Chapter Eight

Later that evening, as Karen lay curled against Anthony, a tickling sensation erupted along the surface of her skin. Her body heated and sweat dotted her brow. She sat up. “Anthony, I feel strange.”

He sat up beside her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest. “It’s the change, baby.”

“It feels like bugs are crawling under my skin. I don’t want this to happen, Anthony. Please!”

He held her tighter to him, put his mouth next to her ear, and whispered, “It’s going to be okay, Karen. It’s normal. After you’ve changed a few times, you won’t even notice it any longer.”

The muscles under her skin rippled, and thousands of new, tiny, golden hairs erupted through her skin,. She looked at Anthony in horror. “My God! This can’t be happening.”

“Karen. Look at me, baby. Focus on me, okay?” He continued to urge her until she finally focused her attention on him. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here with you. Don’t forget that. I won’t let anything bad happen to you, okay? I swear it.”

Before she could respond, her body convulsed and Anthony cradled her to his chest like a newborn, rocking her, comforting her the best he could. “Come on, baby. Take some deep breaths. We’ll get through this together.”

* * *

His chest ached in response to her fright. He’d be with her every step of the way, and next time, she wouldn’t be scared because she’d know what to expect.

The first time he’d changed, he’d been petrified, even though he’d been raised around other lycans and had known his whole life that he’d turn someday, as well. He’d been alone and remembered longing for someone to hold him, to tell him it would be all right. And it had been all right, but it was still not something he would wish for anyone to go through the first time alone. Knowing he was here for Karen gave him some semblance of peace.

* * *

Karen sat in amazement on top of a rocky cliff overlooking the snowy mountains. The snow reminded her of the twinkling stars as the light of the full moon illuminated millions of ice crystals buried in the white blanket. The gentle breeze sifting over her gave her a feeling of serenity, freedom. The thick, golden fur covering her warmed her, and the wolf with the green eyes and blue-black fur sitting next to her gave her a sense of security. Anthony would protect her always. When she had gone through the change earlier, he’d never left her side, not even for a moment. He’d held her secure in his arms through the whole ordeal. After she’d changed, he stood and motioned for her to follow him to the front door. Once he’d opened it, he’d changed into a magnificent wolf and bounded down the deck and through the deep snow with a howl.

She followed him to a clearing where she’d spent some time getting accustomed to her new senses. Her sight was unbelievable. She could pick out the most subtle color variations or spot a tiny bug on a tree from fifty feet away. Her hearing was remarkable, allowing her to perceive the slightest sound of rustling leaves from a scampering mouse. She was faster, stronger, and she would retain these new attributes even when she changed back to her human form. Knowing firsthand now how much stronger Anthony was than her, especially before she’d changed, made her heart thump with love. He could have hurt her so easily at anytime, but he’d been so gentle, never even putting a small bruise on her, even by accident. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She’d noticed a couple of small marks on her breasts and lower neck, but they had disappeared quickly, and she was positive she’d left a few of her own on him.

Anthony nipping at her tail brought her out of her thoughts, and she turned and growled at him. He yipped and slowly stalked her. She stood her ground until he was about a foot from her, then turned and ran. They frolicked all night in the forest, chasing each other, rolling in the snow, and napping when exhaustion overtook them. She knew at one point that Anthony wanted to make love but was glad he didn’t pursue the matter as she wasn’t sure she was ready just yet to have sex as a wolf. She knew she would be at some point, but too many things were new to her on this night.

The air was clean, fresh, and cool, and dawn was breaking, lighting up the sky with reddened peach streaks. Anthony nudged her gently with his head, and she turned to follow him back to the house. She trotted along behind him, still amazed at how beautiful she found him even as a wolf.

When they reached the deck, they both changed back to their human forms. He unlocked the door with the key that was under the mat and tugged her inside out of the cold. She shivered and glanced over her shoulder longingly at the door, actually looking forward to the next time they would run in the woods as wolves. He pulled her to him and kissed her.

“You’re beautiful. You are the most gorgeous lycan I’ve ever seen.” He took a deep breath. “When I first saw all that golden fur of yours, I thought I’d die from your beauty.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” She smiled, and his green eyes twinkled down at her.

“So, are you going to have a problem living here with me? Because I have to tell you, Karen, I don’t think I’d survive in the city.” He watched her with hooded eyes, shadowed with uncertainty, doubt. “But, I would try for you.”

“Anthony, I wouldn’t have a problem living anywhere with you. I love you.” She was sure he’d been waiting to hear her say those words, and she knew that he probably didn’t think that she would. His look of surprise confirmed her thoughts. She’d been so selfish. The only thing this man had wanted from her since they’d met was for her to love him, accept him. He’d protected her with his life and asked for nothing in return, including her love. She knew he wanted it, longed for it. She’d seen the way he watched her, protectively, practically devouring her with his eyes. She’d been so confused after finding out that she would change, and even though she loved him, probably from the first moment she had laid eyes on him at the Halloween party, she denied that it could be real. Yes, she’d been selfish by not giving him the one thing he wanted from her.

“Wh—Say it again.” He took her face between his hands and looked deep into her eyes.

She laughed and kissed him again. “Anthony, I love you, and I want to be with you always. I haven’t been happy living in the city for awhile. And I love it here.”

“You don’t know how long I’ve yearned for you to say those words. And you really want to live with me here? I can’t believe after so many years searching for you, you’re finally here and mine.” He hugged her to him and nuzzled her hair.

“Well, believe it because I’m never leaving. You’re stuck with me.” She pulled back, putting a little distance between them. “But, there is one condition to that.”

“What’s that?”

“Starting this year, we are celebrating Christmas with all the trimmings.”

He chuckled. “I think I can live with that.”

“And, Anthony?”


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I loved you before. I’ve loved you since the night we first met, and I know you wanted to hear me say it.” The thought that she’d hurt him caused tears to pool in her eyes and threaten to spill over onto her cheeks.

“Karen, it’s okay. Yes, I did want to hear you say it. I wanted to hear you say it so badly that my heart ached.” When she looked away, he tipped her chin up with one finger. “Hey. It’s okay. Even though I wanted you to say it, I didn’t want you to until you were ready. I never want you to do anything that you aren’t comfortable with.”

“You are too good to be true, Anthony.” How could a man like him exist? A caring, loyal, loving, gorgeous man. And how on earth had she been lucky enough to find him?

“I love you so much, Karen. And you are the one that is too good to be true.” He nuzzled her cheek. “And it’s a good thing you want to be with me always, because that might be a very long, long time.”

“Uh, yeah, about that. How long is a very long, long time?” She furrowed her brows and worked her bottom lip with her teeth.

He smiled again, eyes glowing. “We’ll talk about it later. I have more important things to do at the moment.”

“Uh, wait. It will probably take me awhile to find a job anywhere close around here and—”

He put his fingers against her lips. “I have more than enough money for us both to do whatever we want, whenever we want. You name it, and we’ll do it.”

“Well, there is one thing I want.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb, and she leaned in to his touch.

“Name it and it’s yours.”


He grinned, wide and toothy. “That I think I can do.”

He kissed her, and she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to slip inside. She would never get enough of him. He tasted spicy and wild, and he was hers. She circled her arms around his neck and, running her hands up and down his smooth skin, loved the feel of his wide shoulders and his sculpted muscles that played under her fingers. She pushed her hands lower and squeezed his firm ass, which enticed a growl from him.

“I love when you do that.” Her breath came out in short gasps of excitement.

His green eyes pierced her soul. “What?”

“Growl.” She nearly melted at the predatory grin that spread across his face in response to her answer.

“Well, I’m glad because I will be doing it a lot around you.”

Her laugh was cut short when he sucked one nipple deep into his mouth and laved it with his tongue. She cried out and held him tightly to her, begging for more. He continued the sweet torture, alternating between her breasts, each pull of his lips coiling her body tighter until she thought she would go mad. His tongue was pure sin, and she strained harder into him, demanding more. He gave her more, and something happened that had never happened to her before. She came simply from the feel of his mouth tugging on her.

She looked at him with shocked eyes. “My God! I can’t believe I did that with you only doing, um, that. That’s never happened to me before.”

His wicked smile promised her there was much more to come. “Good, because if it had, I’d have to hunt down the man who made you do it before me and kill him.” His eyes burned. “And, believe me, I’d enjoy every minute of it.”

“Anthony, you’re so jealous.” She didn’t mind, though. She felt the same way about him. If another woman even thought about touching him, she’d probably claw her eyes out.

“Damn right.” He smiled and gave her a long lick on the side of her neck, and she shivered. “I think you will find I have many talents where my tongue and your body are concerned.”

She didn’t doubt it for a moment and gasped when he slid his hard, naked frame down her body, sank to his knees, and put that tongue back to use. He nibbled and licked at her until she thought she would die from the exquisite pleasure. He was beyond talented with his tongue. It was amazing. Every lap of that tongue turned her hotter, wetter. He coaxed her to the edge several times, stopped before she took the ultimate fall, and dragged her back time and again, only letting her glimpse her pending release. She didn’t think she could take much more. Either she would burn up or she’d pass out. “Anthony!”

His name was barely out of her mouth when he pushed two fingers deep inside her and gave her one long lick that finally sent her tumbling to her release. She cried out and dug her fingernails into his shoulders as he continued eating her, wringing every last spasm from electrified nerves.

One person could surely not feel this much pleasure and survive. She had never come close to knowing the complete fulfillment Anthony gave her. She sank to her knees and let her limp body—the one she thought would never move again—fall back on the floor. He crawled over her and nestled his cock between her legs, slipping it deep inside her wetness. She was mistaken about never moving again because every nerve ending instantly screamed back to life at the feel of him invading her body.

He kissed her, mimicking the movement of his hips with his tongue, the rhythm slow and lazy. Her body coiled tighter with each slow thrust. His eyes burned into hers. “I’ll never get enough of you.” A long, low, toe-curling growl rasped from his throat. “You. Are. Exquisite. Perfection.” He rotated his hips hard between every word, and within moments, she neared the edge yet again.

He bent his head to her breasts and nipped and sucked each one. Determined that she would take him with her this time, she wrapped her legs around his lean waist and arched into him, seating him so deep that they both gasped.


His eyes flew wide, he stilled, and he pushed into her deep and quick. They both cried out, and her body clenched around him as his seed pulsed inside her.

He kissed her tenderly, softly, possessively. “I love you more than anything, Karen.” He brushed the hair off her sweat dampened forehead.

“I love you too, Anthony. And, by the way, you’re perfection yourself.” She hugged him back to her, and holding one another, they both drifted into a deep sleep right there on the floor.

The End
