“His heartbeat is erratic and he has a low blood pressure,” the doctor told Rubens. “He should get a full workup at a hospital.”

“I’m afraid that would be very inconvenient,” Rubens told him.

“Look, this guy is sick. I’m five thousand miles away, but I’d guess that he has a pretty severe heart condition. That CAT scan from the other day should be reviewed to look for signs of a TIA,” said the doctor, using the specialist’s abbreviation for transient ischemic attacks. They were precursors to strokes and a sign of heart disease. “I’ll bet you’ll find plenty.”

Rubens looked to the screen at the front of the room, where Dean was preparing to take out Asad’s stitches.

“I have a responsibility as a doctor to do something for this man,” added the doctor.

Ruben pressed his lips together; this wasn’t an argument he cared to get into just now.

“What will a stroke do to your mission?” added the doctor. “Or a coronary?”

“I understand that you have a duty to a person in medical need,” said Rubens. “When the subject is taken into custody, we’ll have a team address his disease. In the meantime, please continue to work with Mr. Dean.”
