Dean laid out the replacement envelopes on the floor as Karr located the bins containing them. The vault room was very dark; while they could see with their night-vision glasses, the numbers on the envelopes were printed in red and Dean had to resort to his small LED flashlight to make out the numbers.

“We’re running behind,” said Dean as he gave Karr the first envelope and took the original, stuffing it into the rucksack. “I’ll locate the boxes and pull them out. You get the envelopes.”

“Don’t let them fall,” said Karr. “We’ll be here all night shuffling them back into the right containers.”

Dean started to work his way across the stacked rows. He still had two more to find when Telach hissed a warning in their ears:

“Charlie, Tommy: the supervisor is coming up the street to the bank ahead of schedule. Pack up and get out of there now.”
