Chapter Five

He’d been driving for over eight hours when he made the final turn of the journey. The tires of the SUV bumped along the drive that led to his secluded cabin nestled on eleven thousand snow-covered acres thick with trees. No one would ever happen upon his place by accident. The rolling forest gave him more than enough running room when he had the urge to run in wolf form.

Karen moaned in her sleep. He watched the mid-morning sun’s light glisten on her smooth skin and sighed. She’d slept the whole ride and he knew the changes from the bite were already taking place. In about two days, Karen Samson would be sharing her body with another beast, another beast besides him.

Nothing on the face of the earth could stop him from being with her when the first change took place. He’d make sure she stayed safe. The first few times that a new lycan changed could be very confusing for them as they tried to adjust to all their newly enhanced senses. He’d dreamed of the day he’d find his mate and change her. Lycans’ life spans were thousands of years longer than humans, and he’d never be able to watch his mate grow old, die, and leave him. That honor had been taken from him. One bite was all it ever took, and that bastard in the alley had stolen the most sacred thing Anthony could ever share with his mate. Had he been the one to bite her, she would have been spared the pain she was now forced to endure. When a werewolf bit his mate to change them, there was never any pain, but if one bit someone who was not his mate, the pain was excruciating.

He parked the Hummer, got out, and walked around to pull Karen from the passenger seat. She felt as if she weighed nothing. She shifted in her sleep and, curling closer to his chest, snuggled her face deep against his shirt. He pulled his keys from his pocket when he reached the wraparound redwood deck, and unlocked the front door. After closing it, he was careful to relock it and set the alarm. Even though the chances were slim of someone happening upon him in his secluded home, he wouldn’t chance anything where Karen was concerned.

He carried her to his bedroom and sat down on the side of the bed. Her curvy ass was snuggled against his groin, and the leather skirt rode dangerously high up her shapely legs. His heart thundered and his cock hardened instantly, strangling a groan from his throat.

He shook her gently. “Karen, wake up.” When she didn’t move, he kissed her on the lips and patted her cheek with his hand. “Karen, wake up.”

Karen’s eyes flew wide, and she began flailing her arms at Anthony. He grabbed her wrists and held her easily without hurting her. After she changed, she wouldn’t be so easy to subdue. She’d be stronger, quicker. She stared blankly, not even registering that he was present, and he knew she was reliving the scene in the alley. “No!”

“Karen! Look at me. It’s me, Anthony. You’re okay, you’re safe.”

She struggled for a few more seconds before her eyes focused on him. She looked confused as she scanned the room. He watched as she took in the cathedral ceilings and walls made of hand-carved logs and the muted colors of gold and brown that decorated the room. He barely contained a grin when she stiffened, no doubt in realization that she was sitting on his lap. Her eyes snapped to his. “Where are we?”

“My house.”

“This is your house?”

“Yes.” He wanted her to like his home since this is where he hoped they would live together.

“Where exactly is your house, Anthony?”

“About eight hours west of your apartment. We aren’t in the city anymore, Karen. In fact, this is about as far from city life as you can get.”

“What?” She rubbed her temples. “Are you saying I just slept for eight hours?”

“Yep. You were out about two seconds after I sat you in the car.”

“Oh.” She glanced at the room again. “It’s beautiful.” She flinched and grabbed her arm. “Ouch!”

Anthony moved her hand away to look at the wound. The bite was already healing, and he knew it would disappear completely and the pain would cease after she changed for the first time. Werewolves healed very quickly. “Come on. Let’s shower and get your arm cleaned up.”

He picked her up and walked toward the door that led into a huge bathroom. “Uh, wait a minute. I’m not showering with you.”

“Why not? Don’t tell me you’re going to go all shy on my after what happened in the alley.”

He let her slide to the floor, and she blushed when his gaze traveled to her breasts that were nearly spilling out of her open coat. “Yeah, but that isn’t going to happen again.” She grabbed the sides of the fabric with one hand and bunched them together, concealing herself the best she could.

He walked toward, forcing her back until she was pinned against the sink. “Trust me, Karen. It’s going to happen again, and again, and again.” He flexed his hips, pressing his hardness against her, letting her feel what she did to him. “Don’t act like you don’t want it to.” He sniffed the air. “I know you are aroused.” He lowered his gaze to hers.

“I-I don’t know what is wrong with me. I’m not like this. I don’t just jump into bed with any man.” She blushed furiously and lowered her eyes. “I’ve dreamed about you.”

He tipped her chin up with one finger and dipped his head until his face was level with hers. “I know. I was there.”

He smiled at her shocked expression, picked her up, and sat her on the counter. He removed her coat and ruined bustier and bra. He watched her intently, as if daring her to protest. He could tell she wanted to. He knew she only wanted to stop him because of the rules she had about sleeping with men. He was glad for those rules, but he wasn’t just any man. He was her man, her mate, her protector. Her body wanted him. Hell, she wanted him, and he wanted her. It was that simple, and he wouldn’t let her over think the situation.

She slapped at his hands, and he caught them in his and kissed the backs of each before sucking on one delicate finger. She gasped and he took advantage of her opened mouth with his own. He would never get tired of her taste. He didn’t coax long before her tongue dueled with his own. He growled and pulled the rest of her clothes off. He reached behind him to flip the jets in the shower on and placed her under the steamy water. He quickly stripped his clothes from his body, stepped in, and backed her against the wall. He blanketed her with his body.

He took her mouth. He was invading her, possessing her, demanding her submission just like in the dreams. She hadn’t denied him then, and he knew that she really didn’t want to while awake, but this time she turned the tables on him. She pulled her mouth from his, and he groaned, chasing her fleeing lips.

She placed her hand flat on his chest and pushed. “No. Not this time.”

At first, his heart sank at the thought of her rejection, but when she pulled him around and pushed his back against the wall, it galloped in his chest in fiery need. A smile of triumph broke his lips. She wanted to do the dominating this time. That he had no problem with. He’d never submitted to another woman in his life, but Karen wasn’t any of those other women. She was his mate, and he’d do anything to make her happy. He grinned wider in anticipation.

* * *

The man had a smile to die for. Full, beautiful lips framed perfectly even white teeth. Well, she’d just have to wipe that smile off his face. She looked at him, hungrily taking in his broad shoulders, flat nipples, the sprinkling of black hair covering his muscular chest, the six-pack abs, and . . . good lord! Damn, the man was gorgeous and big. He was huge. How had he fit into her earlier? She hesitated for only a second. Anxious to find out again, she put her lips to his chest and tongued one of his brown nipples into a hard peak. He groaned and reached for her. She backed up, shook her head, and pushed his palms flat against the wall on either side of him. “Stay still.”

He gritted his teeth and his eyes flashed deep green. His muscles tensed and every defined, glorious ridge and cord quivered with his effort to stay still. She knew from her dreams, and from being with him in the alley, that it was not in his nature to submit, yet he was doing it all the same. She knew deep in her heart that he would never allow, and had never allowed, another woman this privilege. This was for her and her alone. The knowledge encouraged her to be even bolder with her actions.

She grazed her fingernails lightly up the tops of his thighs and felt them tighten under her touch. “You’re killing me here, Karen.” He sucked in a deep breath and hungrily watched her explore him.

“I certainly hope so.” She flashed him a wicked grin, a grin that hinted she was not nearly finished with him. “Just stay still and enjoy.”

“Oh, I’ll enjoy, baby, but I can’t guarantee how long I’ll stay still.”

She wrapped one hand around his cock and stroked it while she dragged her fingernails lightly over his abdomen before she sank to her knees in front of him. He was steel covered in soft skin, and she could barely close her fingers around his girth. She continued stroking him from base to tip while she ran her other hand around to stroke his hard ass. Damn, the man was ripped everywhere. She massaged the hard muscles, and he bucked his hips toward her, which let her know in no uncertain terms what he wanted from her. She licked the tip and let the salty taste of him roll on her tongue.

He growled—a noise she was beginning to like quite a lot, a noise that was beginning to excite her like nothing else ever had. His hips flexed again and she sucked him deep down her throat before swirling her tongue around the tip of him. She flattened it before running it under the swollen head and along the vein that lay underneath, then repeated the action. His hand tangled in her hair while his hips arched in rhythm to her mouth. She took him over and over deep into her throat, allowing the muscles to relax just enough to swallow him, then to clamp around him before letting him slide out. She moaned at the spicy taste of him, and he continued emitting low growls that tightened her belly and flooded her body, readying it for his possession.

He pumped into her mouth, seating himself deep in her throat with each thrust while she continued urging him on with her hand on his ass. She had never felt so fulfilled, excited from giving a man this much pleasure. She could do this to him every day and still not have enough of him.

When he reached for her, she knew he teetered on the edge of release. She allowed him to slip from her mouth with a soft popping noise. She ran the tip of her tongue from his navel to his collarbone as she stood. He stroked her breasts, kneaded, them and tested their weight. The tips instantly tightened from his touch, and she pushed his hands from her once again before she lost all train of thought. She placed one foot on a small ledge and positioned her opening over his cock. She sank slowly over him, impaling herself on him inch by delicious inch. His control completely snapped, and he pulled her legs around him and switched their positions. He pounded into her, rolling his hips, possessing her while her cries encouraging him echoed off the walls of the shower as the water rained down on them.

She arched to meet his every thrust, demanding as much as he took. Her body ached everywhere in need. Her blood hummed, her heart sang, and she knew she’d never feel this way with another man. Anthony was different. He felt right. He felt . . . like hers?

Small ripples began contracting her muscles as she neared her release. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, and his mouth came down hard on hers. Within moments, they swallowed each other’s cries as they both climaxed. He continued kissing her until their bodies cooled and euphoria replaced the ever-consuming need. He let her slide to the wet tile floor of the shower, her skin tingling everywhere it touched him.

They washed each other before he turned off the water, guided her out of the shower, and dried her with a big, fluffy towel. He toweled himself off quickly, took her hand, and tugged her along to the big bed. He turned the blanket back, got in, and held his arms out to her. She didn’t hesitate to climb in beside him. He hugged her to him and wrapped himself around the back of her body, throwing one leg over her hip as if making sure she couldn’t escape. She didn’t want to escape. She was too tired and he felt too good. The bite on her arm throbbed and burned, but he had washed it thoroughly in the shower, and it didn’t look as bad as it felt.

She didn’t understand how he could feel so right. She’d just met him, and she wondered if her overactive hormones weren’t responsible. It had been a long time, after all, since she’d been with a man. Her heart screamed in denial. Her heart knew that he was hers and that she was his even if she didn’t want to admit it yet. She sighed and fell asleep within moments, snuggled against her new lover.

* * *

Anthony savored the feel of her soft curves pressed against his hard body, the smell of her like a siren’s call to him. Her soft, even breathing tickled the hairs on his arm. He wanted to enjoy every moment like this with her because when tomorrow came and he told her everything about him and what she was going to become, he didn’t know how she’d react. He knew his mate was strong and would be okay physically, and even though it was a little selfish, he couldn’t wait until they were on more equal terms strengthwise. He’d be able to make love to her any way he wanted without worrying about hurting her. He was mostly concerned how she would take the change mentally. Not wanting those thoughts to ruin this moment, he pulled Karen even tighter against him, nuzzled his nose deep into her thick hair, and, closing his eyes, allowed sleep to claim him.
