I saw on the street some tiny shops where names are sold for children who will be coming into the world soon. You have to go in early and place your order. You have to give them the exact date of conception, as well as a copy of the ultrasound – because the sex of the child is extremely important when choosing a name. The salesperson records this information and tells you to come back in a few days. During this time they prepare the future child’s horoscope and dedicate themselves to meditation. Sometimes the name comes easily, materializing at the tip of their tongue in two or three sounds stuck together by saliva into syllables, which the expert hand of the master subsequently turns into red symbols on paper. Other times the name is resistant, unclear, in outline; it puts up a fight. It’s hard to enclose it in words. Then helping techniques are deployed that will, however, remain the secret of every name vendor.

You can see them through the open doors of the shops covered in rice paper, Buddha figurines and hand-painted prayer texts, drudging away with a brush in their hand aimed at the paper. Sometimes the name just falls from the sky like a blot – surprising, clear, perfect. In such circumstances nothing can be done. It does happen that the parents aren’t pleased, would prefer a gentle name filled with optimism, like Moon Glow or Good River, for girls, or for boys, for example, Always Going Forward, Fearless, or He Who Has Achieved His Aim. The explanations of the vendor that the Buddha himself named his son Fetter are for naught. The clients leave unsatisfied, and, huffing and puffing, head to the competition.
