

1. Edgar Cabanas, «“Psytizens”, or the Construction of Happy Individuals in Neoliberal Societies», in Emotions as Commodities: Capitalism, Consumption and Authenticity, ed. by Eva Illouz (London and New York: Routledge, 2018), pp. 173–96.

2. Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States, NBER Working Paper No. 22945, December 2016, https://doi.org/10.3386/w22945

3. Jonathan J. B. Mijs, «Visualizing Belief in Meritocracy, 1930–2010», Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 4 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1177/2378023118811805.

4. Eva Illouz, Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery: An Essay on Popular Culture (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003).

5. http://www.margaretthatcher.org/document/104475

6. Eva Illouz, ed., Emotions as Commodities: Capitalism, Consumption and Authenticity (London and New York: Routledge, 2018).

7. Eva Illouz, Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, Emotions, and the Culture of Self-Help (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2008); Eva Illouz, Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism (Cambridge: Polity, 2007); Illouz, Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery; Edgar Cabanas and Eva Illouz, «The Making of a “Happy Worker”: Positive Psychology in Neoliberal Organizations», in Beyond the Cubicle: Insecurity Culture and the Flexible Self, ed. by Allison Pugh (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 25–50; Edgar Cabanas and Eva Illouz, «Fit fürs Gluck: Positive Psychologie und ihr Einfluss auf die Identität von Arbeitskräften in Neoliberalen Organisationen», Verhaltenstherapie & Psychosoziale Praxis, 47.3 (2015), 563–78; Edgar Cabanas, «Rekindling Individualism, Consuming Emotions: Constructing “Psytizens” in the Age of Happiness», Culture & Psychology, 22.3 (2016), 467–80, https://doi.org/10.1177/1354067X16655459; Edgar Cabanas and José Carlos Sánchez-González, «Inverting the Pyramid of Needs: Positive Psychology’s New Order for Labor Success», Psicothema, 28.2 (2016), 107–13, https://doi.org/10.7334/ psicothema2015.267htt; Cabanas, «“Psytizens”, or the Construction of Happy Individuals»; Edgar Cabanas, «Positive Psychology and the Legitimation of Individualism», Theory & Psychology, 28.1 (2018), 3–19, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354317747988; Illouz, Emotions as Commodities. Авторы обращают внимание, что некоторые абзацы и предложения из этих источников были частично воспроизведены в данной книге.

8. Barbara Ehrenreich, Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World (London: Granta Books, 2009).

9. Barbara S. Held, «The Tyranny of the Positive Attitude in America: Observation and Speculation», Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58.9 (2002), 965–91, https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp. 10093.

10. Sam Binkley, Happiness as Enterprise: An Essay on Neoliberal Life (New York: SUNY Press, 2014).

11. William Davies, The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold Us Well-Being (London and New York: Verso, 2015). На русском: Индустрия счастья. Как Big Date и новые технологии помогают добавить эмоции в товары и услуги/ М.: Бомбора, 2017.

12. Carl Cederström and André Spicer, The Wellness Syndrome (Cambridge: Polity, 2015).

Глава 1. Эксперты благополучия

1. Martin E. P. Seligman, Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment (New York: Free Press, 2002), p. 25. На русском: Мартин Селигман. В поисках счастья. Как получать удовольствие от жизни каждый день/ М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2011.

2. http://www.apa.org/about/apa/archives/apa-history.aspx

3. Seligman, Authentic Happiness.

4. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, стр. 25.

5. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, стр. 28.

6. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, стр. 28.

7. Martin E. P. Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, «Positive Psychology: An Introduction», American Psychologist, 55 (2000), 5–14, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022167801411002, p. 6.

8. Martin E. P. Seligman, Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being — and How to Achieve Them (London: Nicholas Brealey, 2011), p. 75. На русском: Мартин Селигман Путь к процветанию. Новое понимание счастья и благополучия/ М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2012.

9. Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, «Positive Psychology: An Introduction», p. 8.

10. Kristján Kristjánsson, «Positive Psychology and Positive Education: Old Wine in New Bottles?», Educational Psychologist, 47.2 (2012), 86–105, https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2011.610678; Roberto García, Edgar Cabanas and José Carlos Loredo, «La Cura Mental de Phineas P. Quimby y el Origen de la Psicoterapia Moderna», Revista de Historia de La Psicología, 36.1 (2015), 135–54; Dana Becker and Jeanne Marecek, «Positive Psychology: History in the Remaking?», Theory & Psychology, 18.5 (2008), 591–604, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354308093397; Eugene Taylor, «Positive Psychology and Humanistic Psychology: A Reply to Seligman», Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 41 (2001), 13–29, https://doi.org/10.1177/ 0022167801411003.

11. Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi,»Positive Psychology: An Introduction», p. 13.

12. Martin E. P. Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, «“Positive Psychology: An Introduction”: Reply», American Psychologist, 56 (2001), 89–90, https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.56.1.89, p. 90.

13. Martin E. P. Seligman, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life (New York: Pocket Books, 1990), p. 291.

14. Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, «Positive Psychology: An Introduction», p. 6.

15. Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, «Positive Psychology: An Introduction», p. 13.

16. Seligman, Flourish, p. 7. На русском: Мартин Селигман Путь к процветанию.

17. C. R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa Aspinwall, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Jon Haidt, Dacher Keltner and others, «The Future of Positive Psychology: A Declaration of Independence», in Handbook of Positive Psychology, ed. By C. R. Snyder and Shane J. Lopez (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 751–67, p. 752, курсив в оригинале.

18. Martin E. P. Seligman, «Building Resilience», Harvard Business Review, April 2011, https://hbr.org/2011/04/building-resilience, para. 7.

19. Bruce E. Levine, «Psychologists Profit on Unending U.S. Wars by Teaching Positive Thinking to Soldiers», Huffpost, 22 July 2010, https:// www.huffingtonpost.com/bruce-e-levine/psychologists-profit-on-u_b_655400.html?guccounter=1.

20. Christopher Peterson and Martin E. P. Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), p. 4.

21. Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues, p. 5.

22. Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues, p. 6.

23. Ryan M. Niemiec, «VIA Character Strengths: Research and Practice (The First 10 Years)», in Well-Being and Cultures: Perspectives from Positive Psychology, ed. by Hans Henrik Knoop and Antonella Delle Fave (Dordrecht and Heidelberg: Springer Netherlands, 2013), pp. 11–29, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-4611-4_2.

24. Gabriel Schui and Günter Krampen, «Bibliometric Analyses on the Emergence and Present Growth of Positive Psychology», Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2.1 (2010), 52–64, https://doi.org/10. 1111/j.1758–0854.2009.01022.x; Reuben D. Rusk and Lea E. Waters, «Tracing the Size, Reach, Impact, and Breadth of Positive Psychology», The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8.3 (2013), 207–21, https://doi.org/10. 1080/17439760.2013.777766.

25. Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (London: Routledge, 1984).

26. Ehrenreich, Smile or Die.

27. Elaine Swan, Worked Up Selves: Personal Development Workers, Self-Work and Therapeutic Cultures (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), p. 4.

28. Seligman, Flourish, p. 1. На русском: Селигман Путь к процветанию.

29. https://coachfederation.org/files/FileDownloads/2016ICFGlobalCoachingStudy_ExecutiveSummary.pdf

30. Martin E. P. Seligman, «Coaching and Positive Psychology», Australian Psychologist, 42.4 (2007), 266–7, p. 266.

31. Seligman, Flourish, p. 70. На русском: Селигман Путь к процветанию.

32. Seligman, Flourish, pp. 1–2. На русском: Селигман Путь к процветанию.

33. George A. Miller, «The Constitutive Problem of Psychology», in A Century of Psychology as Science, ed. by Sigmund Koch and David E. Leary (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1985), pp. 40–59, https://doi.org/10.1037/10117-021.

34. Henry James, «The Novels of George Eliot», The Atlantic Monthly, 18 (1866), 479–92, http://www.unz.org/Pub/AtlanticMonthly-1866oct-00479.

35. John Chambers Christopher, Frank C. Richardson and Brent D. Slife, «Thinking through Positive Psychology», Theory & Psychology, 18.5 (2008), 555–61, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354308093395; John Chambers Christopher and Sarah Hickinbottom, «Positive Psychology, Ethnocentrism, and the Disguised Ideology of Individualism», Theory & Psychology, 18.5 (2008), 563–89, https://doi. org/10.1177/0959354308093396.

36. Brent D. Slife and Frank C. Richardson, «Problematic Ontological Underpinnings of Positive Psychology: A Strong Relational Alternative», Theory & Psychology, 18.5 (2008), 699–723, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354308093403; Alistair Miller, «A Critique of Positive Psychology — or “the New Science of Happiness”«, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42 (2008), 591–608, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467–9752.2008.00646.x; Richard S. Lazarus, «Author’s Response: The Lazarus Manifesto for Positive Psychology and Psychology in General», Psychological Inquiry, 14.2 (2003), 173–89, https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327965PLI1402_04; Richard S. Lazarus, «Does the Positive Psychology Movement Have Legs?», Psychological Inquiry, 14.2 (2003), 93–109, https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327965PLI1402_02.

37. James K. McNulty and Frank D. Fincham, «Beyond Positive Psychology? Toward a Contextual View of Psychological Processes and Well-Being», American Psychologist, 67.2 (2012), 101–10, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0024572; Erik Angner, «Is It Possible to Measure Happiness?», European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 3.2 (2013), 221–40.

38. Myriam Mongrain and Tracy Anselmo-Matthews, «Do Positive Psychology Exercises Work? A Replication of Seligman et al.», Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68 (2012), 382–9, https://doi.org/10.1002jclp. 21839.

39. James C. Coyne and Howard Tennen, «Positive Psychology in Cancer Care: Bad Science, Exaggerated Claims, and Unproven Medicine», Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 39.1 (2010), 16–26, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s12160-009-9154–z.

40. Marino Pérez-Álvarez, «The Science of Happiness: As Felicitous as It Is Fallacious», Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 36.1 (2016), 1–19, https://doi.org/10.1037/teo0000030; Luis Fernández-Ríos and Mercedes Novo, «Positive Psychology: Zeitgeist (or Spirit of the Times) or Ignorance (or Disinformation) of History?», International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 12.2 (2012), 333–44.

41. Ruth Whippman, «Why Governments Should Stay Out of the Happiness Business», Huffington Post, 24 March 2016, http://www.huffingtonpost. com/ruth-whippman/why-governments-should-st_b_9534232.html.

42. Richard Layard, «Happiness: Has Social Science a Clue? Lecture 1: What Is Happiness? Are We Getting Happier?», Lionel Robbins Memorial Lecture Series (London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 2003), http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/47425/. На русском: Счастье: уроки новой науки / М.: Издательство Института Гайдара, 2012.

43. Richard Layard, «Happiness and Public Policy: A Challenge to the Profession», The Economic Journal, 116.510 (2006), C24–33, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468–0297.2006.01073.x, p. C24.

44. Richard A. Easterlin, «Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence», in Nations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz, ed. by Paul A. David and Melvin V. Reder (New York: Academic Press, 1974), pp. 89–125, p. 118.

45. Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, «The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice», Science, 211.4481 (1981), 453–58, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.7455683; Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, «Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases», Science, 185.4157 (1974), 1124–31, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.185.4157.1124.

46. Ed Diener, Ed Sandvik and William Pavot, «Happiness Is the Frequency, Not the Intensity, of Positive versus Negative Affect», in Subjective Well-Being: An Inter-Disciplinary Perspective, ed. by Fritz Strack, Michael Argyle and Norbert Schwarz (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1991), pp. 119–39, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-2354-4_10, p. 119.

47. Daniel Kahneman, Ed Diener, and Norbert Schwarz, eds., Well-Being: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1999).

48. Richard Layard and David M. Clark, Thrive: The Power of Psychological Therapy (London: Penguin, 2015).

49. Binkley, Happiness as Enterprise.

50. Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (New York: Picador, 2008). На русском: Наоми Кляйн, Доктрина шока: расцвет капитализма катастроф/ М.: Добрая книга, 2009.

51. OECD, OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-Being (Paris: OECD, 2013), https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264191655–en, p. 3.

52. Layard, «Happiness: Has Social Science a Clue?». На русском: Счастье: уроки новой науки

53. Richard Layard, Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (London: Allen, 2005), pp. 112–13, выделено курсивом.

54. Derek Bok, The Politics of Happiness: What Government Can Learn from the New Research on Well-Being (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010), p. 204.

55. Thomas H. Davenport and D. J. Patil, «Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century», Harvard Business Review, October 2012, https:// hbr.org/2012/10/data-scientist-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century/.

56. Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie E. Guillory and Jeffrey T. Hancock, «Experimental Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111.24 (2014), 8788–90, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1320040111.

57. Sydney Lupkin, «You Consented to Facebook’s Social Experiment», ABCNews, 30 June 2014, http://abcnews.go.com/Health/consented-facebooks-social-experiment/story?id=24368579.

58. Robert Booth, «Facebook Reveals News Feed Experiment to Control Emotions», The Guardian, 30 June 2014, https://www.theguardian.com/ technology/2014/jun/29/facebook-users-emotions-news-feeds.

59. Wendy Nelson Espeland and Mitchell L. Stevens, «A Sociology of Quantification», European Journal of Sociology, 49.3 (2008), 401–36.

60. Richard Layard and Gus O» Donnell, «How to Make Policy When Happiness Is the Goal», in World Happiness Report, ed. by John F Halliwell, Richard Layard and Jeffrey Sachs (New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2015), pp. 76–87, p. 77.

61. Kirstie McCrum, «What Exactly Does Happiness Cost? A Mere £7.6 Million Say Britons», Mirror, 15 May 2015, http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/what-exactly-happiness-cost-mere-5702003.

62. Gallup, State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for U.S. Business Leaders (Washington, DC: Gallup, 2013).

63. Luigino Bruni and Pier Luigi Porta, «Introduction», in Handbook on the Economics of Happiness, ed. by Luigino Bruni and Pier Luigi Porta (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007), pp. xi — xxxvii; Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer, Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006).

64. Angner, «Is it Possible to Measure Happiness?»

65. OECD, Guidelines, p. 23.

66. Norbert Schwarz, Bärbel Knäuper, Daphna Oyserman and Christine Stich, «The Psychology of Asking Questions», in International Handbook of Survey Methodology, ed. by Edith D. de Leeuw, Joop J. Hox, and Don A. Dillman (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2008), pp. 18–36.

67. I. Ponocny, C. Weismayer, B. Stross and S. G. Dressler, «Are Most People Happy? Exploring the Meaning of Subjective Well-Being Ratings», Journal of Happiness Studies, 17.6 (2015), 2635–53, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-015-9710-0, p. 2651.

68. Alejandro Adler and Martin E. P. Seligman, «Using Wellbeing for Public Policy: Theory, Measurement, and Recommendations», International Journal of Wellbeing, 6.1 (2016), 1–35, https://doi.org/10.5502/ijw.v6i1.429, p. 14.

69. Adler and Seligman, «Using Wellbeing for Public Policy», p. 14.

70. Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2014); Joseph Stiglitz, The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future (New York and London: W. W. Norton, 2013).

71. Jonathan Kelley and M. D. R. Evans, «Societal Inequality and Individual Subjective Well-Being: Results from 68 Societies and over 200,000 Individuals, 1981–2008», Social Science Research, 62 (2017), 1–23, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2016.04.020, p. 33.

72. Kelley and Evans, «Societal Inequality and Individual Subjective Well-Being», p. 35, выделено курсивом

73. Layard and O» Donnell, «How to Make Policy», p. 79.

74. Davies, Happiness Industry. На русском: Индустрия счастья.

75. Ashley Frawley, Semiotics of Happiness: Rhetorical Beginnings of a Public Problem (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2015).

Глава 2. Возрождение индивидуализма

1. Cabanas and Illouz, «Making of a “Happy Worker”«; Cabanas and Illouz, «Fit fürs Gluck».

2. Jason Read, «A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity», Foucault Studies, 6 (2009), 25–36; David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007).

3. Michèle Lamont, «Toward a Comparative Sociology of Valuation and Evaluation», Annual Review of Sociology, 38.2 (2012), 1–21, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-soc-070308-120022.

4. Jean Baudrillard, The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures (London: SAGE, 1998). На русском: Жан Бодрийяр Общество потребления/ М.: Республика, 2020.

5. Ulrich Beck, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (London: SAGE, 2000); Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism (London and New York: Verso, 2007), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10767-006-9006-9. На русском: Ульрих Бек Общество риска. На пути к другому модерну/ М.: Прогресс-Традиция, 2000.

6. Eva Illouz, Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation (Cambridge: Polity, 2012); Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003). На русском: Почему любовь ранит? Социологическое объяснение/ М.: Директ-медиа, 2020.

7. Illouz, Saving the Modern Soul; Illouz, Cold Intimacies.

8. Axel Honneth, «Organized Self-Realization: Some Paradoxes of Individualization», European Journal of Social Theory, 7.4 (2004), 463–78, https://doi.org/10.1177/1368431004046703.

9. Nicole Aschoff, The New Prophets of Capitalism (London: Verso, 2015), p. 87.

10. Sara Ahmed, The Promise of Happiness (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010).

11. Gilles Lipovetsky, L»Ère du Vide: Essais sur l» Individualisme Contemporain (Paris: Gallimard, 1983). На русскому: Жиль Липовецки Эра пустоты: эссе о современном индивидуализме/ М.: Изд. Владимир Даль, 2001.

12. Michel Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics. Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978–1979 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008); Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, Individualization: Institutionalized Individualism and Its Social and Political Consequences (London: SAGE, 2002); Anthony Giddens, Modernity and Self-Identity (Cambridge: Polity, 1991); Martin Hartmann and Axel Honneth, «Paradoxes of Capitalism», Constellations, 2006, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1351–0487.2006.00439.x/full.

На русском: Мишель Фуко Рождение биополитики. Курс лекций, прочитанных в Коллеж де Франс в 1978–1979 учебном / М.: Наука, 2010.

13. Eduardo Crespo and José Celio Freire, «La Atribución de Responsabilidad: De la Cognición al Sujeto», Psicologia & Sociedade, 26.2 (2014), 271–9.

14. Kenneth McLaughlin, «Psychologization and the Construction of the Political Subject as Vulnerable Object», Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 8 (2010), 63–79.

15. Cabanas, «Rekindling Individualism».

16. Foucault, Birth of Biopolitics. На русском: Рождение биополитики.

17. Held, «Tyranny of the Positive Attitude»; Ehrenreich, Smile or Die; Binkley, Happiness as Enterprise; Davies, Happiness Industry; Cederström and Spicer, Wellness Syndrome.

18. Frank C. Richardson and Charles B. Guignon, «Positive Psychology and Philosophy of Social Science», Theory & Psychology, 18.5 (2008), 605–27, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354308093398; Christopher and Hickinbottom, «Positive Psychology, Ethnocentrism»; Christopher et al., «Thinking»; Becker and Marecek, «Positive Psychology: History in the Remaking?»; Louise Sundararajan, «Happiness Donut: A Confucian Critique of Positive Psychology», Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 25.1 (2005), 35–60; Sam Binkley, «Psychological Life as Enterprise: Social Practice and the Government of Neo-Liberal Interiority», History of the Human Sciences, 24.3 (2011), 83–102, https:// doi.org/10.1177/0952695111412877; Jeff Sugarman, «Neoliberalism and Psychological Ethics», Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35.2 (2015), https://doi.org/10.1037/a0038960, 103–16; Ehrenreich, Smile or Die; Binkley, Happiness as Enterprise.

19. Cabanas, «Rekindling Individualism, Consuming Emotions»; Cabanas, «Positive Psychology and the Legitimation of Individualism».

20. Nikolas Rose, Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power and Personhood (London: Cambridge University Press, 1998); Ron Roberts, Psychology and Capitalism: The Manipulation of Mind (Alresford: Zero Books, 2015).

21. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 303.

22. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 303.

23. Sundararajan, «Happiness Donut»; Ahmed, Promise of Happiness.

24. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 129.

25. Cabanas, «Positive Psychology and the Legitimation of Individualism».

26. William Tov and Ed Diener, «Culture and Subjective Well-Being», in Culture and Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener, ed. By Ed Diener (London and New York: Springer, 2009), pp. 9–42; Ruut Veenhoven, «Quality-of-Life in Individualistic Society», Social Indicators Research, 48.2 (1999), 159–88; Ruut Veenhoven, «Life Is Getting Better: Societal Evolution and Fit with Human Nature», Social Indicators Research, 97.1 (2010), 105–22, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-009-9556-0; Seligman, Flourish; William Tov and Ed Diener, «The Well-Being of Nations: Linking Together Trust, Cooperation, and Democracy», in The Science of Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener, ed. by Ed Diener (London and New York: Springer, 2009), pp. 155–73; Ed Diener, «Subjective Well-Being: The Science of Happiness and a Proposal for a National Index», American Psychologist, 55 (2000), 34–43.

27. Robert Biswas-Diener, Joar Vittersø and Ed Diener, «Most People Are Pretty Happy, but There Is Cultural Variation: The Inughuit, the Amish, and the Maasai», in Culture and Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener, ed. by Ed Diener (London and New York: Springer, 2009), pp. 245–60; Ed Diener, «Introduction — The Science of Well-Being: Reviews and Theoretical Articles by Ed Diener», in The Science of Well- Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener, ed. by Ed Diener (London and New York: Springer, 2009), pp. 1–10; Ulrich Schimmack, Shigehiro Oishi and Ed Diener, «Individualism: A Valid and Important Dimension of Cultural Differences Between Nations», Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9.1 (2005), 17–31, https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327957pspr0901_ 2; Tov and Diener, «Culture and Subjective Well-Being».

28. Ed Diener, Marissa Diener and Carol Diener, «Factors Predicting the Subjective Well-Being of Nations», in Culture and Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener, ed. by Ed Diener (London and New York: Springer, 2009), pp. 43–70, p. 67.

29. Ed Diener and Martin E. P. Seligman, «Very Happy People», Psychological Science, 13 (2002), 81–84, https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9280.00415; Seligman, Flourish; Veenhoven, «Quality-of-Life in Individualistic Society»; Veenhoven, «Life Is Getting Better», p. 120.

30. Shigehiro Oishi, «Goals as Cornerstones of Subjective Well-Being», in Culture and Subjective Well-Being, ed. by Ed Diener and Eunkook M. Suh (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000), pp. 87–112.

31. Liza G. Steele and Scott M. Lynch, «The Pursuit of Happiness in China: Individualism, Collectivism, and Subjective Well-Being During China’s Economic and Social Transformation», Social Indicators Research, 114.2 (2013), 441–51, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-012-0154-1.

32. Aaron C. Ahuvia, «Individualism/Collectivism and Cultures of Happiness: A Theoretical Conjecture on the Relationship between Consumption, Culture and Subjective Well-Being at the National Level», Journal of Happiness Studies, 3.1 (2002), 23–36, https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1015682121103.

33. Ronald Fischer and Diana Boer, «What Is More Important for National Well-Being: Money or Autonomy? A Meta-Analysis of Well-Being, Burnout, and Anxiety across 63 Societies», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101.1 (2011), 164–84, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0023663, p. 164.

34. Navjot Bhullar, Nicola S. Schutte and John M. Malouff, «Associations of Individualistic — Collectivistic Orientations with Emotional Intelligence, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Life: A Tale of Two Countries», Individual Differences Research, 10.3 (2012), 165–75; Ki-Hoon Jun, «Re-Exploration of Subjective Well-Being Determinants: Full-Model Approach with Extended Cross-Contextual Analysis», International Journal of Wellbeing, 5.4 (2015), 17–59, https://doi.org/10.5502/ijw.v5i4.405.

35. William Pavot and Ed Diener, «The Satisfaction With Life Scale and the Emerging Construct of Life Satisfaction», The Journal of Positive Psychology, 3.2 (2008), 137–52, https://doi.org/10.1080/ 17439760701756946; Ed Diener, Robert A. Emmons, Randy J. Larsen and Sharon Griffin, «The Satisfaction With Life Scale», Journal of Personality Assessment, 49.1 (1985), 71–5, https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327752jpa4901_13.

36. Seligman, Authentic Happiness.

37. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 58.

38. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 55.

39. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 50.

40. Sonja Lyubomirsky, The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want (New York: Penguin, 2007), p. 22, выделено курсивом в оригинале. На русском: Соня Любомирски Психология счастья: новый подход/ СПб: Питер, 2014.

41. Ehrenreich, Smile or Die, p. 172.

42. Layard, Happiness: Lessons from a New Science.

43. Layard, «Happiness: Has Social Science a Clue?»

44. Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, «High Income Improves Evaluation of Life but Not Emotional Well-Being», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107.38 (2010), 16489–93, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1011492107.

45. Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, «Subjective Well-Being and Income: Is There Any Evidence of Satiation?», American Economic Review, 103.3 (2013), 598–604, https://doi.org/10.3386/w18992, p. 604.

46. Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, «Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: Reassessing the Easterlin Paradox», Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 39.1 (2008), 1–102, p. 2.

47. Stevenson and Wolfers, «Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being», p. 2.

48. Stevenson and Wolfers, «Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being», p. 1.

49. Stevenson and Wolfers, «Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being», p. 29.

50. Dana Becker and Jeanne Marecek, «Dreaming the American Dream: Individualism and Positive Psychology», Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2.5 (2008), 1767–80, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751–9004.2008.00139.x, p. 1771.

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53. Carmelo Vázquez, «El Bienestar de Las Naciones», in La Ciencia Del Bienestar. Fundamentos de Una Psicología Positiva, ed. by Carmelo Vázquez and Gonzalo Hervás (Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2009), pp. 75–102, p. 131.

54. Seligman, Authentic Happiness.

55. Jason Mannino, «How To Care for Yourself in Times of Crisis», Huffpost, 17 November 2011, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/jason-mannino/how-to-care-for-yourself_b_170438.html.

56. Heinrich Geiselberger, ed., The Great Regression (Cambridge: Polity, 2017).

57. Christopher Lasch, The Minimal Self: Psychic Survival in Troubled Times (New York and London: W. W. Norton, 1984), p. 174.

58. Isaiah Berlin, Four Essays on Liberty (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968), p. 139. На русском: Исайя Берлин Четыре эссе о свободе/ Лондон: Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd London, 1992

59. Jack M. Barbalet, Emotion, Social Theory, and Social Structure: A Macrosociological Approach (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 174.

60. Еще одним экстремальным, хотя и показательным, примером этого является растущий по всему миру с 2008 года интерес к феномену выживания, сурвивализм. Для этого движения характерны индивидуалистический менталитет постоянной готовности, полная самодостаточность и чрезмерная забота о своей безопасности в мире, где общество воспринимается как разрушающееся перед лицом близящейся катастрофы, поэтому каждый должен заботиться о самом себе, чтобы выжить. И хотя выживание далеко не новое явление, за последнее десятилетие эта социальная тенденция превратилась из местного увлечения, в частности в США, в целый стиль жизни, подпитываемый быстро растущей индустрией сурвивализма (Neil Howe, «How Millennials Are Reshaping the Survivalism Industry», Financial Sense, 12 December 2016, https://www.financialsense.com/neil-howe/how-millennials-reshaping-survivalism-industry). Кроме того, с 2008 года во всем мире экспоненциально увеличивается количество телевизионных шоу, голливудских фильмов и книг по самопомощи, посвященных выживанию, например, шоу «Рожденный выживать» (орг. — Born Survivor) с примерно 1,2 миллиардом зрителей стало одной из самых просматриваемых передач на планете, а количество фильмов о зомби/выживании, вышедших в прокат в 2010-х годах, увеличилось в четыре раза по сравнению с 1990-ми (Zachary Crockett and Javier Zarracina, «How the Zombie Represents America’s Deepest Fears», Vox, 31 October 2016, https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/10/31/13440402/zombie-political-history). Например, Дэниел Неринг и его коллеги тщательно проанализировали центральное место темы выживания в литературе по самопомощи за последние годы. По мнению этих авторов, за понятиями выживания, приключений и советов, жанр выживательной самопомощи предлагает индивидуалистическое видение, которое сочетает в себе настойчивость в самореализации, самоанализе и важности преследования своей мечты, одновременно подобная литература предоставляет легкие «стратегии, чтобы обходиться, выживать или полностью избавиться от давления общества» (Daniel Nehring, Emmanuel Alvarado, Eric C. Hendricks and Dylan Kerrigan, Transnational Popular Psychology and the Global Self-Help Industry: The Politics of Contemporary Social Change (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), p. 4).

61. Michèle Lamont, «Trump’s Triumph and Social Science Adrift. What Is to Be Done?», American Sociological Association, 2016, http://www.asanet.org/trumps-triumph-and-social-science-adrift-what-be-done, p. 8.

62. Illouz, Saving the Modern Soul, p. 2.

63. Cabanas, «Positive Psychology and the Legitimation of Individualism».

64. Emma Seppälä, «Secrets of a Happier Life», in The Science of Happiness: New Discoveries for a More Joyful Life (New York: TIME, 2016), pp. 11–17, p. 13.

65. Ellen Seidman, «Fourteen Ways to Jump for Joy», in The Science of Happiness: New Discoveries for a More Joyful Life (New York: TIME, 2016), pp. 34–41, p. 37.

66. Seppälä, «Secrets of a Happier Life», p. 16.

67. Kate Pickert, «The Art of Being Present», in The Science of Happiness: New Discoveries for a More Joyful Life (New York: TIME, 2016), pp. 71–9, p. 77.

68. Traci Pedersen, «Mindfulness May Ease Depression, Stress in Poor Black Women», PsychCentral, 2016, https://psychcentral.com/news/2016/08/18/mindfulness-may-ease-depression-stress-in-poor-black-women/108727.html.

69. Olga R. Sanmartín, «“Mindfulness” en el Albergue: Un Consuelo para los “Sintecho”«, El Mundo, 7 January 2016, http://www.elmundo.es/sociedad/2016/01/07/567d929a46163fa0578b465d.html.

70. Cabanas, «Positive Psychology and the Legitimation of Individualism».

71. Jen Wieczner, «Meditation Has Become a Billion-Dollar Business», Fortune, 12 March 2016, http://fortune.com/2016/03/12/meditation-mindfulness-apps/.

72. Miguel Farias and Catherine Wikholm, The Buddah Pill: Can Meditation Change You? (London: Watkins, 2015).

73. Cabanas, «Positive Psychology and the Legitimation of Individualism».

74. Ad Bergsma and Ruut Veenhoven, «The Happiness of People with a Mental Disorder in Modern Society», Psychology of Well-Being: Theory, Research and Practice, 1.2 (2011), 1–6, https://doi.org/10.1186/2211-1522-1-2, p. 2.

75. Seligman, Flourish; Veenhoven, «Life Is Getting Better»; Veenhoven,»Quality-of-Life in Individualistic Society»; Diener and Seligman, «Very Happy People».

76. Brandon H. Hidaka, «Depression as a Disease of Modernity: Explanations for Increasing Prevalence», Journal of Affective Disorders, 140.3 (2012),205–14, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2011.12.036; Ethan Watters, Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche (New York and London: Free Press, 2010); Richard Eckersley, «Is Modern Western Culture a Health Hazard?», International Journal of Epidemiology, 35.2 (2005), 252–8, https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyi235; Allan Horwitz and Jerome C. Wakefield, «The Age of Depression», Public Interest, 158 (2005), 39–58; Robert Whitaker, Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America (New York: Crown, 2010); Lasch, Minimal Self; James L. Nolan, Jr., The Therapeutic State: Justifying Government at Century’s End (New York: New York University Press, 1998); Ann Cvetkovich, Depression: A Public Feeling (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012).

77. Robert D. Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000).

78. Peter Walker, «May Appoints Minister to Tackle Loneliness Issues Raised by Jo Cox», The Guardian, 16 January 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jan/16/may-appoints-minister-tackle-loneliness-issues-raised-jo-cox.

79. Anushka Asthana, «Loneliness Is a “Giant Evil” of Our Time, Says Jo Cox Commission», The Guardian, 10 December 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/dec/10/loneliness-is-a-giant-evil-of-our-time-says-jo-cox-commission.

80. Charles Taylor, Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989).

81. Ashis Nandy, Regimes of Narcissism, Regimes of Despair (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013), p. 176.

82. Cederström and Spicer, Wellness Syndrome; Frawley, Semiotics of Happiness; Barbara S. Held, «The “Virtues” of Positive Psychology», Journal ofTheoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 25.1 (2005), 1–34, https://doi.org/10.1037/h0091249; Alenka Zupancic, The Odd One In (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008).

83. Illouz, Saving the Modern Soul.

84. Iris B. Mauss, Maya Tamir, Craig L. Anderson and Nicole S. Savino, «Can Seeking Happiness Make People Unhappy? Paradoxical Effects of Valuing Happiness», Emotion, 11.4 (2011), 807–15, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0022010.

85. Paul Rose and Keith W. Campbell, «Greatness Feels Good: A Telic Model of Narcissism and Subjective Well-Being», Advances in Psychology Research, 31 (2004), 3–26; Hillary C. Devlin, Jamil Zaki, Desmond C.Ong and June Gruber, «Not As Good as You Think? Trait Positive Emotion Is Associated with Increased Self-Reported Empathy but Decreased Empathic Performance», ed. by Marco Iacoboni, PLoS ONE, 9.10 (2014), e110470, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0110470; Joseph P. Forgas, «Don» t Worry, Be Sad! On the Cognitive, Motivational, and Interpersonal Benefits of Negative Mood», Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22.3 (2013), 225–32, https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721412474458; Jessica L. Tracy and Richard W.Robins, «The Psychological Structure of Pride: A Tale of Two Facets», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92.3 (2007), 506–25, https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.92.3.506.

86. Marino Pérez-Álvarez, «Reflexividad, Escritura y Génesis del Sujeto Moderno», Revista de Historia de la Psicología, 36.1 (2015), 53–90.

87. Frawley, Semiotics of Happiness; Frank Furedi, «From the Narrative of the Blitz to the Rhetoric of Vulnerability», Cultural Sociology, 1.2 (2007), 235–54, https://doi.org/10.1177/1749975507078189; Frank Furedi, Therapy Culture: Cultivating Vulnerability in an Uncertain Age (London: Routledge, 2004).

88. Gilles Lipovetsky, La Felicidad Paradójica (Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2007).

89. Robert A. Cummins and Helen Nistico, «Maintaining Life Satisfaction: The Role of Positive Cognitive Bias», Journal of Happiness Studies, 3.1 (2002), 37–69, https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1015678915305; Adrian J. Tomyn and Robert A. Cummins, «Subjective Wellbeing and Homeostatically Protected Mood: Theory Validation With Adolescents», Journal of Happiness Studies, 12.5 (2011), 897–914, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-010-9235-5.

90. Bergsma and Veenhoven, «Happiness of People with a Mental Disorder»; Veenhoven, «Life Is Getting Better».

91. Vázquez, «El Bienestar de las Naciones»; Seligman, Flourish; Seligman, Authentic Happiness.

92. Seligman, Flourish, p. 164.

93. Global Happiness Council, Global Happiness Policy Report 2018 (New York: GHC, 2018), https://s3.amazonaws.com/ghc-2018/GlobalHappinessPolicyReport2018.pdf, p. 69.

94. Jack Martin and Anne-Marie McLellan, The Education of Selves: How Psychology Transformed Students (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013).

95. British Columbia Ministry of Education, 2008, Career Planning, as quoted in Sugarman, «Neoliberalism and Psychological Ethics», p. 112.

96. http://www.ipositive-education.net/movement/

97. Global Happiness Council, Global Happiness Policy Report.

98. Richard Layard and Ann Hagell, «Healthy Young Minds: Transforming the Mental Health of Children», in World Happiness Report, ed. by John Helliwell, Richard Layard and Jeffrey Sachs (New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2015), pp. 106–30.

99. Martin E. P. Seligman, Randal M. Ernst, Jane Gillham, Karen Reivich and Mark Linkins, «Positive Education: Positive Psychology and Classroom Interventions», Oxford Review of Education, 35.3 (2009), 293–311, https://doi.org/10.1080/03054980902934563, p. 295.

100. Mark T. Greenberg, Roger P. Weissberg, Mary Utne O» Brien, Joseph E. Zins, Linda Fredericks, Hank Resnik and others, «Enhancing School-Based Prevention and Youth Development through Coordinated Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning», American Psychologist, 58.6–7 (2003), 466–74, https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.58.6–7.466.

101. Karen Reivich, Jane E. Gillham, Tara M. Chaplin and Martin E. P. Seligman, «From Helplessness to Optimism: The Role of Resilience in Treating and Preventing Depression in Youth», in Handbook of Resilience in Children, ed. by Sam Goldstein and Robert B. Brooks (New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2005), pp. 223–37.

102. Lea Waters, «A Review of School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions», The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 28.2 (2011), 75–90, https://doi.org/10.1375/aedp. 28.2.75; Seligman, Flourish.

103. e.g., Kathryn Ecclestone and Dennis Hayes, The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education (London and New York: Routledge, 2009).

104. Cabanas, «“Psytizens”, or the Construction of Happy Individuals».

105. Alison L. Calear, Helen Christensen, Andrew Mackinnon, Kathleen M. Griffiths and Richard O» Kearney, «The YouthMood Project: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of an Online Cognitive Behavioral Program with Adolescents», Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77.6 (2009), 1021–32, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0017391.

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107. Ecclestone and Hayes, Dangerous Rise.

108. Ecclestone and Hayes, Dangerous Rise, p. 164.

109. Neil J. Smelser, «Self-Esteem and Social Problems: An Introduction», in The Social Importance of Self-Esteem, ed. by Andrew M. Mecca, Neil J. Smelser and John Vaconcellos (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), pp. 1–23, p. 1.

110. Nathaniel Branden, «In Defense of Self», Association for Humanistic Psychology, August — September (1984), 12–13, p. 12.

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112. Baumeister et al., «Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance», p. 3.

113. Neil Humphrey, Ann Lendrum and Michael Wigelsworth, Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) Programme in Secondary School: National Evaluation (London: Department for Education, 2010), p. 2.

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116. Kristján Kristjánsson, Virtues and Vices in Positive Psychology: A Philosophical Critique (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

117. Sugarman, «Neoliberalism and Psychological Ethics», p. 115.

Глава 3. Позитив на работе

1. Ehrenreich, Smile or Die.

2. Cabanas and Sánchez-González, «Inverting the Pyramid of Needs».

3. Kurt Danziger, Naming the Mind: How Psychology Found Its Language (London: SAGE, 1997); Roger Smith, The Norton History of the Human Sciences (New York: W. W. Norton, 1997).

4. Abraham H. Maslow, Motivation and Personality (New York: Harper &Row, 1970), p. 7. На русском: Абрахам Маслоу Мотивация и личность/М: Питер, 2019.

5. Cabanas and Sánchez-González, «Inverting the Pyramid of Needs.».

6. Daniel Wren, The Evolution of Management Thought (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 1994).

7. William G. Scott, Organizational Theory: A Behavioral Analysis for Management (Willowbrook: Richard D. Irwin, 1967).

8. Boltanski and Chiapello, New Spirit of Capitalism.

9. Maslow, Motivation and Personality.

10. Zygmunt Bauman, The Individualized Society (Cambridge: Polity, 2001); Beck, Risk Society. На русском: Зигмунт Бауман Индивидуализированное общество/ М: Логос, 2005.

11. Richard Sennett, The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism (New York: W. W. Norton, 1998). На русском: Ричард Сеннет Коррозия характера/М: Фонд социо-прогностических исследований «Тренды», 2004.

12. Boltanski and Chiapello, New Spirit of Capitalism.

13. Bob Aubrey, quoted in Boltanski and Chiapello, New Spirit of Capitalism, p. 185.

14. Richard Sennett, The Culture of the New Capitalism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006); Boltanski and Chiapello, New Spirit of Capitalism.

15. Michael Daniels, «The Myth of Self-Actualization», Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 28.1 (1988), 7–38, https://doi.org/10.1177/ 0022167888281002; Andrew Neher, «Maslow’s Theory of Motivation: A Critique», Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 31.3 (1991), 89–112, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022167891313010.

16. Edgar Cabanas and Juan Antonio Huertas, «Psicología Positiva y Psicología Popular de la Autoayuda: Un Romance Histórico, Psicológico y Cultural», Anales de Psicologia, 30.3 (2014), 852–64, https://doi.org/10.6018/analesps.30.3.169241; Edgar Cabanas and José Carlos Sánchez-González, «The Roots of Positive Psychology», Papeles del Psicólogo, 33.3 (2012), 172–82; García, Cabanas and Loredo, «La Cura Mental de Phineas P. Quimby».

17. Cabanas and Illouz, «Making of a “Happy Worker”«; Illouz, Saving the Modern Soul.

18. Cabanas and Sánchez-González, «Inverting the Pyramid of Needs».

19. Cabanas and Sánchez-González, «Inverting the Pyramid of Needs».

20. Julia K. Boehm and Sonja Lyubomirsky, «Does Happiness Promote Career Success?», Journal of Career Assessment, 16.1 (2008), 101–16, https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072707308140, p. 101.

21. Olivier Herrbach, «A Matter of Feeling? The Affective Tone of Organizational Commitment and Identification», Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27 (2006), 629–43, https://doi.org/10.1002/job.362; Remus Ilies, Brent A. Scott and Timothy A. Judge, «The Interactive Effects of Personal Traits and Experienced States on Intraindividual Patterns of Citizenship Behavior», Academy of Management Journal, 49 (2006), 561–75, https://doi.org/10.5465/AMJ.2006.21794672; Carolyn M. Youssef and Fred Luthans, «Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace: The Impact of Hope, Optimism, and Resilience», Journal of Management, 33.5 (2007), 774–800, https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206307305562.

22. Robert A. Baron, «The Role of Affect in the Entrepreneurial Process», Academy of Management Review, 33.2 (2008), 328–40; Robert J. Baum, Michael Frese and Robert A. Baron, eds., The Psychology of Entrepreneurship (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2007); Ed Diener, Carol Nickerson, Richard E. Lucas and Ed Sandvik, «Dispositional Affect and Job Outcomes», Social Indicators Research, 59 (2002), 229–59, https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1019672513984; Katariina Salmela-Aro and Jari-Erik Nurmi, «Self-Esteem during University Studies Predicts Career Characteristics 10 Years Later», Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70 (2007), 463–77, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2007.01.006; Carol Graham, Andrew Eggers and Sandip Sukhtankar, «Does Happiness Pay? An Exploration Based on Panel Data from Russia», Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 55 (2004), 319–42, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2003.09.002.

23. Timothy A. Judge and Charlice Hurst, «How the Rich (and Happy) Get Richer (and Happier): Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations to Trajectories in Attaining Work Success», Journal of Applied Psychology, 93.4 (2008), 849–63, https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.93.4.849.

24. Ed Diener, «New Findings and Future Directions for Subjective Well-Being Research», American Psychologist, 67.8 (2012), 590–97, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0029541, p. 593.

25. Shaw Achor, The Happiness Advantage (New York: Random House, 2010), p. 4. На русском: Шон Анчор. Преимущество счастья. М.: ЭКСМО, 2014.

26. Michel Feher, «Self-Appreciation; or, The Aspirations of Human Capital», Public Culture, 21.1 (2009), 21–41, https://doi.org/ 10.1215/08992363- 2008-019.

27. Fred Luthans, Carolyn M. Youssef and Bruce J. Avolio, Psychological Capital: Developing the Human Competitive Edge (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007); Alexander Newman, Deniz Ucbasaran, Fei Zhu and Giles Horst, «Psychological Capital: A Review and Synthesis», Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35.S1 (2014), S120–38, https://doi.org/10.1002/job.1916.

28. Jessica Pryce-Jones, Happiness at Work: Maximizing Your Psychological Capital for Success (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2010), p. ix.

29. Tim Smedley, «Can Happiness Be a Good Business Strategy?», The Guardian, 20 June 2012, https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/happy-workforce-business-strategy-wellbeing.

30. Pryce-Jones, Happiness at Work, pp. 28–9.

31. James B. Avey, Rebecca J. Reichard, Fred Luthans and Ketan H. Mhatre, «Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Positive Psychological Capital on Employee Attitudes, Behaviors, and Performance», Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22.2 (2011), 127–52, https://doi.org/10.1002/hrdq.20070.

32. Youssef and Luthans, «Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace».

33. Cabanas and Illouz, «Making of a “Happy Worker”«; Cabanas and Illouz, «Fit fürs Gluck».

34. Eeva Sointu, «The Rise of an Ideal: Tracing Changing Discourses of Wellbeing», The Sociological Review, 53.2 (2005), 255–74, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-954X.2005.00513.x.

35. Arnold B. Bakker and Wilmar B. Schaufeli, «Positive Organizational Behavior: Engaged Employees in Flourishing Organizations», Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29.2 (2008), 147–54, https://doi.org/10.1002/job.515; Thomas A. Wright, «Positive Organizational Behavior: An Idea Whose Time Has Truly Come», Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24.4 (2003), 437–42, https://doi.org/10.1002/job.197.

36. Gerard Zwetsloot and Frank Pot, «The Business Value of Health Management», Journal of Business Ethics, 55.2 (2004), 115–24, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-004-1895-9.

37. Joshua Cook, «How Google Motivates Their Employees with Rewards and Perks», 2012, https://hubpages.com/business/How-Google-Motivates-their-Employees-with-Rewards-and-Perks.

38. Robert Biswas-Diener and Ben Dean, Positive Psychology Coaching: Putting the Science of Happiness to Work for Your Clients (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2007)., p. 190.

39. Biswas-Diener and Dean, Positive Psychology Coaching, pp. 195–6.

40. Micki McGee, Self-Help, Inc.: Makeover Culture in American Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).

41. P. Alex Linley and George W. Burns, «Strengthspotting: Finding and Developing Client Resources in the Management of Intense Anger», in Happiness, Healing, Enhancement: Your Casebook Collection for Applying Positive Psychology in Therapy, ed. by George W. Burns (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2010), pp. 3–14; Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues.

42. Angel Martínez Sánchez, Manuela Pérez Pérez, Pilar de Luis Carnicer and Maria José Vela Jiménez, «Teleworking and Workplace Flexibility: A Study of Impact on Firm Performance», Personnel Review, 36.1 (2007), 42–64, https://doi.org/10.1108/00483480710716713, p. 44.

43. Gabe Mythen, «Employment, Individualization and Insecurity: Rethinking the Risk Society Perspective», The Sociological Review, 53.1 (2005), 129–49, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-954X.2005.00506.x.

44. Cabanas and Illouz, «Making of a “Happy Worker”«; Cabanas and Illouz, «Fit fürs Gluck».

45. Louis Uchitelle and N. R. Kleinfield, «On the Battlefields of Business, Millions of Casualties», The New York Times, 3 March 1996, http://www.nytimes.com.

46. Eduardo Crespo and María Amparo Serrano-Pascual, «La Psicologización del Trabajo: La Desregulación del Trabajo y el Gobierno de las Voluntades», Teoría y Crítica de La Psicología, 2 (2012), 33–48.

47. European Commission, Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and Better Jobs through Flexibility and Security, COM (2007) 359 (Brussels: EC, 2007), p. 5.

48. Sennett, Corrosion of Character.

49. Fred Luthans, Gretchen. R. Vogelgesang and Paul B. Lester, «Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency», Human Resource Development Review, 5.1 (2006), 25–44, https://doi.org/10.1177/ 1534484305285335.

50. Debra Jackson, Angela Firtko and Michel Edenborough, «Personal Resilience as a Strategy for Surviving and Thriving in the Face of Workplace Adversity: A Literature Review», Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60.1 (2007), 1–9, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365–2648.2007. 04412.x.

51. https://www.bls.gov/

52. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Employment_statistics

53. https://blog.linkedin.com/2016/04/12/will-this-year_s-college-grads-job-hop-more-than-previous-grads

54. Alison Doyle, «How Often Do People Change Jobs?», The Balance,1 May 2017, https://www.thebalance.com/how-often-do-people-change-jobs-2060467.

55. Romain Felli, «The World Bank’s Neoliberal Language of Resilience», in Risking Capitalism, ed. by Susanne Soederberg (Bingley: Emerald Group, 2016), pp. 267–95.

56. Salvatore R. Maddi and Deborah M. Khoshaba, Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You (New York: American Management Association, 2005), p. 1.

57. Peter Greer and Chris Horst, Entrepreneurship for Human Flourishing (Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 2014).

58. http://blog.approvedindex.co.uk/2015/06/25/map-entrepreneurship-around-the-world/

59. Cabanas and Illouz, «Making of a “Happy Worker”«; Cabanas and Illouz, «Fit fürs Gluck».

60. Charles S. Carver, Michael F. Scheier and Suzanne C. Segerstrom, «Optimism», Clinical Psychology Review, 30.7 (2010), 879–89, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2010.01.006; Robert Weis, «You Want Me to Fix It? Using Evidence-Based Interventions to Instill Hope in Parents and Children», in Happiness, Healing, Enhancement: Your Casebook Collection for Applying Positive Psychology in Therapy, ed. by George W. Burns (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2012), pp. 64–75, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118269664.ch6; Shane J. Lopez, C. R. Snyder and Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, «Hope: Many Definitions, Many Measures», in Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures, ed. by Shane J. Lopez and C. R. Snyder (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2003), pp. 91–106, https://doi.org/10.1037/10612-006; Karen Reivich and Jane Gillham, «Learned Optimism: The Measurement of Explanatory Style», in Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures, ed. by Shane J. Lopez and C. R. Snyder (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2003), pp. 57–74, https://doi.org/10.1037/10612-004.

61. Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues.

62. Michela Marzano, Programados para Triunfar: Nuevo Capitalismo, Gestión Empresarial, y Vida Privada (Barcelona: Tusquets, 2012).

63. Maria Konnikova, «What Makes People Feel Upbeat at Work», The New Yorker, 30 July 2016, http://www.newyorker.com/?p=3234730&mbid=nl_073016 Daily Newsletter (1)&CNDID=38849113&spMailing ID=9280546&spUserID=MTEwMTIzMzIyNTUzS0&spJobID=96243 2916&spReportId=OTYyNDMyOTE2S0.

64. Cabanas and Sánchez-González, «Inverting the Pyramid of Needs»; Cabanas and Illouz, «Making of a “Happy Worker”««; Cabanas and Illouz, «Fit fürs Gluck».

Глава 4. Счастливые «я» в продаже сейчас и всегда

1. http://possibilitychange.com/steps-to-change-my-life/

2. Illouz, Emotions as Commodities.

3. Cabanas, «Rekindling Individualism, Consuming Emotions»; Cabanas, «“Psytizens”, or the Construction of Happy Individuals».

4. Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations (New York: W. W. Norton, 1979); Frank Furedi, Therapy Culture; Nolan, Therapeutic State; Ahmed, Promise of Happiness.

5. Binkley, Happiness as Enterprise, p. 163.

6. Wilhelm Hofmann, Maike Luhmann, Rachel R. Fisher, Kathleen D. Vohs and Roy F. Baumeister, «Yes, But Are They Happy? Effects of Trait Self-Control on Affective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction», Journal of Personality, 82.4 (2014), 265–77, https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12050; Derrick Wirtz, Juliann Stalls, Christie Napa Scollon and L. Wuensch, «Is the Good Life Characterized by Self-Control? Perceived Regulatory Success and Judgments of Life Quality», The Journal of Positive Psychology, 11.6 (2016), 572–83, https://doi.org/10.10 80/17439760.2016.1152503; Denise T. D. de Ridder, Gerty Lensvelt-Mulders, Catrin Finkenauer, F. Marijn Stok and Roy F. Baumeister, «Taking Stock of Self-Control», Personality and Social Psychology Review, 16.1 (2012), 76–99, https://doi.org/10.1177/1088868311418749.

7. Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues, p. 38.

8. Heidi Marie Rimke, «Governing Citizens through Self-Help Literature», Cultural Studies, 14.1 (2000), 61–78, https://doi.org/10.1080/ 095023800334986; Fernando Ampudia de Haro, «Administrar el Yo: Literatura de Autoayuda y Gestión del Comportamiento y los Afectos», Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), 113.1 (2006), 49–75; Sam Binkley, «Happiness, Positive Psychology and the Program of Neoliberal Governmentality», Subjectivity, 4.4 (2011), 371–94, https://doi.org/10.1057/sup.2011.16; Rose, Inventing Our Selves.

9. Reivich and Gillham, «Learned Optimism».

10. Weis, «You Want Me to Fix It?»

11. Lopez et al., «Hope», p. 94.

12. Carver et al., «Optimism», p. 1.

13. Lyubomirsky, How of Happiness, pp. 280–1.

14. Marc A. Brackett, John D. Mayer and Rebecca M. Warner, «Emotional Intelligence and Its Relation to Everyday Behaviour», Personality and Individual Differences, 36.6 (2004), 1387–1402, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0191-8869(03)00236-8, p. 1389.

15. Illouz, Cold Intimacies; Lipovetsky, La Felicidad Paradójica.

16. https://my.happify.com/

17. https://my.happify.com/

18. Annika Howells, Itai Ivtzan and Francisco Jose Eiroa-Orosa, «Putting the “App” in Happiness: A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Smartphone- Based Mindfulness Intervention to Enhance Wellbeing», Journal of Happiness Studies, 17.1 (2016), 163–85, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902- 014-9589-1.

19. Stephanie Baum, «Happify Health Raises $9m to Expand Behavioral Health Research Business (Updated)», MedCity News, 15 August 2017, https://medcitynews.com/2017/08/happify-health-raises-9m-expand-behavioral-health-research-business/?rf=1.

20. Espeland and Stevens, «Sociology of Quantification»; Nikolas Rose, «Governing by Numbers: Figuring out Democracy», Accounting, Organizations and Society, 16.7 (1991), 673–92, https://doi.org/10.1016/0361-3682(91)90019-B.

21. Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961), p. 166. На русском: Карл Роджерс. Становление личности. Взгляд на психотерапию. М.: Прогресс, 1994.

22. Rogers, On Becoming a Person, p. 33.

23. Carl Rogers, «Some Observations on the Organization of Personality», American Psychologist, 2 (1947), 358–68, p. 362.

24. Maslow, Motivation and Personality, p. 46.

25. Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues, p. 29.

26. Timothy D. Hodges and Donald O. Clifton, «Strengths-Based Development in Practice», in Positive Psychology in Practice, ed. By P. Alex Linley and Stephen Joseph (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), pp. 256–68, p. 258.

27. Kenneth Gergen, The Saturated Self (New York: Basic Books, 1991).

28. Isaiah Berlin, Four Essays on Liberty (Oxford: Oxford University Press,1968).

29. Eugene Taylor, Shadow Culture: Psychology and Spirituality in America (Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1999); Beril Satter, Each Mind a Kingdom: American Women, Sexual Purity, and the New Thought Movement, 1875–1920. (London: University of California Press, 1999).

30. Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues, p. 13.

31. Linley and Burns, «Strengthspotting».

32. Seligman, Authentic Happiness.

33. James H. Gilmore and Joseph B. Pine, Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007). На русском: Джозеф Пайн II и Джеймс Гилмор Аутентичность: Чего по-настоящему хотят потребители. М.: BestBusinessBooks, 2009.

34. Guy Redden, «Makeover Morality and Consumer Culture», in Reading Makeover Television: Realities Remodelled, ed. by Dana Heller (London: I. B. Tauris, 2007), pp. 150–64.

35. Linley and Burns, «Strengthspotting», p. 10.

36. Bill O» Hanlon, «There Is a Fly in the Urinal: Developing Therapeutic Possibilities from Research Findings», in Happiness, Healing, Enhancement: Your Casebook Collection for Applying Positive Psychology in Therapy, ed. By George W. Burns (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2010), pp. 303–14, p. 312.

37. Daniel J. Lair, Katie Sullivan and George Cheney, «Marketization and the Recasting of the Professional Self: The Rhetoric and Ethics of Personal Branding», Management Communication Quarterly, 18.3 (2005), 307–43, https://doi.org/10.1177/0893318904270744.

38. Donna Freitas, The Happiness Effect: How Social Media Is Driving a Generation to Appear Perfect at Any Cost (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 13–15.

39. Ehrenreich, Smile or Die.

40. Freitas, Happiness Effect, p. 71.

41. Freitas, Happiness Effect, p. 77.

42. Corey L. M. Keyes and Jonathan Haidt, eds., Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2003).

43. Seligman, Flourish.

44. Seligman, Flourish.

45. Lahnna I. Catalino and Barbara L. Fredrickson, «A Tuesday in the Life of a Flourisher: The Role of Positive Emotional Reactivity in Optimal Mental Health», Emotion, 11.4 (2011), 938–50, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0024889; Barbara L. Fredrickson, Positivity (New York: Crown, 2009); Judge and Hurst, «How the Rich (and Happy) Get Richer (and Happier)».

46. Seligman, Flourish, p. 13.

47. Sonja Lyubomirsky, Laura King and Ed Diener, «The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?», Psychological Bulletin, 131 (2005), 803–55, https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.131.6.803; Fredrickson, Positivity.

48. Seligman, Flourish, p. 13.

49. Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, Individualization.

50. Carl Cederström and André Spicer, Desperately Seeking Self-Improvement: A Year Inside the Optimization Movement (New York and London: OR Books, 2017), p. 10.

51. John Schumaker, «The Happiness Conspiracy», New Internationalist, 2 July 2006, https://newint.org/columns/essays/2006/07/01/happiness-conspiracy.

52. https://positivepsychologytoolkit.com/

53. Kennon M. Sheldon and Sonja Lyubomirsky, «How to Increase and Sustain Positive Emotion: The Effects of Expressing Gratitude and Visualizing Best Possible Selves», The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1.2 (2006), 73–82, https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760500510676, pp. 76–7.

54. Sheldon and Lyubomirsky, «How to Increase and Sustain Positive Emotion».

55. Lyubomirsky, How of Happiness, p. 104.

56. Lyubomirsky, How of Happiness, p. 106.

57. Michel Foucault, Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1988).

58. Mongrain and Anselmo-Matthews, «Do Positive Psychology Exercises Work?», p. 383.

59. Sheldon and Lyubomirsky, «How to Increase and Sustain Positive Emotion», pp. 76–7, italics added.

60. Cabanas, «Rekindling Individualism, Consuming Emotions»; Cabanas, «“Psytizens”, or the Construction of Happy Individuals».

61. Illouz, Saving the Modern Soul.

Глава 5. Счастье — новая норма

1. Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), pp. 12–14. На русском: Гретхен Рубин Проект счастье. Мечты. План. Новая жизнь/М: ОДРИ, 2018.

2. Lyubomirsky, How of Happiness, p. 1.

3. Zupancic, Odd One In, p. 216.

4. Kennon M. Sheldon and Laura King, «Why Positive Psychology Is Necessary», American Psychologist, 56.3 (2001), 216–17, https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.56.3.216.

5. Marie Jahoda, Current Concepts of Positive Mental Health (New York: Basic Books, 1958), https://doi.org/10.1037/11258-000.

6. Boehm and Lyubomirsky, «Does Happiness Promote Career Success?»; Catalino and Fredrickson, «Tuesday in the Life»; Diener, «New Findings and Future Directions»; Judge and Hurst, «How the Rich (and Happy) Get Richer (and Happier)»; Lyubomirsky et al., «Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect».

7. Illouz, Cold Intimacies.

8. Barbara S. Held, «The Negative Side of Positive Psychology», Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 44.1 (2004), 9–46, p. 12.

9. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 178.

10. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 129.

11. Lisa G. Aspinwall and Ursula M. Staudinger, «A Psychology of Human Strengths: Some Central Issues of an Emerging Field», in A Psychology of Human Strengths: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology, ed. by Lisa G. Aspinwall and Ursula M. Staudinger (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2003), pp. 9–22, p. 18.

12. Laura A. King, «The Hard Road to the Good Life: The Happy, Mature Person», Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 41.1 (2001), 51–72, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022167801411005, p. 53.

13. Barbara L. Fredrickson, «Cultivating Positive Emotions to Optimize Health and Well-Being», Prevention & Treatment, 3.1 (2000), https://doi.org/10.1037/1522-3736.3.1.31a; Barbara L. Fredrickson and T. Joiner, «Positive Emotions», in Handbook of Positive Psychology, ed. By C. R. Snyder and Shane J. Lopez (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 120–34.

14. Barbara L. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», American Psychologist, 68 (2013), 814–22, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0033584, p. 816.

15. Barbara L. Fredrickson and Marcial F. Losada, «Positive Affect and the Complex Dynamics of Human Flourishing», American Psychologist, 60.7 (2005), 678–86, https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.60.7.678, p. 678.

16. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», p. 816.

17. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios».

18. Barbara L. Fredrickson, «The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology. The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions», American Psychologist, 56 (2001), 218–26, https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.56.3.218, p. 221.

19. Fredrickson, «Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology», p. 221.

20. Fredrickson, Positivity.

21. Fredrickson, «Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology», p. 223.

22. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», p. 819.

23. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios».

24. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», p. 818.

25. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», p. 815.

26. Fredrickson and Losada, «Positive Affect and the Complex Dynamics of Human Flourishing».

27. Elisha Tarlow Friedman, Robert M. Schwartz and David A. F. Haaga, «Are the Very Happy Too Happy?», Journal of Happiness Studies, 3.4 (2002), 355–72, https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021828127970.

28. Fredrickson, Positivity, p. 122.

29. Barbara L. Fredrickson and Laura E. Kurtz, «Cultivating Positive Emotions to Enhance Human Flourishing», in Applied Positive Psychology: Improving Everyday Life, Health, Schools, Work, and Society, ed. by Stewart I. Donaldson, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Jeanne Nakamura (New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. 35–47, p.42.

30. Nicholas J. L. Brown, Alan D. Sokal and Harris L. Friedman, «The Complex Dynamics of Wishful Thinking: The Critical Positivity Ratio», The American Psychologist, 68.9 (2013), 801–13, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0032850, p. 801.

31. Brown et al., «Complex Dynamics of Wishful Thinking», p. 812.

32. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», p. 814.

33. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», p. 814.

34. Fredrickson, «Updated Thinking on Positivity Ratios», p. 819.

35. Jerome Kagan, What Is Emotion? History, Measures, and Meanings (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007); Margaret Wetherell, Affect and Emotions: A New Social Science Understanding (London: SAGE, 2012).

36. Deborah Lupton, The Emotional Self: A Sociocultural Exploration (London: SAGE, 1998).

37. Ute Frevert, Emotions in History: Lost and Found (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2011); Richard S. Lazarus and Bernice N. Lazarus, Passion and Reason: Making Sense of Our Emotions (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994); Michael Lewis, Jeannette Haviland-Jones and Lisa Feldman Barrett, eds., Handbook of Emotions (New York and London: Guilford Press, 2008); Barbara H. Rosenwein, «Worrying About Emotions in History», The American Historical Review, 107.3 (2002), 821–45; Wetherell, Affect and Emotions.

38. Catherine Lutz and Geoffrey M. White, «The Anthropology of Emotions», Annual Review of Anthropology, 15.1 (1986), 405–36, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.an.15.100186.002201.

39. Catharine A. MacKinnon, Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues (Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press, 2007); Lauren Berlant, Cruel Optimism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011).

40. Illouz, Why Love Hurts; Eva Illouz, «Emotions, Imagination and Consumption: A New Research Agenda», Journal of Consumer Culture, 9 (2009), 377–413, https://doi.org/10.1177/1469540509342053.

41. Jack M. Barbalet, Emotion, Social Theory, and Social Structure: A Macrosociological Approach (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004); Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life in Market TImes (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2012).

42. Horace Romano Harré, Physical Being: A Theory for a Corporeal Psychology (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991).

43. Ehrenreich, Smile or Die; Sundararajan, «Happiness Donut»; Cabanas and Sánchez-González, «Roots of Positive Psychology».

44. Lazarus, «Does the Positive Psychology Movement Have Legs?»

45. Kagan, What Is Emotion? p. 8.

46. Lazarus, «Does the Positive Psychology Movement Have Legs?»

47. Forgas, «Don» t Worry, Be Sad!»; Hui Bing Tan and Joseph P. Forgas, «When Happiness Makes Us Selfish, but Sadness Makes Us Fair: Affective Influences on Interpersonal Strategies in the Dictator Game», Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46.3 (2010), 571–6, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp. 2010.01.007.

48. Marino Pérez-Álvarez, «Positive Psychology: Sympathetic Magic», Papeles del Psicólogo, 33.3 (2012), 183–201.

49. Anthony Storr, Human Aggression (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992).

50. Svetlana Boym, The Future of Nostalgia (New York: Basic Books, 2001). На русском: Светлана Бойм Будущее ностальгии/М: Новое литературное обозрение, 2019.

51. Jens Lange and Jan Crusius, «The Tango of Two Deadly Sins: The Social-Functional Relation of Envy and Pride», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109.3 (2015), 453–72, https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000026.

52. Marino Pérez-Álvarez, «Positive Psychology and Its Friends: Revealed», Papeles del Psicólogo, 34 (2013), 208–26; Mauss et al., «Can Seeking Happiness Make People Unhappy?»; Pérez-Álvarez, «Science of Happiness.»

53. Tan and Forgas, «When Happiness Makes Us Selfish», p. 574.

54. Devlin et al., «Not As Good as You Think?»; Joseph P. Forgas and Rebekah East, «On Being Happy and Gullible: Mood Effects on Skepticism and the Detection of Deception», Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44.5 (2008), 1362–7, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2008.04.010; Jaihyun Park and Mahzarin R. Banaji, «Mood and Heuristics: The Influence of Happy and Sad States on Sensitivity and Bias in Stereotyping», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78.6 (2000), 1005–23, https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.78.6.1005.

55. Joseph P. Forgas, «On Being Happy and Mistaken: Mood Effects on the Fundamental Attribution Error», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72.1 (1998), 318–31; Forgas, «Don» t Worry, Be Sad!».

56. Peterson and Seligman, Character Strengths and Virtues.

57. Daniel Lord Smail, «Hatred as a Social Institution in Late-Medieval Society», Speculum, 76.1 (2001), 90–126, https://doi.org/10.2307/2903707.

58. Barbalet, Emotion, Social Theory, and Social Structure.

59. Spencer E. Cahill, «Embarrassability and Public Civility: Another View of a Much Maligned Emotion», in Social Perspectives on Emotions, ed. By David D. Franks, Michael B. Flaherty and Carolyn Ellis (Greenwich, CT: JAI, 1995), pp. 253–71.

60. Arlie Russell Hochschild, «The Sociology of Feeling and Emotion: Selected Possibilities», Sociological Inquiry, 45.2–3 (1975), 280–307, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-682X.1975.tb00339.x.

61. Axel Honneth, The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996).

62. Tim Lomas and Itai Ivtzan, «Second Wave Positive Psychology: Exploring the Positive — Negative Dialectics of Wellbeing», Journal of Happiness Studies, 17.4 (2016), 1753–68, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-015-9668-y.

63. Seligman, «Building Resilience».

64. Luthans et al., «Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency»; Ann S. Masten and Marie-Gabrielle J. Reed, «Resilience in Development», in Handbook of Positive Psychology, ed. by C. R. Snyder and Shane J. Lopez (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 74–88; Reivich et al., «From Helplessness to Optimism».

65. Michele M. Tugade and Barbara L. Fredrickson, «Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back From Negative Emotional Experiences», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86.2 (2004), 320–33, https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.86.2.320, p. 320.

66. Michael Rutter, «Psychosocial Resilience and Protective Mechanisms», American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57.3 (1987), 316–31, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1939–0025.1987.tb03541.x; Ann S. Masten, Karin M. Best and Norman Garmezy, «Resilience and Development: Contributions from the Study of Children Who Overcome Adversity», Development and Psychopathology, 2.4 (1990), 425–44, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579400005812.

67. Lawrence G. Calhoun and Richard G. Tedeschi, eds., Handbook of Posttraumatic Growth: Research and Practice (Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006).

68. Keyes and Haidt, Flourishing.

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70. Linley and Joseph, «Positive Change Following Trauma and Adversity», p. 17.

71. Enric C. Sumalla, Cristian Ochoa and Ignacio Blanco, «Posttraumatic Growth in Cancer: Reality or Illusion?», Clinical Psychology Review, 29.1 (2009), 24–33, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2008.09.006; Patricia L. Tomich and Vicki S. Helgeson, «Is Finding Something Good in the Bad Always Good? Benefit Finding Among Women With Breast Cancer», Health Psychology, 23.1 (2004), 16–23, https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-6133.23.1.16.

72. Seligman, Flourish, p. 159

73. Seligman, «Building Resilience», n.p., paras.1–2.

74. Martin E. P. Seligman and Raymond D. Fowler, «Comprehensive Soldier Fitness and the Future of Psychology», American Psychologist, 66 (2011), 82–6, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0021898; Seligman, Flourish.

75. Seligman, Flourish, p. 181.

76. Nicholas J. L. Brown, «A Critical Examination of the U.S. Army’s Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program», The Winnower, 2 (2015), e143751, https://doi.org/10.15200/winn.143751.17496.

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78. Eidelson and Soldz, «Does Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Work?», p. 1.

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80. Brown, «Critical Examination», p. 13 (para. 66).

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82. Martha Nussbaum, The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001).

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85. Veenhoven, «Life Is Getting Better».

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87. Veenhoven, «Life Is Getting Better», p. 107.

88. Veenhoven, «Life Is Getting Better», p. 120.

89. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, p. 266.

90. Emmanuel Levinas, Entre Nous: Thinking-of-the-Other (London and New York: Continuum, 2006).

91. Sidney Hook, Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense of Life (New York: Basic Books, 1974).


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