“I never get angry. I’m a very placid type of guy.”

Know when to get mad, and know when to count to ten before you get mad.

“I’ve counted way past ten on this one. Way past.”

Feel the aggression building, and use it and control it; let the adrenaline pump you up.

“They mess with me, they answer to me.”

The most unbearable type of anger is a woman’s—do anything to avoid it.

“If they hurt her, you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to come back down here and break your spine. I’m going to stand you up and snap it like a rotten twig.”

“I wasn’t angry. I was barely interested. If I had been angry, we’d be cleaning up with a fire hose. As it is, we’re going to need a forklift truck.”


Can someone help me carry my luggage?
