Kenan wrapped his hand around the wire behind the speaker and yanked, ending the radio’s incessant drone.

“They’re firing at us!” said the helmsman at the wheel.

Kenan saw a black bird arc toward the water off the starboard bow. Only when it plunged below the ship’s waistline into the water did he realize it was a shell, undoubtedly fired by the cutter.

“God will protect us,” Kenan told the helmsman. “Stay on course.”

The yellow girders of their target loomed ahead. A helicopter peeled off the top — the last of the demons running for cover.

The Devil People were all cowards. That was why the mujahideen would triumph, even though they were outnumbered.

“The only god is God,” said Kenan loudly as he stepped to the auxiliary control board, waiting to detonate the bomb. He looked at the laptop, which had a global positioning indicator plugged into it; the program calculated that they were four and a half minutes from the detonation point.

The seconds were dragging, as if God had slowed time so He could savor their victory. A phalanx of angels must be hovering over the ship, waiting to lead the warriors to Paradise.

Razaq Khan burst onto the bridge, an AK-47 in his hand.

“Stay on course!” yelled Khan. “God is delivering our enemy to us.”

The helmsman yelled something, and Kenan looked up in time to see a helicopter swooping so close he was sure it was going to crash into them.
