Chapter 4

Jack and Jenna were still up when they arrived home late that night. She gave them both a hug and a kiss. The two slaves were also still awake and she enjoyed giving each of the naked beauties a hug and a kiss.

"Welcome home, Mistress," smiled Kim.

"Yes, welcome home, Mistress," added Alaine.

Before they had a chance to retire to the living room, however, Jenna spoke up. "Girls, go bather her. Install this and bring her back to me once she has been refreshed."

"Oh god," thought Angela. The pattern was changing once again. And the thing that Jenna had handed to Kim looked like a nose ring. She always left her nose ring on the island with Cedric. Now it looked like she would be wearing one at home.

"Yes, Mistress," the two girls chimed together.

"Oh, Mistress," gasped Alaine once they had gotten Angela to the bathroom and stripped her down. "Your bottom; does it hurt?" She reached out and lightly ran her fingers over the blotchy red and blue bruise on Angela's ass, causing her to wince.

"Yes, a little," replied Angela.

"Did Master Cedric do that to you?" asked Kim.

"Yes, pet," she replied. "Master did that to me. He did not like my behavior yesterday. I was out of line."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Mistress," said Alaine. "Will you be able to sit in the tub or should we shower you instead?"

"Maybe a shower is best," decided Kim. Then the two girls led their mistress into the shower and let their talented fingers dance over her naked flesh and clean her. Kim noticed that Angela winced again when her sex was touched.

"There too, Mistress?" asked Kim.

Angela sighed and nodded. "Yes, he whipped me there."

"I'll bet I could make it feel better if you let me use my tongue," offered Alaine with a touch of mischief in her voice.

"Thank you, pet," smiled Angela as she stroked one of Alaine's soft full breasts. "I don't' think I'm quite ready for that though. Maybe tomorrow I'll let you pleasure me. I would like that."

"Yes, Mistress," sighed Alaine. "I understand."

They finished the shower and the girls toweled Angela dry. Then they blew her hair dry before performing the last of their assignments.

"Could you tilt your head back, Mistress?" asked Kim.

There was no use resisting. The girls were just doing what they had been told to do. Fighting with them could only result in their getting punished and she had no desire to cause that. Reluctantly, she leaned her head back and felt Kim fitting the ring through the hole that had been punched through her septum. Then she heard the ring snap shut and felt the cold piece of metal resting against her upper lip.

Alaine produced a pair of gold hoops and each girl fished one through a pierced nipple, snapping them shut also. "You look gorgeous, Mistress," said Kim.

"Yes, Mistress," added Alaine. "You look so beautiful and so exotic. And your breasts seem larger and firmer. Did Master Cedric have anything done to them?"

"No," responded a surprised Angela. She looked down and held one of her breasts in each hand, inspecting them. "I don't think he did. Maybe it's just the result of a lot of exercise and sun."

"Yes, Mistress," nodded Alaine. "Or maybe it's just a silly slave girl's mind playing tricks on her."

"We should be delivering you to Mistress, Mistress," said Kim as she reached out and clipped a leash onto Angela's nose ring. Angela sighed and then stood up. She could already tell that this was going to be a difficult meeting with her daughter. She might as well get it over with now.

"Sorry, Mistress," said Alaine. "We are just doing what we were told to do."

Angela smiled weakly and patted each girl lightly on the bottom. "I know, pets. Let's get this over with."

Kim led the way and Angela followed closely so her nose ring did not get tugged. Alaine brought up the rear. Alaine was always amazed at her mistress' body. Or was she a slave sister now? Whatever she was, she had a fantastic body. Alaine watched the firm ass cheeks wiggle and sway with each step and she saw the muscled thighs and calves flexing as Angela walked. Her waist was narrow but not in an exaggerated way. Alaine thought her newest slave sister, which she finally decided was what Angela was, was simply beautiful and perfectly feminine.

Alaine realized that these thoughts would have been unthinkable to her a year and a half earlier. But a lot had changed during her eighteen months of slavery, especially in the last six months as a slave to the Dawson family. Before she was enslaved, she was a dedicated heterosexual. Now, she enjoyed sex in any form with anyone. And she truly did love sex. Maybe this would have emerged in her personality if she remained free, but she doubted it. She was on her way to becoming a doctor and probably wouldn't have ever experienced the thrills that her new life provided to her.

In a way, she felt freer now that she was owned than at any time in her life. She had no responsibilities other than to be pleasing and to be pleased. And she excelled at both of these. She loved pleasuring both masters and her mistress and she loved it when she and her slave sister were commanded to make love together as entertainment for her owners. And she loved the many orgasms that they gave her as gifts. The Dawsons were very good owners as far as she was concerned.

"Thank you girls," said Jenna as Kim led Angela into Jenna's bedroom. "You may go serve your masters now. My brother is expecting you, Alaine. And my father is waiting for you, Kim."

"Yes, Mistress," replied Kim.

"Have a good evening, Mistress," added Alaine. Then the two girls disappeared from the room, leaving a very naked Angela with her daughter.

"I hope you're pleased with yourself," said Jenna as soon as the girls left the room and closed the door behind them.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" replied Angela in confusion.

"It's Mistress to you from now on," said Jenna. "And I hope you are enjoying your new life as a slave. Because you are making some of the rest of us miserable."

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Angela responded. Instinctively, she cast her eyes down submissively. "I'm sorry that I messed things up."

"You did," said Jenna angrily. "I had to miss the mother/daughter tea last week because you were too busy riding a black cock and holding up other women's breasts to be whipped."

Angela remained silent and Jenna continued. "And what am I supposed to say when someone asks what my mother does? Tell them she's a sex slave? Tell them that she's a hooker?"

Angela's eyes shot up. "I'm not a hooker!" she said defiantly.

Jenna's arm shot out quickly, slapping Angela across the face. "Oh, really? Let me read this from one of Cedric's latest updates. "The arrangement with Angela has been modified. For the next twelve months, she will first report to a mistress in England for a week of pony training whenever I summon her. This has allowed me to secure additional business for my firm that I estimate to be worth twenty million pounds."

Angela gasped when she heard the report? Why would Cedric tell her family about that change? Was he just trying to humiliate her?

"You may be a very expensive hooker," Jenna continued. "But you are a hooker nevertheless. Your body has been sold for profit."

Angela felt like she should protest. After all, she was not the one who sold her body. And she was not the one who profited. She was simply a slave. But this was not the time to debate with her daughter. Jenna was clearly upset and arguing would just make her angrier.

"I'm sorry, Mistress," said Angela. "I never meant to hurt you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Hardly likely," was Jenna's reply. "I'm going to bed now. You sleep on the floor. And don't let me hear you or I'll whip you within an inch of your life."

Jenna flicked off the lights and crawled into her bed leaving Angela standing naked at the foot of her daughter's bed. She lay down on the floor and sobbed as silently as she could until sleep finally overwhelmed her.
