WILL FIELDED CALLS FROM AIDES, THE JCS, AND CABINET MEMBERS FOR THE NEXT hour; then Tim Coleman came into the room. "President Khan for you, Mr. President."

Will picked up the phone. "President Khan?"

"Yes, President Lee."

"I'm very glad to hear from you; we were all very concerned. What is your situation?"

"We have put down a small rebellion in the military-fewer than fifty officers, none of them ranked above colonel."

"That's good. What is the status of your nuclear capability?"

"When we attacked the northwestern missile site someone inside managed to fire one missile before we could disable it, but we were able to detonate it electronically a few seconds later."

"What about the second missile?"

"Once at close range, our troops were able to disable it electronically."

"Was there damage to the facility?"

"Some of the aboveground buildings were knocked down by the shock wave, but everything belowground was undamaged. We managed to pump an odorless gas into the tunnels, rendering everyone inside unconscious. We captured all of them."

"What about the other installations around your country?"

"All the nuclear missiles have had their guidance systems and other essential systems removed, so that they cannot be fired. All sites but one are now neutralized."

"What about the other one?"

"There is a fight in progress there now, and I hope to have a favorable report within minutes."

"What is the situation in the country at large?"

"Calm has been restored in most places, and by tomorrow things should be quite normal. We will proceed with elections on schedule."

"May I release this information to the American press, Mr. President?"

"Yes, but please do not mention the final facility until I have confirmation from there."

"As you wish. Is there anything I can do for you at this time?"

"Thank you, Mr. President, no. Everything is well in hand."

"Mr. President, may I ask, where is the final missile site that remains unsecured?"

"It is southeast of Islamabad about one hundred miles."

"Have you had any damage reports from the northwest?"

"Only at our military base in that region, which suffered much damage to structures. Also, a number of our troops were blinded, temporarily, I hope, by the blast. We do not expect much in the way of radioactive contamination, since the blast occurred at a high altitude. If you will excuse me, President Lee, I must go and attend to some things."

"Of course, President Khan. Please let me know the moment the final missile is secured. As you can imagine, my administration is in touch with many world leaders who are concerned about the situation."

"Yes, Mr. President."

"And don't hesitate to call me if I can be of any help." Will hung up and looked around the room. "Everybody hear that?"

He got a chorus of affirmation from around the table and from the TV screens. Everyone seemed vastly relieved, and Will was not an exception.

"Tim," Will said, "I think we should be getting back to Washington. I'll hold a press conference as soon as we get word on the securing of the final missile."

"I'll alert the Secret Service and the helicopter, Mr. President," Tim replied, then left the room.

"General," Will said to the figure on the TV screens, "please lower you alert level; the worst seems to be past."

"Yes, sir, Mr. President," the man said.


WILL TOOK ALONG his new vice-presidential candidate and his luggage. "We have a lot of campaign planning to do, Marty," he said. "And I want you to meet members of the vice president's staff. You'll be seeing a lot of them on the campaign trail."

"I've already canceled the rest of my schedule," Stanton said. "Most of my staff are returning to Sacramento to handle things there."


THEY WERE TEN MINUTES out of Washington when Will got a phone call from Walter Reed. He listened briefly, then hung up. "George Kiel died five minutes ago," he said to the people on the copter. "Tim, I want to speak to Mrs. Kiel as soon as we're at the White House. Marty, I'm afraid you're not going to be able to serve out your term as governor of California. I'm appointing you vice president as soon as the FBI completes its background check, and I'm sure we can get a quick confirmation from the Senate."

"Well, Mr. President," Stanton said, "it's been quite a day."

"There are going to be a lot of those ahead, Marty. You'll get used to it."
