Lima might not be under a curfew, but the streets were all but deserted. Lia drove about ten blocks before parking again, this time in a lot that wasn’t visible from the street.

“Tommy and Dean are having a little trouble in the bank,” Rockman told her.

“They need a diversion?”

“At the moment, we think they’re going to play through on their own. But maybe.”

Wary now, Lia decided that she would plant video bugs near the street to make sure she wasn’t snuck up on again. She got out of the car and began walking toward the Dumpster near the driveway. As she came close, something moved to the right. In one quick motion, she dove, rolled to the ground, and retrieved the pistol at her ankle, bringing it to bear on the old bearded man who’d stirred from the small blanket of newspapers he’d spread as a resting place for the night.

“Vamos,” Lia told him harshly. “Go! Get away.”

The man got up, then began to run.

“Lia, what’s going on? Are you OK?” asked Rockman.

“I’m OK,” she told him. “I’m always OK.”
