“He was pretty sure he didn’t want to live in a house. The desire just passed him by. The necessary involvement intimidated him. It was a physical weight, exactly like the suitcase in his hand.”

Don’t own a house. You could be traced by paying property tax, insurance, electricity, heating, water … even by the electoral roll.

If you never rent an apartment, or even a room, they’ll never be able to trace you by your last known address.

“You’re the only person I know who wants to be homeless.”

Don’t own a car. You have to pay insurance, oil changes, inspection, tax, gasoline. You’ll be identified by your car’s registration number. Hitch a ride, or hop on a Greyhound bus.

“He knew people with houses. He had talked to them, with the same kind of detached interest he would talk to a person who kept snakes as pets or entered ballroom dancing competitions.”

Don’t use a phone. Especially not a smartphone. And especially not one with GPS to give away your location.

Don’t use a credit card; use cash.

Use aliases for checking in to motels.

“Now they broke my toothbrush, I don’t own anything.”
