Chapter Three

Karen couldn’t move. First, she’d been terrified for no reason that she could explain. Then, one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen had walked around the corner of the building and stopped dead in front of her, staring. Even though he looked to be in his mid-twenties, he seemed far older. His hair had been the color of honey and straw and his eyes, icy hazel. He was big, and he’d scared her—again, for no explainable reason other than he was huge and it was the middle of the night and she was alone. Before she had time to decide on a plan of action, from out of nowhere, another man had been crouching in front of her. His back remained to her, even after the blond man left.

The fear she’d been feeling slowly dissipated as soon as the other man leaped between her and the blond man, even though rational thought demanded an explanation on how he’d gotten in that position. She’d never seen another human being jump as far or as silently as this man had. He reminded her of a wild animal, and was even bigger than Hazel Eyes. His back was broad and tapered to a neat waist and long legs. He was tall. From what she could see, he had midnight black hair and a rock-hard ass to die for. Wait a minute. She knew exactly who this man was. Waiting for him to turn around she held her breath, and when he did, all the air left her lungs in a whoosh.

She felt dizzy for a brief moment and was very happy the wall was still behind her for support because she had just come face-to-face with her dream man once again. The lights in the club had been so dim earlier that she had not been able to see the full beauty of his features. Now, they were highlighted by the light of the full moon popping through the clouds. His green eyes nearly glowed and were perfectly framed by dark brows and thick-as-sin lashes. His nose was straight, his lips full, and his jaw perfectly squared with just the right amount of softness. The softness was just enough to give the pretense that this man was easy and laid-back, approachable. She knew better. If he was like her dreams, he was anything but soft. He was always careful with her and had never hurt her, but in every dream, he’d been a pure, dominant, predatory man.

After her stunned brain began functioning normal once again, her fight or flight instincts kicked back in. She still wasn’t afraid of him, but something deep inside her screamed at her to run—that if she didn’t, this man would change her life forever. Some part of her knew he could expose all her deep dark secrets, possess her, and break her heart. Another part of her begged to stay.

“Don’t run.”

Her blue eyes snapped to his face and he groaned. “Wh-who are you?” She inched further away from him. If she could just get another foot away, she’d be at the side street she had passed earlier. She might be able to lose him down it. She was a fast runner, but she would need every advantage to outrun this man.

“I’m Anthony Wolfson, and you are Karen Samson. Now that we have that out of the way, maybe we can go somewhere and talk a little.”

“How did you know my name?” She thought for a moment. “I didn’t tell you in the club.” She was getting more alarmed and inched her way closer to the alley. He hadn’t moved since he’d turned to face her, and within seconds, her hand reached the corner of the building.

“I’m not going to hurt you Karen, I promise. If I was going to hurt you, I would have done it already. I just want to talk to you, okay?” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Please, Karen, don’t run. I don’t want to scare you, but if you run, I will chase you.” His green eyes snapped open, and she pulled a harsh breath into her lungs. “And, Karen, I’ll catch you.”

She could see his muscles tense through his dark blue T-shirt and knew it was time to make her escape. She kicked her stilettos off and bolted around the corner, running as fast as she could, pumping her arms for extra speed. The growl she heard behind her an instant after she fled fueled her adrenaline into giving her even more speed. He was chasing her. She swore that she could feel his hot breath on her neck and her heart nearly beat out of her chest. Her breath came in ragged pants, and before she made it more than halfway down the alley, she was tackled from behind, picked up and pushed face first against the brick wall.

She gasped for air, and Anthony’s hard body pressed against her, around her. He wasn’t hurting her, but he held her firmly, allowing no movement. She could feel his arousal against her back and moaned. Her body’s wants began to override her fear, and she pushed back into him. She didn’t know why, he was a stranger, but she wanted him. His sandalwood and musky male scent invaded her, excited her, and her fear melted completely away.

He held her hands above her head palm down against the building. His fingers circled each of her delicate wrists. She pressed back into his hard body, and he sucked in a breath and held it for a moment before putting his mouth close to her ear. “I told you not to run.”

“Yeah, but I had to. You were scaring me.” That wasn’t entirely true, but she had no intention of letting him know that he was turning her on. In truth, he was doing much more than turning her on. He was setting her on fire, and she knew she was going to let him do whatever he wanted.

He groaned as she pushed back against his cock once again. He was steely hard and nudged her back with an urgent thrust of his hips. She moaned and his control snapped. She thought she would die of pleasure when his mouth came down on her neck and he kissed and licked the sensitive skin under her ear. He forced her hands together, gripped them both with one of his to free the other to slip into her hair, twined some strands around his fingers, and pulled her head around so he could capture her lips with his own.

She moaned when his tongue slipped inside her mouth. The low growl he emitted vibrated through her and curled her toes. His tongue dueled with hers, teasing, sucking, tasting. She had never been kissed like this, well except for in her dreams. But this was the same man, after all. She savored his taste, and God, he tasted like sin and everything bad a girl ever wanted but knew she shouldn’t have.

He let out another low growl when she ground her ass harder against his groin. He yanked her coat off her shoulders, let it drop to the ground, and slid his hand around her waist and up under the tight bustier, grazing the soft skin of her belly before cupping one breast through the lace of her bra. Her nipple hardened in his palm, and he rolled it between his fingers while he continued to ravish her mouth, which wrought tiny gasps from her.

His touch coaxed her body higher, hotter, wetter. The possession of his mouth and his rough fingers on her nipple had her teetering on the edge of orgasm. Suddenly, her hands were free and she was spun around, staring into the face of her dream man once again. Her back hit the bricks, and a ripping material echoed through the alley as he tore the bustier and bra open, spilling her breasts out. The cool breeze blew across her sensitive nipples tightening them even more. Suddenly, rational thinking rushed back into her brain and she tried to pull free from him.

She sucked in a sharp breath. “No. Please let me go. I can’t do this.” What the hell had she been doing? She was acting like she was in heat with a man she had never even met. And, God help her, she still wanted him. Her body burned for him, her knees weak with need.

“I can’t let you go, Karen. Not ever again. Stop thinking and just feel. You know this is right. I know you do.” He put his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. He breathed deep and whispered between clenched teeth, “Please don’t fight me, Karen. It’s . . . exciting to me.”

The meaning of his words sparked heat to burn deep in her belly. The fact that her struggle was exciting him should have turned her cold with dread, yet it felt so damn right it scared her because this couldn’t be normal. One couldn’t just come across a strange man in the street and know that this was going to happen and that it didn’t matter if you’d just met because it was . . . fated.

Fated. That’s what it felt like, but did she believe in such a thing? She stared at his beautiful face, and suddenly, his eyes opened and she was drowning in green seas. His stare was so intense she couldn’t breathe. She knew he was staring straight into her soul.. Every thought, every desire that lived there lay open like a book for him to read.

“Anthony, I don’t understand.” Her breathless plea was laced with confusion and desire.

“Trust me, Karen. This is right and you know it.” He rubbed his cheek against her face before bending to cover the pink tip of one nipple with his mouth. Her shock was short lived as he pulled her deep into his mouth, and rolled his tongue around the peak over and over before doing the same to the other taut bud. Her knees nearly buckled and her skin turned hot. She felt achy, needy.

She pushed her hands into his hair and tugged him harder against her. He dropped to his knees in front of her, and completely forgetting that she was in an alley in the middle of the night, she arched into him. She didn’t care what they did or where they were. She didn’t care about any of it as long as he didn’t stop touching her. Wouldn’t Sal and Jenny be shocked to see what she was doing? His teeth scraped her nipple, and she cried out and grinded into him harder. He kneaded her ass and roamed his hands over her back.

“God you are so damn beautiful. Your taste is like nothing I’ve ever known. Sugar, honey . . . you.” He scraped his teeth over her nipple again and enticed another cry from her. “It’s too late for me to stop this, Karen.” He sniffed the air and fixed his half-hooded, sexy as sin eyes on her. “I know you don’t want me to stop, either. Your scent calls to me, teases me, begs me.”

His voice was low, gravelly, mesmerizing. It promised long, passion and pleasure-filled nights. She tangled her hands in his hair and pulled him to her while she snuggled her hips closer. He stroked her thigh and skimmed his fingers up under her short skirt to palm her moist heat through her panties. She cried out, and he dragged the fabric to one side and pushed two long fingers into her wetness. Her muscles clenched around him, which dragged another growl from the back of his throat.

He rested his forehead against her belly and wrapped his other arm around her lower back, urging her to ride his fingers. She needed little encouragement and pumped against him, eliciting pants from him in response to her excitement. He circled her clit with his thumb, and she continued rocking against him. When she neared her climax, he slipped out of her body and bunched her skirt up around her waist.

He gasped when he saw the fishnet stockings were held up with lacy garters. “You are so damn beautiful.” His eyes burned into hers and his gaze never wavered as he reached down and freed his cock from his jeans, grasped a globe of her ass in each hand, and picked her up.

Her eyes flew wide when he sprang free from his jeans. He dragged her up his big body with ease. “Anthony—

“Don’t say a damn word, Karen. I can’t wait any longer. Just wrap your legs around me.”

She did so without hesitation and he entered her in one smooth thrust, seating himself deep into her wetness. He pushed her against the bricks. He made sure to keep his hands between her back and the wall to shield her from its roughness before he seized her mouth once again while he possessed her body.

He was big and hard and filled her completely, stretching her to the limit. This was no gentle coupling. He took her just as he had in her dreams, demanding submission. She held on to him while he buried himself into her, pulled nearly free of her body before plunging deeply again. He repeated the movement again and again until she was mindless with pleasure. Her breaths came in short gasps, her fingernails dug into his shoulders, and she silently screamed in ecstasy.

Every thrust of his body was a brand, a claim of what was his. She could feel it deep inside her, feel him deep inside her, and feel her body respond to his demand. She shouldn’t feel this way, shouldn’t want to give herself to him. But she did. She wanted him to take everything from her. She wanted to take everything from him. She wanted to be imprinted with his scent, his touch. She never wanted to forget this moment . . . or him.

His hips rolled against her in relentless waves and she welcomed him into her body, her inner muscles gripping him tightly in anticipation of her orgasm. She was so close, yet she wanted to savor every moment, every touch, every caress, every lick. She squeezed her eyes shut while he ravished her mouth and conquered her body. She loved how he felt inside her, how his cock dragged against every sensitive nerve.

Warmth flooded her womb and spilled over until it reached her skin, heating it even more until a fine sheen of sweat broke out on its surface. She gripped Anthony’s shoulders tighter, pulled her mouth from his, arched into him, and cried out her release into the calm night air. He stilled for a moment, as if savoring her pleasure, before he pumped into her harder, once, twice, three times. He threw his head back and let out a feral growl before coming inside her. Her muscles held him tightly and wrung every drop from his hard body.

When the last shreds of her orgasm faded, soothing her tight muscles into relaxing and nearly turning them to rubber, reality snuck back in to her blissful brain. She was suddenly very aware of where she was, whom she was with, and what she had done. She opened her eyes to find Anthony’s green ones staring at her as if he already knew what she was thinking. He almost looked . . . hurt. But why would he have any feelings one way or the other over what she felt since he had gotten what he wanted? That did make her feel guilty because she had gotten what she wanted too.

* * *

He thought he’d died and gone to heaven when he’d seen those sexy little fishnet stockings topped with lacy garters. She was beautiful, and he knew she was having regrets already. The one thing he never wanted was for his mate to feel shame for making love with him. Her wide, blue eyes framed with dark lashes, red hair and beautiful, smooth, soft skin would be etched into his brain until the day he died.

He let his cock slide from her wetness and instantly longed to be back in the safe haven of her warm sheath. He pushed himself back into his jeans and smoothed her skirt down. He picked her coat up and draped it over her shoulders to cover her exposed breast spilling from the shirt he’d practically ripped from her body in his rush to get to her bare skin. He was such a bastard. She tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her back against the brick wall gently.

He traced the tip of his finger slowly down her cheek, and his body twitched in anticipation when she leaned into his touch. “Karen, I’m sorry this happened this way. I wanted our first time to be somewhere special, some place with silk sheets and scented candles. You deserve the very best, not a ravishing in an alley. But in all fairness, I warned you not to run from me.” He took a deep breath, remembering the hot excitement that had pumped through his veins when he’d chased her down. He’d never be able to change that part of him. The predator wanted to hunt and dominate. “I couldn’t help myself.”

“What do you mean you wanted our first time to be special? Ha-have you been stalking me, Anthony?”

Fear shadowed the clear blue pools of her eyes, dulling them to a misty gray. Shit! He was horrible at this. “Look, I’m not good at this dating type stuff.” He pushed some errant hairs off her cheek and tucked them behind her ear.

“Dating type stuff? Look, I don’t even know you, and what we just did is not even in the same ball park as dating. I have to go home. Please, let me go.” She tugged against his grip and tried to free her arms, but he refused to release her.

Frustration sparked anger deep in his gut. “You didn’t act like you didn’t know me a few minutes ago.” Her face turned bright red, betraying her instant irritation and embarrassment. Too bad, he wasn’t willing to watch her from afar any longer. She was his, and he would make her understand that one way or another.

“Yeah, well we all make mistakes. I—”

Ice snaked through his heart at her words. He had no doubt she had been as turned on and as in tune to him as he had been to her when they’d shared their bodies. This was not a mistake, and he’d be damned if he let her reduce it to such. “Mistakes? This was not a mistake, Karen. Damn it! I know I went about this whole thing wrong, but don’t push me away. We need to talk so I can explain things to you.”

“There is nothing to explain. We don’t know each other and you don’t owe me anything. Please, just let me go home.”

Her agitation was clearly winning out over the embarrassment at this point. He captured her mouth once again before she could protest further. He slid his tongue along the seam of her lips, coaxing her to open for him. She obliged a few seconds later, and he lazily caressed her tongue in a slow, possessive dance. She tasted of everything he’d longed for, of heaven. She tasted like Karen, his mate. Knowing that if he didn’t stop, he’d have her back up against the wall, buried deep inside her where he belonged once again, he pulled back from her. He cupped her face between his hands. “Will you really be able to forget me so easily?” He leaned closer to her. “Because I will never forget you. Don’t kid yourself into believing our coming together was a mistake. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
