“I don’t need to go hunting them. I already know I’m smarter than an armadillo.”

The basis of any scam is telling people what they want to hear. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

A classic confidence trick is where you drip, drip, drip the unimportant stuff but then hold back on the final installment.

Assess and evaluate.

Paranoia prefers triple bluffs to double bluffs.

Killers don’t stop at two murders. If they do more than one, they do more than two.

“People don’t look for complications. You hear hoofbeats, you look for horses, not zebras.”

“Something for nothing, that’s a foreign language.”

All good scam artists stick as close to the truth as possible.

There’s always something out of context, even before you know what the context ought to be.

Force yourself to think like they think.

“The whole of life is a gamble, from the very beginning to the very end.”
