
KATE WATCHED HER new client shrug off his jacket and take a seat in the chic plum chair. He glanced around the room, taking note of the clean lines and soothing decor. Arilyn had taken control with decorating Kinnections, choosing to pair tones that enhanced the heart chakra and encouraged openness and connection. The layout consisted of bold purple and violets, pewter and silver accents, and luxurious fabrics and textures. The counseling room boasted both chairs and sofas, with plump slate-colored pillows, bamboo plants, and a calming water fountain with flat rocks lining the base. The desk was small and tucked in the corner of the square room. Today was about bonding with the client, learning likes and dislikes, and formulating a dating plan.

She couldn’t believe he’d actually shown up. A deep suspicion gnawed at her bones, which was going to make working together difficult. A sense of belief and vulnerability were needed in order for her to figure out what he really wanted and guide him in the right direction. Instead, two emotions warred for dominance. Distrust.

And lust.

She pitied his clients. The man was all muscle and towering length, easily topping six four with massive shoulders, and a tight chest clearly shown through his white dress shirt. He didn’t just walk, he prowled. His tawny locks were a mass of thick messy waves her fingers itched to touch, and those jungle-green eyes pinned a woman to the wall and did bad things to her. The gold frames of his glasses only accented his gaze. Probing, heating, diving deep without apology or politeness. He’d be deadly in a courtroom, mesmerizing the jurors and dominating the judge. Finding women wasn’t part of his problem. Neither was getting them in bed. She’d bet once dawn broke over the horizon, he was long gone and there was little morning playtime.

Somehow, he reminded her of Matthew McConaughey from one of her guilty-pleasure movies, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. His long face and craggy features were cut to inspire women to rip off their clothes, and his strong presence lit up a room. But he had an arrogance that cloaked him, as if he were above love and emotion and messiness. Above the poor humans he shared the pavement with.

That was the part that pissed her off.

Kate swore to break through that armor by the time she found him love. Then he’d be ready.

“That look is scaring the hell out of me.”

He crossed one ankle comfortably over his knee. His leather Italian loafers and cashmere socks told her he enjoyed his money and wore it well. The tight design of his navy blue suit screamed Calvin Klein. His tie was conservative pinstripe for his occupation, but her instinct screamed that there was an untamed wildness in his core desperate to come out. She scratched a note on her pad for a reminder when she was looking for a good match. “What look?”

He cocked his head and his lip quirked. She fought to keep her gaze from studying the sensual curve of his mouth and the fullness of his lower lip. “Like you’re about to dive into a project and get dirty.”

The word dirty buzzed in her ears and stroked between her legs. Mother of God, was she wet? She clenched her thighs and thought of war-strewn countries. Hungry children. Puppies trapped in animal shelters. Much better. Kate decided there was only one way to move forward without losing her mind. Show him who was boss.

She frowned and spoke in her prim, no-nonsense tone. “Let’s go over the basic rules first, shall we? You must be honest with me regarding all my questions. I’m here to help you and match up the woman best suited to your needs. You waste both of our time by misleading me. There is no embarrassment or judgment. I’ve heard many requests and have never gotten flustered, no matter what my client tells me.”


She tapped the gold-embossed pen against her pad. “Never.”


Kate ignored his murmur and forged on. “There’s a certain level of trust and respect we need to work together. If you feel that I’m not properly listening to your wishes, we’ll discuss the matter openly. Communication is key. I may also ask you to do things outside your comfort zone. Again, we’ll talk about your reservations, but I may ask you to try something you’d normally not be comfortable with. Sometimes, people get stuck in a certain way of socializing, and pushing past those boundaries ends up being a breakthrough. This is an organic process to satisfy the different needs of your life along with your heart.”

Kate uncapped her water bottle and took a sip. So far, so good. He scratched his head in serious thought and seemed to be considering her words carefully. “Have you ever slept with one of your clients?”

The water got stuck in her throat and went down the wrong pipe. She choked on the bubble and fought for breath. He sat patiently through her coughing fit, grabbed a tissue from the box on the table, and handed it to her. She pressed it to her streaming eyes. “Why would you ask me such a question?”

His shoulders lifted. “Well, you’re digging into my life. I figured if we’re going to trust one another, I should know something about you. Makes sense. You’re a type of counselor, and tight bonds form. Just wanted to know.”

“I don’t sleep with my clients. Ever.”

“Is that a company policy or your own personal code?”

Kate stomped down on her growing annoyance. He was like a predator, circling his prey and planning out the best route to block any escape. “Both. Once I sign you as a client, there’s a layer of trust that can’t be broken. I wouldn’t be able to give you what you need if I had personal intentions. And of course, if it didn’t work between us, Kinnections could be at stake. We won’t risk it.”


She shifted her weight and studied him. Oh yeah, he knew exactly what he was doing. Throwing her off. Making her uncomfortable. Bringing sex into the picture so he could neatly take the reins and guide the conversation the way he wished. A gleeful cackle rose in her chest, but she managed to squash it in time. He had no idea how good she was at her job. “I see you don’t have the same code with your own clients.”


Kate pretended surprise. “Your clients. You are a divorce lawyer, and I’m sure you’re well versed in the bonding that goes on when counseling a brokenhearted, angry woman. Do you contain it to just sleeping with her, or have you ever instituted a longer-term relationship?”

He jerked in his seat. “I’d never sleep with a client.”

“Oh. Is that a company policy or your own personal code?”

His gaze narrowed at her sweetly posed question. “Nice volley.”

“Thank you. Now, instead of trading barbs for the rest of the hour, let’s go over some of the basics of what you need.” She scanned the stack of papers, though she’d already memorized most of his answers. “Intelligence is key. A woman who can hold her own with conversation. Someone formally educated. Master’s or bachelor’s degree?”

“Master’s preferred.”

She checked off the box. “Business background, or are you open to the creative professions?”

He winced. “God, no artists or writers. Well, literary writers would be acceptable. No fiction. Especially not those romance novels.”

Another check. “Family background also seems important to you. Let’s discuss a bit more. Are you looking for a woman whose parents are still together? Or are you looking to avoid alcoholism, drug abuse, or disease within the family genes?”

He shifted his weight. The arrogant cloud misted away, and she caught the first signs of discomfort. “I’m up for partner at my law firm. I’d like a woman who has no skeletons in her closet or family members who could pose a problem. We’ll be attending formal business dinners, functions, and most of the partners are conservative.”

“Understood.” She scrawled her pen over the page. “Personality is the other aspect that’s quite important. Do you enjoy a woman who’s funny? Shy? Assertive? Colorful? Tell me a bit about your past affairs or relationships.”

“I prefer a woman who is conservative in public. Loyalty is key. I dislike flirty women who crave attention. I want her to be strong within herself, but follow my lead when I need it.”

“When do you need it?”

“Excuse me?”

Kate looked up from her papers. “When do you need her to follow? Around your business partners? Your family? In public? Or in the bedroom?”

The air charged around her, but she ignored it. Talking about personal preferences in sex was a ticking bomb, but experience had taught her a few lessons. The more businesslike and unshocked she was, her clients ended up relaxing into the topic and usually confessed their innermost wants. “You want to know how I like my sex?”

“Yes, I do. Sex is one of the most important aspects in a relationship. If you want shy and virginal, tell me. If you like BDSM and enjoy tying your partners up, it’s a good item for me to note, because I won’t set you up with a woman who may go screaming for the door. I make no judgments or opinions. Just tell me what you want.”

Why was her heart pounding so loudly? Her throat constricted, and her muscles tightened anticipating his response. Wow, she’d been physically attracted to some of her clients but had never experienced such a primitive pull straight from her gut. She kept her gaze averted so he wouldn’t catch her female weakness and exploit it.

His laugh exploded through the room. The dark, husky tones stroked her like fingers plunging between her thighs and urging her to explode. Kate concentrated on breathing slowly and went back to the puppies in the shelter. “You want to talk about sex, huh? Okay. Let’s talk about sex.” She pretended to be busy scribbling so she wouldn’t have to look up. “I enjoy pleasure. I enjoy sex. I prefer a woman who asks me for what she wants so I can give it to her exactly the way she likes it, because one of the sweetest sounds in life is a woman screaming my name.” His voice lowered, whisper soft and wicked hot. “I’m not into BDSM, but I’ve used blindfolds, scarves, and toys in pursuit of the ultimate experience. I don’t like to be tied up but prefer to do the tying. And I don’t need a woman on her knees unless she wants to be there. Does that help answer your question?”

Kate bobbed her head up and down in a frantic nod. Her power of speech disappeared, and fire licked her veins. She reached for her water, took a large swallow, and managed to gather her composure. “Yes, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

She pretended to look for something in her file, since her voice threatened to be wobbly. After a few moments, Kate dove back in. “Let’s talk past relationships. Have you ever been married?”


She paused and ventured a glance under her lashes. His previous amusement vanished, and a wall slammed down between them. Ah, she’d hit pay dirt. “Divorced?”


“What happened?”

“We broke up.”

“Care to tell me why?”

She waited him out. This was a turning point, because information on his past helped her plan his future. “I plead the Fifth.”

His wife had hurt him. Ex-wife. The knowledge softened her heart and beckoned for her to reach out and touch him. She’d avoided any skin-on-skin contact, afraid the attraction would be more difficult to fight, but his comment made her curl her fingers into tight fists to keep from closing the distance. Kate gentled her voice. “Slade, I don’t mean to pry and upset you. Our past makes up who we are and what we want. It would help if I knew what happened so that I can avoid setting you up with someone who can hurt you again. Not that there are guarantees, of course.”

He tapped his finger against his chin and studied her with brooding eyes. “How about we play truth for truth? Why aren’t you happily married? Unless you are and you like hearing other people’s horror stories to get your kicks and excitement?”

The familiar pain sprang up, but she pushed it back down with an expert ease that should have scared her. “No, I’m not married.”

“Kinnections not working for you?”

She lifted her chin. “The truth is, no man has ever wanted me enough to propose.”

The silence pulsed and hummed. She’d learned early that fair was fair. If she asked her clients to trust her with their backgrounds, she owed it to them to do the same. He cleared his throat and spoke with no emotion. “She cheated on me. But it was my fault. I was too involved in law school and ignored her for too long. Classic formula for the classic divorcee.”

Kate wanted more but knew how much the words cost him. God, how that must have affected him. He was obviously a strong man, and once trust was shattered, it took years to rebuild confidence in love. His profession was pretty deadly to any optimism regarding relationships. “Thank you. Makes sense loyalty and trust would be among your number one requirements. That will help me.” She lightened the topic, switching back to easy territory. “Give me your celebrity crush.”


She smiled. “If you got to pick the celebrity female you want to sleep with, who would it be?”

“Angelina Jolie.”

The name slipped out so fast from his lips he looked surprised. Kate laughed and made the note. “Nice choice. But I must say a bit cliché. Do you know how many times men and women rattled off her name?”

“Now I’m embarrassed. Change it to Zooey Deschanel.”

“Ah, better. So definitely brunettes with curves. Too bad my friend’s sister is happily married. She always reminded me of Zooey.”

“Do I have a chance at stealing her?”

“Nah, Alexa is madly in love with her husband. But at least I’ve got an idea of your holy grail.”

“Get me Zooey and I’ll take out a full-page ad in the Times for Kinnections.”

She laughed again. “I’ll work on it. I see you don’t list many hobbies. What do you like to do outside of work?”

“I work most of the time. I run every day. Golf. Boring stuff.”

“Would you be open to an adventurous type of woman? Someone who skydives, likes sports, scuba diving, that sort of thing?”

Another shrug. “Sure. As long as she doesn’t think I’m jumping out of a plane for her. Screaming may take away my manhood.”

“Duly noted. Religion? Nationality?”

“Open. Oh, no virgins.”

Her pen paused. “Under any circumstances?”

“Absolutely not. I can’t take the pressure of no sex before marriage, and a woman who hasn’t had experience may have a false attachment to me just because I’m her first.”

Kate’s finger shook around the pen. “Got it. Now, just so I have a good background of your beliefs, what is your viewpoint on love? You enrolled with Kinnections to try to find a life partner or a woman you can forge a solid long-term relationship with. I’ll ask you again: are you completely committed and open to finding this?”

“I’m open. I just don’t think it exists.”

Fascinated, she leaned in. “Why?”

He uncrossed his legs, stretched his feet out, and settled comfortingly back in the chair. “One word. Oxytocin.”

Kate blinked. “What’s that?”

“Simple science. The body excretes a chemical hormone at certain moments that emphasizes the need for closeness and comfort. This lowers fear and instills a calmness we believe and translate to feelings of love. The main time oxytocin is released is after sex. That’s why many times lust will get us into bed, good conversation will give us hope, and oxytocin will cement such feelings as love.”

Her eyes widened. Pride and certainty carved out the lines of his face. Holy shit, he believed it! Caught between laughing and crying, she studied his muscled length in all his glory and realized that Slade Montgomery was going to be her hardest client as of yet. The challenge sung in her blood. Matching and finding him love would be her greatest satisfaction. A test of her skills. If she did her job correctly, he wouldn’t know how to even say the word oxytocin at the end of their time together.

“An interesting theory.”

“One you obviously don’t agree with.”

“That doesn’t matter. You believe it, so, therefore, it’s my truth. Thank you for being honest with me.”

Slade peered over his gold glasses in pure suspicion. “You’re not going to try to convince me otherwise?”

She smiled. “No. But now I know what needs to happen so you’re sure it’s not a chemical hormone. You need to fall in love before sex.”


“Yes. I’ll be setting up an event where you can meet some women. It will be small, extremely tasteful, and discreet. You’ll be able to meet and mingle, and then choose one for your main date. It’s a good introduction and doesn’t waste any of your time. But there will be one rule you need to follow if I have any chance of success. No sex.”

His brows slammed together. “You better be joking.”

Kate tapped her pen in a steady rhythm and met his gaze head-on. “No, Slade, I’m not joking. No sex. You’re caught up in the lust-hormone cycle, and until we break through, you’ll never be open to admitting real feelings. You need to agree to this.”

“Sex is a way we can find out if we’re both compatible. This isn’t Victorian England, for God’s sake!”

She sighed. “I’m not saying no sex ever. You just need to set an initial time period where you don’t engage in physical intimacy. Let’s say, no sex until you’re ready to begin seriously dating. Monogamy. Trust me, if you’re not interested enough to want to have dinner with her for a few weeks, you won’t be able to forge a lasting relationship with her. Sex sometimes confuses things, as you’ve just pointed out. Take it out of the equation, and we balance the playing field.”

He pushed a hand through his hair. “I don’t like this.”

“I understand. But I’m asking you to trust me. I know my job, and I know how to get you what you need. Will you give this a shot?”

“Fine. But if I don’t think it’s worthwhile and helping me, I’m yanking that rule. Got it?”

Kate grinned. “Fair enough. I’ll set up your mixer for next Friday night. Seven. I’d like to hold it here in Verily, if that’s acceptable.”

“Sure, I can check in on my sister. How is she?”

“I can’t discuss her status with you. Just as I won’t tell her about you.”

He cocked his head. “Fine. I see you ask your clients to give you a full year to make a long-term match. Isn’t that a bit long to keep collecting the fee?”

His mild-mannered tone contradicted the judgment in his eyes. Kate reached deep for calm, refusing to lose her center. This man knew how to goad and press buttons she never knew existed. Her smile oozed sugar and syrup. “Funny, I think the exact opposite. An agency that guarantees results in three months for $19.99 would make me quite suspicious. The journey should be fruitful, rich, and full of adventure. What’s a year compared to love for a lifetime?”

He snorted. “What indeed? Just a cache of new clients for me after it blows up.”

Kate crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Hold the cynicism until after the cocktail party, please. You’ll also need to complete a session with Arilyn and Kennedy. Depending on their feedback, we’ll schedule the proper classes for you.”

“What classes? Like sensitivity training? Or How to Give a Woman an Orgasm in Less Than Five Minutes?”

Heat flooded her body as that delicious lower lip tugged upward in a half smile. God, what that mouth could probably accomplish. Her toes curled in her boots, but she held it together. “We’ll discuss their recommendations once they meet you. Let’s say Sunday afternoon? Completing the classes before the first mixer is more beneficial.”

He let out an irritated breath. “Do I have a choice? As long as your colleagues realize I have sensitivity galore and I’ve already mastered class number two.” He paused and drilled her with his gaze. “Many times.”

“G-g-g-good. Then you’ll be ahead of the game. J-j-just be sure you’re open to all suggestions and the journey ahead.”

Damn stutter. This man singed her nerves, and she hated lapsing into her familiar weakness. Kate concentrated on music filling her mind and rolling out of her mouth. A few deep, even breaths, and she regained her center.

He held up a hand in mock defeat. “Fine. I’ll be open to love and let it all flow. Always hated country music and all that sap.”

“You’re not listening to the right kind, darlin’,” she drawled. “Most are about cheating men and kick-ass women. Or don’t you watch Nashville?”

“I surrender.”

A silly giggle threatened. Damn, he was funny. She loved a droll, sarcastic sense of humor. Too bad he was everything wrong in a man, and she was the exact opposite of what he wanted in a woman. At least it would save her a bunch of heartbreak, because once a woman fell in love with Slade Montgomery, she’d bet it was for a life sentence. Oxytocin, or whatever the hell it was called, be damned. Kate rose to her feet and walked with him toward the door. He shrugged on his jacket, flicked the button closed, and faced her.

“Thanks for the session, Kate Seymour.”

He put out his hand, but she jumped in front of him and rushed out the door. Not yet. She wasn’t ready to touch him and get slammed by any raw, sexy energy she might pick up on. She’d save it for matching him with the right woman.

He followed her and almost bumped into the two assessing females blocking his path.

Arilyn and Kennedy broke into bright, welcoming smiles. Kate knew better. They were stalking him, assessing, and couldn’t wait to get him on their couch. A flare of appreciation lit both her friends’ gazes as they took in his trim physique and gorgeous surfer hair. Kennedy stepped in front of him. “Hi. We wanted to introduce ourselves since you’ll be working with us. I’m Kennedy. I’ll be helping with social events, makeovers, and anything you need to make your experience better. This is Arilyn. She does relationship counseling and is our internet guru. Welcome to Kinnections.”

Slade quirked a brow. Oh yeah, the man was not dumb. He knew they were checking out the fresh meat, and he seemed amused at the concept. “How nice, a welcoming committee. Slade Montgomery.”

“Related to Jane?”

“Her brother. Older brother. How is she doing, by the way?”

Arilyn gave a warm smile and completely ignored Kate’s obvious throat clearing. “Wonderful. We already have her set up with her first date and she seems much more comfortable with herself.”

“Seems a bit quick, doesn’t it? She just enrolled. Doesn’t she need more advice or time to find the right one?”

“We feel she’s ready.”

“When is it?”

Kate stepped in front of him and gave Arilyn a glare. “None of your business. We do not discuss our clients with other clients. Right, ladies?”

Arilyn bit her lip. “Oh, I’m sorry. I just thought since they were family . . .”

Slade flashed a confident smile, all gorgeous white teeth. The top one was slightly crooked and kept him looking more rugged rather than pretty. “My fault, no harm done, Arilyn. It was nice to meet both of you.”

He strolled out of the office. Kennedy leaned way over to watch him disappear. Then slumped against the wall with a hearty sigh. “Damn, he has a fine ass.”

Kate winced. “I swear, if any of our clients heard you speaking like that we’d get sued. We have to be super careful with him. He’s out to prove us to be frauds and thinks we steal money from the innocent and use love as the bait.”

Kennedy whistled. “Interesting. Well, he’s protective of his family, smart, and hot. A perfect trifecta. Why don’t you take him for yourself?”

“I don’t date clients, Ken. You know that. Besides, I’m done with men.”

Her friend clucked her tongue. “Breaking a rule or two won’t hurt anyone if you’re both interested. You’re the one who made that ridiculous law, so you can change it. Maybe you need to mix up your usual boring bread-and-water type with a pizza supreme.”

Kate burst into laughter. Arilyn frowned in disapproval. “Though I do love pizza, I’ll pass. Anyway, we just went over his list, and I’m the opposite of every trait he desires.” She ticked them off. “He prefers brunettes, curvy, conservative background, solid family with no skeletons, master’s degree—oh, and no virgins.”

Arilyn widened her eyes. “No way. He actually said no virgins?”


Kennedy laughed. “Why are you guys so shocked? Other than our Miss Kate, there are hardly any virgins left in New York anyway.”

Arilyn came to her defense. “There’s nothing wrong with it. Kate just hasn’t met the right one yet. She’s not one of these innocents with dreams of picket fences. She only wants a connection.”

Kennedy rolled her eyes. “I think you’re both nuts. Kate needs to get laid, and you need to eat some meat. These affairs with your yoga teachers are warping your mind.” Red color flooded Arilyn’s face, but she made a good show at looking offended.

Kate groaned. “It’s just a technicality! I’ve done plenty of foreplay. It’s just when it came time, something wasn’t right, so I chickened out. No big deal.”

Kennedy huffed. “It is a big deal. Foreplay is nice, but you’re missing out on the culinary event. You just got a bunch of yummy appetizers but no prime rib dinner.”

“Are you hungry? What’s up with all these clever food analogies?” Kate asked.

“Stupid diet. I’m getting crankier by the minute.”

Arilyn clucked in sympathy. “I have an organic granola bar with dark chocolate. You’ll feel better. And leave Kate and her poor virginity alone. She’s a pioneer.”

Kate groaned and rubbed her hands over her face. “Nightmare material. So, do we agree I’m completely the wrong choice for Mr. Hot Divorce Lawyer?”

“I love lawyers. But yes, I agree. I’m thinking we hook him up with Hannah. Or Emma. They’re physically his type, classy but funny.”

Kate nodded. “I was thinking the same thing. I’m arranging his cocktail party for next Friday night. Check the site and let me know who you can get, and I’ll approve it.”

“Got it.”

“Oh, and one other thing. Slade committed to the full Kinnections experience in all formats. I think we need to give it to him.”

Arilyn grinned. “Oh, yeah. I have some wonderful things lined up for Mr. Hot Lawyer. And trust me, if I sense things correctly, it will revolve around heat.”

Kennedy lit up. “He doesn’t need much in the makeover department, but I’ll take him to the next level. Bring it.”

Satisfaction pinged in Kate. “Done. For now I need a glass of wine, music, and distraction. Wanna head to Mugs?”

“Sure. Has anyone heard from Genevieve?”

Kate shook her head. “She was supposed to stop for coffee this morning but never showed. I’ll text her to get her ass down here. She’s working herself to death at that hospital. I swear, interning is not like they show it on Grey’s Anatomy.”

Kennedy snickered. “Yeah, but she did land her own Dr. McDreamy. Or was that the other hottie who died? What a waste.”

Kate laughed, grabbed her purse, and headed out with her crew.
