
KATE GROANED AND shoved her face into the pillow. She surfaced from the hazy world of sleep and noticed a few details. She clung to the side of her bed when she normally slept right in the middle. A heavy scent hung in the air, deliciously musky and sinful. And why did her thighs and legs feel like they were on fire? She ached deep in her muscles, especially between her legs. Fragments of memory shifted past her.

Kate jerked up, eyes bugging out of her head.

Oh. My. God.

She’d slept with Slade Montgomery.

Kate squeezed her eyes shut as images of last night hit her full force. Begging him to do bad things to her. His mouth between her legs while she called him counselor. His wicked growl when he told her to give it up. All of it.

And she had.

“Wanna go for round twenty-four?”

Her eyes flew open. She gazed open-mouthed at the vision before her. Jeans riding low on hips. Bare-chested and revealing an endless expanse of toasty brown skin. Golden hair tousled and falling seductively over his forehead. Dark stubble darkening his jaw and framing those lush, full lips that were made for sin and teased endless orgasms from her throughout the night. Oh, God, was that an erection? His jeans clearly showed a massive shape pushing out from the fabric. Kate gulped. Why wasn’t she experienced with this stuff? She wished she were cool like Kennedy. No way was she walking around without clothes either, especially in the harsh morning light. That mole on her ass was definitely not her strong suit. She pushed back her hair, wondered how bad she looked, and tried to gather some composure. “Umm, I d-d-don’t think so. I need t-t-to walk Robert.”

“Already done.”

She frowned. “What do you mean? He never goes out with anyone but me and Gen.”

Those broad shoulders lifted. “Went with me. I watched you work the cart before, so I figured it out quick. He peed and pooped. I found the kibble in the cupboard and gave him fresh water.”

Irritation buzzed through her. What was he doing taking over her routine? This was her house. Her life. Feeling ridiculous and grumpy, she held the sheet tight to her breasts. “Oh. Well, thank you. I need to make the coffee.”

“It’s brewing now.”

She stuck out her chin. “My pot is old as dirt and barely works. I better help.”

His lip quirked. “Haven’t met a coffeemaker I couldn’t tame in this century. Why don’t you take a moment and relax? I’ll bring you a cup.”

He strode from the doorway and disappeared.

Why was she so angry? Maybe it was the casual expertise and good humor he revealed in the morning after. How many had he experienced? Dozens? Hundreds?

The scurry of paws on the floor broke her depressing thoughts. Robert raced into her room and paused beside her. Kate grinned. “Bedtime?”

Two barks.

She reached down and lifted him onto the bed. Robert loved snuggle time after his morning walk. He smelled fresh and doggy at the same time, and she pressed her forehead against his and enjoyed the comfort of his love, no questions asked, no fear, and no holding back.

God, she loved him.

She lay back on the pillows and stroked his belly. What did she do now? Wait for coffee and then have the “talk”? At least she would get her touch back. She had satisfied every dark desire and given him everything. If that didn’t do it, she’d face the knowledge her gift was gone forever.

The idea of acknowledging a perfect night and watching him go on other dates she set up made her belly lurch. Could she continue trying to match him? She still hadn’t proven her talent and confirmed his sister was safe. But there was only one thought that kept echoing in her head.

He was hers.

Crazy, yes. But she didn’t want to be cool and pretend she didn’t have deeper feelings than she did. Maybe she’d break her cardinal rule and take him off the Kinnections list so he could be hers? After all, he’d mentioned before that it was silly to keep fighting their attraction. If she opened herself up, they had the potential of having a real relationship. Exploring each other to see if they fit in other ways than in bed.

Her phone vibrated from the nightstand. She checked the text that had streamed in. From Hannah.

Hi Kate! Really enjoyed my date with Slade. I think he’s the one! Hasn’t called back yet though. Have you heard any feedback from our meeting? Hate being stalker type so figured I’d check with my fave matchmaker first. Thanks, as always for everything.


Kate stared at the smiley face at the end of Hannah’s text and got sicker. Somehow, she had stolen Hannah’s man. In a twisted way, of course. Not on purpose, of course. Emma’s text had streamed in the other day, gleefully informing her they had a great date and she was waiting for his call. While her clients waited, she was in bed with him.

Bad karma.

She groaned. Get it together. Slade hadn’t connected with Hannah or Emma, and there was nothing to do about it. She’d call them as soon as she got into the office and break it to them gently. Kate had been the bad news breaker many times. In this business, breakups and non-connections were job hazards but part of the journey. She always hated when one client liked another more, but had nailed that speech down like a pro.

She just needed to make sure they didn’t know the real truth.

Slade came in with two steaming mugs. Kate cleared her throat. “My mouth’s watering.”

He handed her a mug and arched a brow. “For me or the coffee?”

She gurgled a laugh. He was so damn arrogant and sexy. “Coffee.”


She sipped the hot brew, then looked up. “How’d you know I like it black?”

“No cream or half-and-half in the refrigerator. Sugar bowl is hidden. I took a chance.”

“Very nice, counselor.”

Green eyes blazed with stinging heat. “I don’t think I’ll ever hear that term and not think about your face when I made you come.”

Her cheeks pinkened and she buried her nose in her coffee. Robert gave a doggy moan and sank into the fluffy goose down comforter. Slade’s low laugh drifted across the room. “God, you’re sexy when you blush. All fire and brimstone one moment, all shy virgin the next.”

Boy. If he only knew.

At least his words caught her sense of challenge. She kept her voice measured. “Have you been using that famous charm to manipulate others your whole life? Just remember you didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want.”

His intimate gaze dropped to the sheet she held tight against her chest. Her nipples poked through the satin in an effort to come out and play. “That’s what made it sweeter,” he growled. “Knowing you liked begging.”

Wetness leaked from her thighs. Kate realized she was already too far gone. She’d never get enough of him. She ached for him to take her again, though she was sore. His cock responded to the unspoken need of her body and sprang to life. Her mouth watered to taste him, feel his hot, full length stretching her lips wide and controlling his pleasure. Slade muttered a curse, put his mug down on the table, and walked toward her. With gentle motions, he lifted Robert from the bed and placed him back on the floor. Transfixed, she allowed him to take her own cup and rip back the sheet.

A thrill coursed through her at his open, hot stare, taking in every inch of her nakedness, scenting her arousal. He pressed one knee down on the bed and her eyes half closed, waiting for him to take her on another wild ride.

“God, Kate, did I hurt you?”

His sudden question ripped through the pulsating silence. Her eyes flew open and followed his gaze. Blood smeared the sheets and stained her inner thighs. Slade sucked in his breath as the evidence of her virginity flashed in vivid neon.

Crap. It hardly hurt, so she didn’t expect any blood. Kate sat up and pulled the covers tight against her chest. “N-n-no, of course you didn’t hurt me.”

His fingers twisted in the sheets and he yanked them back. Seconds ticked by. His erection withered away and when he finally looked up, her lover was gone. The man who replaced him was steeped in ice, his lips turned downward in a half sneer. Kate shivered. She prayed for strength to hide her vulnerability and her rapidly plummeting confidence.

“You were a virgin.”

The hard words assaulted her ears. She sprang from the bed and grabbed her terry robe, belting it firmly around her and escaping his accusing gaze. “So? It’s no big deal.”

“Holy shit. I don’t believe this.” His jaw clenched and fury emanated from his pores. Robert lifted his head and gave him a wary look. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She shrugged and ignored the ball of ice in her gut. “Because it means nothing and I wanted to escape an unpleasant scene such as this. It was just a technicality, Slade. Nothing to worry about.”

“I was your first lover. You waited this long for a reason. Why me?”

She prayed for the floor to swallow her up whole but knew she was stuck. Hmm, was this the time to tell him she had a special touch and never felt a connection with another man? Or should she confess her witchlike gene’s disappearance and her plan to sleep with him to gain it back? Somehow, neither option seemed viable, so she cocked her head and lied again. “I’ve been busy. Never got around to it.”

He emitted a vicious curse. “I hurt you. If I had known, I would’ve been gentler, more considerate. I would’ve seduced you and made sure you were ready. Did I bruise you, too?”

Kate let out a laugh. “You gave me multiple orgasms and never hurt me. Honestly, this whole martyr routine is embarrassing. Can we drop the subject, please? I’ll make us some breakfast.”

She tried to move past him, but his arm snaked out and gripped her upper arm. Tingles immediately crackled to life, and he stared at their joined flesh as if just figuring something out. “Have you ever felt this electricity before, Kate? To another man other than me?”

She stuck up her chin and hit him with her best shot. Screw this. Truth would be better and knock him back on his ass. “No. Maybe that’s why I finally decided to do it with you. I have no regrets about what happened last night. Do you?”

He jerked back and nausea hit. Dear God, he regretted it. In the harsh morning light, knowing she was a virgin, he actually felt guilty. What was he so afraid of? Expectations of their relationship? Knowing he would always be her first? Or that he might actually feel something for her? Panic lit his eyes, and he suddenly looked at her not as a lover, but as more of a woman spinning her web to trap him. Kate fought the impulse to laugh in his face. Who would’ve thought an innocent virgin could scare the big bad wolf?

“No. But we didn’t talk about what last night was about. I don’t know if—if you have ideas about us. What do you want?”

The joy from last night drained out of her. Kate stared at the man she’d given everything to, who now resembled a stranger, hopping from foot to foot in an effort not to shoot out the door. “I want nothing,” she said woodenly. “Last night I wanted sex. With you. This morning, I want to get back to our original agreement and business relationship.”

“Forget we slept together? You give me your virginity and now want to pretend it never happened?”

Kate forced herself to shrug. “It wasn’t a gift, Slade, it just was. We’ve already agreed that a long-term relationship won’t work for us. We got it out of our system, so let’s move on.”

Relief carved out the lines of his face. Her heart shattered into tiny pieces and it hurt to breathe, but damned if she’d let him see an ounce of her pain. Slade Montgomery didn’t believe in anything she needed, and pretending they could be something more than one night would only prolong the torture. She reached deep for calm, knowing it was the only way to end this now.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he gritted out. His hands trembled as he pushed his fingers through his hair, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. “I’m not built for forever. At least, not with someone who thinks love is a fairy tale and we’ll live happily ever after. You haven’t seen the things I have, the truth of what so-called love does to people. There is no forever!”

The hurt rose up in waves and drowned her. Kate dug her nails in her palms and took it all. How stupid. He’d stated his openness toward love, but he was only playing a game. Thinking he could find a woman who believed in companionship, a woman with no expectations or silly ideas. A woman who would never be her.

“You’re wrong, counselor,” she said softly. “I’m not looking for forever. But I am looking for someday. I think I deserve that.”

He flinched. “I’m sorry. I’m—”

“No. Right now, I think it’s better if you leave. And no worries. If I believe there was anything more than great sex, I’ll remember the advice a very smart man once told me.” Her eyes burned bright and hard. “It’s just the oxytocin. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

This time when she passed, he let her go. She busied herself in the kitchen and ignored him when he stopped at the counter. Kate concentrated on whipping eggs and preparing French toast, praying he wouldn’t test her or touch her. After a few moments, the door closed behind her without a word.

She surrendered the spoon, slumped against the granite island, and allowed herself to mourn something she never had in the first place.

KATE LOOKED AT THE mansion in front of her as Genevieve drove up the winding driveway. She almost canceled the outing, but guilt over missing out on Gen’s family party drove her to try to be social. Besides, she barely saw her best friend anymore and was looking forward to an afternoon of fun.

“I never thought I’d be so depressed after sex.”

Gen cut the engine and shook her head. “Let’s look on the bright side. You had plenty of orgasms, and usually the first time you get a big fat zero. You found out his true character before you can get more involved. And you probably got your touch back, which is a boon for business.”

Kate laughed. “Leave it to you to look on the bright side. I guess you’re right. I’m giving him over to Kennedy for future dates so I won’t have to really see him anymore. I’ll get over it.”

“You know what Ken says. The fastest way over a man is under a new one.”

Kate rolled her eyes and opened the door. “No thanks. I think my remote and Robert are enough for me for a while.”

They made their way up to the sprawling villa, a mass of brick and stone rising three stories in the air. Multiple balconies looked out over lush gardens and wooded paths, and shouts of laughter echoed in the air. When Kate met Gen at college, she’d immediately been welcomed into the family fold—a close-knit Italian group who hosted Friday and Sunday dinners and fed their guests heartily while they were on a shoestring budget.

“How old are the twins now?” Kate asked, hoisting up the big racetrack gaily wrapped with dinosaur paper.

“Six. Everyone should be there. Maggie and Michael said they wanted a jungle party, so who knows what to expect. Uh-oh, here comes Lily.”

Kate laughed as Gen’s niece caught sight of them, squealed, and tore down the gleaming parquet floors and into her aunt’s arms.

“You look so beautiful! Did Aunt Maggie give you that outfit?” Maggie was Gen’s older sister Alexa’s longtime best friend, and had taken it upon herself to make Lily the trendiest youngster around. Lily hugged her tight, grinned with pride, and gave a full twirl in her chic denim dress with hot pink ankle boots. “Daddy said the other dress was too weird.” Lily wrinkled her pert nose, her corkscrew inky curls so like her mother’s own unruly hair. “He told Maggie to take it down a notch. Then Maggie stuck her tongue out at him when he left and Mommy told them to stop acting like babies because there were already too many children to begin with.”

Gen laughed and tugged on a wayward curl. “Where’s your sister?”

“Maria is following Luke and Ethan around. I think she wants to marry Luke.”

“Cousins don’t marry, honey, but that’s okay for now. Let her torture him a bit. Luke needs a bit of his own medicine.”

“Yeah, Luke already spilled the punch when he climbed the tree and tried to see if he can jump into the bowl like he saw on the cartoons. Uncle Michael put him in time-out, and Maria said she’d sit with him and keep him company.”

Kate bit her lip at the image. “We’ll be right out, honey, we’re just going to say hi to everyone first.”


Lily ran out, and they weaved their way through the elaborate rooms, decorated in bright blues and greens. The jungle theme showed the boys’ obsession with animals, and a variety of stuffed monkeys, tigers, and zebras jumped from corners amid piles of wrapped presents with brightly colored bows. They stopped and chatted with guests along the way and finally hit the main destination.

The bar.

“Ah, my favorite girls are finally here! Surgeon in training and matchmaker extraordinaire.” Kate grinned. Nick, Alexa’s husband, stood behind the bar and seemed pretty happy to be out of the backyard where all the action was occurring.

“Right now I think we’re dying for a cosmo,” Gen said. “Know how to make one?”

“The Sex and the City drink, right?”

Gen laughed. “Well, that’s been off the air for a while, but we’ll take it. Is everyone outside?”

“Yeah, it’s a jungle out there. Literally. Michael and I fought over who would tend bar, but I won so I’m staying put. Where’s David?”

“Coming later.”

“Good.” He winked at Kate. “How about you? Where’s Robert? You could have brought him.”

Kate wondered how her date always became her dog, but it was too sad to analyze. Especially after her night with Slade. “Shelly’s taking him to the dog park today. I figured I’d be footloose and fancy-free.”

“Sounds dangerous.” He handed her a perfect pink drink and stuck in a yellow umbrella. “There you go, honey. Enjoy. Izzy’s not here yet, hopefully later.”

Gen’s twin sister, Isabella, seemed to be going through a hard time. Gen used to be close to her, but lately Izzy’s edgy temper and almost cruel sarcasm put a wedge between them. Sad, since Kate always wished to have a sister of her own. She knew it bothered Gen a lot, and she hoped time would soften some of the wounds that opened between them.

They threaded their way to the back deck and stopped cold. “Wow, Gen. Now this is what I call a kids’ party.”

Tables and chairs were laid out among dozens of play stations, small fenced-in areas with different activities for the kids. Puzzles, toys, and a small petting zoo boasting furry animals to be fed with baby bottles. An elaborate vine was tied between two trees to give a mini zip line effect, and a worker helped kids take turns getting strapped into the seat and taking a slide from one trunk to another. A huge pushcart with peanuts, popcorn, and cotton candy served swarming children, and a giant circus truck was parked a mile away on the lawn. Kate squinted and peered across the lawn. Was that an elephant?

“You’re here!”

Alexa enveloped them in a warm hug. Gen’s older sister was beautiful, with her black corkscrew curls, bright blue eyes, and curvy figure. Her kindness and humor radiated in waves, and Kate loved being around her. “Umm, Al, is that an elephant?” Gen asked.

Alexa gave a deep sigh. “Yep. But don’t worry, there’s no abuse going on. I investigated this before I let Maggie go with the idea. His name is Sam and he’s from a rescue camp for elephants retired from the circus. It’s only for two hours, and he’s well taken care of. The petting zoo is fine, too. I thoroughly checked out the owner and she’s from an organic farm in Wallkill that educates children on the proper way to treat animals.”

Kate laughed. Alexa was a fierce animal advocate and spent some of her free time volunteering for shelters. “Got it. Glad you set me straight. This is some setup.”

“Yeah, what would you expect from Maggie?”

“I heard that.”

The husky voice came from behind. Gen gave her a hug while Kate admired her designer jeans, three-inch platform boots, and trendy leather jacket. She looked like she was slumming in Beverly Hills rather than at a children’s party. “Gen, is your hunky doctor coming today?”

“He’s popping in later, he’s at the hospital.”

“Kate, darling, where’s Robert?”

“Dog park.”

Maggie lifted a brow. “Dateless, huh? I have a yummy male model I’d love to set you up with.”

Kate laughed. “Don’t know if I’m the model type, Maggie.”

“Nonsense, they’re everyone’s type.”

Gen shook her head. “Where are those gorgeous birthday boys?”

Maggie blew out a long breath. “Luke’s in time-out again. Ethan is running around like a nut on crack, so I know he stole some birthday cake. I blamed Michael by mistake because it’s his favorite dessert from La Dolce Maggie.”

Gen grinned. “Picking your son over your hubby, Maggie?”

“Darlin’, I’m just trying to keep him on his toes.”

As if his ears were burning, Michael paused behind her, his finger over his lips to keep them quiet. Gen pressed her lips together to keep from giving him away. “Interesting. What’s the best way to keep your man in line, Maggie?”

She cocked a hip and winked. “Sex, of course. I’d say sex and food, but since I can’t accomplish the latter, I excel at the former.”

Alexa caught on to the joke and rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. I’ve seen who wears the so-called pants in your family, and it’s not those stylish Pradas you favor. Your husband crooks his finger and you melt into a pile of goo.”

Her green eyes snapped with annoyance. “That’s libel. Or slander. And untrue. All I have to do is snap my fingers and my man obeys.”

The words escaped her mouth the moment her husband’s arms grabbed her waist. Maggie gave a small screech and jerked around, but Michael held her against him with ease, refusing to let her move. “Mouthing off again, cara?” he drawled, his hands familiarly stroking her into instant submission. Kate watched in fascination as Maggie relaxed against him, her eyes sparking with a heat that hadn’t dimmed in almost eight years of marriage. Raw need clawed at her throat. God, how she wanted to feel like that. Completely possessed and entranced by a man. An image of Slade rocketed past her vision. Poised at her entrance, jade-green eyes burning with hunger, fingers intertwined while he pushed deep inside and claimed her, body . . . soul . . . heart.

Tears pricked her lids. Damn, she must be hormonal. One lousy night and she had surrendered not only her virginity but her emotions.

“Oops, sorry babe. Just girl talk.”

Michael lowered his head and growled loud enough for everyone to hear. “Perhaps I’ll wrest a heartfelt apology from those lips tonight. Or other things.”

The dark promise caused Maggie to shudder, and Kate swallowed hard at the sexual power before her.

Alexa waved her hand in the air, more used to her best friend’s ways. “Cut it out, guys. This isn’t a BDSM outing, it’s a kids’ party. And no more talking about sex, Carina’s here.”

On cue, Michael’s younger sister waddled up to the deck. Misery carved out her features, though she looked adorable in a cute maternity T-shirt, jeans, and pink canvas sneakers. Her thick hair was tied back, and her cheeks were flushed and full. “Ugh. I don’t want to hear a thing about sex. That’s how I got in this miserable condition.”

Michael groaned. “TMI, dear sister.”

Max followed his wife, supporting her by the elbow. “I’ll get you some seltzer, babe.”

Carina groaned and placed her hands on her massive belly. “I miss alcohol. I miss seeing my toes. I miss sleeping.”

Alexa and Maggie shared a look and patted her shoulder. “I know,” Alexa said. “But in a few weeks you’ll have all the joy and happiness you can imagine. Motherhood is an amazing, perfect gift that makes all of this discomfort well worth it.”

Luke streaked across the lawn, naked. His crazy spiked hair and manic laugh reminded her of a comic book figure. His bare buttocks winked in the sun and groups of children hooted and hollered, pointing and jumping up and down with glee.

Maria followed. Her princess dress was covered in mud and she raced after him with one shoe on, one shoe off, screaming his name into the wind.

Carina lifted her brow. “You were saying?”

Maggie sighed. “Never mind. Labor will hurt. Motherhood will make you a slave. You’ll be sleep-deprived, mean, crazed, and the happiest you’ve ever been in your life.”

Alexa nodded. “Yeah. What she said.”

Gen smashed a knuckle against her mouth and tried to keep a straight face. “Umm, I’ll go check on them. And, umm, find Luke’s clothes. Kate?”

“I’ll help.”

“Thanks, guys,” Maggie said.

They trudged across the lawn after the nephews and nieces, drinks in hand. Kate smothered a giggle. “Your family is a trip.”

“Yeah, but your mom smokes pot. That’s pretty damn cool.”

The next few hours whizzed by in a dizzying rush of children, sugar, screaming, playing, and drinking by the adults. They sang “Happy Birthday,” cut the cake, and lounged around the massive kitchen, sipping cappuccino and espresso. David finally showed up, and Kate watched as her friend relaxed into David’s embrace, seemingly comfortable and at ease. That same odd warning voice flashed within, and Kate casually brushed both of their arms to see if she caught any type of sensation between them.


She frowned. Were they not suited? Or was her gift still missing? Surrounded by happy couples, Kate made her way back to the bar, where Alexa and Nick held hands and spoke in low voices. She edged in, determined to prove once and for all if her gift lingered. The couple usually gave her quite a jolt when touched, a strong sign of a soul match. Kate reached for a glass, murmuring an apology, and managed to graze both their wrists.


Her hope plummeted. The touch hadn’t returned. What if she’d lost it permanently? Kate pressed her back against the wall for support and tried not to panic. If sex hadn’t worked, what was she missing? All the time she cursed her gift, she realized it was also a part of her. She’d built Kinnections on the knowledge she’d be able to confirm a good match, weaving a solid foundation so clients were well taken care of. What now? What was her role if she had no touch?

A voice distracted her from a total freak-out.

“Well, isn’t this cozy? The power couple ready to take on the world. Surgeons unite and all that jazz.”

Silence fell over the kitchen. Gen’s twin sister, Izzy, stood framed in the doorway. Leather pants that hugged every ripe curve, thigh-high boots with wicked spikes and silver studs, and a black tank dipping way too low in the front to display the thorned rose tattooed on the curve of her breast. Numerous silver chains tinkled around her neck, and her diamond nose ring flashed in the light. Gen’s voice broke the tension. “We missed you, Iz. The boys were asking about you. How are you?”

Izzy shrugged. “Good to know someone noticed. I’m fine.”

Alexa stepped in, her gaze registering disapproval over her sister’s outfit. Her hug was barely returned. “Hot date tonight?” Alexa teased. “I know you didn’t dress up like this for us.”

Isabella’s head whipped around. “Why do you assume I’m giving it up to some guy? I dress like this to please one person. Myself.”

Nick’s voice slashed across the room. “Enough. You know Alexa was only joking. Take it down a notch.”

A mutinous expression crossed her face. Kate caught a glimpse of raw longing like she regretted her remark but had gone too far to back down. “Whatever.” She clicked away on her high heels.

David shook his head. “Unacceptable behavior. She shouldn’t have come.”

“She’s family,” Gen said.

David frowned. “That girl is heading toward destruction, and I’m not letting her take you with her. You shouldn’t be involved with anyone doing drugs. It could ruin your career.”

Kate was about to speak up for her friend when she was interrupted. Gen’s best friend, Wolfe, stood framed in the kitchen, his massive height dwarfing the rest of the room. His shaved head, sizzling blue eyes, and powerful body gave the impression of hot and bad boy in one firm twist. A wicked serpent tattoo curled up his shoulder and the side of his neck, and a diamond winked in his left ear. His brow was also pierced, and he wore leather wristbands with a long-sleeved black shirt, giving him an edgy look that usually made women drop their panties.

Somehow, Kate had never been affected, maybe because of his long-term friendship with Gen. She always wondered if there was something more between them, especially since Wolfe seemed to loathe David, but her best friend always insisted there was no sparks between them and they were only friends.

“She’s not on drugs,” Wolfe declared in his deep, husky voice. “She’s in pain,” he said simply.

Gen bit her lip. “I can’t reach her,” she said. “I’ve tried, but she wants nothing to do with me. She acts like she hates me.”

“Be patient. Eventually, she’ll need you.”

David let out a breath. “She’s jealous of Gen’s success. Better to give her space and let her be.”

Wolfe studied David for a while. Then shook his head and walked away.

“They’d be perfect together,” David muttered. “Surprised they never hooked up. Or maybe they did.”

Kate tapped her lower lip. Hmm, Izzy and Wolfe? That was a match made in explosive heaven. They both seemed to seethe with some underlying pain, but Wolfe had a much tighter hold on his emotions than Izzy did on hers.

Kate glanced at her watch. Time to get back to Robert. “I gotta go soon, Gen. I’m going to hit the bathroom.”

Her friend nodded.

Kate put down her mug and headed upstairs. She climbed the sprawling staircase, her fingers skimming the smooth mahogany banister. Past the dripping Swarovski crystal chandelier, down the hallway, until she heard voices. Uh-oh, intimate conversation ahead. She turned on her heel to retreat and then recognized Wolfe’s tone. Then Izzy’s voice rang clearly through the air. Kate froze.

“Why do you torture yourself? I see the way you look at her. She can’t give you what you need, babe, but I can.”

Kate battled the awful need to see what was going on against her respect for privacy. Her bad side won, and she stood silent, listening to the unfolding conversation.


The low warning was ignored. A husky laugh and the sound of heels on wood. “You say no, but your body says yes. What are you fighting so hard for? Gen’s with David and she’ll never look at you the way you need. Besides, she’s like a timid little virgin in the bedroom. I can satisfy you the way you need.”

Kate craned her neck to peep through the doorway. Izzy posed before Wolfe, one hip cocked, her breasts thrust out so he got a perfect view of her impressive cleavage. He stood still, the lines of his face carved in anger, arms crossed in front of his chest as if he had no interest in her seduction attempts.

“I’m not stupid, Izzy. You’re going through a bad time right now and just want to be distracted. But sex doesn’t do it. Neither does hate. You have an incredible family ready to support you. Why are you fighting so hard to drive them away?”

Isabella shimmered with fury and practically spit in his face. “Don’t play the therapist role with me. You know shit about my family or the way they treat me like dirt. Believe I’m less than my perfect twin sister. Refuse to accept who I am because it doesn’t fit in with their idealistic view of their children. I’m sick of them and their expectations. Even you got conned.”

She closed the distance and pressed her body against his. Wolfe hissed in reaction but didn’t move. With a predatory smile, she rose on her toes and stopped inches from his mouth. “You’re just like me, you know. You think Gen will bring something good and right into your life. But you’re not meant to be that man, Wolfe. You live in the dark. You like dirty sex, and a bit of pain, and see the reality in life. Not like my silly, sheltered sister. Why don’t you just be the man you are and take me? I’ll give you everything you ever wanted.” She licked her lips and ran a finger down his cheek. He stiffened, his gaze locked on hers. “I’ll even let you pretend you’re fucking her if you want. Won’t that make it even better?”

The air sparked with tension. Kate waited for Wolfe’s reaction.

He pushed her gently away and stood back. His face reflected a mix of regret, lust, and pity. “It doesn’t work like that, Izzy. I don’t know what happened, but it’s tearing you up inside. You can talk to me, you know. I’ll listen.”

Izzy pushed him hard, snarling like a pissed-off cat. “Fuck you, Wolfe. I hope you’re happy in your ridiculous fantasy that my sister will notice you one day. You’re way below her standards for a lover. I feel sorry for you.”

Kate couldn’t hear anymore. She slowly backed up and headed toward the other bathroom. Whoa, that was heavy stuff. Was Wolfe in love with Gen? Did Gen suspect? Or was that just Izzy’s crazy assumption in order to cause drama? It was like General Hospital on steroids.

Kate finished up, washed her hands, and headed back to the kitchen. David gave her an uneasy feeling, but she never interfered with her friend’s love life. Gen seemed happy with the surgeon, but maybe Kate should tell her what she overheard. She rarely kept secrets from her best friend.

She was about to get her coat and begin her good-byes when David snagged Gen’s hand and pulled her to the center of the living room. Foreboding washed over her as David raised his voice for everyone’s attention. Guests milled in groups and lounged on the coffee-colored sofa and chairs, huddled by the bar, and sat cross-legged on the Persian carpet. “Excuse me, everyone. I’d like to say a few words.”

Yep, this whole day was jacked up, beginning with Slade walking out the door.

“When I first met Genevieve, she turned my world upside down. She’s a stubborn, brilliant, beautiful woman who turned my life from black and gray to color. I never want to go back to the person I was. And being here with everyone tonight, in the warm clasp of family, made me realize I don’t want to waste another second.”

David dropped to one knee. Removed a small box. And snapped open the lid.

Gasps of pleasure surrounded her. “Genevieve MacKenzie, you are the woman of my dreams. I love you with my heart and my soul, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

Kate watched a dozen expressions cross her friend’s face. Shock. Confusion. Happiness.

And fear.

What was that about? Gen’s gaze wavered, then shifted across the room. As if seeking someone out. Kate glanced over and caught Wolfe staring at the couple. His face like carved stone, no emotion was evident in his features.

Kate held her breath, wondering what was really going on. Then her friend’s answer echoed through the room.

“Yes, David. I will marry you.”

When Kate looked back, Wolfe was gone.

And she wondered if Gen was keeping her own secrets.
