Something strange had happened to the squirrel’s brain.

Things had gone blank, black. And then, into this black blankness, there came a light so beautiful, so bright, that the squirrel had to turn away.

A voice spoke to him.

“What’s that?” said the squirrel.

The light shone brighter.

The voice spoke again.

“Okay,” said the squirrel. “You bet!”

He wasn’t sure what, exactly, he was agreeing to, but it didn’t matter. He was just so happy. He was floating in a great lake of light, and the voice was singing to him. Oh, it was wonderful. It was the best thing ever.

And then there was a loud noise.

The squirrel heard another voice. This voice was counting. The light receded.

“Breathe!” the new voice shouted.

The squirrel obliged. He took a deep, shuddering breath. And then another. And another.

The squirrel returned.
