Jackson didn’t realize anyone was in the room with him until he heard Rubens clearing his throat.

“Dr. Rubens,” he said, starting to rise.

“Ambassador. Anything useful?”

“Just old reports on the Brazilian effort to develop a nuclear weapon,” Jackson said, sitting as Rubens pulled over a chair.

“You’re here late. It’s going on seven.”

“Really? Being underground means becoming something of a mole.” He smiled to himself at the unintentional pun.

“I wonder if you’d be interested in going to Peru.”


“As soon as possible.”

Jackson began thinking of what arrangements he would have to make. His cat needed to be fed — he hated the cat, but it did need to be fed. The plants.

“I’m afraid I can’t go into detail unless you agree to go. You understand.”

“Well, yes. I will go. If you need me.”

“I have to arrange an aircraft first. And other details, such as a cover.”

“What is it you want me to do?”

“The president wants to make sure that the candidate who is benefiting from General Túcume’s money and his apparent maneuverings is aware of that. He wants us to send an unofficial emissary to deliver the information in person.”

“To Hernando Aznar?”

“That’s right. You would present just enough to show the link. And then you would return. We’ll have a bodyguard with you, of course. There should be no personal danger to you, but one never knows in these situations.”

“I would think the candidate would already know that he’s receiving funding from the general,” said Jackson.

“The president is not convinced. And in any event, Aznar would not know that we know. And that it’s going to be made public.”

“So we break the alliance when it’s still vulnerable,” said Jackson, “by putting Aznar on the spot. And best case, he ends up grateful to us, since we warned him.”

He had seen this sort of play before. It could be very effective — or it could fall flat on its face. A lot depended on the person delivering the message.

“Please have some dinner,” added Rubens. “We will get a driver for you, who’ll take you to your home for a light bag, then deliver you to the airplane.”

Rubens turned to go.

“There is one thing,” added Jackson.


“My Meals on Wheels assignment Tuesday.”

“You’ll be back in plenty of time. But just in case, I will arrange for a driver to substitute for you. Please give the contact information to Mr. Montblanc.”
