Chapter 6

Angela couldn't understand why she was being so compliant. Why was she letting everyone treat her this way? Why didn't she have any will power? What had happened to all of her spunk and fight?

John had talked to her and informed her that she was to permanently be a slave from now on, both when she was on the island and when she was off. She would have her two slave sisters and would have two masters and a mistress when she was at home: John, Jack and Jenna. He told her that he would talk to the girls and inform them of the change so that they would not be confused.

He had told her that he was doing this for her own good and that it would be too stressful for her to keep changing back and forth. Now, she could settle into the contented and carefree life of a beautiful sex slave.

How would that reduce her stress level? What was stressful was having her son fuck her at every chance he got. What was stressful was having her daughter slap her and make her sleep on the floor. What was stressful was being naked all of the time and wearing that damnable nose ring that Jenna kept having the girls install.

Why was she letting all of this happen to her?

She used to think that she had several options available to her. She could accept life as it was. She could move her family in hopes that they could all hide under new identities, but she knew that would be difficult. Or she could leave her family and run away and hide.

But now she realized that she only had two options: accept her fate as a slave or leave her family and run away. It was clear that moving her family would change nothing. They were enjoying having her as their sex slave too much.

But why was she letting her family do this to her. Why wasn't she fighting or at least resisting. But she already knew the answer to this, deep down inside.

She was owned. It had been a foolish mistake to go to Cuchilla but she went. It was her own fault. She went to Cuchilla. She was captured. She was enslaved. She was sold. And Cedric bought her.

He could have kept her with him on the island but he graciously allowed her to return to her family for periods of time. But he also made it quite clear that he owned her always. He expected her obedience always and he would not tolerate any misbehavior. She still had the fading bruises on her ass to remind her of that. And he also said that if he learned of any misbehavior when she was not on the island, he would have her collected and returned to the island where he would deal with her infractions.

She did not want to risk being taken to the island for punishment. Cedric was a good owner, she thought. He was kind and caring and she had never seen him show anger. But she knew that he was capable of harsh punishment and, therefore, was careful not to provoke him.

It was an odd kind of slavery, however. She was not caged or shackled. She might be put in bondage from time to time by one of her owners but she knew that was mostly for their entertainment. She did not have a little poisonous capsule implanted on her body like Alaine and Kim did. So she could have run away if she chose. It was almost as if she was on her honor to remain a slave.

She was even allowed to leave the house on her own. She did the grocery shopping and ran other errands. She could even go clothes shopping if she wanted to but she had very little need for clothing these days. Her clothes shopping had been reduced significantly from earlier days due to her new station in live. And she was allowed to spend time with her friends. To all outward appearances, Angela was a normal, wealthy housewife who just happened to take long vacations by herself several times each year.

She was naked but for her collar when she was at home. But she could wear whatever she wanted when she went out.

She could even take one or both of her slave sisters with her when she went places and she frequently did. It was always such a treat for them to be able to put on nice clothes and go out. Jenna did her best to make Angela feel like she was the lowest slave in the household but Alaine and Kim looked up to their former owner as if she was their big sister.

The only problems with taking her two slave sisters out was that she had to keep an eye on them constantly. She was not worried about them running away. They had already proven their loyalty to the family. She did have to worry about them becoming too affectionate, however. A year and a half as slaves had turned them into pure sexual beings. On a recent day on the town, they were having lunch at a restaurant. Angela had to use the ladies room and when she got back to the booth, Alaine and Kim were in a heated embrace and Alaine had already unfastened half of the buttons to Kim's blouse and had reached into the blouse to fondle her sister's breast.

A week earlier, Angela was driving the girls through town with Kim in the front seat and Alaine in the back. Alaine had started the foolishness that time. She reached around the seat and grasped Kim's breasts, squeezing and pinching and stroking them through the blouse. Kim was giggling and wiggling and squealing. Angela told Alaine to stop horsing around with Kim. This caused both girls to start giggling and they turned their attention to Angela. They had Angela half undressed by the time she was able to pull into a parking lot and stop the car.

During the weekdays, the three girls frequently had a lot of time on their hands. Jack and Jenna would be in school. And John would frequently be meeting with clients or traveling. Alaine and Kim took great pleasure in pouncing on their ‘big sister' and torturing her with their lips and tongues. They always kept their girl orgies secret but it happened often. Angela became convinced that her two slave sisters had been transformed into wanton nymphomaniacs.

Sometimes they would even invite Jill to participate. Jill was a neighbor who John had invited over before Angela left for her trip to Cuchilla. Jill had been a frequent bed partner of John and Angela even before the slaves were bought. Even now that the house was full of available pussies, she still snuck over whenever she could. Her husband never knew of her erotic trysts but she participated in the Dawson sex fests whenever she could.

Alaine turned out to be an impish one. She was always coming up with little pranks and schemes that provided endless entertainment to her two slave sisters. She was the one who always started the outrageous sexual behavior whenever they were in public. And she was the one who collared Jill.

Sometimes, when the four girls were together for an afternoon of erotic fun, they would just be a tangle of bodies as they played together, licking and sucking and probing. On this afternoon, however, they had paired up. Kim and Angela were one pair and were making love in the master bedroom. Alaine and Jill were together in the guest bedroom.

Alaine had managed to convince Jill to be tied spread eagle on the bed. And then Alaine feasted on the bound body, coaxing an endless stream of orgasms out of her victim. Jill was just about delirious and was begging her tormentor to stop when Alaine finally showed some mercy. But it was only a little bit of mercy.

Alaine straddled Jill's waist and then amused herself with Jill's breasts. Jill was, by far, the most well-endowed of the four of them and Alaine was fascinated with the generous mounds. She plumped them and squeezed them. She batted them back and forth, sending them bouncing on Jill's chest. And she grabbed the nipples, stretching the impressive orbs into cones.

"I want these," said Alaine in a serious tone.

Jill giggled. "They're all yours, lover."

"No," replied Alaine. "I mean I really want these." She slapped them again a few more times until they started turning rosy. Then she reached out and pulled something out from under the pillow. She wrapped it around Jill's slender neck and then buckled the collar shut.

Jill gulped as she felt the thing being closed around her neck. "What's that?"

Alaine started spanking the breasts again. "It's a collar. It means you're a slave now. It means you're my slave."

Jill's eyes opened wide. "It does mean that?"

"Yep," confirmed Alaine. "As soon as someone puts a collar on you, you belong to them." Alaine knew that was not true. It took something more than a little piece of leather to turn someone into a slave. She was just being a troublemaker again.

"I can't be a slave!" insisted Jill. She couldn't tell if Alaine was serious or just joking around again. But the idea was sending fresh thrills rushing through her body. "I'm married. I can't be a slave."

"Oh, I'll let you go back to your husband each night," said Alaine. "But each time you come into this house, you are to strip naked and put this collar on. You are my property now."

"Wow!" Jill exclaimed.

So from then on, whenever the four girls were together, Jill became Alaine's sex slave. Alaine was very generous and shared her new pet with her two sisters. And Jill also ended up being shared outside of the little circle, but that was not Alaine's idea or her doing.

Jack came home early one day. His practice had been cancelled and he decided to skip his last few classes. He walked into the house and found the four girls frolicking. They had Kim held down on the floor. Jill and Angela were alternating between kissing Kim and suckling her breasts. Alaine was lying between Kim's legs and was feasting on her sex.

"Wow, great!" exclaimed Jack when he saw the orgy of feminine forms. "You're getting yourselves ready for me."

Angela gasped. Jill shrieked. Nobody had ever discovered their erotic festivities before and they had tried to keep them secret.

Alaine stopped nibbling on Kim's clit and lifted her head. "Sorry, Master. We didn't think you'd mind if we got ourselves warmed up for you."

"No, I don't mind at all," said Jack as he stepped closer and then eventually stood behind Jill who was kneeling upright at this point with an arm draped over her chest to cover her breasts. He reached down and traced her collar with a fingertip. "I see that we have a new slave in the house. Who does she belong to?"

"Uhhhh," said Alaine. "That would be me, Master."

Jack smiled. "Good. That means that she belongs to me too."

Jill gulped at the words and Angela watched as her neighbor's blush spread across her cheeks and chest.

Jack saw this as a huge opportunity. His own mother had always filled most of his fantasies and, ever since she was enslaved, he had been able to act out those fantasies on her exquisite body. Most of the rest of his fantasies starred their beautiful, blonde neighbor, Jill. He knew that his mother and father frequently had Jill join them for sex. But he had never sampled her.

He had never even seen her naked. He knew that she had a great body from seeing her in a bathing suit or in a tight fitting sweater. But seeing her naked for the first time, he realized that her body was exquisite, just like his mother's. And she had the most amazing tits!

"Stand up, girl," Jack instructed as he patted Jill on the head. Jill looked to Angela for some kind of guidance or support but Angela simply nodded, indicating that Jill should obey. She took a deep breath and then stood up.

Jack gripped Jill's shoulders and turned her so she was facing him. Then he lifted his hands, prying her arm away from her chest and placing his hands over the generous breasts of the newest Dawson slave. "I've been waiting a long time for this."

"Jack, this is going too far," Jill warned. But there was very little conviction in her quivering voice and she was trembling slightly. Plus, he noticed that she did not back away or try to pull his hands away. "This is not a good idea at all."

Jack gave the soft mounds in his hands a squeeze. "What's not right about me enjoying my slave's slave?"

"I'm a married woman, Jack," said Jill as she felt the fingers sinking deeper into her breasts. She knew that she should step away or be more forceful. Why was she just standing there, letting him have his way with her?

"Yes," he said. He had stopped squeezing and now was lifting the twin beauties, marveling at their weight and firmness. "You are a married woman. And you are a slave; a very beautiful slave."

A soft moan escaped Jill's lips as Jack's thumbs started brushing back and forth across her nipples, sending wild thrills coursing through her body. "I… I I… am not a slave."

Jack laughed and released one of the breasts, reaching up and slipping his finger through the ring on Jill's collar. He tugged her closer to him and leaned down, kissing her on the lips. "You look like a slave," he said as he twisted the collar back and forth on her neck.

"You taste like a slave," he said as he kissed her again, causing her eyes to open wide in surprise.

"And you feel like a slave," was his comment as he gave the full breast that he still held a squeeze. "I'm pretty sure you're a slave."

Jill groaned and glanced to Angela for support again. Angela considered trying to intervene but then decided against it for three reasons. First, she knew she would probably end up getting punished if she did that. Second, she wasn't sure that there was anything wrong if Jack decided to fuck the neighbor. After all, Jill had sex with John and her quite frequently. What was the difference between John fucking her and Jack dipping his sword into her sheath? But most importantly, she was not sure that Jill really wanted someone to come to her rescue. She had learned in recent years that Jill was quite a lusty little sexual adventurer.

Jack stared into Jill's eyes. "Turn around and bend over, girl."

"Jack, please," groaned Jill. Jack responded by turning Jill himself and swatting her ass for disobedience. This drew a yelp from Jill and she reached back to rub her punished butt.

"Bend over," he repeated.

Jill took in a deep breath and then reluctantly bent at the waist. She heard a zipper and felt a chill snake down her spine. Then she groaned as she felt the boy's cock, which was already quite hard, push into her and sink to the hilt in a single, fluid motion.

Jack smiled down at his beautiful neighbor and watched his cock sliding back out of her. She really was perfect in his mind. But then he looked around the room at the other three slaves who were watching him claim the new one and realized that they were all perfect. Each was different but each one was exceptionally beautiful.

His cock was glistening with the juices of the girl he was fucking and he leaned forward again, letting his shaft seat itself in Jill's sex again. He hoped he had not overstepped his bounds by taking Jill the way that he did. He did not think he had, though. Her verbal resistance was very feeble and there had been no physical attempt to stop him. Plus, he already knew that she loved sex and had no problems about seeking it outside of wedlock. He frequently heard her groaning or gasping or even shrieking sometimes as she made love in his parents' bedroom. He hoped to be able to frequently add this girl to the growing Dawson harem. She would probably not be able to become a permanent slave like the others; at least not as long as she was married. But things could change, he knew. He would be going away to college in a little over a year. He would love to be able to take his beautiful blonde neighbor with him to service him there.

Angela and Kim and Alaine watched in awe as Jack claimed their playmate. It was almost like watching a trainer taming a wild horse. No whips were used. There was no shouting or threats. But in the end, Jill was broken and had been tamed.

Angela once again marveled at her neighbor. Jill had always been her favorite of all of the various people she and John had invited into their bed. She was energetic and enthusiastic in love making and was tender and caring as a lover. Right now, Jill's eyes were closed and she had a far-off look on her face. And the seductive swaying of the breasts that hung beneath her chest was almost hypnotic.

Angela's life as a permanent slave became bearable and enjoyable after she got over the initial shock. She even grew numb to the incest issues that had bothered her so much when she was first immersed into this life of servitude. Jack claimed her most nights, although John had to frequently intervene so that he could spend some time with his wife.

When Jill could join them, which seemed much more frequent since Jack claimed her, she spent half her nights with John and the other half with Jack. And Jack's favorite nights were when he could claim both Angela and Jill and enjoy both of his fantasy women together.

There was only one incident during Angela's current stay with her family. It occurred the day before she was to leave for England. Cedric had phoned the week before and reminded her that she would be spending her first week with Fiona and then joining him on the island. The incident occurred when she was grocery shopping for her family. She remembered how barren the pantry and refrigerator were when she returned home the last time. She vowed that they would at least be fully stocked before she left this time.

"Nice melons," she heard a female voice say as she was standing in the produce aisle.

She turned and recognized the woman as the mother of Jack's friend, Gary, and Jenna's friend, Dawn.

"Oh, hi Denise," she responded. Then she glanced over at the melons which were not even near Denise. "Yes, they look very nice."

Denise walked over to Angela and Angela anticipated a friendly hug. "You can tell if they are ripe by squeezing them," Denise said.

Then Denise surprised Angela by reaching up and grasping Angela's breasts, giving them each a squeeze. "Yes, these are nice and ripe."

"Denise!" gasped Angela. She tried to keep her voice down so that she did not attract the attention of the other shoppers. "What are you doing?!?!?!?!?"

"I'm just checking to see if my son was right," explained Denise. "He tells me that you've got beautiful, ripe melons and that he loves to suck on them as he fucks you."

Angela groaned at the words and had no idea how to respond. "He said that?"

Denise nodded. "Yes, he did. He's under-age, you know. That could land you in jail for a long, long time. But I'm not a vindictive person. There's no reason for you to get a criminal record when there are other ways to fix the matter. So from now on, these melons belong to me."

Then Denise laughed. "And everything else attached to them, also. Report to my house at noon tomorrow. You will be staying a few days but you don't need to bring anything with you."

Angela groaned again and had no idea how to shut this down. "Denise, I'm sure we can straighten this situation out. But tomorrow won't work for me. I have to catch a flight in the morning and I won't be back for a month. Can we talk when I return?"

"Oh, it's that time again, is it?" asked Denise as she palpated Angela's breasts. "Yes, Gary told me about that too. Okay, you go serve your master. But I want a phone call from you as soon as you get back. Otherwise, I will make sure that the police pay you a visit."

Angela groaned for a third time. "Okay, I'll call you as soon as I return."

Denise finally released her new pet and Angela finished her shopping. She shook her head in disbelief as she loaded the groceries into the car. This was out of control! Pretty soon, everybody she knew would own her.
