buried in the pillows. At last it came. He seized me round the loins. I felt the hot sperm spurting into me with each vibration of his body. He clasped me tight until he had done. We lay some time motionless in the dull torpor which succeeds gratified desire.

By degrees our spirits revived. We talked in a low voice of the subject of our secret connection. There were many things on which I wanted information. I asked many questions relating to the conjunction and the functions of the two sexes, which interested me mightily.

"You ask me what is the spasm which you experience and whether women have seed like men-I will tell you. The first is the crisis of a nervous irritation which is set up partly from outside caress and actual friction, and partly from the imagination acting on the orgasm. Both unite to set in motion the nerves which serve the glands containing the fluid. Women have no seed, properly speaking, and that secretion which they produce has no direct effect in the process of generation. These glands closely resemble those of the throat which are called salivary glands. If you observe a ripe peach, a fine pear, or experience a strong desire for any food towards which your attention is directed, these glands act instantly and sympathetically. You say your mouth "waters" for the thing. The cause and the effect are exactly similar in those glands which secrete the fluid you possess."

"But what purpose does it answer then, if it does nothing towards procreation?"

"There, you go too fast, my child. I do not say it does nothing. On the contrary it may-and probably does-do more than is supposed. What I mean is that it has no absolute necessity in the act of generation, because it is well known that conception is obtained without it. It operates, however, indirectly in preparing the way for the conjunction of the sexes. It takes exactly the part of the salivary glands which enable you to swallow, only that its influence is employed in another direction. These glands can act upon occasion abnormally and without actual contact as we know in the instance of nocturnal emission while dreaming. I have also shown you how the imagination can excite them to secretion on the part of the female. This is an obvious advantage to the performance of the act of generation. In this sense the glands of the female act in the success of the operation."

"I own I was very ignorant of all this, dear papa, but you explain it so nicely. When a man spends then, a woman must spend also?"

"By no means. Only too frequently the female may experience no pleasure or gratification at all. Yet conception may take place. It often does so. Professionally loose women lose the ability to enjoy from overindulgence and the prostitution of the act of generation to their everyday routine. The fluid, in such cases, ceases to secrete. Artificial means are employed to replace it. Habit brings satiety-satiety destroys pleasure. The two are inconsistent. There is no longer any yearning for the peach. The saliva ceases to flow. The functions misused are injured and the original purpose of nature rendered abortive."

"That is very interesting to your little Eveline, dear papa. I shall take care that all my functions are in good order whenever we are together. There is one thing more to understand. Can you tell me how it is that a woman misses conception in the act?"

"That is too wide a subject for me to explain off-hand. It is essentially a physiological one. Many causes may be at work. There is the cause I have already named. The fault may be on the part of the male, or by reason of the condition or the health of the female. The most frequent cause, however, is that already described, or that the female is barren."

"Are many women barren?"

"More probably than are suspected. The present fashionable tendency to turn girls into tomboys; the exercises, athletic and vigorous, which they now patronize is undoubtedly producing that effect, and unfitting the English woman for the softer and more natural duties of life. She is annually becoming taller, slimmer, more angular, more devoid of the marked contrasts of sex. The bust has already gone, and the dressmaker is called in with padding. False breasts occupy prominent places in London shop windows. Devices of all kinds are adopted to hide the deformity. It exists and it is on the increase. The result must be a sensible diminution of the population. Young married people now have become very alert to the conveniences of limiting the number of their offspring. You hear everywhere the society remark, "a pigeon's pair-so interesting, you know; just two and no more." Glances are exchanged-smiles exchanged. The dear creatures are perfectly au courant as to both cause and effect. There are, of course, other causes why women miss conception. Apart from artificial means purposely employed, there remains the ever increasing condition of barrenness."

"You think many women are barren then, papa dear?"

"No doubt many are so. Only look at the number of infructuous marriages. If you ask the cause, I have given you one. The effects of unsuitable climate for Europeans may be another, but considering the matter in a society point of view, from one cause or another, no doubt we can entertain that the habits of life nowadays contribute to this condition. The deformity of the body by tight lacing is another cause. A very slight misplacement of the mouth of the womb is sufficient to prevent impregnation. This may be natural or produced as I describe."

"I am not tight-laced, dear papa. You can pass your hand down inside my stays."

Soon he had undressed me and was playing with my parts. "I know, my darling. Your figure is most exceptional for an English girl. You are formed for a Venus, but for all that you may be incapable of procreating by some such impediment as that of which I speak. However, it is most unlikely. Our precautions are sufficient."

"Take me in your arms again, dear papa. Your little Eveline loves you. This dear thing is already stiff again. Let me kiss it. Oh, darling, what pleasure you are giving your little girl. You are sucking my button. It is the center of my sensations. Your tongue is giving me divine enjoyment. Go on! Oh, pray go on, papa! Shall I turn round?"

"No, my sweet, remain as you are. Take your pet between your red lips also. Suck! Suck it thus. Oh, that is lovely! It is in your mouth."

We continued mutually until nature relieved us. He discharged a shower of seed. I received all. I returned him a dose which he called the nectar of the gods.

Sir Edward L was one of the kindest of men, nevertheless he made himself obeyed on occasions. He was not by any means a safe man to trifle with. To me he was all indulgence. I had obtained the secret desire of my heart. I had done all I could to nurture, to develop his passion for myself. Beneath his seemingly calm and rather austere nature, there lay a very furnace of sensuality-of intense and passionate feeling-a real voracity for the indulgence of the most libidinous pleasures. No one who knew him only as the polished gentleman or the urbane military chief, could have supposed his real nature. I knew it intuitively. He was a member of the family. He could not be otherwise than he was. We were all alike. I worked on the fact-that was all. The reading of Charlemagne's incestuous example had fired my lust. It had communicated itself to papa also. It was only natural.

The Duchess of M- occupied the ancestral mansion in London. It was a fine old house standing in its own grounds-one of those relics of old times which are screened by high walls and solid barriers against the notice of the modern plebeian. It was a truly palatial residence. The late Duke, imbued with the laisser aller spirit of the times, had changed the spacious chapel into a magnificent ballroom. It had been originally constructed at the rear of the garden and communicated directly with the main hall by a short marble vestibule. Unusually lofty, it consisted of a nave and side aisles. A fine gallery was allotted to the orchestra. Under it the Duchess stood on a dais to receive her numerous guests on the night of her famous bal costume.

The order had been rigorously imposed. Every guest was to be either in uniform, official or military, or to assume the dress and character of some special personality.

The Duchess of M- was a personage not to be lightly ignored. A peer of the realm had essayed to call on her with his trousers turned up at the heels-a stupid habit among men considered to be "the correct thing, you know, dear boy." The stately majordomo had stopped his lordship in the hall with the remark, accompanied by a significant gesture: "I must trouble your lordship to let your trousers down. Her Grace has given express orders on the subject."

"Papa, dear, shall we go straight in with the throng and follow up in turn to the Duchess?"

"Yes, certainly, dear child, it will be best, and we will take our turn."

It was a magnificent sight. The band had only played some introductory morceaux. The presentations were going on.

Sir Edward looked splendid in full uniform (we had had to abandon Charlemagne), the broad red ribbon of the Bath supporting the beautiful star-his breast covered with the medals he had received in the wars.

I wore the costume on which I had already decided. It consisted of the dress actually preserved from the wardrobe of my great- grandmother of pious memory (of whose memoirs you may have heard), such as she had worn at, or about, my own age, with a large "coal-scuttle" hat and feathers, from beneath which peeped the saucy face and flowed the luxuriant locks of little Eveline-her namesake and her antitype. To give piquancy to the character, I carried a charming little basket filled with capital imitations of four-leaved shamrocks. Her Grace welcomed papa with marked cordiality and received his gallant salute on her gloved hand with evident delight. She smiled, I thought, with interest at myself.

The dancing commenced. The Duchess led the first quadrille with Royalty. The scene broke into a moving mass of charming color and life. The music was delicious.

Papa wandered off among his acquaintances. I sat with Lady Lessleton in one of the spaces between the marble columns which separated the nave of the noble hall from the aisles and bore the roof. Each of these spaces were filled with a very forest of flowering shrubs. Seats had been placed with their backs against these plants.

The tall tropical palms and flowing exotics formed a series of delicate arbors under which the lounges has been arranged to afford rest to the dancers, and also a comfortable nook for the lookers-on. The aisles had been kept free for those who desired to promenade therein. Half hidden among the leaves I reclined lazily watching the fast-gliding couples in a dreamy waltz, having declined the dance myself. Soon my ear caught the sound of voices on the other side of the foliage. Men were standing there to peer over the leafy screen where, here and there, a chance interstice favored their view. I could not help catching their words.

"Who is that girl in the old-fashioned dress with the big bonnet?"

"Don't you know? She's the only daughter of Sir Edward L. This is her first season-she's very young-any amount of dibs. She's a pretty enough girl too.

"Pretty is not the word. She is divinely beautiful. I never saw such a perfect face, such eyes, such hair out of a picture."

"Well, there's no accounting for taste, Endy, my boy! Don't go and get spoony if you don't intend to go through with it. They tell me she's got a temper. A bit prudish, too, they say."

"All the better! I hate your namby pamby girls who possess no more spirit than a tame cat."

"Miss L, the Duchess has sent me to bring you to her. She has taken a great fancy to your costume. She wants to talk to you."

It was her Grace's private secretary, a young man I had previously met. I rather liked him. He was unaffected and did not try to flirt. I took his offered arm to where the Duchess sat. She pointed with her great fan to a chair by her side and smiled very graciously as I seated myself.

"Well! You are superb! They told me you were beautiful, but there-what am I saying? — the girls were vain enough in my day, but now-they are simply unbearable! I ought not to spoil you, my dear."

"I am not likely to be spoiled, your Grace. I hope I am not too vain either. I discount most of what I hear. I am so pleased you like my dress. May I offer your Grace one of my four-leaved shamrocks? They bring good luck."

I rose. I selected a flower from my little basket and presented it to the dear old lady. She was delighted. I saw the keen look of approval with which she watched all my movements.

Her Grace spread her great fan with a sharp snap. She began to talk to me in an undertone behind it. She had been a very handsome woman in her time. Her rather masculine features and high nose still retained much beauty and refinement only marred by a very perceptible moustache, the dark end of which gave a somewhat saturnine expression to her face.

"I have hardly had a word with your father yet, my dear. It has not been possible. However, you must bring him here later on and between the dances, so we can converse. The music deafens me. Sir Edward is looking magnificent tonight. How young he is for his age! How well he has got on in the service! He deserves all his honors and will receive more."

Down went the big fan with a miniature crash!

"Can you keep a secret? I suppose not. Girls are so altered nowadays! But, however, I will trust you."

"You may indeed, ma'am. I have only to know that it is your wish, to make anything you tell me sacred."

"You are a dear, good girl, and I'm sure you are no gossip. What I am going to tell you relates to your father-Sir Edward, my dear. I hear from a very direct source that his name is in the next list of honors for the coming Birthday. He is to be offered a peerage. Do you think he would like it?"

"I really hardly know, your Grace-it comes as a great surprise."

"Well, you may hint it to him from me. Tell him I should be personally very pleased if it was offered and accepted. I have even suggested to the Duke the title he might assume. What do you think of Lord L of Muddipour?"

The announcement almost took my breath away. Inwardly I knew Sir Edward well enough to be sure he would welcome his new distinction. I assured the Duchess I would do my best to favor her kind desire, and that since it was her wish that he should accept the title, I would answer for him that it would be so.

When I came to think of all the surrounding circumstances: of our wealth-amply sufficient to grace such an advanced position-of our noble and ancient family coming down in an almost unbroken line from the Norman Conquest; of Sir Edward's services, and of the oft- recurring difficulty of rewarding him by promotion over the heads of older officers, I came to the conclusion that he ought not to hesitate on such a matter-nor, in fact, did he.

Muddipour was one of papa's best battles. It seems it was somewhere up on the frontier of British India. There is a big plain and a river with crocodiles in it. It is a very rainy place at certain seasons. When the battle was fought, the whole plain on each side of the river was a mud swamp with rice fields in it. It was a Rajah who had revolted and collected a great following to attack the British. However, we scrambled together some native regiments and a few British troops. The Rajah attempted to cross the plain with all his forces to the attack. His army was nearly all cavalry and they wore great heavy boots. They got as far as the middle of the swamp, having forded the river. There they stuck. Neither horses nor men could advance, or get back. There was a great deal of firing of guns and cannons and things. Then papa sent in his little Goorkhas-hundreds and thousands of them. They had naked legs and rather liked the mud. They caught all the enemy's cavalry and killed them, and their horses too, with their horrid knives. There was of course also a heavy loss on our side. A regiment which had been sent round to outflank the enemy lost its way. The natives did not understand a white flag and would not let the men surrender. They killed nearly all the detachment. It was a complete victory, however, for the Rajah was killed and the remains of his army dispersed. There was, therefore, an end of that war. Papa won immense praise from the government. The Radical papers said it was a butchery. The Irish members rose en masse and attacked the Ministry and poor papa. It all came to nothing, however. Papa got a promotion and a medal. That was just before he came home.

"My dear, I want you to meet Lord Endover. He is very anxious to make your acquaintance. Here he is. Allow me to introduce Lord Endover. Lord Endover, this is my young friend, Miss L."

He was a rather old-looking young man, I thought. A line of wear and tear, the result, the report said, of hard living, had already marred a fairly handsome face. He had been spoiled in society, but still remained a bachelor. He was popular among the men. His familiars called him "Endy." He was a noted sportsman and a keen follower to hounds. We danced a waltz together, then supper was announced by the sound of a trumpet. Lord Endover took me down to a magnificent repast served in the cloisters below the great hall.

The Endovers are not a particularly old family. A generation back they called themselves Endover-Tipp. The grandfather of the present Earl managed to dissipate most of the family property and died up to his neck in debt, every available acre mortgaged to the hilt. His son married Miss Dorothea Tipp, the daughter of an enormously wealthy Chicago provision man. Gaddernenus B. Tipp was, as the French would put it: "un pigs." That is, he possessed a factory in that city. It was an immense affair, full of machinery. I have been told they drove the swine in at one end, and the hams and sausages and things came tumbling out at the other. However that may have been, the Earl married the rich American girl. She brought a large fortune to him, paid off all his father's debts and besides purchased a beautiful seat in Cumberland which she called "Chitterlings." The only thing old Tipp insisted on was that his noble son-in-law should add the name of Tipp to his own. The present Earl, however, had got over that difficulty. By the aid of a couple of hundred pounds and the Heralds' College he had struck the Tipp off again and reverted to the original family name. Both his parents were dead now and the Earl was very well off. Although he was reported to have spent a somewhat dissolute youth, he had always the sense to keep within his means. The estates had vastly improved under his management. His ancestral seat, Normanstoke Towers, was undoubtedly the finest property in the county after the Duke's castle. Lord Endover had the singularly good taste to prevent his very evident admiration of myself from becoming too fulsome. He conversed sensibly on such everyday subjects as interested him and appeared especially pleased when he found I was a good horsewoman and knew something about horses and stables.

It was already two o'clock. I had danced nearly every number on the program. I found myself once more reclining under the shadow of the subtropical plants between the marble columns. The music at the moment was low and sweet. I was adsorbed in following the cadence. A low voice sounded close to my ear from behind.

"Your future lies at your feet tonight. Will you stoop and pick it up?"

I started. I turned suddenly. The foliage securely concealed the speaker. I fancied the voice was familiar. I could not identify it.

"May I have the pleasure of this waltz with you, Miss L?"

The request came from Lord Endover. I rose. I took his arm and we danced.

As I passed on Sir Edward's arm through the entrance hall on our way out, the same low, soft voice whispered in my ear: "Remember?" I turned my head sharply. A thick-set, good-looking man with heavy whiskers and in plain clothes stood among the other servants. In a flash I recognized the voice. It was that of the ever watchful Dragon.

It was nearly four o'clock before I sat with my papa in the carriage on the way home. I was excited with the dancing, the gaiety, and the champagne. Sir Edward passed his arm round my satin waist. He pressed his lips to mine. He whispered burning words of love and passionate desire. He drew my softly-gloved hand within his own, his excitement equaling mine.

"Dear papa, we must not part tonight like this. We are both too excited. You must enjoy your little girl as you wish; Eveline will not be content until she has had it. We shall be quite alone. I will see that Fanny goes off to bed and then-"

"And then I will be in the little boudoir where no one can hear our kisses."

"There no one can hear our sighs, our movements, or our transports of pleasure. Will it not be delicious, dear papa? Shall your Eveline come to you in her peignoir?"

"By no means, my darling. I want to have you as you are, in your ball dress. The white satin excites me horribly. Your pretty hands drive me wild. Feel here!"

He put my hand on his thigh. His limb was already at its full tension. I squeezed it and kept my hand there until the carriage stopped at our door.

"Fanny, you can undo my dress, lay my peignoir ready and then go to bed." It was very late-or rather very early. "Good night!"

"Good night, miss. Shall I call you in the morning?"

"No, Fanny. I want to sleep as long as I can. Now go to bed."

I watched her go upstairs. I heard her close and lock her door. The house was absolutely quiet. Everyone slept but us two. I descended to the boudoir. Papa was there in his scarlet dressing-gown. He seized on me. My dress being loosened, he pulled my pouting breasts over the top. He glued his lips to them. I had retained my white kid gloves to please him. I held his stiff member in my grasp. I shook it gently up and down. He obviously relished my gloved touch.

"Your little Eveline would like to suck it, papa."

I suited the action to the words. I sucked it for a few minutes. It grew harder in my mouth. He thrust himself deeper. I did not wish to finish him off just yet. He threw me back upon the sofa. He turned up my beautiful satin ball dress. He exposed my legs. He devoured my fine pink silk stockings with a frenzy impossible to describe. His tongue ran up and down the material. He began to whisper indecencies. He told me he wished to suck my anus. I replied that he was most welcome to do so. But only if it were preparatory for penetration by his limb. A demoniacal lust possessed us both. Our faces glared with the hot passion we felt consuming us.

I stood again before him, in my stays, my long silk stockings, my gloves, which I retained to please him: long evening white kid gloves which fitted perfectly, of finest perfumed kid, extending up almost to my elbow. I still retained my bracelets. My garters of rose velvet and old gold set off my hose glistening with my papa's saliva. To his view, I must have appeared a perfect houri, with only my light chemise of finest batiste to veil my satin skin, over which the delicate flush of health and good nourishment cast a roseate tint suggestive of joy and love's delight.

"Let us have our revenge now, dear papa. Let us outrage this false society all we can. Let us invert its hypocritical precepts. Let us be as indecent as we can. Look at me, darling! I am your girl! I love you! I love to give you pleasure. I enjoy only when you enjoy."

I clasped his erect member in my delicately gloved hand. I rubbed it again until it became purple with excitement. My jeweled bracelets tinkled prettily as I played the harlot with him. He passed his hand over my body-over my cool buttocks, rosy with health. My soft thighs, pink and plump, attracted his haggard eye-his wandering fingers. He felt me all over. I was in a rare bath of love's excitement, ready for any man or devil. I toyed with his nakedness. I commenced again to excite him further by my lewd whisperings, my murmured indecencies, imploring him to make me his whore.

"Oh, my girl, my darling! I can wait no longer. I must-I must discharge! I must satiate this terrible longing with you, my Eveline. Do not keep me waiting. My member is bursting to bury itself in my little girl. I never knew what lust really was till I realized it with you, my child! Quick, slip off your things, your stays! Let me begin! I can wait no longer. We will wallow in lust-in pleasure. Yes, yes-I know-you little devil-you beauty-in incest-delicious, unbridled incest!"

"Take me-enjoy me! Do what you will with me! Be quick! I want you! I want to feel you inside me!"

I unhooked the rest of my bodice. I threw it off. I stepped out of the skirts. I retained only my short chemise. I ran my hands over myself, displaying my dripping parts. "All for you, papa. All for you." He rushed upon me in a frenzy of lust. We fell together, not on the sofa, but on the thick hearthrug. His stiff limb entered my body to the hilt. We lay in a bath of pleasure. He panted and pushed. "Harder," I demanded. Now he truly rammed me. "Good," I said. "Again." Then I called on him to spend. He wanted to recommence. I dissuaded him. We embraced and bid each other a good night. In less than half an hour I was fast asleep in my own soft and luxurious bed. Papa went off to his room tired out, but he said the next day he had slept "like a top."

A few days later, I made my way across town to the 'Tea Room.' "Good morning, Mrs. Sanderson, the little room upstairs will be at liberty this afternoon, I hope?"

"Yes, I will keep it specially, and you can drop in at any hour you may arrange."

"That is very kind of you. I will not forget your attention. You will please also take care that no one is about, either to see us go in or out."

"Trust IT to me, please. You had better come in by the front door of the shop and order something at the counter. Your friend had best come down the little passage, and in by the side entrance. I will look out for him, if you come first."

"That plan will be excellent. I will be here as near three o'clock as possible."

"Leave all to me. You will be satisfied."

The good woman laughed. She saw the double sense of her words.

"At least-I hope so! Good bye till then. I will see that everything is all right."

I returned to the house filled with anticipation, but also with some dread. "Who is upstairs, Mr. Ferguson? There is a carriage at the door. This is hardly the time for visitors-only a quarter to twelve yet."

"Lord Endover has come by appointment to see Sir Edward, Miss Eveline. He is with him now in the study."

The fat butler had assumed his most pompous manner. It did one good to see the obsequious bow with which he announced this fact. John had often tried in vain to imitate his style. The butler was sublime, while John was only ridiculous. The obvious understudy made me laugh sometimes. Presently the Earl came down. I shut myself in the dining room while Ferguson bowed him out. A pair of splendid grays was harnessed to a neat brougham. A very unassuming device occupied the center of the door panel. The men were in plain livery. Everything was in good taste. Lord Endover rose in my estimation. I no longer ridiculed him for dropping the "Tipp," though I wondered what he could want with Sir Edward at that hour. Suddenly I remembered he was holding office in the Ministry, though not in the Cabinet, and no doubt the Government wanted some information of a military character-or stop-was it about the peerage? I had told papa all the Duchess had communicated. He was evidently gratified with the prospect I unfolded to him.

"Sir Edward would like to see you in the study, miss."

"Very will, Mr. Ferguson, I'll go there immediately. Please order my horse with the large saddle, at half past two, and tell Johnson he is to ride the mare."

"Yes, miss. I will go round myself about it."

I found papa in a glorious mood. He strove, however, with his usual prudence to hide his exultation.

"It never rains but it pours, Eveline. Here is news from Percy by the second delivery. He is on his way home from Montreal."

"Oh, papa, I am so glad! I shall be so pleased to see him again."

"But that is not all. Lord Endover brought the formal offer of the peerage. Are you pleased again?"

"I am always pleased when my darling papa is happy. I am simply delighted."

"But even that is not all. I have not got to the end of my list of news yet. I do not know, my child, if you will be pleased or not at the tag."

His voice wavered. He seemed anxious and uncertain as to his next words.

"Can you guess what else Lord Endover came about, Eveline?"

"I think I can. I would rather you tell me what he said."

"The Earl makes a formal request to be allowed to pay his court to you-nothing more."

"His lordship does me a great honor. I am too young for him. He will soon change his mind. Men are fickle. I have no desire to figure in the society papers as the fiancee of Lord Endover."

I had really no reason to feel piqued. I suppose it was only the waywardness of my sex which possessed me. I was really pleased. The man had done the proper thing. He was, at any rate, a gentleman. His way of putting the proposal showed a real regard for my own feelings. I watched Sir Edward's expression. It was dubious. A shadow rested on it which I thought had a foundation in a feeling of jealousy.

"What does my dear papa think of it?"

I sat on his footstool. I laid my hand on his. I waited for the reply which would give me my cue.

"I think, my darling, that sooner or later, you will have to follow the ordinary destiny of rich young ladies who are desirable matches for our aristocracy. You will marry, my dear Eveline. Under these circumstances, it is better to think of it while you have youth and beauty. You cannot remain always with me. Any day some unlucky contretemps might bring trouble. I sometimes dread to think of the horrible risks we run. It makes me often quite nervous. You must have observed it, my darling."

Indeed I had. I saw with great regret that the mental strain, quite apart from the exhaustion of the system at his time of life when the fresh vigor of youth has passed, already wore him down.

I threw my arms around him. For a moment a whirlwind of remorse encompassed me. It passed on. It left me calm again.

"Do with me as you will, dear papa. Your little Eveline will never cease to love you. It is as you say. I know it-I feel it.

"I shall write to the Earl that we shall hope to see him at dinner on Thursday next."

' 'Johnson, look at that girth before I mount-loosen the curb a little. That's better."

"Goorkha's very fresh, Miss Eveline, you should be careful. I had him yesterday in the park for an hour-that's all."

"I'm not afraid of him, Johnson. Now, put me up."

The horse knew me and trusted me. I never made him nervous. He had never played tricks with me as he did with the groom. He looked round with a snort of delight when he saw me come out. I am convinced that the horse in his equine heart admired me as much as the men did. If it be true, as I think it certainly is, that the affection towards the human race of the so-called lower animals is founded on gratitude and natural affection, I am equally sure that a large share of deceit and duplicity, unknown to "lower animals," may be ascribed to my own sex. How many women dupe and then ridicule men! These women have no heart, and are generally kleptomaniacs like the woman Osborn, who was convicted of robbing her cousin of her jewels, and tried to throw the infamy upon the husband of her victim.

We were near the Powder Magazine in Hyde Park-possibly that accounted for my present explosive frame of mind. I reined my horse up.

"Johnson! I want to speak to you-but not here. I shall ride to Oxford Street and dismount. Please call me a four-wheel cab there, put up the horses and follow me to this address. Do not let it blow away. And be sharp-do you understand? Bring the bit of paper back to me at the address on it."

Johnson was Jim. I wore only a short riding habit. I alighted. I entered the cab. Jim touched his hat. The driver whipped up his horse. I had already given him the address of the afternoon tea shop.

"You are early, but all is ready, and as it is still cold, I have had a fire prepared in the room upstairs."

"Thanks. You will know my friend. He is dressed like a groom with belt and buckskins. He will be here presently."

I waited about a quarter of an hour. I heard a knock at the door on the little landing at the head of the spiral staircase. I gave the usual permission. Jim appeared. He had a rather puzzled look on his young and handsome face. He was splendid in his livery-white breeches and top boots.

"Come in, Johnson. I desire to ask you if you are not sorry for what you did to me in the stable and other day?"

I had put on my most serious air. I pursed up my mouth and frowned viciously. My manner was a stage copy of Sir Langham Beamer.

Jim fidgeted with his hat in his hand. He looked very uncomfortable.

"Are you aware of the enormity of the offense you committed? You took advantage of my youth and innocence. You forced me down upon the straw. You violated me. Do you know the penalty for such a dreadful thing?"

"I thought miss-I felt sure, miss-I-"

"Wait a moment. What do you suppose would happen if I were to have informed Sir Edward of the shocking thing you did to me? He would surely prosecute you. I am under age, and you are probably aware that under the recent Act-ahem-under the new Statute, you would certainly be committed for trial for a dreadful rape upon a young lady. Then you would be tried by a jury of your countrymen and you would be sentenced to at least twenty years penal servitude, if not for the term of your natural life. All this because you cannot keep that nasty great thing between your legs in order. What have you to say to all this?"

"I'm sure, miss-I don't know. I'm very sorry. I thought you liked it. I thought you wanted it-and gave your consent!"

"Well, Johnson, I may have been led away just a little when you pulled out that instrument of torture, but you must not think that that fact would weigh for a moment with a jury of twelve of your countrymen, especially if I were to break down in giving my evidence and begin crying in the witness box."

"I'm very sorry, miss. I hope you won't let it go any further."

"I don't think it could well go further, Johnson-but if I could trust to you to keep the secret, then perhaps I might be able to forgive you."

"Indeed you may trust to me, miss-indeed you may! I have a good place. I don't want to lose it. I would do anything to please you, miss; but if you tell on me I should be ruined. No doubt all you say is true. I should be utterly ruined. I hope you'll overlook it, miss."

"Overlook it! Well, I cannot easily forget it, Johnson-Jim, I mean. When I think of that monstrous thing you showed me, how can I overlook it? Will you solemnly promise to be prudent and secret?"

"Oh, miss, only try me! I swear, I would not say a word to hurt a hair of your beautiful head. I could not help it! I was so awfully randy-and you came in-and then you began to excite me until I did not know where I was."

"I only know, Jim, that you violated me on the straw."

"Yes, miss, but then you tickled my tool and led me on, and I thought I was free to stroke you there and then if I could."

"Well, Jim, just out of curiosity, I may have liked to feel it and tickle your-your tool just a little, but that could hardly give you the right to push the great thing right up my-my inside as you did, you know."

"Oh but I was mad to go on! I could not stop. You were such a treat to a plain, working man like me, miss, with your beautiful face and beautiful clothes, and your soft and elegant limbs."

"Even so, Jim, you might have stopped in time, instead of letting out that thick white stuff and nearly killing me with your violence. However, since you have promised me to be faithful and secret, I should like to forgive you."

I was actually wriggling about on my seat all this time. My lust was almost beyond my control. A look of pleasure came into Jim's eyes as I made the last remark.

"Indeed you may trust me, miss-I should be very ungrateful if I ever forgot your pardon for what I did. I couldn't help it."

I smiled as I looked on the strong, good-looking young fellow before me. The certainty that he was absolutely at my disposal to enjoy-to strip-to finger-to satisfy my voluptuous inclination, was delicious. I could wait no longer.

"Would you like to violate me again, Jim? Would you like to stroke me again? Would it be nicey nicey? Am I doing right to trust you?"

I suppose my expression reassured the young fellow. He put his hat on the table and grinned with the restless, uneasy grin of a man whose will is under restraint and who is afraid to let his inclination run riot.

"Come here, Jim! Help me to take off my habit. Undo those hooks. So-that's a good fellow! Do you like to feel my breasts, Jim? You shall stroke me as much as you like. Let me look at your tool once more, Jim. Undo your breeches-pull it out! I should like to see it again."

His restraint vanished. His trembling hands aided me to get rid of my habit. I was almost undressed. At my lewd invitation he opened his flap and exposed the monstrous limb already stiffly erect at the idea of enjoying me. I put my hand upon it. We stood closely together.

"Oh, Jim! Oh, what a big one it is!"

We both breathed hard and fast as we pressed our bodies together. His huge limb was in my grasp. His hand was up my legs. His fingers arrived at the center. I was fearfully excited. I goaded him on.

"Oh, Jim, you shall stroke me now! You shall violate me again. Won't it be nicey nicey? Do you like feeling there, Jim? You shall push this tool of yours in there, dear Jim. We will have such pleasure. I will roger with you, Jim."

I put my hot lips up to his. I sucked humid kisses from his mouth. He was wild with passion. His limb was immense and very hard. I quite dreaded it. I like large-made men. I forced him to take off his coat and breeches. I stood in my chemise. I seized his member again in my grasp. The big nut delighted me. We were both impatient to commence the lewd act of enjoyment. I leaned against the soft bed in the corner. I raised my chemise with both hands.

"Look there, Jim-do you like that?"

I showed him my body, naked to the waist. Half mad with the intensity of his passion, he rushed upon me. I mounted upon the bed. He placed himself kneeling between my legs. His monstrous limb stood erect and menacing. I anointed the knob with cold cream and also applied a little to my slit. He came down on me. I put the thing in between the nether lips. He pushed. I threw up my legs. I arched up my loins. It entered my belly. It passed slowly up my vagina.

"Oh, my goodness! Jim-you're into me!"

"My God! How lovely it feels-oh! Oh!"

"Push, push! I can take it all! Do it slowly, Jim! Is it nicey nicey?"

Jim grunted and thrust as if his life depended on it. I was gorged with the monstrous thing. I had it up to the balls. Oh, how he worked me! How he slipped his huge member up and down! How the bed shook as he thrust in his pleasure!

"Oh, Jim! Stroke me slowly-so-slowly! Oh! Oh! It's lovely-it's heavenly now! Oh, Jim! Dear Jim! Stroke-stroke me! Oh!"

"My God! Oh, Miss Eveline, it feels as if I was up to your waist! I never had such pleasure!"

"Finish me, Jim! You're too big-but it's lovely all the same! Oh, my! I can feel it throbbing!"

Neither could articulate now. I clutched the bedclothes. I rolled my head from side to side. My limbs quivered under the furious shocks of my ravisher. He sank upon me. His thrusts became harder and shorter. He discharged. Thick jets of semen inundated my womb. He was a long time finishing. I received the whole flood of his sperm.

It is at such moments as this that the transformation of woman takes place. She is helpless-irresponsible-hors de controle. The breath comes and goes in quick, short gasps. Inarticulate sobs come from her parted lips. Her face flushes. Her limbs quiver. Spasmodically she fights for air. She clutches at anything within reach. Her whole being is convulsed. Her body heaves and sinks like the waves of the sea. She is a woman possessed-possessed by a strong male. Nature has bestowed upon her this extreme condition of ecstasy in merciful compensation for her troubles-her pains-her cares of maternity.

"Oh, Jim! Dear Jim, let me get up now you have done! Why do you not let me rise? Oh, Jim! Not again! Take it out, dear Jim! It's getting so stiff again! Oh, my! Oh, my! Jim! It's as hard as ever-oh! oh! It's-oh! You're spending again, Jim! Jim-Jim! At last he let me slip from the narrow bed. He had stroked me twice without withdrawing. What happened during the next three quarters of an hour I do not know. He seemed like one possessed by a demon of carnal lust. He kept me in a constant whirl of copulation. He must have discharged five or six times in all. I was almost unconscious when, at length he desisted. I returned to the park. I remounted. I could hardly sit on my horse. I fancied Goorkha looked at me reproachfully. I reached home. I threw myself upon my sofa-my ride had much fatigued me.

The evening was Thursday. I dressed for dinner. I had my cue. Lord Endover had accepted our invitation. Lady L condescended to preside. It was an infinite relief to me. No doubt she had her reasons. I made myself agreeable. I knew very well how to conduct myself on such occasions. I played my part. Papa said I was perfection. Lady L drank only water. She had also a part to play. She revenged herself afterwards. After the guests had departed, I met the treacherous Sippett carrying up a basket. That night Lady L-had a warning. Papa and I were roused to go to her at three o'clock.

"I do not conceal from you, Sir Edward, that it is serious-very serious. These cases are always difficult and complicated. We must have change and strict attention. Take her to the seaside. Eastbourne is the place of all others for Lady L. I can promise nothing-very serious-very! You have all my sympathy-but-there we are! All we can do is to ward off another attack. Eastbourne-as soon as possible-very serious-Eastbourne-yes! Decidedly-Eastbourne. Good day-good day, Sir Edward-Eastbourne."

"Poor papa! I do pity you so much! You who love London; but it appears necessary. We ought to follow Dr. Proctor's advice."

"Yes, my darling Eveline, your mother will have to go away at once. It is very necessary-very desirable on many accounts. And Percy will arrive in two or three days. You will go with your mother. I will send Ferguson down to engage rooms. I will follow."

"A German gentleman to see you, miss. I can't read the name, but he's evidently a nobleman by the coronet on the card."

"I see. It is Count Blunderstein. Show him into my study-and please open the piano, Mr. Ferguson."

Count Blunderstein was my music-master. He was a celebrity in London society and in great request at concerts and musical receptions. It was considered quite a favor if he consented to give a young lady a few lessons at as many guineas. He had made no difficulty in my case, however. He seemed to my mind rather to jump at the chance. Possibly he caught a roguish glance in my eye when I asked him.

The Count-as he loved to be called-was short and fat. It was marvelous to see his hands fly over the keys. No doubt he was a talented musician. I was much mistaken if he was not a very sensual personage also. He was good-looking, but his small expressive eyes- his large nose-his thick red lips, all told tales. I have found that most musicians are sensualists.

This was his second visit. John had admitted him on the first occasion. I took care John should be out of the way now.

At first the German had taken me for possessing a very ordinary schoolgirl knowledge of music. I gradually undeceived him. Before he left he had expressed his great pleasure-his satisfaction to find I was so well advanced. I am a good pianist. I let him see it. He was delighted.

"It is so goot for each de young ladies dat are proficious. Der odders dat are behind zey gif to me much pain. I will now blay to you a piece of my own dat you may see der fingerin'."

"That is very fine, Count. Is it your own composition?"

"Ja, mein liebe Fratilein, I did make him in Germany."

"Where I suppose they made you, Count?"

He laughed until his eyes ran over and the tears stood on his plump cheeks. Then he subsided into little chuckles of delight at the conceit.

"Did you observe mein fingerin', Fratilein?"

"Yes, I like your fingerin' very much. Do you think you could make me clever with my fingers also?"

He laughed again-this time more softly.

Why should he have laughed? It was a very simple question- perhaps he noted a certain wicked look of encouragement in my glance as I turned my head.

"I tink so indeed. Blay dis morceau to me for der see."

He put his warm hand on mine as I played. He mechanically worked my fingers upon the keys. I thought he applied more pressure than was necessary. He stopped the playing. He still held my hand. Why did he also squeeze it?

"You can finger beautiful-I am sure."

It was now my turn to laugh. I blushed also. He looked radiant with pleasure.

"I will now blay you someting of Chopin."

We changed places. He sat himself on the music stool. I sat close beside him "for der fingerin'." My right hand was on the edge of my chair close-very close-to the Count's stool. His fat figure quite covered the round seat. He commenced a delicious piece of Chopin's.

"I will now see if you can mark der discords."

He continued to play. Suddenly I put my hand on his leg with a gentle tap.

"That was one!"

I never knew so many imperfect chords in Chopin's music. I marked each in the same way. Then he stopped. My hand stopped also. It lay on his thigh. He picked it up in his. He conveyed it to his thick lips.

"Such a beautiful hand must neffer be spoil mit blaying on der piano."

"I must take up some other instrument then, I suppose, Count?"

He replaced my hand upon his thigh without replying. He recommenced playing. The tips of my fingers marked the time.

"Please to go on-you know well to mark der time."

"That is a delicious morceau. What instrument would you suggest for me to play on, Count?"

My hand made a bold movement round his left thigh. His execution became more and more faulty. My hand advanced again. He appeared to favor the movement by pressing towards me. I felt something like a German sausage which throbbed. It extended some way down his leg. The Count made several rapid cadences, which were overloaded with accidentals and flourishes. I pressed my hand down. I rubbed it along the thing in his trousers. I was right. He possessed what I expected. I am seldom wrong.

"Vateffer instrument you choose, mein liebe Fraulein, to blay on, take care it will not blay on you!"

The Count chuckled at his own joke. He had no modest scruples. Once assured of my intention, he expended. He withdrew his left hand from the keyboard. He took charge of mine, moving it about over his trousers. He continued a wonderful performance with the treble. I contrived to insert one finger between the buttons. I dragged at it. It gave way. I worked my finger further in. I could feel his warm shirt. He made no difficulties, but with the greatest sang-froid he unbuttoned the impediment to my investigation and pushed my willing hand inside. I pulled aside the shirt with equal effrontery and laid hold of the thing I sought. It was stiff and hot. I clasped it firmly while the German continued his performance.

"Ach! Mein Gott! Dat ist der instrument to blay mit!"

He put down his hand again without ceasing to produce rapid passages with the other. He let fly the rest of the buttons. He swung the stool rather more round towards me. He half rose. He released a stout limb which I grasped anew at his suggestion. He sat down again.

I took a good look at it. It was as white and delicate as a lady's arm. Such a size-broad and rather flat! The head, completely covered with the foreskin, was entirely hidden. It was beautifully soft and warm. I felt the loose skin moving over the muscular portion beneath.

"You blay on him like dis!"

He held my hand on his own. He pressed it back upon the member and uncovered the red nut. Then he drew my hand up again. My cheeks burned-my lips parted-I became dreadfully excited. Seizing the Count's idea, I worked my little fist up and down.

"Ach! Mein Gott! I haf lost mein chord!"

He stopped playing. He regarded his limb as I continued the lewd exercise. He held back his shirt and trousers with one hand, so I might get a better hold on it. No sense of modesty or shame seemed to daunt him. My audacity equaled his. I turned it about in every direction to examine it. I pulled out his testicles. They were large. He was evidently proud of them. I pulled down the loose skin again. I made the nut pop out all shining and purple.

"What a sweet thing it is, Count! Does that give you pleasure?"

"Himmel! But ja, Fraulein-it is sehr gut! Mein balls are full up. You make me feel bad to finish der business. I make much mess if I come. What you do now? Ach! Mein Gott!"

I stopped the fingering at once. The Count recommenced to play the piano with his right hand. His left joined occasionally for the effect of a terrible thunder from the bass. Meanwhile, his limb showed no signs of abating its rigidity-or of resigning itself to disappointment. From time to time, his left hand would quit the keyboard to thrust back his envious nether garments-to pull up his fine linen shirt and expose his capacious belly, as white and hairless as that of a young girl.

I was furiously excited. I felt it impossible to make any suggestions. He was too much master of himself to be led as I led others. At length he pulled out his pocket handkerchief. He enveloped his stiff member therein. Poor fellow! It was evidently not the first time he had been thus indulged by a lady pupil. I determined to afford him a more poignant pleasure.

"You had better keep the piano sounding, Count. Do not try to kiss me now. I promise you a sweet kiss before you go. We must be cautious. The portiere is drawn, you see. We have time to arrange all, if only you are prudent. Play some chords. I will give you all the pleasure I can."

"But I burn! I burn! Mein Gott! I am wanting to let off-vat you call it, eh, Fraulein? I am full-mein balls-ach!"

The last exclamation was caused by my removal of the handkerchief. I applied my lips to the tip of his member in a moist kiss. I never embraced a more delicious limb. I opened my lips a little more. I tickled the red nut with my tongue.

"You gif me dis pleasure? You beautiful Fraulein! Ach, mein Gott! Vat you do now? You die me mit der pleasure!"

I parted my lips. I pressed down on the big limb of the excited German. He was trembling with delight. His left hand still ran wildly over the keys. I placed my left hand under his enormous testicles. With the other, I rubbed his member up and down. I sucked-I tickled. He drew in his breath and exuded it in heavy gasps of pleasure. His fat white belly moved responsively. He bared his parts to facilitate my design.

"Mein Gott in Himmel! I go off! I come on! Ach! Ach! Ach!"

His hand dropped upon the keyboard with a horrible discord. His fat face fell forward over the piano. I took the head and shoulders of his stiff affair all into my mouth. It was immediately filled with exuding semen. He discharged abundantly. He nearly choked me. His seed was lovely. It seemed an age before the hot jets ceased to flow.

We hastened to adjust ourselves. The dear Count had his kisses on my dripping lips. He seemed to relish enormously the taste of his own thick sperm. He rolled his tongue into my mouth till I was obliged to caution him to stop.

Count Blunderstein departed. I heard the hall door close. Then I rang the bell.

"Has John returned?"

"He has just come in, miss. Shall I send him up?"

"If you please. He can help me to put away all this music. He can bring up a glass of water at the same time."

I arranged the portiere. I pulled down the blind.

"Come in, John! Quick! Against the portiere and the door. I feel so naughty, dear John. Music always upsets me."

I placed my back against the door. John whipped out his weapon. Robin was beginning to stiffen already. I pulled up all my clothes. I showed him my white thighs-my belly. He stood up close to me. Our bellies touched. My parts were sopping with unsatisfied lust. He pushed his big limb into me at the first thrust. He commenced having me in delicious earnest. In a very short time he seized me by the hips. He strained his body forward. He discharged copiously. Our spasms were shared. He quickly withdrew. He wiped the carpet with his handkerchief. He returned the dripping Robin to his cage. He opened the door, tray in hand. I passed out first. John held the door open. As I turned to go to by bedroom on the same landing, I saw papa coming up the lower flight.

"I heard your music-master go, my child, and knew therefore that your lesson was over. What does Count what's-his-name think of your playing?"

"He approves of it very much, papa dear. He was, I think, quite satisfied with my performance. Our last piece was a delicious duet."

"I want you in my study, Eveline. Come with me-I have no time to lose. I must go out."

We entered papa's study. He shut the door. He bade me sit on his knee. All John's spendings were running down my legs.

"Do you really wish to marry the Earl of Endover, Eveline?"

"Yes, papa, if you think it would conduce to our importance and it suits your views."

"Needless to ask you, my child, if you love him?"

"I love only you, my darling papa. I have no one else to love but you."

"But do you think he would make you happy?"

"My happiness might not altogether depend upon him. I should be free. I should try to do my best to make him happy and to do my duty to him, but…"

"All marriages are not love matches, dear child. This affair is serious. You have a grand position within your grasp."

"I could never love anyone but you, my darling papa. Never- never-never!"

"My own! My sweet girl! My beautiful little Eveline!"

He kissed me passionately on the lips. His and mine united. We exchanged the doves' embrace. Our lips were glued together. He attacked me with his hand. I resisted. My defense annoyed him.

"Not today, darling papa-there are reasons. Let me feel your sweet thing. Is that nice? You are stiff already. Let your little Eveline play with it. Let me kiss it-so. Do I tickle it nicely? Is that nice? And that? Oh, how stiff it is now! Shall I go on? Do I gave you pleasure?"

"It is exquisite, dear child. Go on as you are now doing."

"See, dear, how red it is getting. It wants to come."

I applied my lips. I opened my mouth. I sucked the stiff weapon of love. Sir Edward could not withstand my insidious caresses. Suddenly he pressed forward. I met his thrust, taking the length of him until his testicles tickled my chin. He discharged in my mouth. I received a torrent of his seed-imbibed it all.

"Do you think you will like Eastbourne, Eveline? We are off in a day or two. Mind you take some beautiful gloves and do not forget to bring some very pretty new boots."

"Indeed I will! Eveline knows how to please her darling papa."

He described the pattern and colors of the boots he wished me to wear. He selected exquisite gloves for my use. He was evidently preoccupied with his fanciful and lecherous ideas as to my personal appearance. I sat on tenterhooks. I was all swimming in John's sperm. I longed to go to my room.

Lord Endover called two days after the little dinner. I was at home. His lordship did me the honor to make me a formal proposal for my hand. I asked for time. He was most correct and polite. It was plain to see he was hopelessly in love. He pressed me for an immediate acceptance of his offer. I pleaded my youth-my inexperience. He used every argument he could think of, but I was determined not to decide without knowing more of him. I satisfied him at last. I promised him I would informally consider myself engaged to him, but without any distinct promise to marry him. I told Sir Edward the result of the interview. He expressed his approval. I passed over all his lordship's lovemaking. I thought it very insipid. His visits threatened to become frequent. Fortunately we had arranged to go to Eastbourne. Lord Endover had engagements which prevented him leaving town. The House was sitting. He was compelled to attend. The next day we left for Eastbourne.
