Chapter 5

Angela woke up before Jenna the next morning and silently let herself out of the bedroom. She didn't know if that was allowed but it had not been prohibited.

She used the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She shook her head in disgust as she saw the gleaming gold ring resting against her upper lip. Everyone seemed to like the look and thought it made her look even more beautiful and exotic, but she thought it was just awful. Angela considered removing it but decided against it. She wouldn't push her luck. Instead, she went down to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. She thought about grabbing a robe but, again, she thought that would be pushing her luck. She settled on just wearing a bib apron as she worked in the kitchen.

She started to gather her ingredients but realized how barren the kitchen was. There was no milk and no eggs. That meant pancakes were out of the question and omelets were clearly not possible. There was no orange juice. There was no regular coffee. She would make decaf and hope that nobody noticed. She couldn't believe the state of her pantry and refrigerator.

Then she looked around and saw that the kitchen was filthy. Spattered oil dotted the stove top. There was a film of dust on one of the counters. Bits of food appeared to be cemented to another counter top. This place needed serious cleaning before she would cook anything in it.

She pulled the apron off and put on her rubber gloves and then started scrubbing. With two slave girls in the house, how could this place be anything but spotless? She knew that Alaine was a slob, which surprised her. Alaine had been a medical student before her capture and Angela would have expected her to appreciate the value of good sanitation.

But Kim tended to keep things neat and tidy and clean. What had happened? Was this orgy central while she was gone? Had her home turned into a complete den of iniquity in the past month such that people didn't care how they lived as long as they had lots of good sex?

She scrubbed for over an hour and still nobody else was awake. She was just inspecting her work when she noticed another spot near the bottom of one of the cabinets. She bent over with the sponge in her gloved hand when she felt two hands grip her hips.

Angela gasped. She hadn't heard anyone moving around upstairs and certainly hadn't heard anyone enter the kitchen. She only prayed that the hands belonged to her husband. But her prayers were not to be answered this morning.

"Good morning, girl," she heard her son say.

"Good morning, Jack," she replied. "I mean, Master."

She started to straighten up but he slapped her ass. "Stay as you are. You look perfect like that."

Angela groaned as she bent back down. She looked between her legs and saw Jack's slippered feet. He was wearing the bathrobe that she gave him for Christmas. Then she gasped as she saw the bottom of the robe parting in front.

She should stop this right now, she thought. She might be owned by Cedric but he was not here. It was not right that her family should treat her as a slave. But before she could say anything to set things right, she felt Jack's cock spear into her sex, causing her to inhale quickly and audibly.

She realized that he penetrated her easily. How could that happen? She was cleaning the kitchen. There was nothing sexual or arousing about that at all. But she was obviously already quite lubricated for some reason that she did not understand at all.

She tried to straighten up again but he pushed her torso back down. He was bigger than her and much, much stronger. She would not be able to overpower him. Then she felt his cock starting to slide in and out of her, bringing a moan to her lips.

"It's been hard with you being gone, girl," he said as he plunged particularly deeply. She exhaled loudly as her cervix was punched, letting out something between a grunt and a groan.

"Two girls are not enough for this house." He rammed into her again as he held her hips. She cried out in pain.

"Master, please," she whimpered. "You are hurting me."

He did not apologize but he did shorten his stroke as he continued the conversation. She was at least thankful for that.

"I'm going to ask Dad to talk to Cedric," he continued. "Maybe he can provide a loaner the next time you are away."

How could two sex slaves not be enough for a man and two teenagers? This place really must have been an orgy for the past month. And if there was such a demand for sex around here, it was unlikely that life would return to normal for her any time soon.

But then she realized that there was a new normal in her life. She would have to learn to adjust and adapt to her new existence. She would savor the days when she could wear clothes and shop and be with friends but she needed to always be mindful that she was owned. She needed to always be prepared for moments like this when she was expected to serve her masters and mistresses.

"Oh there she is," said John as he walked into the kitchen. Angela turned her head and saw her husband crossing the floor to the coffee pot. The front of his robe was already tented out. "You had the same idea I did, son. How is she?"

"Mmmm," moaned Jack as he continued slicing in and out of Angela's pussy. "Nice. Tight. She's still the stuff of my wet dreams."

She heard John pour himself a cup of coffee and then heard a chair scraping across the floor. She couldn't believe this. He was going to sit and watch his son fucking his wife! Incredible!

"Can you turn her just a bit?" asked John. "I love to watch her tits dance."

"Sure, Dad," responded Jack. Jack repositioned himself and twisted Angela slightly, banging her head lightly against a cabinet in the process. "Is that better?"

"Perfect," John said. "I could watch those beauties swaying like that all day. They're almost hypnotizing."

Alaine was the next one to arrive. Her flaming red hair was disheveled but it did nothing to detract from her beauty. She staggered, naked, over to the coffee pot and poured herself a mug. "Good morning, Mistress. Good morning, Masters."

Then she staggered to the table and sat down. She let out a contented sigh after taking her first sip and then looked around. "Wow, Master! I'm surprised you could get it up after all you did last night."

"Ha!" retorted Jack. "I can always get it up for all three of my girls."

Well, that answered one question in Alaine's mind. She guessed that she should start thinking of Angela as a slave sister. She would have to someone, probably John, to learn how Angela should be addressed.

John waited until Alaine looked more alert and then opened his robe and patted one of his thighs. "Come, girl."

Alaine arose from her chair and took her mug to where John was sitting. "Which way do you want me facing, Master?"

"You may watch," was his reply. Alaine set her mug on the table and then straddled John's legs, facing away from him. She reached down and grasped his cock, which was already quite hard, and guided it into her sex as she lowered her body. She too was already quite wet and the shaft slid into her body with a single stroke. Then she started to slowly ride up and down the rigid pole.

Jenna came in next and followed the same routine of filling her mug and then sitting at the table. She was only wearing pajama tops but they extended down to mid-thigh and provided her with the necessary modesty.

John looked around and smiled. It might be an unconventional family, but it was very much a family, nonetheless. Alaine and Kim were fitting in perfectly and were almost like two additional daughters to him, although they would be two very incestuous daughters if they were.

That left Angela. She was his wife and the mother of his children. But how did she fit in now? It was clear that Jack and Jenna viewed her as just another slave. Did that mean that her days as a mistress were over? It would be difficult for everyone to allow her to keep switching back and forth between mistress and slave. And he wasn't sure if there was a role between the two extremes. He would have to think about it and make a decision.

If she was to be a mistress, then she shouldn't be kept naked and Jack shouldn't pound his cock into her whenever he got an erection. If she was to be a slave, then certain aspects of her life would have to change.

He would think about that another time, though. In the meantime, he just sat back as Alaine rode up and down on his shaft and watched the gold hoops attached to Angela's beautiful breasts swaying back and forth.

God, she has a great body, he thought.
